BODi Blocks Prep Day

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FOR ALL COACH TIPS: Please ensure the statements reflect your honest experiences and opinions.
This guide walks you through Prep Week and the first 4 weeks of Sure Thing. When you reach the second half of the program, use your original content and the fun facts provided at the end for weeks 5–8.

Jour d’entraînement 14 : repos ou séance Étirements et récupération

Bonjour ! Prêts pour la journée de repos ? Qu’avez-vous prévu aujourd’hui ?

J’aimerais que vous preniez le temps de réfléchir aux progrès que vous avez réalisés au cours des deux dernières semaines. Pensez aux mouvements que vous avez améliorés. Certains d’entre eux vous plaisent-ils plus que lors de la première semaine ? De quelle façon allez-vous vous mettre au défi lors de notre troisième semaine ? Écrivez-le sur votre carnet et cochez cette ligne une fois ce nouveau défi relevé.

Alors que la nouvelle semaine approche, j’aimerais savoir qui continue à prendre fidèlement son Shakeology. Le buvez-vous chaque jour ? Même les jours de repos ? Quels effets ressentez-vous ? Vous devriez maintenant avoir remarqué les bienfaits de le prendre au quotidien, comme un regain d’énergie ou une meilleure digestion. N’oubliez pas d’utiliser le suivi de Shakeology dans les BODgroups !

Conseil pour le coach :
Félicitez une personne du groupe qui s’est montrée particulièrement solidaire avec les autres. Vous pouvez dire quelque chose du genre : « Un grand bravo à Lisa pour son état d’esprit toujours positif qui nous donne la pêche » !


Welcome to the Team Cup Captains guide. We’re so excited to see you step up as a Team Captain in the August 2022 Team Cup.

Whether you’re a first-time Team Cup Captain or have led a team before, we’re here to help guide you during the next month. You don’t have to be an expert, just willing to share your process, help your team encourage each other, and support them as they learn and achieve over the next 31 days.

We encourage you to lead with daily communication and weekly meetings with your team.

We created this easy-to-follow content schedule to help both new and experienced Team Cup Captains with daily motivational posts. Use these posts as a springboard for encouraging your team to take action and earn Success Club points throughout Team Cup in August.

Each daily communication should include a quick update on what your team did the previous day, what wins people have had, and a quick brainstorm about new ideas for the upcoming day.

You can use this guide however you’d like. We set it up with an easy day-to-day format, but you can mix and match posts, or use them to inspire or augment your own content. These posts are written from a Coach’s perspective, so feel free to put your own spin on the way you communicate this information to your team.

Let’s get started.

Prep DAY 1

*This Challenge Group Guide includes prep week and workout days 1 – 49. A follow up guide with workout days 50 – 91 will be coming soon.

Welcome to our 645 Group!

Before I jump into Prep Week, our to-do list, or really ANYTHING…I want to talk about the commitment you’ve all made to yourselves, each other, and this incredible new program . 645 will test your grit and determination, but Super Trainer Amoila Cesar knows exactly what it takes to get you across the finish line feeling strong and energized , not defeated and spent. We’ll take it day by day, workout by workout, and make sure that none of us are left behind.

Amoila has trained pro athletes to get in the best shape of their lives, and along the way discovered a powerful insight—the simple secret to getting meaningful, visible results has nothing to do with the weights in your hands. It’s your commitment.

Today starts our Prep Week. Each day, I’ll give you a little more info about 645, and what you can expect from the 78 workouts over the next 13 weeks. We’ll talk nutrition, the importance of your daily Shakeology, how Beachbody Performance supplements can help you get the most out of your workouts, and dialing-in what you eat. The great news that I couldn’t wait to share is, if you purchased a 645 Challenge Pack, you get access to both the entire Portion Fix program and the entire 2B Mindset program for FREE. Whichever you choose, you’ll get healthy, long-term results. More info to come in the days ahead.

One last thing: I know you’re going to love 645 and the support and accountability you’ll get from our group. The goal is to help every single person succeed—I’ll be leading us every step of the way.

Let’s kick things off by getting to know each other. Answer these questions in the comments section below.

  1. Why are you excited for 645?
  2. Which Shakeology flavor(s) are you drinking?
  3. Are you following the Portion Fix or 2B Mindset eating program ? If not, take time today to review both programs .
  4. Describe your eating habits. Are you a snacker, or do you just focus on eating 3 big meals a day, etc.?
  5. What are your nutrition goals? For example: eat healthier, gain control, mindful snacking.
  6. Which Beachbody Performance supplement(s) are you taking to prepare for your workouts or after to recover?
  7. What are your goals? Do you want to lose weight, get in shape, increase muscle mass, burn fat, fit into your favorite pair of shorts, or do you have some other goal?
  8. How can our supportive group best help you reach your goals?
  9. We may all have different goals and reasons for committing to this program . What does Reach Your Peak mean to you?

Today’s To-Do’s:

  1. Assess your daily schedule. Are you ready to commit?
  2. Congratulate yourself for taking this incredible step for your health.
  3. Read the Get Started Guide and review the calendar.
  4. Do the Form Check Test found in the Start Here tab on Beachbody On Demand.
  5. Get a jump-start on nutrition by watching the Reach Your Peak with Your Nutrition Programs video, and checking out Portion Fix and 2B Mindset.

See you tomorrow!

Welcome to the 645 Challenge Group!
To access closed captions: click on the “CC” icon in the lower right corner of the video and select “English (United States) CC”

Prep DAY 2


645 is 6 days a week, 45 minutes a day, of functional, total-body resistance training, high-energy cardio, and restorative mobility workouts. You’ll build strength and power as you hit major muscle groups, and increase your range of motion and overall fitness. With Amoila’s next-level training cues, you’ll unlock the right way to do every move, so you get the best possible results from every workout. The last thing he wants is for you to struggle to follow along, so make sure you listen to his tips and focus on perfecting your form!

There are 78 workouts broken into 4 stages. Each week follows the same schedule, but Amoila keeps it fresh by changing up the moves, intensity, and volume, so you’re always in max conditioning mode. The last week of the first 3 stages features a Deload Week where the weights go up, but the reps go down. The goal is to help speed recovery and get you ready for the next stage. Week 13 is the Performance Week where you’ll go all out and finish strong.

Each workout starts with an 8- to 15-minute active warm-up that’s so much more than basic stretching. You’ll get your muscles warm and your body prepped and properly activated for the work to come.

You’ll only need dumbbells and Power Loops for the workouts, and a foam roller, pull-up bar, or Beachbody Control Track for select bonus workouts. What are Power Loops? Let’s start by saying I’m OBSESSED—they’re the next generation of resistance bands with a grippier, woven texture that helps sculpt, strengthen, and activate your glutes. I love that they don’t slip and slide during movements.

Follow the calendar, download the Beachbody app, and track your workouts there! It’s also a great place to log your daily Shakeology.

Here’s why I drink Shakeology—it’s a superfood shake that helps give me the solid nutrition I need on a daily basis to not only make it through the day and help fight junk-food cravings, but also help support healthy digestion and weight loss so I feel my best and own every minute.* I’m speaking from personal experience—I’m just not the same without my shake!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Tomorrow, I’ll talk about our two nutrition plan options. Until then, here are your To-Do’s:

  1. Get your equipment, weights, and workout area ready.
  2. Check out Portion Fix and 2B Mindset on Beachbody On Demand and get ready to pick the one that’s right for you. Watch the Reach Your Peak with Your Nutrition Programs video and use the Find Your Nutrition Program tool.
  3. Got a question? Fire away in the comments.


645 is 6 days a week, 45 minutes a day, of functional, total-body resistance training, high-energy cardio, and restorative mobility workouts. You’ll build strength and power as you hit major muscle groups, and increase your range of motion and overall fitness. With Amoila’s next-level training cues, you’ll unlock the right way to do every move, so you get the best possible results from every workout. The last thing he wants is for you to struggle to follow along, so make sure you listen to his tips and focus on perfecting your form!

There are 78 workouts broken into 4 stages. Each week follows the same schedule, but Amoila keeps it fresh by changing up the moves, intensity, and volume, so you’re always in max conditioning mode. The last week of the first 3 stages features a Deload Week where the weights go up, but the reps go down. The goal is to help speed recovery and get you ready for the next stage. Week 13 is the Performance Week where you’ll go all out and finish strong.

Each workout starts with an 8- to 15-minute active warm-up that’s so much more than basic stretching. You’ll get your muscles warm and your body prepped and properly activated for the work to come.

You’ll only need dumbbells and Power Loops for the workouts, and a foam roller, pull-up bar, or Beachbody Control Track for select bonus workouts. What are Power Loops? Let’s start by saying I’m OBSESSED—they’re the next generation of resistance bands with a grippier, woven texture that helps sculpt, strengthen, and activate your glutes. I love that they don’t slip and slide during movements.

Follow the calendar, download the Beachbody app, and track your workouts there! It’s also a great place to log your daily Shakeology.

Here’s why I drink Shakeology—it’s a superfood shake that helps give me the solid nutrients I need on a daily basis to not only make it through the day and help provide healthy energy, but also help me feel satisfied so I feel my best and own every minute. I’m speaking from personal experience—I’m just not the same without my shake!

Tomorrow, I’ll talk about our two nutrition plan options. Until then, here are your To-Do’s:

  1. Get your equipment, weights, and workout area ready.
  2. Check out Portion Fix and 2B Mindset on Beachbody On Demand and get ready to pick the one that’s right for you. Watch the Reach Your Peak with Your Nutrition Programs video and use the Find Your Nutrition Program tool.
  3. Got a question? Fire away in the comments.


645 is 6 days a week, 45 minutes a day, of functional, total-body resistance training, high-energy cardio, and restorative mobility workouts. You’ll build strength and power as you hit major muscle groups, and increase your range of motion and overall fitness. With Amoila’s next-level training cues, you’ll unlock the right way to do every move, so you get the best possible results from every workout. The last thing he wants is for you to struggle to follow along, so make sure you listen to his tips and focus on perfecting your form!

There are 78 workouts broken into 4 stages. Each week follows the same schedule, but Amoila keeps it fresh by changing up the moves, intensity, and volume, so you’re always in max conditioning mode. The last week of the first 3 stages features a Deload Week where the weights go up, but the reps go down. The goal is to help speed recovery and get you ready for the next stage. Week 13 is the Performance Week where you’ll go all out and finish strong.

