SHIFT SHOP | Prep Week | Intro |

Welcome to our SHIFT SHOP Challenge Group! Regardless of your specific goals, we’re all here to make a “shift” for the better and this group is here to support you along the way.

For this 4-week challenge, you’ll use SHIFT SHOP’s revolutionary ramp-up method that starts you off slow and then gradually increases the intensity. You’ll start with two 15-minute workouts during Prep Week and use the SHIFT SHOP: Proving Grounds workouts to complete a series of timed challenges—this is how you’ll get your baseline score.

As your workouts intensify in the Shop, you’ll finish each week at the Proving Grounds with the goal of improving on last week’s score—all while refining your nutrition week by week and fueling your body with the superfood shake, Shakeology®, and Beachbody Performance™ supplements.

Your focus for this group: eat right, gain confidence, overcome obstacles, and beat your personal best! Make a promise to give your all EVERY SINGLE DAY. Do that and, by the end, you’ll be leaner, faster, stronger—and most importantly, healthier.

Since several Prep Week workouts require equipment, be sure you have the following ready:

  • Agility Markers: You’ll arrange these 4 colored markers in different formations during your workouts to help you stay focused and challenged. (They are included in your SHIFT SHOP bundle if you purchased one.)
  • Dumbbells: Heavy weights are not required to achieve great results with SHIFT SHOP but a set of dumbbells will help you become stronger and more defined as you make your shift. Men, 10–20 lbs./Women, 5–10 lbs. will do the trick. To throttle up your results, challenge yourself and increase the weight throughout the program.
  • Mat (optional): While not required, many of the exercises in Shift Core and Shift Mobility are on the floor, so a foam mat can make things more comfortable and cushion your spine.

Also, definitely take your “before” photos and measurements. Then take your “after” photos and measurements at the end of the program. I’m telling you—you want to do this! You’ll be amazed at the difference. And be sure to enter the Beachbody Challenge by visiting When you enter and submit your results, Beachbody will also send you a free gift (while supplies last) to celebrate your amazing success.

Now, are you ready to reinvent yourself? Go ahead and introduce yourself. Answer these questions in the comments section:

  1. Why are you committing to this challenge?
  2. Where do you live?
  3. What’s your occupation?
  4. Which Shakeology flavor(s) are you drinking? AND/OR which Beachbody Performance supplements are you taking?
  5. Why did you choose SHIFT SHOP?
  6. How can we best support you to reach your goals?


SHIFT SHOP | Prep Week | Day 1 | Quick Shift: Speed


Get ready to make a change for the better because we’re kicking off Prep Week! But just because we’re easing you in doesn’t mean you should take this week lightly—the better you prepare yourself now, the more successful your shift will be!

Each day this week, you’ll have 1 fitness and 1 nutrition task to complete. These tasks are also listed in your SHIFT SHOP Jumpstart Guide, so you can reference them at any time.

Your tasks today:

Fitness: Test Drive Quick Shift: Speed

Grab your agility markers and do your best with your first workout, Quick Shift: Speed. This workout is short but effective. With 6 dynamic cardio and agility moves repeated in 2 rounds—and no interval over 45 seconds—this quick sweat culminates in a little challenge to help get you ready for the Proving Grounds.

Ground Rule #1: Make Every Minute Count. While this workout is only 15 minutes, it doesn’t mean you can’t make Quick Shift: Speed valuable. This applies to every workout in the Shop—and to life. Just because something is simple doesn’t mean it’s not beneficial. Always strive to improve with every opportunity you are provided.

Nutrition: Learn to Hydrate

While you don’t need to change your eating habits quite yet, focus on drinking plenty of water—it’s key to supporting healthy energy levels and endurance.

So how much water should you drink? Strive to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day—and even more if you feel thirsty or sweat a lot. That means that if you weigh 140 pounds, you should drink at least 70 ounces of water each day.

And to further help your hydration level during your workouts, you might try Beachbody Performance Hydrate. It has electrolytes to help replenish what you lose during your workouts and can help support your endurance better than some of those sugary sports drinks. Maybe not needed for the Quick Shift workouts, but trust me, you’ll be happy you have it later.*

Go get ’em! Once you finish your first workout, please share how it went!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Get ready to make a change for the better because we’re kicking off Prep Week! But just because we’re easing you in doesn’t mean you should take this week lightly—the better you prepare yourself now, the more successful your shift will be!
Each day this week, you’ll have 1 fitness and 1 nutrition task to complete. These tasks are also listed in your SHIFT SHOP Jumpstart Guide, so you can reference them at any time.
Your tasks today:

Fitness: Test Drive Quick Shift: Speed
Grab your agility markers and do your best with your first workout, Quick Shift: Speed. This workout is short but effective. With 6 dynamic cardio and agility moves repeated in 2 rounds—and no interval over 45 seconds—this quick sweat culminates in a little challenge to help get you ready for the Proving Grounds.

Ground Rule #1: Make Every Minute Count. While this workout is only 15 minutes, it doesn’t mean you can’t make Quick Shift: Speed valuable. This applies to every workout in the Shop—and to life. Just because something is simple doesn’t mean it’s not beneficial. Always strive to improve with every opportunity you are provided.

Nutrition: Learn to Hydrate
While you don’t need to change your eating habits quite yet, focus on drinking plenty of water—it’s key to supporting healthy energy levels and endurance.
So how much water should you drink? Strive to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day—and even more if you feel thirsty or sweat a lot. That means that if you weigh 140 pounds, you should drink at least 70 ounces of water each day.
And to further help your hydration level during your workouts, you might try Beachbody Performance Hydrate. It has electrolytes to help replenish what you lose during your workouts and can help support your endurance better than some of those sugary sports drinks. Maybe not needed for the Quick Shift workouts, but trust me, you’ll be happy you have it later.

Go get ’em! Once you finish your first workout, please share how it went!



