Welcome to our 30 Day Breakaway group! I can’t tell you how excited I am for Beachbody’s first-ever running AND resistance training program. Don’t get me wrong—I’m no runner lol. At least not yet. BUT I have wanted to feel everything that comes with running—breaking away from the day-to-day, getting out in nature (yes, you can take these runs outside your living room!), and feeling that mental clarity or “runner’s high” that so many people talk about.
[Alt copy for a Coach who may have running experience] Welcome to our 30 Day Breakaway group! I can’t tell you how excited I am for Beachbody’s first-ever running AND resistance training program. I personally started running XX years ago and I tell everyone I know it’s been one of the best things in my life. There’s a real joy in running and that’s what this program is all about—breaking away from the day-to-day, getting out in nature (yes, you can take these runs outside your living room!), and feeling a real mental clarity or that “runner’s high” so many people talk about.
To top it off, Super Trainer Idalis Velazquez combines the fat-burning power of running with weightlifting to really hone in on strengthening and defining your entire body. Sounds like a win-win to me.
Speaking of winning, the next 30 days aren’t just about getting transformative results—we’re keeping another goal in mind: running a 5K.
This means you can either sign up for an actual/virtual race or you run the 5K distance on your own in your neighborhood. The important thing is to focus our efforts on running (or walking) that distance on day 30.
I’ll go into a little more detail about the workouts later; for now, let’s get prepped for the journey ahead. During this Prep Week, I’ll be giving you some pointers so you can start strong from the very first workout.
My one piece of advice you shouldn’t ignore? Drink Shakeology—it’s a superfood shake that helps give you the solid nutrition you need on a daily basis to not only make it through the day and fight junk-food cravings, but also helps give you healthy energy so you feel your best and own every minute.* I’m speaking from personal experience—I’m just not the same without my shake!
On workout days, I’ve got two supplements at the ready: Beachbody Performance Energize and Recover. They really do help me get the most out of every sweaty minute and speed up recovery.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Your nutrition is just as important as your 30 Day workouts, so we’re going to dive deeper into your eating and nutrition tomorrow. For those of you who have activated your 30-day Nutrition+ trial membership, you’ll get access to content from Ilana and Autumn, the creators of 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix (more on these nutrition plans tomorrow), plus tons of recipes, helpful tips, and support from an even bigger community. Nutrition+ also includes access to The Mindset Membership and The Monthly Fix, both designed to give you a deeper dive into the programs and help keep you accountable and on-track with your weight loss and healthy eating. Don’t have access to Nutrition+ or want to know more about it? DM me!
Let’s kick things off by getting to know each other. Answer these questions in the comments section below.
- Why are you excited for 30 Day Breakaway?
- Where do you live?
- What is your occupation?
- Which Shakeology flavor(s) are you drinking?
- Which Beachbody Performance supplement(s) are you taking and what’s your current eating program if you have one?
- What are your goals and what keeps you motivated?
- Are any of you motivated by a cause you care about (perhaps running a 5K to raise funds for charity)?
- How can our supportive group best help you reach your goals?
Tomorrow, I’ll share more about how this group will work. See you then!
Today’s To-Do’s:
- Assess your daily schedule—are you ready to commit?
- Congratulate yourself for taking this incredible step for your health!
- Watch the video “30 Day Breakaway Get Moving” [VIDEO]
Welcome to our 30 Day Breakaway group! I can’t tell you how excited I am for Beachbody’s first-ever running AND resistance training program. Don’t get me wrong—I’m no runner lol. At least not yet. BUT I have wanted to feel everything that comes with running—breaking away from the day-to-day, getting out in nature (yes, you can take these runs outside your living room!), and feeling that mental clarity or “runner’s high” that so many people talk about.
[Alt copy for a Coach who may have running experience] Welcome to our 30 Day Breakaway group! I can’t tell you how excited I am for Beachbody’s first-ever running AND resistance training program. I personally started running XX years ago and I tell everyone I know it’s been one of the best things in my life. There’s a real joy in running and that’s what this program is all about—breaking away from the day-to-day, getting out in nature (yes, you can take these runs outside your living room!), and feeling a real mental clarity or that “runner’s high” so many people talk about.
To top it off, Super Trainer Idalis Velazquez combines the fat-burning power of running with weightlifting to really hone in on strengthening and defining your entire body. Sounds like a win-win to me.
Speaking of winning, the next 30 days aren’t just about getting transformative results—we’re keeping another goal in mind: running a 5K.
This means you can either sign up for an actual/virtual race or you run the 5K distance on your own in your neighbourhood. The important thing is to focus our efforts on running (or walking) that distance on day 30.
I’ll go into a little more detail about the workouts later; for now, let’s get prepped for the journey ahead. During this Prep Week, I’ll be giving you some pointers so you can start strong from the very first workout.
My one piece of advice you shouldn’t ignore? Drink Shakeology—it’s a superfood shake that helps give you the solid nutrition you need on a daily basis to not only make it through the day and fight junk-food cravings, but also helps give you healthy energy so you feel your best and own every minute.* I’m speaking from personal experience—I’m just not the same without my shake!
