Transform :20 | Prep Week | Day 1

Welcome to our Transform :20 Challenge Group!

Who’s excited about Transform: 20? I know I am. Shaun T, a Step, and 20 minutes a day! Sounds too good to be true. I’m also super excited about this group. The #1 goal is for us to support and challenge each other every day, every step toward completing Transform :20. Let’s be here for each other and share our goals and challenges—and especially our transformations over the next 6 weeks. That’s why we’re here, right?

Make no mistake, Transform :20 is hard. It’s fast, and you’re moving for the entire 20 minutes. That’s right, there’s no rest. What else would you expect from Shaun T? I call it “INSANITY on a step!” If you’re new to Shaun T, get ready for the workout of your life. We’re going to be sweaty. There’s lots of cardio. But we’re also going to transform our butt, abs, arms, and legs—this Step works everything! Plus, every day (even on rest days) you’ll be drinking Shakeology, which gives your body the nutritional foundation you need to help you tackle Transform :20*—and beyond. On workout days, you’ll also take Beachbody Performance for your pre- and post-workout needs to help you get the best results possible from Transform :20.*

Let’s kick off the 6 weeks by getting to know each other and sharing the answers to these questions in the comments section below:

  1. Why are you excited for Transform:20?
  2. Where do you live?
  3. What is your occupation?
  4. Which Shakeology flavor(s) are you drinking?
  5. Which Beachbody Performance supplement(s) are you taking and why?
  6. What are your goals?
  7. How can our supportive group best help you reach your goals?

If you want a sample of what you can expect, head over to Beachbody On Demand and try one of the 2 preview workouts Shaun T created for you. You can also start exploring the Transform :20 Program Materials—I’ll get into more details about those later.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Transform :20 | Prep Week | Day 2

It’s just you, a Step, and Shaun T—sounds easy, right? Transform :20 is hard, but if you commit to giving it your best for 20 minutes every day for 6 weeks, I promise you will feel so accomplished and so motivated, not to mention you’ll love the results!

Your first thought is probably “a Step?!” And then either, “I used to love step aerobics” or “my mom used to do step aerobics.” Trust me, this isn’t your mom’s step aerobics. And for those of you who love step workouts, Shaun T has transformed them. This is serious fitness and functional fitness that could only come from Shaun T. So be prepared to work. The good news is 20 minutes go by so fast. And we will all be doing it together. Here are some more details on the program.

  • It’s 6 days a week for 6 weeks
  • It’s broken into 3 two-week chapters: COMMIT, CLIMB, and CONQUER
  • Each day features three Transformers, which are 1-minute challenges from Shaun T. You’ll have to write down how you do on each of these so that you can track your progress over the next 6 weeks.
  • New to fitness? Or haven’t worked out in awhile? There are modifiers on and off the Step for you to follow!

Daily motivation is also a huge part of Transform :20. Each week, you can go behind the scenes and get inspired by Shaun T—he’s going to be posting daily videos meant to give us all a little extra motivation to keep going!

And finally—your nutrition. This is crucial. No matter how hard you’ll be working (and trust me, you’ll be working hard), you’ve got to eat right and make sure you build a healthy nutritional foundation with your daily Shakeology. It’s packed with protein, fiber, vitamins, superfoods, probiotics, and other essentials you need to help you tackle a tough program like Transform :20. If you’re looking for maximum results, I also recommend adding Beachbody Performance supplements on days you work out. I’ll post about that in a few days.

Transform :20 | Prep Week | Day 3

Ready to dig in and get more details? Head over to Beachbody On Demand and check out the Program Materials. Here’s what you’ll find:


  • All 6 weeks of workouts
  • Get Ready to Transform – Shaun T created this video to give you an overview of all things Transform :20, including what materials are available to you
  • Step Safety – This is super important! Make sure you watch this one to see how to properly use the Step for all moves.
  • Transform Your Life with Shaun T – Behind the scenes with Shaun T and the cast for real-life motivation and transformations!

Transformation Tools:

  • Get Started Guide – This is a complete overview of the program and workouts, plus 5 simple steps to do before you start
  • 6-Week Transformation Tracker – Keep track of what you eat, your workouts, and your daily progress, plus get daily words of wisdom and motivation from Shaun T
  • Wall Calendar/Tracker – Gives you an overview of each day’s workout with spaces to track your Transformers
  • Hybrid Calendar – You’ll follow this calendar if you plan on incorporating the 6 bonus weighted workouts
  • Beachbody Nutrition Guide – To get the best results and complement your workouts, select an eating plan customized for you and optimized for Transform :20, plus tons of recipes, food lists, and more

What are your goals for Transform :20? What do you hope to get out of this incredible program?