Get ready to make a change for the better because we’re kicking off Prep Week! But just because we’re easing you in doesn’t mean you should take this week lightly—the better you prepare yourself now, the more successful your shift will be!
Each day this week, you’ll have 1 fitness and 1 nutrition task to complete. These tasks are also listed in your SHIFT SHOP Jumpstart Guide, so you can reference them at any time.
Your tasks today:

Fitness: Test Drive Quick Shift: Speed
Grab your agility markers and do your best with your first workout, Quick Shift: Speed. This workout is short but effective. With 6 dynamic cardio and agility moves repeated in 2 rounds—and no interval over 45 seconds—this quick sweat culminates in a little challenge to help get you ready for the Proving Grounds.

Ground Rule #1: Make Every Minute Count. While this workout is only 15 minutes, it doesn’t mean you can’t make Quick Shift: Speed valuable. This applies to every workout in the Shop—and to life. Just because something is simple doesn’t mean it’s not beneficial. Always strive to improve with every opportunity you are provided.

Nutrition: Learn to Hydrate
While you don’t need to change your eating habits quite yet, focus on drinking plenty of water—it’s key to supporting healthy energy levels and endurance.
So how much water should you drink? Strive to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day—and even more if you feel thirsty or sweat a lot. That means that if you weigh 140 pounds, you should drink at least 70 ounces of water each day.
And to further help your hydration level during your workouts, you might try Beachbody Performance Hydrate. It has electrolytes to help replenish what you lose during your workouts and can help support your endurance better than some of those sugary sports drinks. Maybe not needed for the Quick Shift workouts, but trust me, you’ll be happy you have it later.‡
Go get ’em! Once you finish your first workout, please share how it went!

All products, flavors, and configurations may not be available in your market.


SHIFT SHOP | Prep Week | Day 2 | Quick Shift: Strength


Day 2 of Prep Week, here we go!

Your tasks today:

Fitness: Do a Quick Lift

Grab your dumbbells and get your lift on with Quick Shift: Strength.

You’ll do 2 rounds of 6 moves:

  • Curl Press
  • Squat Side Lunge
  • Tricep Push-Up
  • Sumo Chest Press
  • Plank Dumbbell Circle
  • Lunge Front Raise

If the weights seem too heavy, consider switching to lighter weights next time. And of course, if the weight is too light, amp it up for your next workouts.

Ground Rule #2: Lift from Within. When you approach any strength-building exercise, the heaviest lifting is getting over your fears. When you learn to lift from within you can continue to take on bigger and bigger challenges and unlock potential you never thought possible.

Nutrition: Lose the Junk

Start cleaning up your diet. Clear your home of all the foods that could pose a problem during your program—packaged or highly processed foods, alcohol, sugary beverages, etc., are just empty calories and an absolute no-no during the SHIFT SHOP.

If this stresses you out and you’re struggling with the idea of losing your daily guilty pleasure, let me share some good news: You have Shakeology.

I love this shake! Not just because it’s tasty and helps me avoid that tempting donut at the office, it’s way more than that. A nutrient-dense formula carefully crafted with potent ingredients to help benefit overall health, drinking Shakeology is something simple I can do to set myself up on solid ground. No matter what the day brings, at least I know I gave my body more of the nutrients it needs to perform its best. I recommend Shakeology no matter what, especially when you’re taking on a new challenge like SHIFT SHOP. Real change begins on the inside with a healthy diet that includes Shakeology.*

What foods will you throw away today?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Day 2 of Prep Week, here we go!

Your tasks today:

Fitness: Do a Quick Lift

Grab your dumbbells and get your lift on with Quick Shift: Strength.

You’ll do 2 rounds of 6 moves:

  • Curl Press
  • Squat Side Lunge
  • Tricep Push-Up
  • Sumo Chest Press
  • Plank Dumbbell Circle
  • Lunge Front Raise

If the weights seem too heavy, consider switching to lighter weights next time. And of course, if the weight is too light, amp it up for your next workouts.

Ground Rule #2: Lift from Within. When you approach any strength-building exercise, the heaviest lifting is getting over your fears. When you learn to lift from within you can continue to take on bigger and bigger challenges and unlock potential you never thought possible.

Nutrition: Lose the Junk

Start cleaning up your diet. Clear your home of all the foods that could pose a problem during your program—packaged or highly processed foods, alcohol, sugary beverages, etc., are just empty calories and an absolute no-no during the SHIFT SHOP.

If this stresses you out and you’re struggling with the idea of losing your daily guilty pleasure, let me share some good news: You have Shakeology.

I love this shake! Not just because it’s tasty and helps me avoid that tempting donut at the office, it’s way more than that. A nutrient-dense formula carefully crafted with potent ingredients to help benefit overall health, drinking Shakeology is something simple I can do to set myself up on solid ground. No matter what the day brings, at least I know I gave my body more of the nutrients it needs to perform its best. I recommend Shakeology no matter what, especially when you’re taking on a new challenge like SHIFT SHOP. Real change begins on the inside with a healthy diet that includes Shakeology.

What foods will you throw away today?



Day 2 of Prep Week, here we go!

Your tasks today:

Fitness: Do a Quick Lift

Grab your dumbbells and get your lift on with Quick Shift: Strength.

You’ll do 2 rounds of 6 moves:

  • Curl Press
  • Squat Side Lunge
  • Tricep Push-Up
  • Sumo Chest Press
  • Plank Dumbbell Circle
  • Lunge Front Raise

If the weights seem too heavy, consider switching to lighter weights next time. And of course, if the weight is too light, amp it up for your next workouts.

Ground Rule #2: Lift from Within. When you approach any strength-building exercise, the heaviest lifting is getting over your fears. When you learn to lift from within you can continue to take on bigger and bigger challenges and unlock potential you never thought possible.

Nutrition: Lose the Junk

Start cleaning up your diet. Clear your home of all the foods that could pose a problem during your program—packaged or highly processed foods, alcohol, sugary beverages, etc., are just empty calories and an absolute no-no during the SHIFT SHOP.

If this stresses you out and you’re struggling with the idea of losing your daily guilty pleasure, let me share some good news: You have Shakeology.