On workout days, I’ve got two supplements at the ready: Beachbody Performance Energize and Recover. They really do help me get the most out of every sweaty minute and speed up recovery.
Your nutrition is just as important as your 30 Day workouts, so we’re going to dive deeper into your eating and nutrition tomorrow. For those of you who have activated your 30-day Nutrition+ trial membership, you’ll get access to content from Ilana and Autumn, the creators of 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix (more on these nutrition plans tomorrow), plus tons of recipes, helpful tips, and support from an even bigger community. Nutrition+ also includes access to The Mindset Membership and The Monthly Fix, both designed to give you a deeper dive into the programs and help keep you accountable and on-track with your weight loss and healthy eating. Don’t have access to Nutrition+ or want to know more about it? DM me!
Let’s kick things off by getting to know each other. Answer these questions in the comments section below.
- Why are you excited for 30 Day Breakaway?
- Where do you live?
- What is your occupation?
- Which Shakeology flavour(s) are you drinking?
- Which Beachbody Performance supplement(s) are you taking and what’s your current eating program if you have one?
- What are your goals and what keeps you motivated?
- Are any of you motivated by a cause you care about (perhaps running a 5K to raise funds for charity)?
- How can our supportive group best help you reach your goals?
Tomorrow, I’ll share more about how this group will work. See you then!
Today’s To-Do’s:
- Assess your daily schedule—are you ready to commit?
- Congratulate yourself for taking this incredible step for your health!
- Watch the video “30 Day Breakaway Get Moving” [VIDEO]
Welcome to our 30 Day Breakaway group! I can’t tell you how excited I am about Beachbody’s first-ever running AND resistance training programme. Don’t get me wrong – I’m no runner lol. At least not yet. BUT I have wanted to feel everything that comes with running – breaking away from the day-to-day, getting out in nature (yes, you can take these runs outside your living room!), and feeling that mental clarity or “runner’s high” that so many people talk about.
[Alt copy for a Coach who may have running experience] Welcome to our 30 Day Breakaway group! I can’t tell you how excited I am about Beachbody’s first-ever running AND resistance training programme. I personally started running XX years ago and I tell everyone I know it’s been one of the best things in my life. There’s a real joy in running and that’s what this programme is all about – breaking away from the day-to-day, getting out in nature (yes, you can take these runs outside your living room!), and feeling a real mental clarity or that “runner’s high” so many people talk about.
To top it off, Super Trainer Idalis Velazquez combines the fat-burning power of running with weightlifting to really hone in on strengthening and defining your entire body. Sounds like a win-win to me.
Speaking of winning, the next 30 days aren’t just about getting transformative results – we’re keeping another goal in mind: running a 5K.
This means you can either sign up for an actual/virtual race or you run the 5K distance on your own in your neighbourhood. The important thing is to focus our efforts on running (or walking) that distance on day 30.
I’ll go into a little more detail about the workouts later; for now, let’s get prepped for the journey ahead. During this Prep Week, I’ll be giving you some pointers so you can start strong from the very first workout.
My one piece of advice you shouldn’t ignore? Drink Shakeology – it’s a superfood shake that gives you the solid nutrition you need on a daily basis to not only make it through the day and help satisfy junk-food cravings, but also helps give you healthy energy so you feel your best and own every minute.† I’m speaking from personal experience – I’m just not the same without my shake!
On workout days, I’ve got two supplements at the ready: Beachbody Performance Energize and Recover. They really do help me get the most out of every sweaty minute and speed up recovery.‡
†Vitamins C, B6 and B12 contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism. ‡Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein.
Your nutrition is just as important as your 30 Day workouts, so we’re going to dive deeper into your eating and nutrition tomorrow. For those of you who have activated your 30-day Nutrition+ trial membership, you’ll get access to content from Ilana and Autumn, the creators of 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix (more on these nutrition plans tomorrow), plus tons of recipes, helpful tips, and support from an even bigger community. Nutrition+ also includes access to The Mindset Membership and The Monthly Fix, both designed to give you a deeper dive into the programmes and help keep you accountable and on track with your weight loss and healthy eating. Don’t have access to Nutrition+ or want to know more about it? DM me!
Let’s kick things off by getting to know each other. Answer these questions in the comments section below.
- Why are you excited about 30 Day Breakaway?
- Where do you live?
- What is your occupation?
- Which Shakeology flavour(s) are you drinking?
- Which Beachbody Performance supplement(s) are you taking and what’s your current eating programme if you have one?
- What are your goals and what keeps you motivated?
- Are any of you motivated by a cause you care about (perhaps running a 5K to raise funds for charity)?
- How can our supportive group best help you reach your goals?
Tomorrow, I’ll share more about how this group will work. See you then!
Today’s To-Do’s:
- Assess your daily schedule – are you ready to commit?
- Congratulate yourself for taking this incredible step for your health!
- Watch the video “30 Day Breakaway Get Moving” [VIDEO]
To access closed captions: click on the “CC” icon in the lower right corner of the video and select “English (United States) CC”