80 Day Obsession | Week 2 | Day 14 | Stretch & Release

Ahhh, Rest Day!

Why don’t you take this opportunity to do the Stretch & Release workout? It’s only 15 minutes, but it’s a great way to stretch out those sore, tired muscles. They need a break, and you need to do your self-care so you’re ready to tackle Week 3!

CHECK-IN: How do you feel after 2 weeks? Are you seeing results yet? Remember what I said in the beginning of this program—the scale should not be your only tool to measure progress. You’re building muscle, which means your body is changing in a way that may not show up on the scale. Are your clothes fitting differently? Do you feel stronger? Be proud of your hard work, and be patient—the results will come if you’re sticking to the program!

Oh, and don’t forget to watch this week’s Weekly Obsession episode to catch up with Autumn and the cast!


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