Week 1 | Day 5 | Make Over Your Mindset

 Coach Tip from Ilana
I know you’re working hard at keeping a positive mindset—that’s the best way to help everyone in your group stay positive, too! You don’t have to be perfect, but keeping a positive mindset is essential to succeeding with 2B Mindset—and that starts with you and what you share! That’s why I created these catchphrases that have helped me, my clients, and our test groups keep a positive mindset every day.

Now that you know the basics, let’s dig into changing our mindsets. There are so many sayings that Ilana uses to help teach the 2B Mindset. Which ones resonated with you most? For me it’s “Keep Two Hands on the Wheel.” I keep it posted on my fridge and made it my screen saver on my phone.

Homework: Write down your favorite 2B Mindset catchphrases and post them where you will see them often (like on the fridge, social media, etc.). The more you see them and say them, the better they will stick!