I love this shake! Not just because it’s tasty and helps me avoid that tempting donut at the office, it’s way more than that. A nutrient-dense formula carefully crafted with potent ingredients to help benefit overall health, drinking Shakeology is something simple I can do to set myself up on solid ground. No matter what the day brings, at least I know I gave my body more of the nutrients it needs to perform its best. I recommend Shakeology no matter what, especially when you’re taking on a new challenge like SHIFT SHOP. Real change begins on the inside with a healthy diet that includes Shakeology.†

What foods will you throw away today?

† Vitamins C, B6, and B12 contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism.


SHIFT SHOP | Prep Week | Day 3 | Quick Shift: Speed

Two days down, five more to go before we really ramp things up!

Your tasks today:

Fitness: Get Better

Today you hit Quick Shift: Speed for a second time. Now that you know the moves, try to pick up the speed. You got this!

Nutrition: Read the Simple Shift Nutrition Guide

Calculate your Fuel Plan and review the food lists in the SHIFT SHOP meal plan. (You can find this under Program Materials on the SHIFT SHOP Beachbody On Demand page.) Figure out which veggies and lean proteins you enjoy because you’ll be getting a lot more of them during the SHIFT SHOP. Use the food lists to grocery shop for the ingredients you’ll need for your meals.

Speaking of nutrition, let’s talk about how the Simple Shift Nutrition Guide works. You’ll be assigned a plan based on your current weight that dictates how many servings of each category (carbs, vegetables, protein, etc.) you can eat every day. As you ramp up from week to week and the workouts increase in intensity, you’ll cut back on starchy carbs and replace them with vegetables and protein to fuel the burn. Every meal counts as you shift your mindset and continue to progress.

The SHIFT SHOP is designed around this specific nutrition plan targeted and tested to create specific results. But if you’re currently having success with a comprehensive approach to nutrition like Portion Fix® or 2B Mindset™, it’s fine to stick with it while following these workouts; keep in mind that it may have an effect on your energy levels or results.


SHIFT SHOP | Prep Week | Day 4 | Quick Shift: Strength

More than halfway through Prep Week!

Your tasks today:

Fitness: Pump Up the Intensity

Now that you know the moves and have a better idea of which weights to use, give Quick Shift: Strength another go and try to improve this time around.

Nutrition: Try Something New

Even if you’re not the best chef, the Simple Shift Nutrition Guide will come in handy. Basic techniques like grilling, baking, roasting, and steaming are all covered, so you can easily throw together a tasty post-workout meal. And don’t forget to check out the Prep Week section of the SHIFT SHOP Recipe Booklet (on Beachbody On Demand or in your SHIFT SHOP bundle) for some great recipes that you can start enjoying now.

How is Prep Week going for you? Do you prefer the Speed or Strength workout?

Tomorrow we move from the Shop to the Proving Grounds. So get ready to give your all.


SHIFT SHOP | Prep Week | Day 5 | Proving Grounds: Speed


Today we hit the Proving Grounds for the first time—this round with speed. (Strength comes tomorrow.) The Proving Grounds workouts are timed challenges that score your performance. Each week you’ll revisit the Proving Grounds: Speed and Strength workouts, so you can compare your progress as you get faster and stronger. Also, keep in mind, modifying is totally OK if your body needs it. Your score depends on the number of reps, and not whether you modified.

Ground Rule #3: Find Victory in Every Obstacle. Whether it’s your first time at the Proving Grounds or your twentieth, every obstacle you overcome is a victory. A sign of hard-earned progress, or maybe even a lesson that causes you to reevaluate your priorities and get back on track. Regardless of the outcome, it’s the best way to keep improving.

Your tasks:

Fitness: Post Proving Grounds Score #1

Set your baseline score for Proving Grounds: Speed. This workout includes sixteen 60-second challenges spread across 3 rounds. You’ll need your agility markers to do them. After every exercise, write down how many reps you did before you move on to the next. Your score will be added at the end.

Remember, this is just a baseline score, so don’t worry if you struggled to get through any exercise or expected a higher score. Just give your best and know that improvement is within reach!

Also, something that can help you get through Proving Grounds: Speed—and any SHIFT SHOP workout for that matter—is Beachbody Performance Energize. This stuff works! I take it before my workouts to get the added energy I need to push harder and last longer. After I take Energize I’m able to really focus on increasing my effort and the beta-alanine helps delay any muscle fatigue I might normally be experiencing. Take it 30 minutes before you start your workout to allow the juices to really kick in.*

Nutrition: Plan Your Meals

With the SHIFT SHOP Recipe Booklet and Nutrition Guide, this should be easy. Take some time to plan out your meals for your first week…or better yet, all 3 weeks! Be sure to incorporate Shakeology daily in your meal plan and Beachbody Performance supplements on workout days.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Today we hit the Proving Grounds for the first time—this round with speed. (Strength comes tomorrow.) The Proving Grounds workouts are timed challenges that score your performance. Each week you’ll revisit the Proving Grounds: Speed and Strength workouts, so you can compare your progress as you get faster and stronger. Also, keep in mind, modifying is totally OK if your body needs it. Your score depends on the number of reps, and not whether you modified.

Ground Rule #3: Find Victory in Every Obstacle. Whether it’s your first time at the Proving Grounds or your twentieth, every obstacle you overcome is a victory. A sign of hard-earned progress, or maybe even a lesson that causes you to reevaluate your priorities and get back on track. Regardless of the outcome, it’s the best way to keep improving.

Your tasks:

Fitness: Post Proving Grounds Score #1

Set your baseline score for Proving Grounds: Speed. This workout includes sixteen 60-second challenges spread across 3 rounds. You’ll need your agility markers to do them. After every exercise, write down how many reps you did before you move on to the next. Your score will be added at the end.

Remember, this is just a baseline score, so don’t worry if you struggled to get through any exercise or expected a higher score. Just give your best and know that improvement is within reach!

Also, something that can help you get through Proving Grounds: Speed—and any SHIFT SHOP workout for that matter—is Beachbody Performance Energize. This stuff works! I take it before my workouts to get the added energy I need to push harder and last longer. After I take Energize I’m able to really focus on increasing my effort and the beta-alanine helps improve intense exercise performance so I can power through. Take it 30 minutes before you start your workout to allow the juices to really kick in.

