SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 1 | Speed :35

Welcome to Week 2’s Speed :35. We’ve added 10 minutes to last week’s Speed, which means the intensity and the marker formations have increased. You’ll need 3 markers to get through the 2 rounds. This workout is designed to improve your agility, build your stamina, and burn MORE calories, so make sure to finish the move before it finishes you!

All you’ll need for today’s workout is your agility markers, water, a towel, and the greatness that lies within you.

Aside from increasing your workout length, you’re going to consume more protein while cutting back on starchy carbs. Fortunately, you can still indulge in Shakeology to help you get the extra protein and help fill the nutrition gaps your body has so it can perform at its best. I like to have mine every morning to start the day strong but you can enjoy yours anytime to get your day’s share of potent (and delicious!) ingredients.

As you embark on Speed :35, note the intensity increases, along with the formations. The workout is designed to improve your agility, build your stamina, and burn more calories. So as you’re rocking the routine, keep this in mind…


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