Transform :20 | Prep Week | Day 4

Here’s my favorite part about Transform :20: Literally all you need is a Step. That’s it. I can help you if you need to purchase a Beachbody Step while supplies last, or you can find one online.

Take today to watch the Step Safety video I mentioned yesterday, and really get familiar with the Wall Calendar/Tracker and the 6-Week Transformation Tracker. These two resources will be part of your workout every day—so make sure you know how to use them.

Also, make sure you’re all set up with Shakeology and Beachbody Performance supplements. As I’ve said, this is a fast, intense program, and you’re going to want all the firepower you can get. Hit me up if you want to know more about either of these incredible additions to your day.


Transform :20 | Prep Week | Day 5

We’re just a few days away from starting Transform :20, so let’s talk about how we’re going to do this together. Ideally, you’ll start the program on Monday. The program calendar is built around a Monday through Saturday schedule, with Sundays off. 6 days a week, for 6 weeks. Sunday is perfect for a stretch routine, a nice walk, or just taking it easy. This is also the day to watch Transform Your Life with Shaun T. Each workout is 20 minutes, so you can build your day around knowing that the workouts are all the same length for easy scheduling.

Have you checked out the Beachbody Nutrition Guide yet? If not, take a look, including the sections on meal prepping and planning. I know that requires a little time upfront, but it’s worth the investment! Taking an hour or two out of your weekend to plan your menu, grocery shop, and prepare some meals in advance allows you to spend the rest of the week focusing on your Transform :20 workouts. It also helps you avoid making bad food choices if you’re too tired to cook.

And remember, you can use containers or 2B Mindset with Transform :20. Planning and prepping works for both of them!


Transform :20 | Prep Week | Day 6

I’ve been talking a lot about what’s to come. One thing I want everyone to remember is that this group is for YOU, all of you. So, post pics of your body and your meals, or post brags, even when you’re not exactly feeling the motivation—lean on me and on each other to push play and keep going and to FINISH.

One thing I love about Shaun T is that he has an incredibly motivating style that makes me want to dig DEEP and WORK! And he always says, “Get your body tight and your mind right.” In Transform :20, you’ll notice that he’s just as focused on your personal transformation as the physical transformation. He believes “it’s not just about the after photo.” And he’s here to motivate and inspire you and give you strength to conquer any obstacle and any challenge in your life—that’s what Transform: 20 is all about.

So take a minute to think about some of the challenges or obstacles you are facing in your life right now or have been struggling with for some time and let’s commit to ourselves to use this time to get stronger so we can deal better and feel better.


Transform :20 | Prep Week | Day 7

We are one day away! One thing you probably saw in the 6-Week Transformation Tracker is the section about taking your “before” photos and measurements. It’s super important, and if you haven’t done it, do it NOW. This is how you’ll track your progress throughout the program. As an extra incentive, if you keep track of your photos, weight, and measurements, you can enter the Beachbody Challenge when you finish the program by visiting When you enter and submit your results, you will also receive a free gift (while supplies last) to celebrate your success. You can also visit that website now to learn more about taking those photos and measurements.

Now, here’s how to make the most of tomorrow, DAY 1:

      • Plan your meals for the day (extra credit if you plan for the week)
      • Take your Shakeology and Beachbody Performance supplements
      • Have your Step, towel, and water bottle ready to go
      • Make sure you have the 6-Week Transformation Tracker and Wall Calendar/Tracker handy to track your Transformers
      • Watch Episode 1 of Transform Your Life with Shaun T. And if you haven’t already, make sure you watch the Meet the Cast episode as well

See you all tomorrow!


Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 1

Today starts Chapter 1: COMMIT

This is Day 1: BURN. You’ll be moving from the first minute to the last, so get ready to sweat. Shaun T will take you through a series of moves on the Step that will push you to really dig deep. There are three Transformers, aka challenges: Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman.

I want to see how you improve in the next 6 weeks with these Transformers, so please film yourself doing one of these challenges in this first week. I’ll remind you again in Week 6 to do this again, and share the side-by-side comparison with our group using the hashtag #transform20

Make sure you use the Wall Calendar/Tracker to keep track of Transformers.

When you’re done with today’s workout, share with everyone your thoughts about the workout! Did you sweat? Was it fun? How amazing is Shaun T? I am so excited for tomorrow.


Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 2

How are you feeling today? Ready for Day 2? Today is FASTER. Exactly as it sounds. It will have a more cardio focus than yesterday, with an emphasis on footwork. Pace yourself and modify as needed! Here are your three Transformers: Over Top, X Jack; L Reach; and Ski Abs, In/Out.