Nutrition: Plan Your Meals

With the SHIFT SHOP Recipe Booklet and Nutrition Guide, this should be easy. Take some time to plan out your meals for your first week…or better yet, all 3 weeks! Be sure to incorporate Shakeology daily in your meal plan and Beachbody Performance supplements on workout days.



Today we hit the Proving Grounds for the first time—this round with speed. (Strength comes tomorrow.) The Proving Grounds workouts are timed challenges that score your performance. Each week you’ll revisit the Proving Grounds: Speed and Strength workouts, so you can compare your progress as you get faster and stronger. Also, keep in mind, modifying is totally OK if your body needs it. Your score depends on the number of reps, and not whether you modified.

Ground Rule #3: Find Victory in Every Obstacle. Whether it’s your first time at the Proving Grounds or your twentieth, every obstacle you overcome is a victory. A sign of hard-earned progress, or maybe even a lesson that causes you to reevaluate your priorities and get back on track. Regardless of the outcome, it’s the best way to keep improving.

Your tasks:

Fitness: Post Proving Grounds Score #1

Set your baseline score for Proving Grounds: Speed. This workout includes sixteen 60-second challenges spread across 3 rounds. You’ll need your agility markers to do them. After every exercise, write down how many reps you did before you move on to the next. Your score will be added at the end.

Remember, this is just a baseline score, so don’t worry if you struggled to get through any exercise or expected a higher score. Just give your best and know that improvement is within reach!

Also, something that can help you get through Proving Grounds: Speed—and any SHIFT SHOP workout for that matter—is Beachbody Performance Energize. This stuff works! I take it before my workouts to get the added energy I need to push harder and last longer. After I take Energize I’m able to really focus on increasing my effort and the beta-alanine helps improve intense exercise performance so I can power through. Take it 30 minutes before you start your workout to allow the juices to really kick in.•

Nutrition: Plan Your Meals

With the SHIFT SHOP Recipe Booklet and Nutrition Guide, this should be easy. Take some time to plan out your meals for your first week…or better yet, all 3 weeks! Be sure to incorporate Shakeology daily in your meal plan and Beachbody Performance supplements on workout days.

• Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.


SHIFT SHOP | Prep Week | Day 6 | Proving Grounds: Strength


Proving Grounds: Strength today. Get ready to give it your all again—this time with your dumbbells!

Your tasks:

Fitness: Post Proving Grounds Score #2

This is your time to set your baseline score for Proving Grounds: Strength. Be sure to grab your dumbbells because this workout includes ten 60-second strength-based challenges—and one additional challenge from Chris. Feel free to lighten the weight and modify when you need to—this score is meant to be beat!

Ground Rule #4: Change is Contagious. Posting a score in the Proving Grounds means you are looking for change. You want to see change each week and beat your previous score. As you work toward that score, remember that getting stronger means feeling more confident—and that all begins with trying to do just one more rep of one more move. As you push yourself, remember that Change is Contagious.

I’m thinking you might be a little sore after hitting the Proving Grounds with weights and that will probably continue after your first few strength-based workouts in the program. If you are looking for a way to help reduce exercise induced muscle soreness, or just want help to speed up your muscle recovery, Beachbody Performance Recover is a great option. Make sure you drink it within 30 minutes after your workout—your muscles will thank you for it!*

And if you want to give your muscles some extra love, try Beachbody Performance Recharge. I like this nighttime option because I go to sleep knowing my muscles will get key nutrients to help them recover and repair overnight—all I have to do is close my eyes and voila! The next day, my body feels rested and ready for a workout.*

Nutrition: Stock Up

So now that you’ve planned out your meals, it’s time to get the ingredients for them. Make a list and go grocery shopping! Just make sure you aren’t hungry before you hit the store. It’ll make avoiding the temptations that much easier.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Proving Grounds: Strength today. Get ready to give it your all again—this time with your dumbbells!

Your tasks:

Fitness: Post Proving Grounds Score #2

This is your time to set your baseline score for Proving Grounds: Strength. Be sure to grab your dumbbells because this workout includes ten 60-second strength-based challenges—and one additional challenge from Chris. Feel free to lighten the weight and modify when you need to—this score is meant to be beat!

Ground Rule #4: Change is Contagious. Posting a score in the Proving Grounds means you are looking for change. You want to see change each week and beat your previous score. As you work toward that score, remember that getting stronger means feeling more confident—and that all begins with trying to do just one more rep of one more move. As you push yourself, remember that Change is Contagious.

I’m thinking you might be a little extra fatigued after hitting the Proving Grounds with weights and that will probably continue after your first few strength-based workouts in the program as your muscle adapt. If you are looking for a way to help build and repair muscle tissue, or just want help to muscle protein synthesis and growth, Beachbody Performance Recover is a great option. Make sure you drink it within 30 minutes after your workout—your muscles will thank you for it!

And if you want to give your muscles some extra love, try Beachbody Performance Recharge. I like this nighttime option because I go to sleep knowing my muscles will get key nutrients to help them recover and repair overnight—all I have to do is close my eyes and voila! The next day, my body feels more ready to take on a tough workout.

Nutrition: Stock Up

So now that you’ve planned out your meals, it’s time to get the ingredients for them. Make a list and go grocery shopping! Just make sure you aren’t hungry before you hit the store. It’ll make avoiding the temptations that much easier.



Proving Grounds: Strength today. Get ready to give it your all again—this time with your dumbbells!

Your tasks:

Fitness: Post Proving Grounds Score #2

This is your time to set your baseline score for Proving Grounds: Strength. Be sure to grab your dumbbells because this workout includes ten 60-second strength-based challenges—and one additional challenge from Chris. Feel free to lighten the weight and modify when you need to—this score is meant to be beat!

Ground Rule #4: Change is Contagious. Posting a score in the Proving Grounds means you are looking for change. You want to see change each week and beat your previous score. As you work toward that score, remember that getting stronger means feeling more confident—and that all begins with trying to do just one more rep of one more move. As you push yourself, remember that Change is Contagious.

