Congratulations! You’re on your way to achieving amazing results in only 25 minutes a day. Start by opening your FOCUS T25 program and reviewing these materials:
- Quick-Start Guide
- Get It Done Nutrition Guide
- 5-Day Fast Track
NOTE ON MARKET-SPECIFIC CONTENT SHARING: Some content within this guide is meant specifically for US, Canada, France and UK markets and will be separated by tabs where applicable. Please use the content for your market.
Time to introduce yourself! Paste your answers in the "comment" section!
You’ve got to eat clean if you want to achieve your goals. So clear the cupboards, pantry, and fridge of all unhealthy foods. If it’s not aligned with your goals, toss it—or better yet, give it to your local food bank. Now is the time to go shopping for those 25 "Keep It Real" foods you’ll find in the Get It Done Nutrition Guide.
Put your daily FOCUS T25 Calendar somewhere you’ll see it every day, like on the fridge or your bathroom mirror.
Make sure you’re ready to get started tomorrow. Prepare an area near your TV—you’ll need a space about 6 feet square. Have a towel handy! It’s only 25 minutes, but trust me, you’ll be sweating. Fill a water bottle so you can drink regularly to keep hydrated. And finally, get some good cross-training shoes and comfortable clothing.
Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:
It’s not how fast you do the moves that counts; it’s about doing each move correctly without sacrificing your form. If you find yourself struggling, the best thing you can do is modify. Follow Tania. I think you’ll find that you still get quite a workout! Also, it’s totally OK to take a few seconds to catch your breath whenever you need to, and then get right back in there! (In case you didn’t know, Tania’s the one on the right.)
Your first Double Day Friday was intense, wasnÕt it? You should be so proud of yourself for getting through this week! I know it wasn’t easy. If you werenÕt able to do two workouts today, try to make time for the second workout tomorrow.
If you’re drinking your Shakeology, you might be noticing a few changes.
What positive changes have you noticed since starting to drink Shakeology?
Kati, a new mom of two, faced her baby weight gain and postpartum depression head on with FOCUS T25 and Shakeology, and lost 28 lbs. in 10 weeks of the program!†
Today is your rest day, so don’t work out hard. Try FOCUS T25 Stretch, or get outside for some fresh air.
Results vary depending on starting point and effort.
Kati, a new mom of two, faced her baby weight gain and postpartum depression head on with FOCUS T25 and Shakeology, and lost 28 lbs. in 10 weeks of the program!†
Today is your rest day, so don’t work out hard. Try FOCUS T25 Stretch, or get outside for some fresh air.
†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.
Kati, a new mum of two, faced her baby weight gain and postpartum depression head on with FOCUS T25 and Shakeology, and lost 28 lbs. in 10 weeks of the programme!†
Today is your rest day, so don’t work out hard. Try FOCUS T25 Stretch, or get outside for some fresh air.
†Results vary based on effort and following Beachbody’s healthy eating plan.
Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:
I know it’s tempting to jump from your hardcore 25-minute workout right back into your busy life, but it’s important to cool down properly. Take the 2 minutes to cool down with Shaun T every time you work out.
If you’ve been keeping up with your daily Shakeology routine, you should be experiencing positive changes. Do you feel more energized?
Nutrition is half the battle. While FOCUS T25 workouts might kick your butt into gear, it’s all about feeding your body with nutrient-dense ingredients. As a superfood protein shake, Shakeology is a great way to help you get the nutrition you’ll need during this program. Have you been drinking your Shakeology?
Nutrition is half the battle. While FOCUS T25 workouts might kick your butt into gear, it’s all about feeding your body with nutrient-dense ingredients. As a superfood protein shake, Shakeology is a great way to help you get the nutrition you’ll need during this programme. Have you been drinking your Shakeology?
It’s STATurday! Write down your stats on your calendar to track your progress.
You wanted to see Tania’s “before” and “after,” so here they are! Yes, she got these results in just 10 weeks with FOCUS T25!† Now she’s back to being “The Machine.” If she can do it, post-baby, so can you!
†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.
You wanted to see Tania’s “before” and “after,” so here they are! Yes, she got these results in just 10 weeks with FOCUS T25!† Now she’s back to being “The Machine.” If she can do it, post-baby, so can you!
†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.
Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:
Who motivates you?