Need a “spring in your step”? Energize is my go-to fuel to power me through my workouts. One of the key ingredients is beta-alanine, which helps increase muscle carnosine levels to help buffer muscle acid buildup, increase power output, and delay muscle fatigue.*

BEACHBODY PERFORMANCE TIP: If you take Energize, have you noticed a tingling feeling shortly after you drink it? It can be a normal reaction to beta-alanine, an amino acid in Energize. Some people tingle, some don’t. It often goes away once you start exercising and with continued, regular use.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 3

Three days in! I’m so proud of all of you for committing. How’s everyone feeling? More confident on the Step? Are you feeling coordinated, less out of breath? I know I feel it in my calves and glutes. Be sure to take note of the little things—they add up!
Today is Day 3: STRONGER. The pace will be slower, but that doesn’t mean it’s easier. You’re going to feel the burn. Shaun T also has three great Transformers for you: 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop. As always, make sure you write down how you do. You’ll notice in Week 2 why this is important.

How’s your nutrition? Take a few minutes to answer the questions below.

Are you tracking your food?
How is your water intake?
Are you eating breakfast?
Are you struggling with nighttime eating?
Are you hungrier?
Any special meals or recipes you want to share?

Snack time: Now that you’ve “COMMITTED” to 20 minutes a day, you may find your appetite increases. One of my favorite recommendations for when I don’t want an entire meal but still need a snack is BEACHBAR—a delicious snack bar packed with 10 grams of protein and just 150 calories. I always keep one packed in my bag. They taste great and are a perfect treat without the guilt.


Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 4


One of the things you’ll notice is that even though the workouts are only 20 minutes, the amount of effort you’re putting into those 20 minutes is pretty incredible. So, before we talk about today’s workout, I just want you to congratulate yourself on committing and showing up. Now, let’s get to it…

Day 4, POWERFUL packs a lot into 20 minutes. It’s got cardio, total-body conditioning, and some resistance moves that will help you build strength. The three Transformers are Parkour (fun!), Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

You might really be feeling these 4 days of workouts, so here’s a tip. Eat protein in regular intervals. Your body can only use so much protein at a time for replenishing your muscles, so it’s important to space it out over your day. Shoot for about 20g at each meal. (A Red Portion should do the trick.)

And if you really want to dial in your nutrition, add Beachbody Performance Recover and Recharge into the mix.

Beachbody Performance Recover within 30 minutes after your workout provides 20 grams of protein (among other things) to help replenish your muscles and support muscle protein synthesis and growth.*

Beachbody Performance Recharge one hour before bed helps support lean muscle growth and helps build and repair muscle tissue. It helps you wake up ready to crush your next workout

Have you used either of these supplements? If so, tell us what differences you’ve noticed.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



One of the things you’ll notice is that even though the workouts are only 20 minutes, the amount of effort you’re putting into those 20 minutes is pretty incredible. So, before we talk about today’s workout, I just want you to congratulate yourself on committing and showing up. Now, let’s get to it…

Day 4, POWERFUL packs a lot into 20 minutes. It’s got cardio, total-body conditioning, and some resistance moves that will help you build strength. The three Transformers are Parkour (fun!), Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

You might really be feeling these 4 days of workouts, so here’s a tip. Eat protein in regular intervals. Your body can only use so much protein at a time for replenishing your muscles, so it’s important to space it out over your day. Shoot for about 20g at each meal. (A Red Portion should do the trick.)

And if you really want to dial in your nutrition, add Beachbody Performance Recover and Recharge into the mix.

Beachbody Performance Recover within 30 minutes after your workout provides 20 grams of protein (among other things) to help replenish your muscles and support muscle protein synthesis and growth.*

Beachbody Performance Recharge one hour before bed helps support lean muscle growth and helps build and repair muscle tissue. It helps you wake up ready to crush your next workout

Have you used either of these supplements? If so, tell us what differences you’ve noticed.



One of the things you’ll notice is that even though the workouts are only 20 minutes, the amount of effort you’re putting into those 20 minutes is pretty incredible. So, before we talk about today’s workout, I just want you to congratulate yourself on committing and showing up. Now, let’s get to it…

Day 4, POWERFUL packs a lot into 20 minutes. It’s got cardio, total-body conditioning, and some resistance moves that will help you build strength. The three Transformers are Parkour (fun!), Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

You might really be feeling these 4 days of workouts, so here’s a tip. Eat protein in regular intervals. Your body can only use so much protein at a time for replenishing your muscles, so it’s important to space it out over your day. Shoot for about 20g at each meal. (A Red Portion should do the trick.)

And if you really want to dial in your nutrition, add Beachbody Performance Recover into the mix.

Beachbody Performance Recover within 30 minutes after your workout provides 20 grams of protein (among other things) to help replenish your muscles and support muscle protein synthesis and growth.*

Have you used Beachbody Performance? If so, tell us what differences you’ve noticed.


Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 5

Almost there! You’re doing great. But don’t take my word for it—let’s share with each other some words of encouragement. Share yours in the comments below—every bit helps, especially if you’re feeling like you need a little motivation.

Today is Day 5: CUT. This is all about reps, and lots of them. The pace is intense as always, so watch your feet and make sure you’re safely using the Step. The three Transformers are Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle.

How has your mood improved during Transform :20? What’s been your greatest motivation?


Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 6

Bam! This is the last workout of the week, and I’ll be the first to admit that I’m looking forward to my rest day tomorrow.

This is Day 6: BALANCED. What a great way to end the week! This has elements for your core as well as some great stretches, to help make sure your muscles are fully prepped for the day off tomorrow. Today’s Transformers are Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips. Finish strong today! This is it for the week.

What are you most looking forward to doing tomorrow on your rest day? What are you going to do to recover?

 Coach Tip

Now would be a great time to highlight someone’s Success Story. Here’s one that caught my eye: Jessica D. You can use the photo to highlight someone’s great results and say something like, “Amazing transformation.”


Transform :20 | Week 1 | Day 7

Our first rest day, and I definitely need it. How about you? One thing to remember on these rest days is that they’re not CHEAT days. So even though you aren’t working out, there’s no excuse to cheat on your eating plan; you’re only cheating yourself. We all want great results, so keep your focus!

So, looking back, what was your favorite part of Week 1? What are you excited about for Week 2?

Don’t forget to watch Transform Your Life with Shaun T for what’s coming up this week, and for tons of inspiration from him. Stay motivated! Stay committed! You’re doing great so far.

And don’t forget to use your 6-Week Transformation Tracker every single day. This is where you write down your workout; track your food, mood, Shakeology, and Beachbody Performance; and get a daily motivational quote from Shaun T. So helpful!


Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 1

We begin Week 2. Hopefully, your rest day yesterday fully recharged your batteries, because Shaun T is ready to get back to work.

Today is Day 8: BURN. Same philosophy as Day 1 last week, but the moves are different. By now, you’re seeing that no two workouts are the same—and that’s on purpose. It keeps things fun and fresh, and keeps your body moving in new and beneficial ways.

One thing that ISN’T changing are the Transformers. And that’s on purpose. Today’s Transformers will be the same as Day 1 – Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman. The idea is that you are tracking your progress by attempting the same challenges week after week, with the goal being that by Week 6, you’ll see meaningful changes in what you can accomplish.

How’s everyone feeling? Who needs an extra dose of motivation? Let’s cheer each other on!


Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 2

Hopefully by now, your body is used to these 20-minute workouts. Yes, they’re intense, but they’re also fast, giving you a really effective workout in a short amount of time. As you may have noticed, Shaun T is ramping up the speed and the moves, so you’re probably working harder than last week.

Day 9: FASTER. This is all about what your feet are doing, so make sure you’re pushing yourself, while also being mindful of Step safety. If you need a refresher on the best way to use the Step, rewatch the Step Safety video. The three Transformers are Over Top, X Jack; L Reach; and Ski Abs, In/Out.

Don’t forget to stay hydrated. Shaun T recommends that you drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day—and even more if you’re feeling thirsty or sweating a lot. That means if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water each day.

I was wondering, when do you drink your Shakeology? Do you make it a nutrition part of breakfast? Or part of another meal? Or do you enjoy it as a snack? I’m a breakfast Shakeology person myself. This morning, I had an amazing concoction from the Beachbody Blog: Blueberry Sunshine Shakeology. You can find it here ( along with 14 other fantastic Shakeology breakfast recipes, including a Glowing Green Smoothie Bowl that I’m going to try tomorrow!


Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 3

We are blasting through Transform :20 and you are doing GREAT. If this is your first Shaun T program, welcome. His passion, motivation, and powerful style are truly inspiring. How has he gotten you to dig deeper and work harder?

Today is Day 10: STRONGER. Be sure you’re really focusing on how you’re transitioning on and off the Step. Of course, safety first, speed second. Shaun T will be pushing you to focus and harness your mind today. Your three Transformers are 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop. Don’t forget to record how you do in your Tracker.

 Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone in your group! It helps people feel good about themselves and all the work they’re putting into Transform :20. This isn’t an easy program. But if a person can stick with it, the results speak volumes.


Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 4

Even though we are in Week 2, this is still about building your foundation. Hopefully, you’ve begun to really harness your mind—getting rid of negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones. Transform :20 is about body AND mind. You’ve got to work both!