I’m thinking you might be a little extra fatigued after hitting the Proving Grounds with weights and that will probably continue after your first few strength-based workouts in the program as your muscle adapt. If you are looking for a way to help build and repair muscle tissue, or just want help to muscle protein synthesis and growth, Beachbody Performance Recover is a great option. Make sure you drink it within 30 minutes after your workout—your muscles will thank you for it!††‡

And if you want to give your muscles some extra love, try Beachbody Performance Recharge. I like this nighttime option because I go to sleep knowing my muscles will get key nutrients to help them recover and repair overnight—all I have to do is close my eyes and voila! The next day, my body feels more ready to take on a tough workout.

Nutrition: Stock Up

So now that you’ve planned out your meals, it’s time to get the ingredients for them. Make a list and go grocery shopping! Just make sure you aren’t hungry before you hit the store. It’ll make avoiding the temptations that much easier.

†† Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein.
‡ All products, flavors, and configurations may not be available in your market.


SHIFT SHOP | Prep Week | Day 7 | Rest

Woo-hoo! Prep Week is in the books and we officially start tomorrow. How exciting!

Your tasks:

Fitness: Rest Your Body

Although we haven’t officially started yet, you definitely had your fair share of exercise, so today I want you to rest. If you’re feeling tight, try Shift Mobility to loosen up for the beginning of Week 1!

Nutrition: Meal Prep

Meal plan.✔  Grocery Shop.✔  Now time to meal prep. Wash and bag greens and other produce; grill your protein; and cook big batches of spaghetti squash, beans, lentils, or roasted sweet potatoes. If possible, portion them out so they’re ready to grab when hunger hits.

Can’t wait until we really kick it off tomorrow. Remember to rest up and come ready to go for Week 1.


SHIFT SHOP | Week 1 | Day 1 | Speed :25

Welcome to Week 1: The SHIFT SHOP!

Today you will start with Speed :25. This is a quick 25-minute cardio workout that will engage your entire body and get you breaking a sweat. The 1-minute intervals will utilize 2 markers (blue and yellow) and are packed full of fun agility drills, so pay close attention to the moves Chris demonstrates—I want you to get the most out of today’s workout! For your safety, make sure you’re free and clear from surrounding objects.

Also, stick to your nutritional FUEL PLAN as best you can. I’d love to know how you prepared for your nutrition plan. Did you make it to the grocery store for all your meal plan needs? Was there meal prep involved? Are you finding the time to eat all your meals?

Keep in mind, since you’re challenging your body, you want to make sure it gets the essential nutrients it needs—and there’s Shakeology to help you with that. Shakeology is carefully crafted to meet your body’s complex needs. Its potent blend contains proteins, probiotics, superfoods, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals—nutrients that are hard to get from the average diet, let alone track down in a grocery store. So trust me when I say, you want to drink Shakeology every day!

Okay, everyone. LET’S GET BETTER!


SHIFT SHOP | Week 1 | Day 2 | Strength :25


Welcome to Strength :25!

This is a 25-minute, easy-to-learn resistance workout that helps build a strong foundation to set you up for success. Strength :25 includes 1-minute intervals designed to strengthen your upper and lower body, by using your body weight and dumbbells. If your form starts to slip, drop into that modification or slow it down—listen to your body, but don’t give up!

Throughout the program, we have “Shop Rules” that will help keep you focused and motivated as you power through.

Shop Rule #1: YOU NEED FORM TO PERFORM. The best results come from doing each move with great form, even if you have to lower resistance.

From here on out, you will add Shift Core to the end of every strength workout. This 12-minute ab routine will take you through nine 1-minute intervals to get your abs shredded and your core strong. Breathe through the tougher moves and modify when you need to.

You’ll need a light to medium set of dumbbells, some water, a towel, and your desire to get better!

Also, since you are hitting the weights again, definitely think about taking Beachbody Performance Recover after you work out and/or Beachbody Performance Recharge before you go to bed. With 20 grams of protein, it’s the perfect way to help support muscle recovery and come back strong tomorrow.*

Hit that play button and let’s get ready to work!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Welcome to Strength :25!

This is a 25-minute, easy-to-learn resistance workout that helps build a strong foundation to set you up for success. Strength :25 includes 1-minute intervals designed to strengthen your upper and lower body, by using your body weight and dumbbells. If your form starts to slip, drop into that modification or slow it down—listen to your body, but don’t give up!

Throughout the program, we have “Shop Rules” that will help keep you focused and motivated as you power through.

Shop Rule #1: YOU NEED FORM TO PERFORM. The best results come from doing each move with great form, even if you have to lower resistance.

From here on out, you will add Shift Core to the end of every strength workout. This 12-minute ab routine will take you through nine 1-minute intervals to get your abs shredded and your core strong. Breathe through the tougher moves and modify when you need to.

You’ll need a light to medium set of dumbbells, some water, a towel, and your desire to get better!

Also, since you are hitting the weights again, definitely think about taking Beachbody Performance Recover after you work out and/or Beachbody Performance Recharge before you go to bed. With 20 grams of protein, it’s the perfect way to help support muscle protein synthesis so you can come back strong tomorrow.

Hit that play button and let’s get ready to work!



Welcome to Strength :25!

This is a 25-minute, easy-to-learn resistance workout that helps build a strong foundation to set you up for success. Strength :25 includes 1-minute intervals designed to strengthen your upper and lower body, by using your body weight and dumbbells. If your form starts to slip, drop into that modification or slow it down—listen to your body, but don’t give up!

Throughout the program, we have “Shop Rules” that will help keep you focused and motivated as you power through.

Shop Rule #1: YOU NEED FORM TO PERFORM. The best results come from doing each move with great form, even if you have to lower resistance.

From here on out, you will add Shift Core to the end of every strength workout. This 12-minute ab routine will take you through nine 1-minute intervals to get your abs shredded and your core strong. Breathe through the tougher moves and modify when you need to.

You’ll need a light to medium set of dumbbells, some water, a towel, and your desire to get better!