I used to pound popular sports drinks I found at my local grocery store when I first started working out. BAD IDEA. They were so full of sugar that I ended up feeling bloated right in the middle of a workout. That’s why I’m glad Beachbody created Beachbody Performance Hydrate. It has no artificial flavors, sweeteners, or colors, and it’s better than water at keeping me hydrated during longer workouts.
Message me if you’re interested!
Sometimes it takes something extra to get you where you want to be. This morning, I was feeling tired and wanted to skip my morning workout. But I didn’t. Instead, I made myself Shakeology and nailed my workout. Sometimes starting off my day with a delicious guilt-free shake keeps me honest in my food choices later in the day. Anyone else feel the same?
Sometimes it takes something extra to get you where you want to be. This morning, I was feeling tired and wanted to skip my morning workout. But I didn’t. Instead, I made myself Shakeology and nailed my workout. Sometimes starting off my day with a delicious guilt-free shake keeps me honest in my food choices later in the day. Anyone else feel the same?
By now, I hope you’re starting to feel stronger and are getting through your FOCUS T25 workouts more easily. This may be the time when you’re looking at the scale, expecting to see results.
But actually, the best way to gauge your transformation is by ignoring the scale! Remember, as we build lean muscle, we actually gain weight. So the best way to determine how we’re doing is by how our clothes fit, how we look, and how we feel. Not by how much we weigh.
Whose clothes are getting to be too big for them?
Got a sweet tooth? Try this recipe to satisfy your craving:
Recipe: Mexican Chocolate Honey
1 scoop Chocolate/Chocolate Vegan Shakeology
1 Tbsp. peanut butter
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. honey
1 cup skim milk
I find that the Lower Focus workout is especially difficult, and my quads really burn by the end. What workout/moves have you found to be challenging?
Today is your rest day, so don’t work out hard. Try FOCUS T25 Stretch or get outside for some fresh air.
Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:
It’s easy to sacrifice form when you get tired and weak, but doing so can lead to injury. This week is all about form so stay aware of your body and remember to engage your core in every exercise. Don’t be afraid to check yourself out in a mirror, with a video camera, or even a video conference session with the rest of the group.
Try this! (It’s just like an Orange Dreamsicle but good for you!)
Recipe: Orange Dream
1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
_ cup 100% orange juice
_ cup water
_ tsp. grated orange peel
Be sure to use your rest day to do the things you love. Spend time with family, take a walk, or go see a movie. You want to keep your life in balance and ensure you’re managing stress levels.
Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:
Get your spouse, significant other, kids, or friends in on FOCUS T25. I think youÕll find that the 25 minutes will go by even faster. Plus itÕs a great way to spend more time together and have fun!
My cravings for junk have given way to cravings for nutritious FUEL for my body. But for those favorites that you can’t get out of your mind, like cheesecake, this Shakeology recipe is an absolute MUST! (And the best part…it’s healthy!)
Pineapple Cheesecake
1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology
_ cup fat-free ricotta cheese
_ cup plain nonfat yogurt
_ cup pineapple juice
_ cup water
Did you know you can use Shakeology for more than just shakes? Shakeology is a great ingredient for yummy no-bake desserts. Check out these Vanilla Energy Balls—they’re my favourite and so easy to make:
Did you know you can use Shakeology for more than just shakes? Shakeology is a great ingredient for yummy no-bake desserts. Check out these Vanilla Energy Balls—they’re my favourite and so easy to make:
Shaun T says, “Last Alpha Double Day! You better give it 110%.”
Check out Helen, who lost those last few lbs. (13 to be exact) with 10 weeks of FOCUS T25!
†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.
Shaun T says, “Last Alpha Double Day! You better give it 110%.”
Check out Helen, who lost those last few lbs. (13 to be exact) with 10 weeks of FOCUS T25!†
†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.
It’s STATurday again! This is the midpoint in our 10-week Challenge Group. Take your measurements and photos to track your progress. Anyone want to share his/her results so far?
Congrats on getting through the first half of FOCUS T25! You owned it. This is the time to reset your body and your mind and prepare for the challenge ahead: Beta phase. You’ve built a strong foundation with Alpha and you’re ready to go to the next level!
Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:
Check out for easy and yummy recipes like this Portobello Burger.
Ever feel like this? Check out 25 ways to be more productive here:
Shakeology turned Mary from a junk-food junkie into a health-food nut!