Let’s get sweating. Today is Day 11: POWERFUL, and although it will feel like last week’s POWERFUL, the workout is unique. Same energy, same effort, so I know you’re going to bring your best. Your Transformers are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

If you’re feeling like this extra work is really burning a lot of calories, and you’re looking for a snack that’s packed with protein, I love BEACHBAR. They come in two amazing flavors that are gluten-free. It’s the perfect snack when you’re on-the-go or to satisfy any hunger pangs between meals. They have 10 grams of protein and just 150 calories.


Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 5

Let’s do this! Day 12: CUT. This is all about getting that body tight. Transform :20 targets your glutes, core, abs, and upper body. Today’s workout is going to push you to to the limit. The three Transformers are Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle.

I’ve got a big surprise for tomorrow—some results! That’s right—true, real, actual transformations from people who’ve finished Transform :20 and love their results.

What are you hoping to get out of Transform :20? Body and mind: What are your goals? Let’s share below!


Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 6

Last day of the workout week, and last day of Chapter 1: COMMIT. I’m so proud you’ve made it this far, and yes, I know it hasn’t been easy. Transform :20 is an intense program, and by now you’ve had to dig deep and really push to finish each day.

Day 13: BALANCED. Like last week, you’ll be mixing in some stretches with your workout. By now your body should be getting used to the pace and effort needed. Your Transformers are Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips.

As I mentioned yesterday, here are Camille’s results after finishing Transform :20. Talk about motivation!


Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 7

CONGRATULATIONS! TODAY IS A BIG DAY! You’ve just finished Chapter 1: COMMIT. Be sure to grab your sticker, place it on your Step, and snap a pic and share it with everyone! Now, take a good minute to look over the last 2 weeks and see how far you’ve come. Want proof? Check your Transformers progress. I bet you’ve already noticed some changes.

For this Challenge Group, my main focus is to help as many people as I can achieve their goals. Whether that is to lose weight, gain muscle, or look amazing at that wedding, I want to help you. Do you have anyone in your life who could use a little encouragement to get on the path to being healthier and happier? Use today’s rest day to reach out to them and see how you can motivate them to reach THEIR goals.

Be sure to check out Transform Your Life with Shaun T for motivation (lots) and a head’s up of the upcoming week.

Today is also a great day to meal-prep for the week ahead, and recommit to your eating plan. If you’ve stuck with it, that’s awesome. I always say that committing to changing your nutrition can be harder than committing to a fitness program!


Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 1

Chapter 2: CLIMB begins today! Just like the title suggests, this is where we take the foundation we’ve built over the last two weeks and pick it up—a little faster, a little more intense, and a little more transformation. There are also some new moves, so get ready to work hard. Drink a little pick-me-up with Energize, which can help you sharpen your focus and reaction time so you can stay focused and energized to crush today’s workout.*

Day 15: BURN. Let’s do this. It’s all about fat burning and getting a good sweat. Today’s 20 minutes will FLY by. In this new chapter, the Transformers stay the same—hopefully you’re making good progress as this is the third time you’ve done these three together: Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman.

It’s the first day of the new chapter, and Beachbody Performance Recover is more important than ever after your workouts. As a matter of fact, Beachbody recently completed a study with a major university in England showing exactly how well Recover works!

I like to geek out on science a little sometimes, which is why I found this infographic explaining the study on the Beachbody Blog to be really interesting!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 2

I love FASTER. Such a fun way to power through this workout. It’s Day 16: FASTER, which means some new moves and a quicker pace. You’ll have to push to keep up, but I know you can do it. Your three Transformers are Over Top, X Jack; L Reach; and Ski Abs, In/Out.

What’s your favorite new move? Share it with the group.

 Coach Tip

This is another great time to highlight another Transform :20 transformation. Here’s a good one: Tiffany F.


Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 3

How’s everyone doing with their daily Shakeology? Shakeology goes beyond just helping fill nutritional gaps with a healthy foundation of protein, probiotics, digestive enzymes, antioxidants, and vitamins—it helps you feel good so that you can tackle the challenge of every Transform :20 workout.* It’s an easy—but powerful—first step that will help you start each day on the road to fitness AND nutrition success.

Today is Day 17: STRONGER. You’ll feel these moves today and probably tomorrow as they are all about getting you stronger and leaner. Your Transformers are 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop.

Make sure you’re logging your workouts, your Shakeology, and anything else on your mind in your 6-Week Transformation Tracker.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 4

We’re nearing the end of Week 3, and by now you’ve experienced a lot of the Transform :20 moves. Which one is your favorite? Prove it by posting a pic!

This is Day 18: POWERFUL, and yes, you will feel mighty and unstoppable after this workout. Be proud to make it through. Your Transformers are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch (I love these).


Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 5

Never forget—this is YOUR group. I want you to share what you’re proud of, what’s been a challenge, how you’ve used your mind to overcome your body…really anything that has been rattling around in your brain. Shaun T always talks about getting out of your own head—making sure you’re not talking yourself OUT of things but talking yourself INTO bringing it.