Each workout starts with an 8- to 15-minute active warm-up that’s so much more than basic stretching. You’ll get your muscles warm and your body prepped and properly activated for the work to come.

You’ll only need dumbbells and Power Loops for the workouts, and a foam roller, pull-up bar, or Beachbody Control Track for select bonus workouts. What are Power Loops? Let’s start by saying I’m OBSESSED—they’re the next generation of resistance bands with a grippier, woven texture that helps sculpt, strengthen, and activate your glutes. I love that they don’t slip and slide during movements.

Follow the calendar, download the Beachbody app, and track your workouts there! It’s also a great place to log your daily Shakeology.

Here’s why I drink Shakeology—it’s a superfood shake that gives me the solid nutrition I need on a daily basis to help support energy levels,† normal digestion,‡ and normal immune system function†† so I feel my best and own every minute. I’m speaking from personal experience—I’m just not the same without my shake!

†Magnesium contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism.
‡Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.
††Vitamins A, C, D, B6, B12, Zinc, and Selenium contribute to the normal function of the immune system.

Tomorrow, I’ll talk about our two nutrition plan options. Until then, here are your To-Do’s:

  1. Get your equipment, weights, and workout area ready.
  2. Check out Portion Fix and 2B Mindset on Beachbody On Demand and get ready to pick the one that’s right for you. Watch the Reach Your Peak with Your Nutrition Programs video and use the Find Your Nutrition Program tool.
  3. Got a question? Fire away in the comments.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Prep Week DAY 3

It’s been said a million times, and I’ll say it a million more…You can’t out-train a bad diet. Most fad diets or get-thin-quick schemes require a radical change in how and what you eat, and can impact your health negatively. What you eat really does matter!

I suggest you start with the Quick Start Nutrition Guide to learn why the right nutrition is so important. It also covers Beachbody’s two proven nutrition programs that I mentioned on Prep Day 1 , Portion Fix and 2B Mindset. Here’s what I love about both—neither of them require you to deprive yourself of food. They offer a MUCH better way of eating that can change your life, and help you reach AND maintain your goals.

Portion Fix uses color-coded containers to give you perfectly portioned meals, including an approach to intermittent fasting that is similar to what Amoila follows and advocates for his clients. Created by Autumn Calabrese, Portion Fix offers different paths to follow, from Foundational Fix which allows you to still enjoy wine and dessert to Timed-Nutrition which is a more prescriptive approach to eating balanced meals specifically timed throughout the day, as well as a new Muscle-Building plan. No matter which path you choose with Portion Fix, you will learn to be in control of your food instead of food controlling you.

2B Mindset gives you easy to remember strategies to manage how you eat and how you track it. It’s a flexible approach to eating that lets you eat larger volumes of food by prioritizing vegetables so you lose weight, but still gives you guidelines and substitutions so you don’t ever feel deprived or hungry. Without counting calories or cutting out food groups you’ll learn new habits and patterns that can break the old habits that undermine your goals, whether that’s weight loss or building muscle.

Your Challenge or Completion Pack comes with the first 30 days of ongoing monthly membership to Nutrition+. If you haven’t yet, activate your free trial and start exploring all the recipes, meal plans, exclusive content from Autumn and Ilana, access to a thriving community of people just like you, plus exclusive fitness content including 630, an additional six 30-minute workouts from Amoila.

Yesterday, I asked you to take a few minutes to review both programs . Today, I’m asking you to commit to one, and begin with it right away. While they’re both super-easy to follow, it might take you a couple of days to adjust your routines, shopping, meal prep, and more. I’m hoping you’re fully up and running with either nutrition program by the first day of 645.

If you need help picking your plan, use the Find Your Nutrition Program tool, or send me a DM and I can help you get started with the nutrition plan that best suits you and your goals.

Today’s To-Do’s:

  1. Pick your nutrition plan.
  2. Take an assessment of your fridge and pantry, and figure out what you might need to get started with both.
  3. Make your first meal and tell us about your experience.
Coach Tip
Give some pointers or insights about both nutrition programs from your own personal experience.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Prep Week DAY 4


We’re getting close to beginning our workouts, and I wanted to share my absolute go-to for pre- and post-workout supplements. Beachbody Performance Energize and Recover are a key part of my fitness routine, and a major force in helping me reach my goals. Together with my daily Shakeology, I feel like I’m checking all the boxes.

On workout days, I take Beachbody Performance Energize 30 minutes before I hit “Play” to help jump-start my workout with more energy and endurance, sharpen my focus, and improve intense exercise performance, then Recover within 30 minutes after I finish to help reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness, build lean muscle, and help my body recover faster afterward.*

Have you used Shakeology or Beachbody Performance supplements before? Let us know in the comments section below. If you have questions about these products, leave them below and I’ll answer!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Today’s To-Do’s:

  1. Print out your first week of Dumbbell Tracker sheets.
  2. Try the Sample Workout and tell us how you liked it.
  3. Watch the Reach Your Peak with Your Nutrition Supplements video.
  4. Get your grocery list ready and think about what you can meal prep ahead of time.
  5. Share your meal and snack ideas with the group. We all need a little inspiration!


We’re getting close to beginning our workouts, and I wanted to share my absolute go-to for pre- and post-workout supplements. Beachbody Performance Energize and Recover are a key part of my fitness routine, and a major force in helping me reach my goals. Together with my daily Shakeology, I feel like I’m checking all the boxes.

On workout days, I take Beachbody Performance Energize 30 minutes before I hit “Play” to help temporarily relieve fatigue, promote endurance, and enhance exercise performance during workouts, and Recover within 30 minutes after I finish to help build and repair body tissue and build lean muscle mass.

Have you used Shakeology or Beachbody Performance supplements before? Let us know in the comments section below. If you have questions about these products, leave them below and I’ll answer!

Today’s To-Do’s:

  1. Print out your first week of Dumbbell Tracker sheets.
  2. Try the Sample Workout and tell us how you liked it.
  3. Watch the Reach Your Peak with Your Nutrition Supplements video.
  4. Get your grocery list ready and think about what you can meal prep ahead of time.
  5. Share your meal and snack ideas with the group. We all need a little inspiration!


We’re getting close to beginning our workouts, and I wanted to share my absolute go-to for pre- and post-workout supplements. Beachbody Performance Energize and Recover are a key part of my fitness routine, and a major force in helping me reach my goals. Together with my daily Shakeology, I feel like I’m checking all the boxes.

On workout days, I take Beachbody Performance Energize 30 minutes before I hit “Play” to help sharpen focus and reaction time, and improve intense exercise performance,** and Recover within 30 minutes after I finish to help support muscle protein synthesis and growth in muscle mass.+
Have you used Shakeology or Beachbody Performance supplements before? Let us know in the comments section below. If you have questions about these products, leave them below and I’ll answer!

**Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.
+Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein.

Today’s To-Do’s:

  1. Print out your first week of Dumbbell Tracker sheets.
  2. Try the Sample Workout and tell us how you liked it.
  3. Watch the Reach Your Peak with Your Nutrition Supplements video.
  4. Get your grocery list ready and think about what you can meal prep ahead of time.
  5. Share your meal and snack ideas with the group. We all need a little inspiration!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Prep Week DAY 5

So many of you have reached out with stories of going to the gym and having zero clue what to do, or hiring one of those expensive trainers who made you feel like you weren’t up to the challenge. Or you took one of those impersonal, fast-paced classes where you started to doubt if you could really do this.

Here’s the big question: What’s going to be different this time?

One of the first things I think you’re going to love about 645 is our Super Trainer Amoila Cesar. His upbeat, motivational style and total focus on doing the moves right, every time, will make you feel like he’s giving you a personal training session with expert guidance and unending patience. Sometimes, I actually feel like I’m right there in the studio with him—and that I can take on any challenge because I know he’s going to give me detailed, precise cues so I can get the most out of my effort. I know I can do it—and I know you can too.

Plus, you’ve got SUPPORT…actual people backing you up all along the way. This group is fun and resourceful but it’s also a lifeline when you need it most. Because we’re all more likely to succeed if we do this together, I need you and you need me, plain and simple.

One of the best ways to stay on-track is to access your BODgroups any time of day, so your virtual workout buddies can cheer you on when you lift a little heavier or go a little harder on cardio day.

So, let’s take today to share in the comments some of our hopes and expectations for the next 13 weeks!

Coach Tip
Throughout this program , make an effort to personalize these posts. Remember, they’re just suggestions, and they can only get better with your stories, insights, and experience. Your group is probably very excited—and maybe a little nervous! They’re looking to you to set a positive, inspirational, inclusive tone so that everyone feels engaged and welcome.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Prep Day 6:

Can we talk goals?

What are your goals for LIIFT MORE? Is it weight loss, building muscle, getting strong, or the mental shift that comes with putting yourself first? Whatever your goals, you’re in the right place. I’m so happy you’re here!

My goal is to support your fitness goals and help you become your strongest, most confident self.

Did you know that you’ll earn a LIIFT MORE badge on BOD when you’ve completed this program? It’s such a fun way to stay motivated to the end. I love to see how many badges I can earn.

Coach Tip

Consider sharing your approach to nutrition and meal prepping. The Mindset Menu and FIXATE cooking show are great resources to share if people need recipe inspiration.

  1. The Mindset Menu
    • Ilana walks you through how to cook easy meals and satisfying side dishes
    • Adds variety to your routine making mealtime fresh and exciting
    • Cooking show hosted by Portion Fix creator Autumn Calabrese and a professional chef who also happens to be her brother, Bobby
    • Together, they help you stay creative in the kitchen with delicious and simple FIX-approved recipes

Also, remind everyone about the 1-week meal plans created specifically for LIIFT MORE (the PDFs are available in the program Nutrition tab and you can upload them to the Files section of your group).


Prep Week DAY 6

Just browsing the comments and my DM’s and it looks like most of you have picked your nutrition program and started. Awesome! And if you haven’t done so, please make today the day you start.

Let’s talk about how nutrition directly impacts your goals. Remember, working out doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want. You need to pay attention to the foods you’re eating in order to reach your goals. I used to find that when I started working out, especially intensely, I felt hungrier and had days when I just wanted to eat more food. This will be a great time for you to determine if you’re actually hungry. Do you need more energy for your workouts and nutrients for your transformation? Or are you emotionally eating? This is where Portion Fix and 2B Mindset can help. Whether it’s dealing with mindless eating or figuring out the proper amounts to eat at each meal, Autumn’s and Ilana’s programs have helped thousands of people. They are here to guide you every step of the way.

