80 Day Obsession | Week 3 | Day 19 | Legs

Go heavy or go home…it’s time for LEGS!

This is one of those workouts where you can really challenge yourself, so don’t be afraid to lift heavy—as long as you can maintain proper form. This Legs workout is 50 minutes, and it uses a variety of weights. Use your Tracker Sheet to see what you lifted last week, and try to push a little harder this week. That’s how you get results!

HOW’S YOUR SLEEP? You know you need enough sleep, but are you getting it? If you’re not well rested you’ll have a harder time getting through workouts, but you also tend to be hungrier when you’re tired. And that makes it hard to stick to your nutrition plan. So an important part of your self-care is to make sure you get enough sleep—at least 7Ð9 hours a night. That should be a non-negotiable for you! How much sleep are you getting, and what can you do to get more?

You may not know this, but Beachbody Performance Recharge can help your muscles recover overnight. It’s formulated with key ingredients and plant-based nutrients to support your body’s own muscle repair and help support your results. If you use it, do you notice a difference in how you feel? I like to add a sprinkle of cinnamon to mine. It’s kind of like sneaking a treat right before bed.


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