Today is Day 19: CUT, and you know the drill. You’ll be on, off, over, next to, and just generally working that step for 20 minutes solid. I really want you to crush the Transformers: Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle. Do it. Record it. Track your progress.


Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 6

Last workout of the week, and WOW are we flying through this. You are exactly at the halfway mark after today. It’s Day 20: BALANCED, and you’ll be in a great mood afterward because it’s part workout, part amazing stretch. The Transformers are Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips.

If you’ve missed some workouts or gotten off track with the nutrition, it’s OK. Take a moment and think about what got you off track. Was it not having enough healthy choices in the house or that box of donuts in the break room at work? Try to come up with ways to avoid things like this happening in the future and share your small victories with the group.

And the best thing to do is focus on those victories! Share with the group what these “victories” are! And remember, there are none too small.


Transform :20 | Week 3 | Day 7

On this rest day, I really want you to focus on what you’ve accomplished so far. Committing to a new fitness program is challenging. Committing to an eating plan to go with it is even more so.

One of the things I’ve loved about this program is the incredible motivation from Shaun T. He has so much wisdom. Can you recall anything he’s said that’s resonated with you?

As with every rest day, check out Transform Your Life with Shaun T. If there’s one thing I get from checking in with him is that life is all about BALANCE. Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy life.


Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 1

Back at it! It’s Day 22: BURN, and now that we’re on Week 4, it’s all about emptying the tank every single time you press play. Shaun T needs you to give him EVERYTHING for today’s 20 minutes. Your Transformers are Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman.

 Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone in your group! It’s a way to make someone feel good, but it also encourages everyone else to stay consistent with the program for the next week.

For example:
“Shout-out to [NAME]! She’s been pushing hard, getting better every week. And that inspires me. Let’s all give [NAME] a special shout-out!”


Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 2

How’s your form? I’m hoping by now you’ve gotten this part of the program dialed in, because it’s so crucial to muscle growth and overall results. When Shaun T says to watch your landings, he wants to make sure you’re not putting undue stress on your joints when you’re coming off the Step.

This is Day 23: FASTER, and by now you should be in cruise-missile mode: fast, agile, and always on target. Your Transformers are Over Top, X Jack; L Reach; and Ski Abs, In/Out.


Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 3

Did you know that Shaun T’s first class was a step class? It’s always stuck with him because it taught him the importance of form, speed, and constant motion. When you’re doing Transform :20, you can see where he got his inspiration.

This is Day 23: STRONGER. If you’ve had your Beachbody Performance Energize already, you might find you have a little extra energy to finish strong. Taking Energize before your workout can help increase your energy and endurance so you can PUSH to the finish line.* Your Transformers are 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop.

We’re on Week 4, so let’s share with each other something you’re loving about Transform :20 and something you’re still working on improving.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 4

By now, you’re probably in a great groove with the workouts—you’re keeping your mind focused on positivity and you’re paying attention to when you can push yourself a little harder. A total transformation is possible—but you have to work for it.

Let’s do it. Day 24: POWERFUL. When you’re using only your body weight, the only way to progress is to do more reps. Simple as that. That’s why Shaun T is always urging you to dig deeper and give him one more rep. Your Transformers are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.


Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 5

Look at us, nearing the end of ANOTHER week. Awesome, right?! You guys are doing great and I’m so proud of each and every one of you. So many of you have asked me what’s my favorite part of leading a Challenge Group and I’ll say it’s seeing all YOUR successes. Keep at it! Post pics and show off your hard work, and as always, make sure you’re using the hashtag #transform20.

Today is Day 26: CUT, and what I love about CUT days is that I really feel like the moves are chiseling off the fat and toning up my body in ways I can really SEE. Every time I look in the mirror, I know my hard work is paying off. Your Transformers are Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle.

Have you been tracking your Transformers progress? Shaun T knows you can make a lot of progress in 6 weeks, if you’re willing to give him 100% for every 20 minutes. Which Transformer is your favorite for CUT days?


Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 6

It’s the end of our workouts for Week 4, and after hearing from a lot of you about your progress, I’ve been blown away at how hard you’re all working. Incredible. It’s what happens when you harness your mind and PUSH yourself through your workout.

So, let’s finish this chapter and this week with Day 27: BALANCED. Your Transformers are Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips. Mindfulness is key on BALANCED days, because it’s all about making the most of this workout before your rest day and taking stock of the week you just finished. Ending your workout week in a positive headspace really helps you go into your rest day with a calm and positive mindset.


Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 7

You only have 2 weeks left, so I want you to think back to that week before we started Transform :20, when we first kicked off this group. Do you remember what goals you had? Think about how far you’ve come—that’s what I want you to work on today.