I’m going to keep today’s post short, because we only have tomorrow, and then it begins!

How are you feeling? Happy? Excited? Nervous? It’s all good…just let us know! There’s going to be a range of emotions, and each of you will see that you’re probably not alone with whatever is on your mind!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Prep Week DAY 7

We’ve got just 24 hours until our first workout and now is the time to take your BEFORE pics and measurements. This is one of the best ways to really see your progress—you’ll be feeling the changes, but there’s something about looking back at your Day 1 photo that is super-inspiring. And listen, I get it. I have been here before, and I am here with you now. Before pics and taking your measurements can feel really scary. I was SO scared to take mine before my first program . Sometimes the scale doesn’t move as much as you’d like, or your inches don’t drop superfast. Pictures complete the story. They tell you what the scale and inches can’t, and you don’t want to miss out on seeing this progress. It’s worth it. I promise.

Here’s a little incentive: If you keep track of your photos, weight, and measurements, you’ll be able to enter the Beachbody Challenge by visiting when you finish the program . When you enter and submit your results by DATE TBD, you’ll also receive an official 645 shirt (while supplies last) to celebrate your success and have a chance to win big prizes. Visit for the full Official Rules of this Promotion.

Today’s To-Do’s to make the most of Workout 1:

  1. Take your BEFORE photos and log your weight and measurements in your Get Started Guide. While you’re there, review the calendar.
  2. Plan your meals for the day—extra credit if you plan for the week.
  3. Get familiar with the “My Progress” section of BODgroups where you can view your tracked activity, progress photos, and a graph of your weight measurements over time.
  4. Complete the Form Check Test to help identify any areas that will need your extra attention during the program .

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 1: Lower Body Strength


It’s here! Day 1!

Before we start, just take a few minutes to digest what you’ve done so far during our Prep Week. Showing up every day is how your commitment becomes a habit. 13 weeks are tough, but absolutely achievable. And I promise that each workout will be the most productive 45 minutes of your day.

Get your head in the game, stay focused on your goals, and give it all you’ve got. Progress takes time, so treat yourself to all the love and motivation you need. We’re here for you, and I know you have a ton of other people in your life who feel the same.

If you’re like me, you want to get the most out of every workout. That’s why Beachbody Performance is a major part of my strategy for these 13 weeks.

About 30 minutes before every workout, I take Energize. If you know me, you know a workout never happens without it. It helps me jump start my workout, and helps make the workout feel easier. If this is your first time taking Energize, you may notice a slight tingly feeling—it can be a normal reaction to beta-alanine. Some people tingle, some don’t. If that tingly feeling bothers you, try doing a half scoop tomorrow.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

OK, now the FUN part! Today’s workout is Lower Body Strength. Welcome to day one of your transformation. Trisets and targeted EMOM (every minute on the minute) training will make sure you feel the burn from head to toe—especially in your legs. Don’t forget to use the trackers you printed out a couple days ago! Also, start today to get in the daily habit of tracking your workout in your Beachbody On Demand (BOD) app which has access to your BODgroups. It will help you stick to your commitment.

Let us know how you did! Also, what did you like most? What time do you plan on doing your workouts every day?

Coach Tip
Each day on set, Amoila will put a quote on the chalkboard—it might be motivational, it might be an insight, it might even be something funny! Feel free to add these to your daily posts.


It’s here! Day 1!

Before we start, just take a few minutes to digest what you’ve done so far during our Prep Week. Showing up every day is how your commitment becomes a habit. 13 weeks are tough, but absolutely achievable. And I promise that each workout will be the most productive 45 minutes of your day.

Get your head in the game, stay focused on your goals, and give it all you’ve got. Progress takes time, so treat yourself to all the love and motivation you need. We’re here for you, and I know you have a ton of other people in your life who feel the same.

If you’re like me, you want to get the most out of every workout. That’s why Beachbody Performance is a major part of my strategy for these 13 weeks.

About 30 minutes before every workout, I take Energize. If you know me, you know a workout never happens without it. It helps me jump start my workout, and helps promote endurance so the workout feels easier. If this is your first time taking Energize, you may notice a slight tingly feeling—it can be a normal reaction to beta-alanine. Some people tingle, some don’t. If that tingly feeling bothers you, try doing a half scoop tomorrow.

OK, now the FUN part! Today’s workout is Lower Body Strength. Welcome to day one of your transformation. Trisets and targeted EMOM (every minute on the minute) training will make sure you feel the burn from head to toe—especially in your legs. Don’t forget to use the trackers you printed out a couple days ago! Also, start today to get in the daily habit of tracking your workout in your Beachbody On Demand (BOD) app which has access to your BODgroups. It will help you stick to your commitment.

Let us know how you did! Also, what did you like most? What time do you plan on doing your workouts every day?

Coach Tip
Each day on set, Amoila will put a quote on the chalkboard—it might be motivational, it might be an insight, it might even be something funny! Feel free to add these to your daily posts.


It’s here! Day 1!

Before we start, just take a few minutes to digest what you’ve done so far during our Prep Week. Showing up every day is how your commitment becomes a habit. 13 weeks are tough, but absolutely achievable. And I promise that each workout will be the most productive 45 minutes of your day.

Get your head in the game, stay focused on your goals, and give it all you’ve got. Progress takes time, so treat yourself to all the love and motivation you need. We’re here for you, and I know you have a ton of other people in your life who feel the same.

If you’re like me, you want to get the most out of every workout. That’s why Beachbody Performance is a major part of my strategy for these 13 weeks.

About 30 minutes before every workout, I take Energize. If you know me, you know a workout never happens without it. It helps me jump start my workout, and helps improve intense exercise performance so the workout feels easier. If this is your first time taking Energize, you may notice a slight tingly feeling—it can be a normal reaction to beta-alanine. Some people tingle, some don’t. If that tingly feeling bothers you, try doing a half scoop tomorrow.**

**Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.

OK, now the FUN part! Today’s workout is Lower Body Strength. Welcome to day one of your transformation. Trisets and targeted EMOM (every minute on the minute) training will make sure you feel the burn from head to toe—especially in your legs. Don’t forget to use the trackers you printed out a couple days ago! Also, start today to get in the daily habit of tracking your workout in your Beachbody On Demand (BOD) app which has access to your BODgroups. It will help you stick to your commitment.

Let us know how you did! Also, what did you like most? What time do you plan on doing your workouts every day?

Coach Tip
Each day on set, Amoila will put a quote on the chalkboard—it might be motivational, it might be an insight, it might even be something funny! Feel free to add these to your daily posts.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 2: Lower Body Power

I got a lot of comments yesterday from people wondering if they should follow Amoila or the modifier. If you’re just beginning your fitness journey, or are just getting back in shape, follow the modifier until your body feels ready to join Amoila and the rest of the squad. With his cues and laser-focus on form, you’ll learn the right way to do the moves, so you feel strong and confident enough to take on bigger challenges.

Same goes for your nutrition. Depending on your effort during your workouts, you might notice your body craving more food than what you’re used to. The good news is that both Beachbody nutrition programs help you modify your plan if you feel hungrier than normal, or even light-headed. For Portion Fix, use the Moderately Challenging calculator to determine your proper calorie bracket. For 2B Mindset, review the “2B Mindset & Exercise” PDF—both can be found on Beachbody On Demand.

Have you checked out Nutrition+ yet? I mentioned it during our Prep Week, and I hope you’ll take a few minutes to dive in and see all the amazing content you get, plus exclusive access to fitness content like 630—an additional six 30-minute workouts from Amoila!

Today’s workout is Total Body Power. The seven exercises in this workout will help you build two key elements of a fit, athletic body: dynamic stability and explosive power. You’ll use your Power Loops in the warm-up to activate those glutes.

How did you feel today after your first workout yesterday? What did you think of today’s workout? Let’s share our thoughts!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 3: Mobility & Stability

When I’m in the mood for a snack, I reach for a BEACHBAR snack bar. Super-delicious, just 150 calories [UK: 150–151 kcal][FR: 150–151 calories], and 9–10g protein, it’s my go-to smart snack bar.

In my opinion, today’s workout is probably one of the most important of the week because it’s so much more than stretching. It’s called Mobility & Stability. For 45 minutes, you’ll calm your mind and enhance your recovery with breathing, stretching, and mobility drills that will help with your range of motion, optimize your performance throughout the week, and get your body warm all over. Don’t be surprised if you break a sweat!

When you’re done, let us know how you did!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 4: Upper Body Strength


Wow, I’m so impressed by everyone’s effort and motivation. You really inspire me! One thing I hope you’ll all do is inspire each other—this group is really about you. I encourage you to post anything and everything. What are you feeling? What gets you fired up? How do you stay motivated? What can the rest of us do when YOU need motivation? We are here for each other.

Today’s workout is Upper Body Strength. Sculpt sleeve-busting strength with this upper body-focused resistance workout. Today’s EMOM section will have your biceps begging for mercy.

I talked about Beachbody Performance Energize, which is my must-have BEFORE workouts. So, what about AFTER?

To help you recover better so you can hit your next workout hard, don’t forget your Beachbody Performance Recover—it can help build muscle and reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness. Just make sure you take it within 30 minutes of finishing a workout.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Coach Tip
Personalize, personalize, personalize . Your customers want to connect with you and each other. Share stories, successes, and struggles of your own so that everyone knows you’ve created a safe space where all are welcome.


Wow, I’m so impressed by everyone’s effort and motivation. You really inspire me! One thing I hope you’ll all do is inspire each other—this group is really about you. I encourage you to post anything and everything. What are you feeling? What gets you fired up? How do you stay motivated? What can the rest of us do when YOU need motivation? We are here for each other.

Today’s workout is Upper Body Strength. Sculpt sleeve-busting strength with this upper body-focused resistance workout. Today’s EMOM section will have your biceps begging for mercy.

I talked about Beachbody Performance Energize, which is my must-have BEFORE workouts. So, what about AFTER?

And to help you recover better so you can hit your next workout hard, don’t forget your Beachbody Performance Recover—it can help build lean muscle mass and build and repair body tissue. Just make sure you take it within 30 minutes of finishing a workout.

Coach Tip
Personalize, personalize, personalize . Your customers want to connect with you and each other. Share stories, successes, and struggles of your own so that everyone knows you’ve created a safe space where all are welcome.