“I had failed at losing weight so many times that I truly believed I could NEVER have the body I wanted. Then I discovered a slew of Beachbody programs and Shakeology and lost 39 pounds! Shakeology was key to my weight loss because it provided my body with the nutrients it needed while taking away my junk-food cravings. In fact, when I ‘treated’ myself to junk recently, it didn’t taste like anything I remembered. My body has changed so much now that it knows the difference between the good and bad stuff—what a wonderful thing! Now I have better digestion, tons more energy, my skin glows, and my hair and nails are stronger than ever. Shakeology is THE most amazing product I’ve ever used.”
—Mary S.
What cravings has Shakeology helped you conquer?
†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.
Shakeology turned Mary from a junk-food junkie into a health-food nut!
“I had failed at losing weight so many times that I truly believed I could NEVER have the body I wanted. Then I discovered a slew of Beachbody programmes and Shakeology and lost 39 pounds! Shakeology was key to my weight loss because it provided my body with the nutrients it needed while taking away my junk-food cravings. In fact, when I ‘treated’ myself to junk recently, it didn’t taste like anything I remembered. My body has changed so much now that it knows the difference between the good and bad stuff—what a wonderful thing! Now I have better digestion, tons more energy, my skin glows, and my hair and nails are stronger than ever. Shakeology is THE most amazing product I’ve ever used.”†
—Mary S.
Shakeology turned Mary from a junk-food junkie into a health-food nut!
“I had failed at losing weight so many times that I truly believed I could NEVER have the body I wanted. Then I discovered a slew of Beachbody programmes and Shakeology and lost 39 pounds! Shakeology was key to my weight loss because it provided my body with the nutrients it needed while taking away my junk-food cravings. In fact, when I ‘treated’ myself to junk recently, it didn’t taste like anything I remembered. My body has changed so much now that it knows the difference between the good and bad stuff—what a wonderful thing! Now I have better digestion, tons more energy, my skin glows, and my hair and nails are stronger than ever. Shakeology is THE most amazing product I’ve ever used.”†
—Mary S.
†Results vary based on effort and following Beachbody’s healthy eating plan.
Many people who don’t see the scale moving "fast enough" try eating less to accelerate their weight loss. That’s not the best decision! Continue to follow the nutrition guide. Because you’re working out so hard, you may actually need more calories than you previously did to fuel your workouts.
Evan lost 55 lbs. by changing his diet, running, and crushing 50 days of FOCUS T25!†
Results vary depending on starting point and effort.
Evan lost 55 lbs. by changing his diet, running, and crushing 50 days of FOCUS T25!†
Results vary depending on starting point and effort.
Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:
Remember that it’s all about CONSISTENCY.
Timing your pre-workout nutrition is important. Eating immediately before you exercise will reduce the energy available for your workout, since your body will be focused on digestion. For maximum energy, try eating a small meal about two hours before you exercise.
When I’m really sore after a tough workout, it’s harder for me to stick to my workout schedule—which makes it even harder to make any progress. Sound familiar? If you’re finding it hard to stay consistent because you’re feeling really beat, try drinking Beachbody Performance Recover. In addition to 20 grams of protein and a blend of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids), it also includes pomegranate juice that can help reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) from intense workouts. It’s totally helped me stay consistent and helped to speed my muscle recovery… let us know how it works for you
I’m having a debate with myself: Which Shakeology flavour is the best? All of the flavours of Shakeology do the same thing: help you build and repair muscles and get antioxidants to protect your body from harmful free radicals as Your Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition™. But what about FLAVOuR? It changes weekly for me. This week I am all about Vanilla, but last week it was nothing but Chocolate Vegan.
I’m having a debate with myself: Which Shakeology flavour is the best? All of the flavours of Shakeology do the same thing: help you build lean muscle mass, provide healthy energy† and support healthy digestion‡, and support normal immune system function*. But what about FLAVOUR? It changes weekly for me. This week I am all about Vanilla, but last week it was nothing but Chocolate Vegan.
† Vitamins C, B6, and B12 contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism.
‡ Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.
*Vitamins A, C, and Selenium contribute to the normal function of the immune system.
Has anyone tried making dessert with Shakeology? I love the Chocolate Shakeology Pie. It’s easy, fast, and delicious:
Chocolate Shakeology Pie
(Makes 8 servings)
1_ cups reduced-fat (2%) plain thick Greek yogurt
2 scoops Chocolate Shakeology
_ cup all-natural peanut butter
_ cup unsweetened almond milk
1 whole wheat graham pie crust
Directions: Combine yogurt, Shakeology, peanut butter, and almond milk in a large bowl; mix well. Pour yogurt mixture into pie crust; refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or until firm.