Also, since you are hitting the weights again, definitely think about taking Beachbody Performance Recover after you work out and/or Beachbody Performance Recharge before you go to bed. With 20 grams of protein, it’s the perfect way to help support muscle protein synthesis so you can come back strong tomorrow.

Hit that play button and let’s get ready to work!


SHIFT SHOP | Week 1 | Day 3 | Speed :25

Speed :25 is back!

Shop Rule #2: TRY BEFORE YOU MODIFY. To see significant results out of the SHIFT SHOP, you want to push yourself. Go as hard as you can. But also remember to exercise care and caution—don’t overdo it. The more you challenge your body, the more it’s going to shift (in a really good way). But if you find yourself struggling after trying the moves, don’t be ashamed to follow the modifier. That’s what it’s there for.

Your equipment needs for the workout: Beachbody Agility Markers, some water, and a towel

And after today’s workout, please share: overall, how do you feel you did? Were there moments of doubt that you overcame? Did your speed increase? Did your form waiver? In what ways would you like to improve the next time around?


SHIFT SHOP | Week 1 | Day 4 | Strength :25


OK, we’re halfway through Week 1. Are you surviving? How’s everyone feeling?

This is your 2nd time doing Strength :25, which means you’re prepared for what’s to come but you may also be a little sore, so be sure to pay close attention to Chris’ cueing! Not only does proper form get you better results, it also strengthens your body and helps keep you safe from injuries.

Shop Rule #3: BREATHE THROUGH IT. You’re pushing a little harder now by doing two routines in one day. But you’re ready. You just have to remain centered and focused. You’ve got this!

Grab your light to medium set of dumbbells, some water, and a towel.

Add Shift Core to the end of today’s workout. If there were moves that you struggled with last time, try to push through them with proper form today.

Switching gears for a bit. Have you been taking Beachbody Performance Energize? A key ingredient in Energize is beta-alanine, an amino acid that helps buffer muscle acid buildup, increase output, and delay muscle fatigue.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



OK, we’re halfway through Week 1. Are you surviving? How’s everyone feeling?

This is your 2nd time doing Strength :25, which means you’re prepared for what’s to come but you may also be a little sore, so be sure to pay close attention to Chris’ cueing! Not only does proper form get you better results, it also strengthens your body and helps keep you safe from injuries.

Shop Rule #3: BREATHE THROUGH IT. You’re pushing a little harder now by doing two routines in one day. But you’re ready. You just have to remain centered and focused. You’ve got this!

Grab your light to medium set of dumbbells, some water, and a towel.

Add Shift Core to the end of today’s workout. If there were moves that you struggled with last time, try to push through them with proper form today.

Switching gears for a bit. Have you been taking Beachbody Performance Energize? The key ingredients in Energize help provide energy, buffer muscle acid buildup, enhance performance, and increase endurance.



OK, we’re halfway through Week 1. Are you surviving? How’s everyone feeling?

This is your 2nd time doing Strength :25, which means you’re prepared for what’s to come but you may also be a little sore, so be sure to pay close attention to Chris’ cueing! Not only does proper form get you better results, it also strengthens your body and helps keep you safe from injuries.

Shop Rule #3: BREATHE THROUGH IT. You’re pushing a little harder now by doing two routines in one day. But you’re ready. You just have to remain centered and focused. You’ve got this!

Grab your light to medium set of dumbbells, some water, and a towel.

Add Shift Core to the end of today’s workout. If there were moves that you struggled with last time, try to push through them with proper form today.

Switching gears for a bit. Have you been taking Beachbody Performance Energize? The key ingredients in Energize help provide energy, buffer muscle acid buildup, enhance performance, and increase endurance. †

† Vitamins C, B6, and B12 contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism.


SHIFT SHOP | Week 1 | Day 5 | Proving Grounds: Speed

Back to the Proving Grounds. Now that you’ve had some speed workouts in the Shop, it’s time to test your progress.

Since this is the first time you are revisiting this workout, there may be some moves you are unable to improve upon—and THAT’S OK! It’s best to pick a move—or two—from each round to focus on beating so you don’t burn out after the first round and struggle the rest of the way.

And when it comes to the final burnout, remember Shop Rule #9: Try to give me JUST. ONE. MORE.

But before we get to that…

 Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone in your group! This helps foster camaraderie and strengthens community spirit. It’s also a great way to encourage people to stay consistent with the program over the upcoming weekend. 

You could post about someone who’s been crushing the workouts, using the modifier option, or just staying really faithful to the FUEL PLAN. For example: Shout out to [NAME]! She’s been on point all week. Her determination is really inspiring. If you have a chance, tell [NAME] “great job” making the shift.

After finishing Proving Grounds: Speed, I’m curious…did your score improve from the first time you did it?


SHIFT SHOP | Week 1 | Day 6 | Proving Grounds: Strength

Today’s your second shot at rocking Proving Grounds: Strength! Are you ready to give it your all and see your score improve?

As you’re doing these workouts—and as you’re doing any workout—promise me that you’ll also do this…ACCEPT NO LIMITS.

Now, what’s everyone’s favorite move from the Proving Grounds: Strength? Here’s mine: [INSERT FAVORITE MOVE]. Take a picture of you doing yours, and post to the group feed.


SHIFT SHOP | Week 1 | Day 7 | Rest OR Shift Mobility

WOO-HOO! You made it through the first week.

Shop Rule #4: LOVE YOURSELF. You’ve had a hard-hitting week of cardio and weight training; now it’s time to stretch out those muscles in this 20-minute Shift Mobility active recovery workout. You’ll flow through a series of flexibility moves that will help loosen your lower back, arms, and legs. This is one of the most important routines for a body in motion, so take the time to show yourself some love!

For this mobility routine, you’ll need a full-sized towel for stretching, some water, and if you’re on a hard surface, a mat.

Take a deep breath.

You’re at the end of your first week! How do you feel? Have you stuck to the nutrition plan? What is your energy level like during your workouts and throughout the day?

Make sure you’ve shopped for all the food you need for next week. You get to eat an extra serving of vegetables each day, so load up your cart with items like spinach and celery. And remember, your Yellows are reducing, with legumes no longer included in your diet.


SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 1 | Speed :35

Welcome to Week 2’s Speed :35. We’ve added 10 minutes to last week’s Speed, which means the intensity and the marker formations have increased. You’ll need 3 markers to get through the 2 rounds. This workout is designed to improve your agility, build your stamina, and burn MORE calories, so make sure to finish the move before it finishes you!

All you’ll need for today’s workout is your agility markers, water, a towel, and the greatness that lies within you.

Aside from increasing your workout length, you’re going to consume more protein while cutting back on starchy carbs. Fortunately, you can still indulge in Shakeology to help you get the extra protein and help fill the nutrition gaps your body has so it can perform at its best. I like to have mine every morning to start the day strong but you can enjoy yours anytime to get your day’s share of potent (and delicious!) ingredients.

As you embark on Speed :35, note the intensity increases, along with the formations. The workout is designed to improve your agility, build your stamina, and burn more calories. So as you’re rocking the routine, keep this in mind…


SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 2 | Strength :35

Ready for some new challenges!? Today’s workout is Strength :35, so grab your weights! We’ve combined new moves with foundational moves to help increase your strength and endurance for both your upper and lower body. Since we’ve ramped up 10 minutes from last week, select weights that allow you to finish with proper form but still give you a challenge. Stay focused on what’s right in front of you as you go toward the burn to get through the move.

Add Shift Core to today’s workout. When moving through these 9 ab exercises, try focusing on holding in your abs. This will give your abs the challenge they need to transform!

For this workout, you’ll need a light to medium set of dumbbells, water, and a towel.

Now, let’s overcome some obstacles!


SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 3 | Speed :35


Since Speed :35 is longer than last week’s Speed workout, be sure to pace yourself when you’re up against fatigue. We want you to push yourself to be challenged, so even if you have to drop to the modification or slow it down in order to finish the move, do it! You are 100% in control.

For today’s workout you will need your agility markers, some water, and a towel.

Also, just a reminder to make sure you’re drinking enough water every day (your body weight/2 = minimal water in ounces). If you need hydration support during your workout—with an optimized balance of sugar, electrolytes, and water to help quickly replenish what’s lost through sweat—there’s also Beachbody Performance Hydrate.

Based on today’s workout, which moves did you conquer or fight through? Were there any moves you struggled with? Do you feel you’ve gotten faster since doing the first week?


SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 4 | Strength :35

Strength :35, Week 3…Oh my goodness, you’ve pushed through to Week 3 and it’s make-it-or-break-it time! Your body might feel like it’s too sore to keep going, your mental focus may be wavering, you might tell yourself you’re not getting stronger—but it’s all a lie! Now’s the time to drink your Shakeology, step up to the challenge, and show your body, mind, and spirit you’re capable of more! When you feel your muscles burning, your legs on fire, your old self trying to rear its ugly little head, challenge it all by going toward the burn!

Add Shift Core to today’s workout and find a few moves you struggled with last time that you can finish strong with this time.

Remember to grab your markers, some water, and a towel.

What moves did you push through? What were some of the thoughts that ran through your head that almost stopped you from going toward the burn? What were the thoughts that pushed you through? What moves will you focus on in Week 4?


SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 5 | Proving Grounds: Speed

Third round at the Proving Grounds starts now.

Okay, so you should really know the moves now, and I’m really curious about how you’re doing. Has your score improved? If so, by how much? And if you are really seeing an increase to your score, what are you doing? (Don’t keep your secrets from us.)


SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 6 | Proving Grounds: Strength

Proving Grounds: Strength take 3. Grab your weights and get ready to crush it today.

You know the workout. You know the moves. There’s no excuse not to be ready and start each move on time. Give it your all!

Now that you have 2 workouts to look back on, find the moves you’ve struggled with and make a point to get an extra rep in on those. You’ll be surprised how your overall score will improve.

Since we’re almost 2 weeks into the program, I’d like you to really start assessing your progress. That starts with your Proving Grounds, but also by your measurements and weights. Take new ones today, and compare them to your original. 

Keep in mind that, oftentimes, your shift won’t show up right away on the scale or in the exact photo you’re taking. But there are huge health and fitness victories outside of that. There are changes happening on the inside, too. Feel any difference since you’ve cleaned up your diet and started drinking Shakeology? Got a little (or a lot) more energy to get through the day? Maybe “getting through your day” doesn’t apply to you anymore and you’re really at the top of your game, day in and day out. Those are all big wins and count just as much as the physical victories. Continue to adopt the SHIFT SHOP mindset and you will keep improving as the program goes along, and even long after the program is completed.

So snap a few pics and share with the group if you’d like. Would love to see your progress!

Here’s Rayna’s awesome SHIFT SHOP results. Talk about motivation…


SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 7 | Rest OR Shift Mobility

Congrats on getting through Week 2! With only 1 week left, I know YOU CAN DO THIS!

Remember where you were 2 weeks ago—and focus on where you want to be. Week 3 is when everything comes together.

After another full week of cardio and strength-building workouts, we are back at our active recovery Shift Mobility workout. Today’s Shop rule is about being patient with yourself as you move through each interval. Showing yourself this kind of love will help you stay focused on releasing muscle tightness, keeping proper form, and stabilizing your body and your mind.

You’ll need a full-sized towel to help with stretching, some water, and if you’re on a hard surface, a mat.

Another week down…how do you feel, overall? Are there areas you can improve? Are you feeling or seeing the benefits of this end-of-the-week stretch-out? Would you consider adding this workout midweek to gain more flexibility and muscle recovery?

Do yourself a favor and plan your meals out for the entire week, so nothing can stand in the way of your success.

And as you think about the task ahead, keep in mind Chris’ personal philosophy, which will carry you through the next week and beyond…


SHIFT SHOP | Week 3 | Day 1 | Speed :45

It’s your final week. Can you believe it!? Of course you can!