Wow, I’m so impressed by everyone’s effort and motivation. You really inspire me! One thing I hope you’ll all do is inspire each other—this group is really about you. I encourage you to post anything and everything. What are you feeling? What gets you fired up? How do you stay motivated? What can the rest of us do when YOU need motivation? We are here for each other.

Today’s workout is Upper Body Strength. Sculpt sleeve-busting strength with this upper body-focused resistance workout. Today’s EMOM section will have your biceps begging for mercy.

I talked about Beachbody Performance Energize, which is my must-have BEFORE workouts. So, what about AFTER?

And to help you recover better so you can hit your next workout hard, don’t forget your Beachbody Performance Recover—it can help support muscle protein synthesis and growth in muscle mass. Just make sure you take it within 30 minutes of finishing a workout.+

+Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein.

Coach Tip
Personalize, personalize, personalize. Your customers want to connect with you and each other. Share stories, successes, and struggles of your own so that everyone knows you’ve created a safe space where all are welcome.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 5: Total Body Tempo

We’re near the end of this week’s workouts, and I didn’t want to wait any longer to share this delicious recipe!

It’s a Shakeology recipe that’s amazingly yummy AND packed with goodies. It’s called the Chocolate Hazelnut Smoothie Bowl and here’s the recipe:

What recipes have you found for either Shakeology or your nutrition plan? Beachbody On Demand and the Beachbody Blog are great resources for recipes, meal ideas, and more. And yes, that includes great dessert recipes!

Today is Total Body Tempo. In this comprehensive workout, you’ll focus on the eccentric (lowering) phase of most exercises to enhance a key muscle growth stimulus: time under tension.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 6: Cardio 45


End of week 1! Can you believe it? I can, and here’s why. I know how important it is for each of you to reach your goals. Many of you have reached out privately to me, and I’d love to encourage everyone to share with the rest of the group. This is a total safe space—we’re here to support and motivate each other. So, here’s your conversation starter—what motivates you?

Keeping your goals front and center will help power you through good days and bad—days when you crush the workout, and those where it’s a struggle to hit play. Know why you’re doing this, and keep reminding yourself EVERY. DAY.

Let’s get to it! Today is Cardio 45. Keep a towel handy—this circuit-training session uses 45-second work intervals and minimal rest to make sure you break a sweat and torch tons of calories. Don’t forget to track your workouts in BODgroups!

Give it your all, because tomorrow is our first rest day!

If you need a little extra protein in your day, one easy lifehack is to add Beachbody Performance Recharge into your day. You can enjoy Recharge before bed or at any time of the day to help support muscle recovery with 20 grams of slow-release casein protein, tart cherry extract, and branched-chain amino acids.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


End of week 1! Can you believe it? I can, and here’s why. I know how important it is for each of you to reach your goals. Many of you have reached out privately to me, and I’d love to encourage everyone to share with the rest of the group. This is a total safe space—we’re here to support and motivate each other. So, here’s your conversation starter—what motivates you?

Keeping your goals front and center will help power you through good days and bad—days when you crush the workout, and those where it’s a struggle to hit play. Know why you’re doing this, and keep reminding yourself EVERY. DAY.

Let’s get to it! Today is Cardio 45. Keep a towel handy—this circuit-training session uses 45-second work intervals and minimal rest to make sure you break a sweat and torch tons of calories. Don’t forget to track your workouts in BODgroups!

Give it your all, because tomorrow is our first rest day!

If you need a little extra protein in your day, one easy lifehack is to add Beachbody Performance Recharge into your day. You can enjoy Recharge before bed or at any time of the day to help support muscle recovery with 20 grams of slow-release casein protein, tart cherry extract, and branched-chain amino acids.*


End of week 1! Can you believe it? I can, and here’s why. I know how important it is for each of you to reach your goals. Many of you have reached out privately to me, and I’d love to encourage everyone to share with the rest of the group. This is a total safe space—we’re here to support and motivate each other. So, here’s your conversation starter—what motivates you?

Keeping your goals front and center will help power you through good days and bad—days when you crush the workout, and those where it’s a struggle to hit play. Know why you’re doing this, and keep reminding yourself EVERY. DAY.

Let’s get to it! Today is Cardio 45. Keep a towel handy—this circuit-training session uses 45-second work intervals and minimal rest to make sure you break a sweat and torch tons of calories. Don’t forget to track your workouts in BODgroups!

Give it your all, because tomorrow is our first rest day!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 7: Rest Day

WOW. Seriously. Take a minute and think back to what you’ve started this week. You committed to 13 weeks, you showed up every day, and you did it. I know we’re all impatient to see results right away, so I want you all to concentrate on NOT focusing on the numbers on the scale or the tape measure. Instead, take the long view. Understand how this program was specifically designed to help you reach your goals without giving up, and without backsliding.

Amoila has been training pro athletes for years—even THEY don’t expect their bodies to instantly change. He knows what works, and what it takes to get visible, noticeable results. Trust in the program , trust in the calendar, and most of all, trust in YOURSELF.

Today is rest day. Take some time to focus on you and relax. Maybe that looks like journaling, gardening, a random nap here or there…only you know what makes you feel whole and ready to take on the week ahead. Beachbody On Demand also has a good amount of mindful meditations in the Fitness Programs section that have helped me unwind and reflect. Finally, take a moment to take pride in your first week.

How are you feeling so far? How is your nutrition going? If you’re new to fitness, you may not know the saying, “You can’t out-train a bad diet.” And starving yourself is NOT how you lose weight or get strong. So, if you want to really optimize your nutrition plan, send me a DM so we can take a deeper look at what you’re eating and troubleshoot if needed.

Coach Tip
Celebrate the milestones. By making your group feel positive, uplifting, and inspirational, your customers will have a greater chance of finishing strong, and getting the results they crave.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 8: Lower Body Strength


New week, new you. Let’s start strong, and power through. You did great last week. Let’s do it again!

This week, and all the weeks, follow the same schedule, but Amoila makes sure to mix up the tempo, volume of work, and intensity so that you’ll feel invigorated and engaged. You’ll still start each workout with an 8- to 15-minute active warm-up—so many of you have reached out to let me know how great this part of the workout feels. It’s so beneficial! I love it.

Today’s workout is Lower Body Strength. The focus is the same as last week, but new exercises provide a fresh challenge for your bottom half. His cues today are especially on point! Listen for his explanation of the “butt wink” in a squat. It’s a good one!

Are any of you taking Beachbody Performance Creatine? It’s a great supplement for men and women to help build muscle and has tons of research behind it.* Pro tip: Instead of drinking it separately, try mixing 5g into your Energize or your Recover.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Coach Tip
Share a success story to motivate your group. Ideally, you’ll highlight someone who needed some extra motivation to stick to their program , but ultimately prevailed. Maybe that’s you, maybe that’s one of your other customers.


New week, new you. Let’s start strong, and power through. You did great last week. Let’s do it again!

This week, and all the weeks, follow the same schedule, but Amoila makes sure to mix up the tempo, volume of work, and intensity so that you’ll feel invigorated and engaged. You’ll still start each workout with an 8- to 15-minute active warm-up—so many of you have reached out to let me know how great this part of the workout feels. It’s so beneficial! I love it.

Today’s workout is Lower Body Strength. The focus is the same as last week, but new exercises provide a fresh challenge for your bottom half. His cues today are especially on point! Listen for his explanation of the “butt wink” in a squat. It’s a good one!

Are any of you taking Beachbody Performance Creatine? It’s a great supplement for men and women to help build muscle and has tons of research behind it.* Pro tip: Instead of drinking it separately, try mixing 5g into your Energize or your Recover.

Coach Tip
Share a success story to motivate your group. Ideally, you’ll highlight someone who needed some extra motivation to stick to their program , but ultimately prevailed. Maybe that’s you, maybe that’s one of your other customers.


New week, new you. Let’s start strong, and power through. You did great last week. Let’s do it again!

This week, and all the weeks, follow the same schedule, but Amoila makes sure to mix up the tempo, volume of work, and intensity so that you’ll feel invigorated and engaged. You’ll still start each workout with an 8- to 15-minute active warm-up—so many of you have reached out to let me know how great this part of the workout feels. It’s so beneficial! I love it.

Today’s workout is Lower Body Strength. The focus is the same as last week, but new exercises provide a fresh challenge for your bottom half. His cues today are especially on point! Listen for his explanation of the “butt wink” in a squat. It’s a good one!

Coach Tip
Share a success story to motivate your group. Ideally, you’ll highlight someone who needed some extra motivation to stick to their program , but ultimately prevailed. Maybe that’s you, maybe that’s one of your other customers.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 9: Lower Body Power


One quick reminder I can’t stress enough is to make sure you’re drinking enough water, especially since you’re working out every day. The best way to determine your water goal is to take your weight and divide it by two. This will give you an average in ounces of what you should be drinking each day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, your goal would be to drink 75 ounces of water each day. Share your water goals with us in the comments. What’s your secret to drinking enough water each day? I like to add citrus slices to mine!

If you need an added boost when it comes to hydration, Beachbody Performance Hydrate is made for performance with a balance of carbohydrates, electrolytes, and water to help keep you hydrated and promote endurance.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Today’s workout is Total Body Power. This workout is proof that you only need 45 minutes to build gravity-defying power from head-to-toe.

By the way, have you noticed how upbeat and motivational Amoila can be? I feel like I’m training with him in the studio! He makes me want to work harder, and give it my all.

Don’t forget to access your BODgroups within the BOD app to track your workouts and Shakeology. I know I mentioned it during our Prep Week, but I really want to emphasize how important this is—staying on top of your commitment is so much easier when you’re tracking each day. There’s also a Shakeology Wellness Tracker that you can use to track energy, cravings, mood, and regularity on a daily basis. You can find it on Beachbody On Demand.


One quick reminder I can’t stress enough is to make sure you’re drinking enough water, especially since you’re working out every day. The best way to determine your water goal is to take your weight and divide it by two. This will give you an average in ounces of what you should be drinking each day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, your goal would be to drink 75 ounces of water each day. Share your water goals with us in the comments. What’s your secret to drinking enough water each day? I like to add citrus slices to mine!

If you need an added boost when it comes to hydration, Beachbody Performance Hydrate is made for performance with a balance of carbohydrates, electrolytes, and water to help keep you hydrated and promote endurance.*

Today’s workout is Total Body Power. This workout is proof that you only need 45 minutes to build gravity-defying power from head-to-toe.