One reason I can never skip a day of Shakeology is that its potent mix of ingredients gives my body a huge amount of what I need to help me tackle Transform :20—and every other part of my day (even when I’m recovering!). There are so many good things in it you just don’t normally find at regular supermarkets. What’s your favorite way to enjoy Shakeology? I love it with ice and almond milk, but I also add fruits on some days.

Take a few moments to watch Transform Your Life with Shaun T. This really sets me up for the week ahead, because Shaun T really motivates me to make the most out of every day.


Transform :20 | Week 5 | Day 1

The third Chapter: CONQUER begins today, and we are going to CONQUER these last 2 weeks. Simple as that. We’ve gotten this far, we know what to expect, and we know what it takes to kick butt. Before I talk about today’s workout, I want to ask you what part of your body you’ve CONQUERED so far with Transform :20? Have you flattened your stomach or firmed up your glutes? Do you have more tone in your arms and legs? Let’s hear it!

This is Day 29: BURN, and just like the first 2 chapters, Shaun T will be turning up the intensity and speed and tossing in a bunch of new moves. This chapter is all about giving everything you’ve got. Your Transformers are Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman. I’m always a fan of Rocketman.

Let’s fire each other up for this week—who’s with me?


Transform :20 | Week 5 | Day 2

Let’s do it. You’ve got this—Day 30: FASTER. Grab your Energize because you’re going to need it today, grab your towel, and get ready to sweat. Your Transformers are Over Top, X Jack; L Reach; and Ski Abs, In/Out.

 Coach Tip

This is another great time to highlight another Transform :20 Success Story. Here’s a good one: Josh K.


Transform :20 | Week 5 | Day 3

Hump day! Middle of the workout week! It’s Day 31: STRONGER. You know what you need to do to get through this—work your butt off! Keep your head clear, stay motivated, and if you need some extra motivation, your 6-Week Transformation Tracker has a great motivational quote from Shaun T. Today’s Transformers are 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop.

 Coach Tip

Write about how Shakeology is crucial to your personal health/fitness successes and how you’re incorporating it into your Transform :20 routine. You can highlight that it’s carefully crafted and constantly innovated, with the body’s complex needs in mind. It has high-quality nutrients. It has a specialized mix of premium proteins, fiber, and beneficial fats, plus essential vitamins and minerals to help build a strong nutritional foundation. And all of this comes in one easy, delicious shake that helps you look and feel your best!

Also, ask some pointed questions to the group: Why do you want to be healthy? Who are you doing this for—you, your family, both? Encourage everyone to share.


Transform :20 | Week 5 | Day 4

Are you CONQUERING this week? I know you are! Let’s give each other a shout-out and some encouragement to crush today’s workout. It’s Day 32: POWERFUL and your Transformers are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

A few of you have pointed out that your Transformers are one of the things you most look forward to. Is that true for you? Let’s hear your thoughts.


Transform :20 | Week 5 | Day 5

We’re finishing the week STRONG! It’s Day 33: CUT and I know you’re going to give Shaun T everything you’ve got.

What do you think about the recipes in the Beachbody Nutrition Guide? I’m totally addicted to the cauliflower mash. Yum!

But even though these are great recipes, don’t forget that the recipes on Beachbody Blog all work great with the guide as well.

Once you’ve found the one (or two or five) you want, just scroll down to the bottom of the page to find out how many portions it’s worth. These recipes also work with Beachbody’s Portion Control Containers and with 2B Mindset.


Transform :20 | Week 5 | Day 6

Final workout day of the week, and I am ready to CRUSH it. Day 34: BALANCED. Your Transformers are Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips. As for me, my motivation for myself is “get on that Step, and get it done.”

What are some of the words you use to motivate yourself? What else do you do for motivation?


Transform :20 | Week 5 | Day 7

It’s your final rest day and the beginning of your final week of Transform :20. Wow! It’s been an incredible journey so far and we’ve been through a lot together in these past 5 weeks—and we’ve got 1 to go. I’m so proud of what you’ve all accomplished, but I want to say a little something about “expectations.” Often in my groups, I see people comparing their progress to someone else’s. Please don’t. Understand that everyone transforms at a different rate and in different ways.

This is YOUR journey. And hopefully you’ve discovered that when you COMMIT to a program and believe in yourself, you can accomplish anything.

 Coach Tip

Talk about the emotional impact you’ve had by leading this group. “It’s been so inspiring to help everyone work toward their best success and results,” etc.


Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 1

I hope you’ve been checking in with Shaun T and the cast with the behind-the-scenes show Transform Your Life with Shaun T. Watching it has helped me stay focused and motivated, and I always know I’m going to head into my workout even more fired up and ready to go.