This isn’t over yet, so stay focused! We’ve upped the ante for this 45-minute Speed workout by giving you more dynamic agility drills designed to continue to ramp up your conditioning. You’ll be working with all 4 markers and moving through 3 rounds. This is the hardest cardio workout in the program, so remember to pace and listen to your body but also challenge yourself so that you can crush your Proving Grounds results! And you WILL sweat, so be sure to have Hydrate on hand to keep you quenched the whole way through.

For this workout, all you will need is your agility markers (all 4 of them!), water, and a towel.

Will it be challenging? You bet. So here’s what I want you to do…


Now is when you really start to see your best results. So stay positive. Embrace and celebrate the challenge before you.


SHIFT SHOP | Week 3 | Day 2 | Strength :45

Today, we’re going to start with Shop Rule #8: GO BIGGER TO GET BETTER.

Your workout is Strength :45! This routine will challenge every muscle to help increase definition in your arms, back, legs, and glutes. We’ve added 10 minutes to last week’s workouts, so make sure you’re focusing on good form, while keeping up with your Shop Crew. You’ve got 3 rounds of work in this ultimate resistance workout—grab your weights and get your mind right!

All you’ll need for today’s workout is your light to medium set of dumbbells, some water, and a towel.

Adding Shift Core to today’s workout will be your greatest challenge yet, so make sure you are mentally prepared to jump right in once you’ve finished Strength :45. Stay focused and finish hard!

The final week is sometimes harder than the first week as you may battle with some negative inner dialogue trying to stop you from pushing to the finish line. How’s the final week treating you mentally and physically? Are you bursting with confidence or bursting at the seams? Do you feel your nutrition is a factor? How has drinking Shakeology daily helped you stay on track with your nutrition goals? What are some of the physical results you’re noticing?

Need a little #TransformationTuesday inspiration?

Check out Carlos who crushed it with the SHIFT SHOP…


SHIFT SHOP | Week 3 | Day 3 | Speed :45

 Coach Tip

This is another great day to recognize the efforts of someone in your group. 

You could post about someone who’s really making a shift in the way they look, the way they’re thinking about exercise and nutrition, or both!

The first Speed :45 was no joke, making the 2nd time around a serious challenge. You know what’s to come and you know you have to push even harder, but instead of letting the challenge scare you or make you feel it’s unbeatable, celebrate it! Recognize that, yes, this will be hard, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to soften your desire to becoming the best you—you’re going to push through this even harder because you’ve been training like a pro and pros always finish on top!

Remember to grab your agility markers, some water, and a towel.

For each of you, look back at the promise you made to get better before you started. Use it to fuel your mindset the rest of the way.


SHIFT SHOP | Week 3 | Day 4 | Strength :45

Strength :45 is asking you to safely challenge yourself to move to the next level, to beat your last numbers in both your reps and your weights. Just like the muscles you’ve been breaking down and rebuilding, these are the moments that help you grow into a stronger, more confident YOU!

Grab those heavier weights, some water, and a towel, and let’s go bigger to get better!

Remember to add Shift Core to today’s workout. If you have it in you, add a light or medium weight to your moves!

Did you up your weights? If so, what were some of the new challenges you faced? If you kept your weights the same as last week, did you find another way to grow from your experience?

Shop Rule #9: JUST. ONE. MORE.

 Speaks for itself, right?

This is the home stretch where we get seriously LEANER, FASTER, AND STRONGER. What we put into it is what we get out of it. And that goes for our nutrition as well. Stick to veggies and proteins, and make sure you’re drinking your Shakeology daily.


SHIFT SHOP | Week 3 | Day 5 | Proving Grounds: Speed

This is your last chance to prove your agility at the Proving Grounds. Grab those markers and get ready to do your absolute best.

Make sure today you follow Shop Rule #10: PUSH WITH PURPOSE.

Because once again, you’re an inspiration. To me, to your friends, and to your family.


SHIFT SHOP | Week 3 | Day 6 | Proving Grounds: Strength

Your last day at the Proving Grounds—and last day of workouts for that matter! Can you believe it?

Today is all about performance. This is your chance to see some incredible improvement on that strength score. 

And once you write down that final number of reps/weight, please share what moves have improved most. Did your speed or strength score improve more?

If you really want to see how far you’ve come, compare today’s score against your Prep Week score and please share. You’ll be amazed. 

Also, reward yourself with Beachbody Performance Recover for pushing your strength to the limits! Remember to drink it within 30 minutes of your workout for best results.


SHIFT SHOP | Week 3 | Day 7 |

OMG, right? CONGRATULATIONS! We’ve crossed the finish line. Just a little Shift Mobility today to reward your body for all it’s been through. This is the VERY LAST DAY! I know that you have the option use this final day as a rest day and start your celebration early, but remember why you did this in the first place. Was it to get back into shape? To build strength in your body? At the base of these goals is a desire to relocate the love you have for yourself, and finishing this program with Shift Mobility will help solidify all your hard work you’ve put into your self-transformation. Give it your all. Every time.  

Which brings us to the last thing I want to share with you…



You’ve made the shift to get better. To reinvent yourself. And because you shifted your mindset as well as your body, you’ll be able to build on these achievements for the rest of your life.

And the rest of your life starts now. So here’s what you want to do today…

  1. Take your “after” photos.
  2. Go to and enter the Beachbody Challenge contest. You’ll not only have the chance to win amazing prizes, but Beachbody will even send you a free gift while supplies last!
  3. Get some SHIFT SHOP gear to show off the shift you’ve made.


AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, prepare for your next fitness journey. You could do another round of the SHIFT SHOP. You could follow the maintenance plan. Or you could take on a different program, which your Coach can help you select.

On the nutrition side, you can also start to phase back in the Yellow container. But do it slowly. You could go back to the Week 2 eating plan for a couple days. Then go back to what you did in Week 1, slowly reintroducing the grains. See how your body responds throughout the process. Now that you know you can survive while modifying the Yellows, let them serve you when your body needs them most.

And, finally, remember…fitness + nutrition + support = results. So make sure to continue improving your overall health by eating right and setting a strong nutritional foundation for your day by drinking Shakeology daily. Healthy habits build upon each other and lead to bigger wins!

It’s been a blast leading this Challenge Group for you guys—thanks for joining!