By the way, have you noticed how upbeat and motivational Amoila can be? I feel like I’m training with him in the studio! He makes me want to work harder, and give it my all.

Don’t forget to access your BODgroups within the BOD app to track your workouts and Shakeology. I know I mentioned it during our Prep Week, but I really want to emphasize how important this is—staying on top of your commitment is so much easier when you’re tracking each day. There’s also a Shakeology Wellness Tracker that you can use to track energy, cravings, mood, and regularity on a daily basis. You can find it on Beachbody On Demand.


One quick reminder I can’t stress enough is to make sure you’re drinking enough water, especially since you’re working out every day. The best way to determine your water goal is to take your weight and divide it by two. This will give you an average in ounces of what you should be drinking each day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, your goal would be to drink 75 ounces of water each day. Share your water goals with us in the comments. What’s your secret to drinking enough water each day? I like to add citrus slices to mine!

Today’s workout is Total Body Power. This workout is proof that you only need 45 minutes to build gravity-defying power from head-to-toe.

By the way, have you noticed how upbeat and motivational Amoila can be? I feel like I’m training with him in the studio! He makes me want to work harder, and give it my all.

Don’t forget to access your BODgroups within the BOD app to track your workouts and Shakeology. I know I mentioned it during our Prep Week, but I really want to emphasize how important this is—staying on top of your commitment is so much easier when you’re tracking each day. There’s also a Shakeology Wellness Tracker that you can use to track energy, cravings, mood, and regularity on a daily basis. You can find it on Beachbody On Demand.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 10: Mobility & Stability

Everyone is doing great! Good days, bad days, even rest days—they’re all an important part of your transformation. I know we’re just 10 days in, but I wanted to talk about results so far. What have you noticed? Are you lifting heavier? Have your mobility and range of motion increased? How about your cardio capacity? Remember, results come in so many forms—on the scale, how clothing fits, inches lost, energy levels, definition in our body, feeling stronger, mobility, and so on.

On to the workout: It’s Mobility & Stability. Rejuvenate tired muscles and ease tension throughout your body with stretching and restorative breathwork. I feel like this workout really focuses my mind and helps me release some of the day’s stress—as Amoila says, “It’s the maintenance we need on our bodies.”

How about you? What’s your favorite benefit of Mobility & Stability day?

Coach Tip
Share your personal fitness journey. What drove you to get in shape, and rethink your nutrition? Share some of your stumbling blocks, as well as your successes.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 11: Upper Body Strength


Upper Body Strength is our workout for today. Full-body weightlifting with lateral raises and a back and arms-focused training will help you sculpt upper-body muscle while building strength all over.

Are you lifting too light? Too heavy? You’ll know you’re lifting the correct amount of weight if you feel challenged but are still able to complete every rep of every exercise with good form. Your Dumbbell Tracker is a great way to see your progress over time—make sure you write down what you used today, and every day. You can also make notes in the tracker, like how you’re feeling or cues that spoke to you, etc.

Have you explored the bonus workouts? There are 11 total, each one 10–23 minutes long. They can be done after any workout, or even on rest days.

It’s days when you’re really pushing during your workout that the people in your BODgroups can make a big difference. I know having someone check in with me helps me stay accountable and, honestly, it helps to vent sometimes to someone who understands what I’m going through.

Go ahead and shout-out someone from your group who keeps you on your toes and offers you a shoulder when you need it.

In a program like this, Recover is your best friend.

Drink it within 30 minutes after your workout to help build lean muscle, reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness, and speed muscle recovery. Recovering quickly and efficiently means you can go harder and stronger—and that is how you really get results.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Coach Tip
Take a moment and share your experiences with measuring your results, and how it’s so important to see the big picture—that committing to a fitness and nutrition program can provide lifelong benefits beyond a number on the scale.


Upper Body Strength is our workout for today. Full-body weightlifting with lateral raises and a back and arms-focused training will help you sculpt upper-body muscle while building strength all over.

Are you lifting too light? Too heavy? You’ll know you’re lifting the correct amount of weight if you feel challenged but are still able to complete every rep of every exercise with good form. Your Dumbbell Tracker is a great way to see your progress over time—make sure you write down what you used today, and every day. You can also make notes in the tracker, like how you’re feeling or cues that spoke to you, etc.

Have you explored the bonus workouts? There are 11 total, each one 10–23 minutes long. They can be done after any workout, or even on rest days.

It’s days when you’re really pushing during your workout that the people in your BODgroups can make a big difference. I know having someone check in with me helps me stay accountable and, honestly, it helps to vent sometimes to someone who understands what I’m going through.

Go ahead and shout-out someone from your group who keeps you on your toes and offers you a shoulder when you need it.

In a program like this, Recover is your best friend.

Drink it within 30 minutes after your workout to help build and repair body tissue and build lean muscle mass.

Coach Tip
Take a moment and share your experiences with measuring your results, and how it’s so important to see the big picture—that committing to a fitness and nutrition program can provide lifelong benefits beyond a number on the scale.


Upper Body Strength is our workout for today. Full-body weightlifting with lateral raises and a back and arms-focused training will help you sculpt upper-body muscle while building strength all over.

Are you lifting too light? Too heavy? You’ll know you’re lifting the correct amount of weight if you feel challenged but are still able to complete every rep of every exercise with good form. Your Dumbbell Tracker is a great way to see your progress over time—make sure you write down what you used today, and every day. You can also make notes in the tracker, like how you’re feeling or cues that spoke to you, etc.

Have you explored the bonus workouts? There are 11 total, each one 10–23 minutes long. They can be done after any workout, or even on rest days.

It’s days when you’re really pushing during your workout that the people in your BODgroups can make a big difference. I know having someone check in with me helps me stay accountable and, honestly, it helps to vent sometimes to someone who understands what I’m going through.

Go ahead and shout-out someone from your group who keeps you on your toes and offers you a shoulder when you need it.

In a programme like this, Recover is your best friend.

Drink it within 30 minutes after your workout to help support muscle protein synthesis and growth in muscle mass.+
+Protein contributes to a growth in muscle mass.

Coach Tip
Take a moment and share your experiences with measuring your results, and how it’s so important to see the big picture—that committing to a fitness and nutrition program can provide lifelong benefits beyond a number on the scale.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 12: Total Body Tempo

A lot of you have reached out with questions about Nutrition+. For me, the total game-changer is how my monthly membership to Nutrition+ helps me reach my goals and maintain my results. We’ve all been there before—you start a new diet, and suddenly life gets in the way of your momentum. You backslide, go back to your old habits, and all your hard-earned gains (and weight loss!) are gone.

Whether you’re following Portion Fix or 2B Mindset, Nutrition+ helps you stay on-track. It gives you access to key content from Portion Fix creator, Autumn Calabrese, and 2B Mindset creator, Ilana Muhlstein, as they tackle the biggest nutrition and weight-loss topics you’ll want to know about. You get exclusive access to their LIVE interactions on Facebook, new meal plans to make eating right simple, delicious monthly recipes to keep it interesting, and a community of people who help each other through tough days and celebrate successes. Plus you get exclusive fitness content you can’t find anywhere else on Beachbody On Demand. If you haven’t done so already, download the app today. Already a member? Check out the latest content here for Portion Fix and here for 2B Mindset.

Let’s get to our workout. It’s Total Body Tempo. Focusing on the negative (meaning the lowering phase of each rep) can amplify your gains. So can holding still. Follow Amoila’s lead to optimize your results with both eccentric and isometric training.

What tricks and tips have you learned from Amoila so far? What’s been a total revelation to you? What are you glad you learned?

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 13: Cardio 45

With the weekend here, I’m curious—does anyone find it difficult to stay on-track on Saturday and Sunday? If you downloaded the Nutrition+ app after I posted yesterday, you’ll notice that both Autumn and Ilana address this exact topic!

For me, weekends are always tough because it might be the time I’m out with friends in a restaurant, or at a celebration where I know there will be plenty of yummy temptations—I admit it can be hard to stay focused and on-track with my eating plan. But I know I’m in this for the long-haul, and while we all have our challenges from time to time, it’s so important to work toward the goal.

Here’s a great 2B Mindset breakfast recipe I found and totally love. It’s called Bunny French Toast. Check it out!

End of the week also means Cardio 45. This cardio-focused sweat session will have your heart pounding and legs quaking. Commit to the intensity to make every rep count. You’ve heard Amoila talk about acceleration and deceleration—what he’s saying is that it’s not just about going fast, but also about slowing down with control.

I love how he also talks about commitment and accountability to others. So important! And so motivational to understand that every workout can be better when you have a team supporting you.

Let’s get to it!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 14: Rest Day

Rest day! What have you got planned? One of my favorite things to do on my off-day is to get outside for a good walk. This doesn’t have to be a killer—make it scenic and slow if that’s what you enjoy. Bring the puppers or kiddos if you’ve got them. For me, being outside in the fresh air has a way of helping me focus my mind and prepare for the week ahead.

Something else to consider is meal prepping ahead of time so you’re never without healthy food options when life gets busy. I like to keep it simple by washing and chopping vegetables, and storing them wrapped in paper towels in my fridge to help them last longer. I like to blend avocados with my Shakeology for a creamy texture, and add frozen riced cauliflower instead of ice to sneak in an extra serving of veggies. I also make sure I have fresh and frozen fruit for breakfast and shakes. On Sundays, I like to precook a few days’ worth of protein like chicken so it’s ready for a fast salad or healthy grain bowl.

A quick tip on grocery shopping: Stick to the outer aisles of the grocery store! That’s where the healthiest food is located, so you’ll fill up your cart with the good stuff and not the chips and cookies. Your local farmers’ market is also an excellent choice for healthier options.

Today is another great opportunity for mindful meditation. Focus on your breathing and positive visualization to release the stress of the past week.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Workout Day 15: Chest & Biceps

Today’s workout—Chest & Biceps

We’re halfway through Phase 1 of LIIFT MORE! There’s no stopping us now.

Today’s workout is all about chest and biceps. Are you ready to push yourself a little harder? Can you take it to the next level this week?

Remember that health is a choice, and you’re here because you decided to make yourself a priority. This is your time to do something just for you. So give Joel your best effort!

Coach tip:
Ask if everyone is using the Weight Progression Tracker and what improvements they’re making. Also share whether you’ve been able to start lifting heavier weights and what progress you’re making.


