80 Day Obsession | Week 7 | Day 39 | Booty

Whose Booty is starting to look good?

OK everyone, this week might feel a little harder than last week. You’re still doing 3 sets of 10 reps, but now you’re doing all 3 sets of exercises in a row before moving on to the next set of exercises. Don’t forget to use your Tracker Sheet.

Today’s Booty workout is 60 minutes, and you’ll need weights, Beachbody Resistance Loops, and maybe a mat and chair. Building a great butt is hard work, but it’s so worth it!

MONDAY MOTIVATION: You’re almost halfway through 80 Day Obsession! Time has totally flown by, hasn’t it? Today I want you to appreciate how far you’ve come in these 39 days. Think about the goals you set when you first started. Remind yourself why you’re still here and committed to seeing this program through. Don’t lose sight of those goals now—we’re getting closer!

Can you share how this program is changing you, not just physically, but emotionally too? It can be anything. I love a good non-scale victory!


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