So, this is it. The last week. First day’s workout—only 6 workouts and you are DONE with Transform :20.

Day 36: BURN. As I said, this is it. So I want you to BURN up this workout. Push yourself. It’s also your final time doing these three Transformers: Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman.


Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 2

Before we head into this workout, today is a great day to think back and really reflect on what you’ve done. Pull out your 6-Week Transformation Tracker and look at all those days where you showed up and didn’t give up. I’m so proud of you! Let’s hear you guys share some motivation and congrats with each other.

This is Day 37: FASTER. By now you should be going at max speed. Move those feet, stay nimble and light on your toes and the balls of your feet, and watch those landings. Your Transformers are Over Top, X Jack; L Reach; and Ski Abs, In/Out.


Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 3

You guys ROCK! We are on track to finish STRONG and finish PROUD. This is Day 38: STRONGER, and I want you to really think back to the first day you did this workout. Do you feel stronger? I bet you do. Share with the group what you’ve noticed most about your energy, stamina, and determination over the last 6 weeks.

Your Transformers are 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop.


Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 4

Do you see that? It’s the finish line and we only have three more workouts. THREE! How awesome that you’ve made it this far—and that we’ve all done it TOGETHER.

Day 39: POWERFUL. Your Transformers are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

Today is a full checklist day. Did you…
Enjoy your Shakeology?
Eat according to your eating plan?
Take your Beachbody Performance supplements?
Track your workout AND your Transformers?
Pat yourself on the back?

Tomorrow is a SPECIAL TREAT. I can’t wait to let you know what’s going on, but trust me, you are going to LOVE it.


Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 5


Today is going to be amazing. It’s Day 40: CUT and SHAUN-A-THON. Guess what? You’re going to do THREE sets of 3 Transformers—yep, you read that right. The first set of Transformers is Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle. The next three are Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman. The last three are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

Shaun T loves spreading motivation and giving you the TOOLS you need to truly transform your body and your mind. Even though this group will be ending soon, I hope you’ll stay committed to fitness and smart, healthy nutrition and the truly transformative Shakeology.

Tomorrow. Last workout. Sleep tight with a little Recharge so you have the strength to tackle tomorrow. See you then.



Today is going to be amazing. It’s Day 40: CUT and SHAUN-A-THON. Guess what? You’re going to do THREE sets of 3 Transformers—yep, you read that right. The first set of Transformers is Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle. The next three are Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman. The last three are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

Shaun T loves spreading motivation and giving you the TOOLS you need to truly transform your body and your mind. Even though this group will be ending soon, I hope you’ll stay committed to fitness and smart, healthy nutrition and the truly transformative Shakeology.

Tomorrow. Last workout. Sleep tight with a little Recharge so you have the strength to tackle tomorrow. See you then.



Today is going to be amazing. It’s Day 40: CUT and SHAUN-A-THON. Guess what? You’re going to do THREE sets of 3 Transformers—yep, you read that right. The first set of Transformers is Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle. The next three are Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman. The last three are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

Shaun T loves spreading motivation and giving you the TOOLS you need to truly transform your body and your mind. Even though this group will be ending soon, I hope you’ll stay committed to fitness and smart, healthy nutrition and the truly transformative Shakeology.

Tomorrow. Last workout. See you then.


Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 6

And here we are. The last day of the last week of the incredible Transform :20. This is Day 41: BALANCED, with Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips as your Transformers.

I know you’ve been working hard, but I really want you to think about today’s workout from a different angle—FUN. Every single step is built on 6 weeks of sheer willpower, determination, and commitment.

And don’t forget! Tomorrow is PICTURE DAY! So you’ll want to continue to stay on point! I like to take my pictures first thing in the morning, so I have the rest of the day to celebrate!


Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 7

As Shaun T says, you’re done, but you’re never finished. In a lot of ways, your transformation is all about getting you stronger, faster, and more able to KEEP GOING on your fitness journey—whether that’s doing another round of Transform :20 or firing up Beachbody On Demand to see what other programs grab your interest. Need some guidance? Give me a holler, and I can help point you in a great direction.

Now comes the fun part. Today’s the day to take those “after” pictures and write down your new measurements. You’ve earned your progress and it’s time to show off to others! You can enter the Beachbody Challenge Contest, and you’ll not only have the chance to win big cash prizes, but you will even receive a free gift (while supplies last). Go to for details.

Don’t forget to film your final 1-minute challenge like you did way back in Week 1. The idea is to submit them side by side, so we can show off to each other how far we’ve come.

One final thing: THANK YOU. Thank you for joining me and each other, and thank you for your comments, photos, successes and stumbles, and everything else you’ve shared along the way. You’re an inspiration to me and to so many others.