Workout Day 16: Quads & Calves

Today’s workout—Quads & Calves

It’s another lift + HIIT day, and it’s quads and calves again. What do you think about the HIIT portion when you’ve worked your legs so hard? Do you prefer all lifting, or the combo?

Coach tip:
You only get amazing results when you pair it with the right nutrition. Share which nutrition program you follow and what you do to make it work for you.

The Quick Start Nutrition Guide is a great resource for weekday recipe ideas, and so are FIXATE and The Mindset Menu on BOD. You can also search the blog on BOD for inspiration. There’s no shortage of simple, healthy recipes!

Here are two recipe ideas you can share:

FIXATE Easy No-Bean Chili (page 59 of the Quick Start Nutrition Guide)

Mindset Menu Cheesy Cabbage Steak Turkey Sandwich (page 60 of the Quick Start Nutrition Guide)


Workout Day 17: Back & Triceps

Today’s workout—Back & Triceps

Ready to build a strong back and toned triceps? These muscle groups aren’t just for looks, they’re essential for everyday activities too!

If you’re comfortable, I encourage you to share pics or stories of your LIIFT MORE progress so far! We’re ready to cheer you on and give you virtual high-fives.

What changes are you seeing, in your body or your life? Do your clothes fit better? Do you have more energy? Can you lift heavier weights? I know we have a way to go in this program, but small steps lead to big achievements!

Coach tip:
Share a LIIFT MORE test group before and after photo.


Workout Day 18: Hamstrings & Glutes


Today’s workout—Hamstrings & Glutes

Some days you wake up motivated, and some days you have to rely on Energize to give you motivation. How are you feeling today? No matter how you answer, let’s work those hamstrings and glutes!

I may be feeling a little sore, but it’s so fulfilling to prioritize myself and my fitness. I’m grateful for the body I have and what it can do! How about you?

Coach Tip

Now’s a good time to talk about Beachbody Performance Recover. If members of your group are feeling really sore, they might be pushing themselves too hard in their workouts. Encourage them to follow the modifier, and share that you use Recover after every workout to help with muscle recovery.* Here’s a good article to help people learn more about Recover and how it can help.

Orange Recover — Now Available in Canada!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Today’s workout—Hamstrings & Glutes

Some days you wake up motivated, and some days you have to rely on Energize to give you motivation. How are you feeling today? No matter how you answer, let’s work those hamstrings and glutes!

I may be feeling a little sore, but it’s so fulfilling to prioritize myself and my fitness. I’m grateful for the body I have and what it can do! How about you?

Coach Tip

Now’s a good time to talk about Beachbody Performance Recover. If members of your group are feeling really sore, they might be pushing themselves too hard in their workouts. Encourage them to follow the modifier, and share that you use Recover after every workout to help with muscle recovery. Here’s a good article to help people learn more about Recover and how it can help.

Orange Recover — Now Available in Canada!


Today’s workout—Hamstrings & Glutes

Some days you wake up motivated, and some days you have to rely on Energize to give you motivation. How are you feeling today? No matter how you answer, let’s work those hamstrings and glutes!

I may be feeling a little sore, but it’s so fulfilling to prioritize myself and my fitness. I’m grateful for the body I have and what it can do! How about you?

Coach Tip
Now’s a good time to talk about Beachbody Performance Recover. If members of your group are feeling really sore, they might be pushing themselves too hard in their workouts. Encourage them to follow the modifier, and share that you use Recover after every workout. Here’s a good article to help people learn more about Recover and how it can help.

Orange Recover — Now Available in Canada!



Day 15: Lower Body Strength

Week 3! We are FLYING through this. In earlier posts, I talked about our commitment. If you’re like me, hopefully by now your commitment is stronger than ever, especially if you’re starting to see some results. We’ll talk more about that in a couple of days.

Today, I want to talk about MOTIVATION. It’s the thing that picks us up when we’re feeling down or low-energy, the thing that pushes us forward when we can’t seem to get our feet to work, and the thing that gets us to hit play on our workout when we might want to be doing ANYTHING else.

If you’re like me, you have people, songs, routines, rituals, or even tricks to help get past your hurdles and onto the WORK. What are some of yours? Is it a favorite quote? A great song? A friend or loved one? Think about what motivates you and share with us.

Let’s get to it: Lower Body Strength. The exercises are similar to those in week one, but you’ll be doing fewer reps per set. Lift heavier and give Amoila everything you’ve got. When you’re done, log your workout—and today’s Shakeology—on your BODgroups.

One last question: Who’s ready to make this week really count?

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 16: Lower Body Power


How did your weekend meal prep go? How about your trip to the market? I’m hoping you avoided the treats that can undermine all your hard work.

When it comes to snacking, I make sure to have plenty of veggies and fruits. When I need a sweet fix, I reach for a BEACHBAR snack bar—Chocolate Cherry Almond is my favorite flavor. I’m always on the lookout for a better snack, and this one meets my strict requirements—just 6g of sugar but a whopping 9–10g of protein and 4g of fiber at just 150 calories. I also love that it doesn’t taste like cardboard. It’s seriously tasty—chocolate and almonds happen to be two of my favorite things. There’s also a peanut butter flavor and even a vegan option.

If you want to try BEACHBAR and you’re using Portion Fix, count it as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp. For 2B Mindset, it makes a great protein snack.

Our workout: Total Body Power. Form is everything—especially when you’re doing explosive moves like the ones in this workout. Maintain your focus to maximize your gains. Want to burn more calories or add on a short stretching routine? Check out the bonus workouts for some great options.

Coach Tip
Talk about what you eat, when you eat, and HOW you eat. For a lot of your customers, Portion Fix or 2B Mindset might still be a little overwhelming or complex, so be sure to share any insights you can from your experiences with these two programs .


How did your weekend meal prep go? How about your trip to the market? I’m hoping you avoided the treats that can undermine all your hard work.

When it comes to snacking, I make sure to have plenty of veggies and fruits. When I need a sweet fix, I reach for a BEACHBAR snack bar—Chocolate Cherry Almond is my favourite flavour. I’m always on the lookout for a better snack, and this one meets my strict requirements—just 5–6g of sugar but a whopping 9–10g of protein and 4–5g of fibre at just 150 calories. I also love that it doesn’t taste like cardboard. It’s seriously tasty—chocolate and almonds happen to be two of my favourite things. There’s also a peanut butter flavour and even a vegan option.

If you want to try BEACHBAR and you’re using Portion Fix, count it as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp. For 2B Mindset, it makes a great protein snack.

Our workout: Total Body Power. Form is everything—especially when you’re doing explosive moves like the ones in this workout. Maintain your focus to maximize your gains. Want to burn more calories or add on a short stretching routine? Check out the bonus workouts for some great options.

Coach Tip
Talk about what you eat, when you eat, and HOW you eat. For a lot of your customers, Portion Fix or 2B Mindset might still be a little overwhelming or complex, so be sure to share any insights you can from your experiences with these two programs .


How did your weekend meal prep go? How about your trip to the market? I’m hoping you avoided the treats that can undermine all your hard work.

When it comes to snacking, I make sure to have plenty of veggies and fruits. When I need a sweet fix, I reach for a BEACHBAR snack bar—Chocolate Cherry Almond is my favourite flavour. I’m always on the lookout for a better snack, and this one meets my strict requirements—just 5–6g of sugar but a whopping 9–10g of protein and 4–5g of fibre at only 150–151 kcal. I also love that it doesn’t taste like cardboard. It’s seriously tasty—chocolate and almonds happen to be two of my favourite things. There’s also a peanut butter flavour and even a vegan option.

If you want to try BEACHBAR and you’re using Portion Fix, count it as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp. For 2B Mindset, it makes a great protein snack.

Our workout: Total Body Power. Form is everything—especially when you’re doing explosive moves like the ones in this workout. Maintain your focus to maximize your gains. Want to burn more calories or add on a short stretching routine? Check out the bonus workouts for some great options.

Coach Tip
Talk about what you eat, when you eat, and HOW you eat. For a lot of your customers, Portion Fix or 2B Mindset might still be a little overwhelming or complex, so be sure to share any insights you can from your experiences with these two programs .

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 17: Mobility & Stability

Hump day—middle of the week! You’re doing great!

Now that we’re three weeks into the program , I’d love to hear about your progress. If you’re feeling up to it, post your side-by-side pics so we can cheer on your hard work. While I’d love to hear about those numbers falling on the scale, or the tape measure getting smaller around your tummy, there are lots of ways to measure progress. Are you feeling stronger? More flexible and relaxed? Have you noticed an increase in energy? Decreased cravings? What about meal planning? Is it becoming an unbreakable habit for you?

Remember—this is a no-judgment zone. We’re here for each other, so let’s celebrate and encourage one another.

I’m really excited for today’s workout: Mobility & Stability. To keep training at your peak, you need to prioritize your recovery and mobility. This stretching session will help you do both.

Coach Tip
Maybe you have a story you can relate about the first time you shared some personal results while doing a fitness or nutrition program . Talk about how it made you feel—and how your group was supportive and inclusive.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 18: Upper Body Strength

You guys continue to inspire me. So many of you have reached out with questions about certain topics. Keep them coming! I’m here for you, and I can answer a lot of questions from personal experience, or point you to a great article on the Beachbody Blog. It’s packed with great, quick posts covering a huge range of topics.

Nutrition+ has a lot of useful and exclusive content that’s always worth a look. I found these two excellent recipes, one each from Portion Fix and 2B Mindset. Here they are:

Portion Fix recipe: Ricotta Pancakes with Mixed Berry Compote. Here’s the recipe:

2B Mindset recipe: Comforting Cauliflower Crust Pie. Here’s the recipe:

Today is Upper Body Strength. You’re going to feel the burn from your calves to your shoulders in this comprehensive workout that includes a 4-minute EMOM section dedicated to your biceps.

Let’s go do it!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 19: Total Body Tempo


A lot of you have asked how Beachbody Performance Recover is counted in Portion Fix or 2B Mindset. GREAT question. With Portion Fix, as long as you use it as directed, you can have it in addition to your containers (same goes for the rest of the Beachbody Performance line!). With 2B Mindset, drink it in addition to your meals, but make sure to track it so you know if it’s working for you. It’s my total go-to post-workout, which I drink within 30 minutes of finishing every workout. It helps reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness and give my muscles a jump start on their recovery, and sets me up for the next workout.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Here’s our workout. It’s Total Body Tempo. Shifting your focus from the concentric (lifting) to the eccentric (lowering) phase of each rep provides a fresh challenge—and a powerful stimulus for growth. Listen to Amoila’s cues, and keep his pace to get the most out of this workout.