There’s a fine line between treating yourself and cheating yourself. Remember to treat yourself every now and then (your rest day is a good time), but don’t cheat yourself.
Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:
I know that drinking plain water can be boring, but it’s so important to be fully hydrated. If you just can’t stand plain water, try doing what I do: add a little orange juice to your water to flavor it. Club soda is also a great alternative. It’s fun and fizzy without the added calories. Check out these 10 ways to flavor your water:
What are your favorite FOCUS T25 moves from Beta phase? Full Pike-Up? Air Plank? Show us your favorite moves by uploading a video!
Hope that you are all enjoying your rest day. Try to still do a light activity, like a walk before or after dinner.
Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:
Now is a good time to remind you that you are what you eat. In general, you should avoid eating anything you can’t pronounce. Case in point: Many chips have sodium caseinate and disodium inosinate. Some desserts have sodium acid pyrophosphate and sodium stearoyl lactylate. They don’t sound so tasty now, do they?
Now is a good time to remind you that you are what you eat. In general, you should avoid eating anything you can’t pronounce because it’s probably not good for you!
If you’ve loved working out with Shaun T and FOCUS T25 Alpha and Beta, you’ll want to try FOCUS T25 Gamma for Rip’t Up, Extreme Circuit, The Pyramid, and Speed 3.0 workouts!
Interested? Message me!
We all unwind in different ways (confession: my favorite way is with/by [insert guilty pleasure], but have you ever tried meditation? Taking a few minutes out of your day to relax and reflect on your thoughts can do wonders for your mind, body, and stress levels. Here are a few things to keep in mind when learning how to meditate:
And don’t worry if you get distracted—focus is like a muscle and meditation will help strengthen it!
We all unwind in different ways (confession: my favorite way is with/by [insert guilty pleasure], but have you ever tried meditation? Taking a few minutes out of your day to relax and reflect on your thoughts can do wonders for your mind, body, and stress levels. Here are a few things to keep in mind when learning how to meditate:
And don’t worry if you get distracted—focus is like a muscle and meditation will help strengthen it!
Want to know everything there is to know about Your Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition? Then tune in to “Inside Shakeology,” the podcast series that explains everything from formula ingredients to health tips. All podcasts can be found on iTunes for free here:
One of the most helpful episodes for me was the debut podcast, “Discover the Shakeology Difference,” which helped me learn the ins and outs of why Shakeology is so much more than just a protein shake.
Don’t feel like hitting the play button today? Instead of focusing on losing weight or getting “ripped,” try focusing on how a good workout will increase your quality of life. The work you put in today can improve your mood and help you become stronger and more confident. And that might be just the push you need to do something outside your comfort zone!
Don’t feel like hitting the play button today? Instead of focusing on losing weight or getting “ripped,” try focusing on how a good workout will increase your quality of life. The work you put in today can improve your mood and help you become stronger and more confident. And that might be just the push you need to do something outside your comfort zone!
You’re so close to finishing your ten weeks! Look back at your “why” and the goals you set for yourself in the beginning. These should be becoming much more of a reality now.
By now I bet a lot of people are commenting on your new look. And it feels pretty darn good, doesn’t it? Well, if you’ve ever thought about “paying it forward” and helping those whose shoes you once walked in, you might be feeling the impulse to become a Team Beachbody Coach. Anyone out there inspired to become a Coach just yet? I’m sure you have a ton of questions about what’s involved—so send them my way.
Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:
When we started this journey a few weeks ago, I bet you had no idea just how much drinking Shakeology on a daily basis would change your life. So let’s share our successes with each other.
How many pounds and inches have each of you lost so far? What cravings has Shakeology killed? What’s your energy like? Any surprises? Anyone still struggling with anything? Tell all and share all.
When we started this journey a few weeks ago, I bet you had no idea just how much drinking Shakeology on a daily basis would change your life. So let’s share our successes with each other.
What positive changes have you experienced since you started to drink Shakeology?
When we started this journey a few weeks ago, I bet you had no idea just how much drinking Shakeology on a daily basis would change your life. So let’s share our successes with each other.
What positive changes have you experienced since you started to drink Shakeology?
Remember to enter your results into the
Beachbody Challenge contest to get a FREE GIFT and a chance to win some serious cash prizes. I’ve enjoyed having you on this journey with me, and hope that itÕs just the beginning of a healthier, better you.