80 Day Obsession | Prep Week | Day 5 |

Just 3 more days to go!

OK, here’s where things start to get serious.

You won’t get the results you want from this program if you don’t follow the nutrition plan! So let’s talk about a few strategies to help you get the most out of 80 Day Obsession:

  1. Clean out your pantry. If it’s not there, you can’t eat it. So get rid of the junk, the processed foods, anything that will not help you succeed in this journey. If you have to have treats in there for your kids or spouse, can you promise me that you won’t touch them? If the answer is no, then I would suggest throwing them away. Instead of keeping it in the house, why not take your kids out for a treat instead? Then it becomes a special once-in-a-while thing, not an everyday habit. This is a great strategy for helping get your whole family to adopt healthier habits!
  2. Get familiar with the Beachbody Portion-Control Containers. If you did your Meal Plan calculation yesterday, then you know how many times you’ll fill each container every day. Now you can begin to plan the various meals you’ll eat around your Workout Block and throughout the day. I highly recommend keeping it simple, especially when you’re just getting started! Think single-ingredient foods, like broccoli, chicken, bananas, etc. Don’t try to go crazy planning elaborate recipes, because you might not get the right container equivalents. Then you won’t see results. As we get further into the program I’ll talk more about recipes.In case you start to feel overwhelmed with all the nutrition timing and food lists, here’s something that helps me. First I look at which containers I need for which meals, then I put together a list of foods I like to eat that would work for that meal, like this:
    • Celery dipped in hummus
    • Kale leaves spread with avocado and a little salt and red pepper flakes, rolled up
    • Steamed broccoli with melted shredded cheese on top
    • Spinach and egg scrambled with 10 medium olives, and baked sweet potato sprinkled with and cinnamon
    • Watercress salad with grilled chicken, quinoa, and dressing
    • Steamed kale with topped with brown rice, grilled salmon, and miso dressing

    See how easy that can be? With a few different options that I know I like, all I have to do is go to my list and find whatever sounds good to me on that day. With a little meal prep, they come together superfast. I’d love to hear what kinds of food combinations you come up with. Please share with the group so we can exchange ideas!

  3. Meal Prep. Just about everyone who’s serious about nutrition does some form of meal prep each week. That’s where you cook a few things in advance so they’re ready to eat during the week when you’re busiest. I like to plan my meals and grocery shop on Saturday, then use Sunday as my meal prep day. I cook things like grilled chicken and hard-boiled eggs, and I cut up veggies for my meals. Have you done meal prep? What are your go-tos?


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