A lot of you have asked how Beachbody Performance Recover is counted in Portion Fix or 2B Mindset. GREAT question. With Portion Fix, as long as you use it as directed, you can have it in addition to your containers (same goes for the rest of the Beachbody Performance line!). With 2B Mindset, drink it in addition to your meals, but make sure to track it so you know if it’s working for you. It’s my total go-to post-workout, which I drink within 30 minutes of finishing every workout. It helps give my muscles a jump start on their recovery, and sets me up for the next workout.

Here’s our workout. It’s Total Body Tempo. Shifting your focus from the concentric (lifting) to the eccentric (lowering) phase of each rep provides a fresh challenge—and a powerful stimulus for growth. Listen to Amoila’s cues, and keep his pace to get the most out of this workout.


A lot of you have asked how Beachbody Performance Recover is counted in Portion Fix or 2B Mindset. GREAT question. With Portion Fix, as long as you use it as directed, you can have it in addition to your containers (same goes for Beachbody Energize!). With 2B Mindset, drink it in addition to your meals, but make sure to track it so you know if it’s working for you. It’s my total go-to post-workout, which I drink within 30 minutes of finishing every workout. It helps give my muscles a jump start on their recovery, and sets me up for the next workout.+

+Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein.

Here’s our workout. It’s Total Body Tempo. Shifting your focus from the concentric (lifting) to the eccentric (lowering) phase of each rep provides a fresh challenge—and a powerful stimulus for growth. Listen to Amoila’s cues, and keep his pace to get the most out of this workout.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 20: Cardio 45

It’s the weekend! Who’s excited? And who’s ready to tear through Cardio 45? Today’s workout will leave you sweaty, breathless, and feeling energized , which is the true test of an effective training session.

One thing I love about Amoila is that he knows how to make cardio fun and engaging. I know a lot of you gripe about doing cardio, but think of it this way: It’s great for weight loss. It strengthens your heart. It improves lung capacity and naturally boosts your energy. And it can make your sleeping better!

If you feel like your workout space is too tight, take it outside! I find that the fresh air and natural light give me a boost of energy.

What do you feel after cardio days?

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 21: Rest Day

Hooray, it’s our rest day!

Before we head into our fourth week, I want to see who’s staying on top of their nutrition, Shakeology, and/or Beachbody Performance. It’s super-important for all of us to check in with ourselves, and this group, about how we are staying committed to our goals. I’ll post my answers in the comments.

  1. Are you using your containers or the Plate It method?
  2. Are you tracking your food intake?
  3. How’s your water intake?
  4. Are you eating breakfast?
  5. Are you struggling with nighttime snacking?
  6. Are you hungrier or less hungry than before?
  7. If you’re on Shakeology or Beachbody Performance HD, make sure to place your order for next month.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 22: Lower Body Strength


In 645, the last week of each of the first three stages is a deload. The workouts are still 45 minutes long, but we’ll be doing less reps and sets to help speed recovery and get us heading into the next stage feeling strong, rested, and ready—not overtrained. But don’t worry, you’ll still burn a ton of calories and work up a sweat. When you’re done, try this great recipe.

It’s No-Bake Shakeology Breakfast Cookies:

Our workout? Lower Body Strength. Focusing on your lower half, Amoila will lead you through two sets per exercise instead of three. The goal: Maintain your gains while enhancing your recovery so you can crush stage two.

Let us know how you did!

P.S. Did anyone catch that cue from the cast about touching your earlobe for stability when trying to balance on one foot? Interesting! I’m trying it!


In 645, the last week of each of the first three stages is a deload. The workouts are still 45 minutes long, but we’ll be doing less reps and sets to help speed recovery and get us heading into the next stage feeling strong, rested, and ready—not overtrained. But don’t worry, you’ll still burn a ton of calories and work up a sweat. When you’re done, try this great recipe.

It’s No-Bake Shakeology Breakfast Cookies:

Our workout? Lower Body Strength. Focusing on your lower half, Amoila will lead you through two sets per exercise instead of three. The goal: Maintain your gains while enhancing your recovery so you can crush stage two.

Let us know how you did!

P.S. Did anyone catch that cue from the cast about touching your earlobe for stability when trying to balance on one foot? Interesting! I’m trying it!


In 645, the last week of each of the first three stages is a deload. The workouts are still 45 minutes long, but we’ll be doing less reps and sets to help speed recovery and get us heading into the next stage feeling strong, rested, and ready—not overtrained. But don’t worry, you’ll still burn a ton of calories and work up a sweat. When you’re done, try this great recipe.

It’s Carrot Cake Energy Balls, and here’s the recipe:

Our workout? Lower Body Strength. Focusing on your lower half, Amoila will lead you through two sets per exercise instead of three. The goal: Maintain your gains while enhancing your recovery so you can crush stage two.

Let us know how you did!

P.S. Did anyone catch that cue from the cast about touching your earlobe for stability when trying to balance on one foot? Interesting! I’m trying it!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 23: Lower Body Power

Let’s talk about cravings. Whether it’s something sweet or something salty, we all crave different foods. One of the best things about Portion Fix is that Autumn believes in living your life and not feeling deprived. With that being said, getting results means having discipline, too. Is there something you’re craving that you’re denying yourself? I know Autumn has a hack for it, whether it’s a Shakeology ice cream recipe, a BEACHBAR, or crispy baked fries! Remember, the goal isn’t to feel deprived, but to make healthier choices.

Before Ilana Muhlstein created 2B Mindest, she struggled to confront her emotional eating. You might know the feeling—when life gets crazy, you reach for the comfort food. The whole idea of 2B Mindset is to shift the type of food you eat, not the volume. It allows you to satisfy your hunger, without jeopardizing your overall goals.

What are you loving about the program you’re following? Has it helped you combat your cravings, and make better food choices?

Today’s workout is Total Body Power. If this power workout feels easier than usual, don’t sweat it—dialing back your training volume during a deload week will set you up for success in the ones ahead by helping you hit the refresh button. Feeling strong? Add on a bonus workout!

Coach Tip
Whenever these sample posts mention a Beachbody product, recipe, or program , if possible, relate them back to your life. For instance, with today’s post, did Portion Fix or 2B Mindset help you with a particular obstacle or challenge?

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 24: Mobility & Stability

After talking about cravings yesterday, I wanted to find a great, hearty, delicious dinner recipe to share. I plan on making this one because it sounds delicious—and so satisfying. It’s Cacio e Pepe Palmini with Shrimp. Here it is:

Today is Mobility & Stability. You can’t optimize your training without prioritizing your recovery. Follow Amoila’s lead to ease muscle tension and enhance your mobility so you can keep performing at your peak.

What are your thoughts on the Power Loops? I’ve gotten a ton of messages about how comfortable they feel—the woven texture adds an element of breathability, while the grippier construction makes them less prone to slipping. I love them! How about you?

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 25: Upper Body Strength

Today, we’re doing Upper Body Strength. Shift your focus to your upper half to build balanced strength and a leaner, more defined body overall. I love this workout because Amoila talks about your “why”—give it a think while you’re working out.

I’m hoping you’re getting as much out of our group as I am! It’s so easy to get overwhelmed with making lifestyle choices like committing to a 13-week fitness program , or starting a new nutrition program . If you’re like me, so much of life seems to go on autopilot, and changing that up can be hard! New routines don’t have to be disruptive, especially if you have some amazing people in your life helping you manage all this good, positive change.

Who’s been your rock? Who’s your go-to support? Who’s helping you achieve your “why”? Your BODgroups are always here for you—we’re all doing this together, and that includes giving each other lots of support, cheers, accountability, and encouragement.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 26: Total Body Tempo


I hope you’ve been on top of your Beachbody Performance supplements. Let’s make sure we take Energize before we get going to help us really crush our workout.* Today it’s Total Body Tempo. It’s time to get negative again for distinctly positive results. Slow down the lowering phase of each rep to elevate your gains.

Are you getting enough protein? We’re on the cusp of starting stage 2, so it’s important you’re drinking your Recover. It has 20 grams of premium protein in each serving to help make sure you’re feeding your muscles what they need to recover and grow.* Your daily Shakeology also has 16–17 grams of protein per serving. Protein is key to muscle growth, so don’t skimp on it.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


I hope you’ve been on top of your Beachbody Performance supplements. Let’s make sure we take Energize before we get going to help us really crush our workout.* Today it’s Total Body Tempo. It’s time to get negative again for distinctly positive results. Slow down the lowering phase of each rep to elevate your gains.

Are you getting enough protein? We’re on the cusp of starting stage 2, so it’s important you’re drinking your Recover. It has 20 grams of premium protein in each serving to help make sure you’re feeding your muscles what they need to recover and grow. Your daily Shakeology also has 16–17 grams of protein per serving. Protein is key to muscle growth, so don’t skimp on it.


I hope you’ve been on top of your Beachbody Performance supplements. Let’s make sure we take Energize before we get going to help us really crush our workout.* Today it’s Total Body Tempo. It’s time to get negative again for distinctly positive results. Slow down the lowering phase of each rep to elevate your gains.

Are you getting enough protein? We’re on the cusp of starting stage 2, so it’s important you’re drinking your Recover. It has 20 grams of whey, pea, and casein protein in each serving to help make sure you’re feeding your muscles what they need to recover and grow.+ Your daily Shakeology is high in protein. Protein helps build lean muscle, so don’t skimp on it.

+Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 27: Cardio 45

Cardio 45. Close out stage one with a total-body sweat storm that will leave you pumped and prepared for stage two.

When you’re done, open your BOD app, and review your progress these last 4 weeks. The app is a great way to track your workouts and daily Shakeology, and help you stay committed to finishing all 13 weeks.

Coach Tip
Now’s a great time to share a success story. If you can share before and after pics, even better. By now, hopefully they’re beginning to see the results of their commitment, and are excited by their progress. By sharing a success story, you’re showing them that if they do the work, and stick to it, they can reach their peak.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 28: Rest Day


Rest day. Let’s relax, recharge, and focus on getting mentally ready for stage 2. Amoila will stick to the same daily schedule that we’ve been doing, but will change up the moves, intensity, and volume of work. Take a moment and review your Dumbbell Tracker, and see if you’re ready to increase your weights. Are you hydrating enough? Need to make adjustments to your meal plan?

