80 Day Obsession | Prep Week | Day 1 |

Ready to get OBSESSED? Welcome to our 80 Day Obsession Challenge Group.

The countdown starts. T-minus 7 days!

This group is designed to help you carve out your core and build a firm, round butt at the same time. By combining your workouts with Autumn Calabrese’s Timed-Nutrition plan, you can get more than just a great butt and abs—you can get a total-body transformation! But it’s going to take dedication, focus, and a desire to be a little obsessed about sticking with the plan and this group. If you’re ready for a challenge, you’re going to love your results!

We’ll be working out 6 days a week, anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes each day. The workouts build in intensity and complexity with each phase, so we’re just going to take it one day at a time and one workout at a time. But Autumn keeps it really fun, and with 80 different workouts, it never feels the same.

We’re also going to fuel ourselves with specific food portions at specific times to keep our bodies nourished, energized, and to help maximize fat loss and muscle growth. You’ll see how the right nutrition, including Shakeology and Beachbody Performance, can really help you get amazing results.

And there’s one more thing we’re going to do: hold each other accountable. OK? Think of this as your ultimate support group. No judgment, just friends helping each other out, sharing experiences, and connecting. Feel free to ask any questions. Don’t be shy! We’re all here for each other.

Throughout this entire challenge, I’ll give you some of my best nutrition and fitness tips, motivational ideas, and recipes to keep us obsessed with trying new things and getting results!

So as we begin, please introduce yourself to the group. Copy and paste your answers to these questions into the comments section below:

  1. Why are you committing to this challenge?
  2. Where do you live?
  3. What is your occupation?
  4. Which Shakeology flavor(s) are you drinking?
  5. Which Beachbody Performance supplements are you taking?
  6. Why did you choose 80 Day Obsession?
  7. How can the group best support you to reach your goals?

Here’s a message from Autumn welcoming you to the 80 Day Obsession Challenge!

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