Take a moment to do the Form Check Test, and compare where you are today to where you were the day before we started the program . What are you noticing? What still needs improvement?

Hit me up with any questions or concerns, and together we’ll tackle those obstacles!

Here’s a great recipe if you feel like getting in the kitchen! Winter Breeze Shakeology.


Rest day. Let’s relax, recharge, and focus on getting mentally ready for stage 2. Amoila will stick to the same daily schedule that we’ve been doing, but will change up the moves, intensity, and volume of work. Take a moment and review your Dumbbell Tracker, and see if you’re ready to increase your weights. Are you hydrating enough? Need to make adjustments to your meal plan?

Take a moment to do the Form Check Test, and compare where you are today to where you were the day before we started the program . What are you noticing? What still needs improvement?

Hit me up with any questions or concerns, and together we’ll tackle those obstacles!

Here’s a great recipe if you feel like getting in the kitchen! Winter Breeze Shakeology.


Rest day. Let’s relax, recharge, and focus on getting mentally ready for stage 2. Amoila will stick to the same daily schedule that we’ve been doing, but will change up the moves, intensity, and volume of work. Take a moment and review your Dumbbell Tracker, and see if you’re ready to increase your weights. Are you hydrating enough? Need to make adjustments to your meal plan?

Take a moment to do the Form Check Test, and compare where you are today to where you were the day before we started the program . What are you noticing? What still needs improvement?

Hit me up with any questions or concerns, and together we’ll tackle those obstacles!

Here’s a great recipe if you feel like getting in the kitchen. It’s Almond Madness Shakeology. Here’s the recipe: UK:

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 29: Lower Body Strength

We’ve all heard it before—breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But so many people ask me, WHY? Think about this—it sets the tone for your entire day with a solid nutritional foundation (made even better when you add in your daily Shakeology), so make it count. What are your go-to breakfasts? Do you have a favorite from Portion Fix or 2B Mindset? I try to pick one breakfast each week ahead of time to make my meal planning simpler.

Welcome to leg day—and the start of stage two. For this Lower Body Strength workout, stay with Amoila as he switches up the exercises and dials-up the intensity and complexity to accelerate your results. I loved the new move he introduced—Copenhagen! Did you find it hard, or easy?

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 30: Lower Body Power

One thing I absolutely love about this program is Amoila’s next-level coaching cues. Even though I’ve done a move before, I’m always surprised when he gives a training tip that dials-in my form even more. Doing every move the right way will help you squeeze the most out of every rep. Plus, it can help accelerate your results.

I’ve talked a lot about how informative Amoila’s cues are, but his style is so much more than teaching how to do the moves. I’ve learned so much about my body and the science of how it moves. What are some things you’ve learned from Amoila?

Our workout is Total Body Power. Each rep is an opportunity to become stronger, fitter, and more powerful, so remain focused and make every one count.

What cues today really helped you? Was it the “pop pop stick” during the Icky Shuffle?

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 31: Mobility & Stability

It’s days like today that help me power through the back half of the week—don’t skip these days! Today is Mobility & Stability. You’re training hard, and this workout will help keep it that way. Stretch with Amoila to enhance your recovery, increase your mobility, and continue performing at your peak.

People often ask why stretching and recovery work is so important. You may think of stretching as something performed only by runners or gymnasts. But we all need to stretch in order to maintain and enhance our mobility. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible and healthy, and we need that flexibility to move dynamically through full ranges of motion. Without it, muscles can become tight and more prone to strains and injury. We definitely don’t want that!

It’s also why Beachbody Performance Recover is a key part of my post-workout routine.

Have you noticed the benefits of our Mobility & Stability workouts? Let us know!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 32: Upper Body Strength

A few days ago I asked if you’re hydrating enough, and I want to circle back to that today. When you’re working out on a consistent basis, being well-hydrated helps improve your overall ability to perform, improves sleep, and even aids in weight loss. Not sure how much water you should be drinking? Take your body weight in pounds, divide by 2, and that number is how many ounces a day you should be drinking. The Quick Start Nutrition Guide has some great suggestions for what to add to your water for variety.

And if you need a little more hydration, don’t forget about Beachbody Performance Hydrate!

Today, Amoila leads us through Upper Body Strength. You’ll feel the pump in your chest, back, shoulders, and arms with this upper body-focused strength session that also works your lower half.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 33: Total Body Tempo

The workouts might be getting tougher, but you’re getting stronger.

Let’s crush this one. It’s Total Body Tempo. Embrace the burn and keep time with Amoila to maximize the muscle-building power of every rep. Listen to what he says about shoulder health. He has some great insights!

Tracking your workouts in the BOD app is more than just record-keeping—it’s an accountability tool. On days when you’re feeling like you need a little motivation, look at how far you’ve come. Notice how many days you showed up and crushed your workout when perhaps you thought you didn’t have it in you. That’s also why we’re here for each other—never forget that we’re all in this together.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 34: Cardio 45

It’s our last workout day of the week. Cardio 45. Keep a towel handy—this circuit-training session uses 45-second work intervals and minimal rest to make sure you break a sweat and torch tons of calories.

Whenever we step on a scale, take our measurements, or even snap a selfie, what do the numbers tell you? Do they jibe with what you’re seeing in the picture? Keep in mind, sometimes our best results are the things we CAN’T see—maybe you’re sleeping better, waking up earlier, and blasting through the afternoon slump. Maybe you’re eating better and feeling more satisfied with your healthier choices and Shakeology.

Let’s cheer on each other’s progress and head into tomorrow ready to REST!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 35: Rest Day

Rest day. Let’s make today a Self-Care Sunday. I’m looking forward to relaxing and recentering so I can go into next week with full batteries and a clear head. What are you doing for yourself today? Here are some ideas: Do something creative. Do some mindful meditation. Go to bed early, meal prep, read, drink lots of water, and fuel your body with excellent nutrition.

Here’s a great recipe if you’re looking for a dinner suggestion: Turkey Bacon Cauliflower “Mac” ’n’ Cheese. Seriously delicious!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 36: Lower Body Strength

Week 6! Once again, Amoila is going to dial-up the intensity a little bit, so get ready to give him everything you’ve got! Today’s workout is Lower Body Strength. You’re nearly halfway through the program , and your hard work is paying off in greater strength, more energy, and a slimmer profile. Maintain your momentum to continue your transformation.

With this new week, I want to be sure you’re tuned-in to your nutrition and meal prepping. You know what they say, “If you fail to plan, then plan to fail.” Meal prep is a huge part of seeing success with 645 and I want to be sure you are making it a priority each week. If you didn’t meal prep this past weekend, do it today!

Did you know that with Nutrition+ you’re getting new meal plans and grocery lists in one convenient PDF? If you’re looking for inspiration, make sure to check it out. While you’re there, don’t forget to check out the exclusive fitness content, including 630, which is an additional six 30-minute workouts from Amoila.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 37: Lower Body Power


The warm-up and activation might be my favorite part of each workout because I know how important it is for me to get my head in the game and my body warm and ready. Amoila so expertly weaves them into the overall workout, sometimes I lose track of the time, and before I know it, we’re done. Plus, starting each workout with this helps me put aside the craziness of my day, and really focus on the work to come. Amoila is always so calm, relaxed, and cheery—just what I need to give him my all.

Add in Beachbody Performance Energize to get some extra focus, endurance, and help make the workout feel easier. Hydrate is also a good option to boost your hydration and exercise performance.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Today is Total Body Power. The routine hasn’t changed, but the moves have. Focus on your form as you thrust, kick, twist, and swing your way through this total-body burnout.

Coach Tip
When there are personal references in a post, they’re meant to be suggestions that you can customize to fit your own story. Use these as starting points and make them your own to be truly authentic.


The warm-up and activation might be my favourite part of each workout because I know how important it is for me to get my head in the game and my body warm and ready. Amoila so expertly weaves them into the overall workout, sometimes I lose track of the time, and before I know it, we’re done. Plus, starting each workout with this helps me put aside the craziness of my day, and really focus on the work to come. Amoila is always so calm, relaxed, and cheery—just what I need to give him my all.

Add in Beachbody Performance Energize to get some extra focus, endurance, and help make the workout feel easier. Hydrate is also a good option to boost your hydration.

Today is Total Body Power. The routine hasn’t changed, but the moves have. Focus on your form as you thrust, kick, twist, and swing your way through this total-body burnout.

Coach Tip
When there are personal references in a post, they’re meant to be suggestions that you can customize to fit your own story. Use these as starting points and make them your own to be truly authentic.


The warm-up and activation might be my favourite part of each workout because I know how important it is for me to get my head in the game and my body warm and ready. Amoila so expertly weaves them into the overall workout, sometimes I lose track of the time, and before I know it, we’re done. Plus, starting each workout with this helps me put aside the craziness of my day, and really focus on the work to come. Amoila is always so calm, relaxed, and cheery—just what I need to give him my all.

Add in Beachbody Performance Energize to get some extra focus, endurance, and help make the workout feel easier.

**Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.

Today is Total Body Power. The routine hasn’t changed, but the moves have. Focus on your form as you thrust, kick, twist, and swing your way through this total-body burnout.

Coach Tip
When there are personal references in a post, they’re meant to be suggestions that you can customize to fit your own story. Use these as starting points and make them your own to be truly authentic.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 38: Mobility & Stability


I don’t just love Shakeology because it’s delicious. I’ve noticed so many positives in my life since starting it. Have you? I used to get into a slump EVERY SINGLE DAY, but Shakeology helps provide healthy energy. I also drink one to help satisfy my cravings for something sweet.* If you are looking for more recipes, be sure to check out the Shakeology tab in the Nutrition Center on Beachbody On Demand.

Here’s our workout, Mobility & Stability. It’s time to give your muscles some TLC and your mobility some attention. These sessions are key to maintaining a high level of performance, so stay focused and stretch with purpose.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


I don’t just love Shakeology because it’s delicious. I’ve noticed so many positives in my life since starting it. Have you? I used to get into a slump EVERY SINGLE DAY, but Shakeology helps provide healthy energy. I also drink one to help me feel satisfied. If you are looking for more recipes, be sure to check out the Shakeology tab in the Nutrition Center on Beachbody On Demand.

Here’s our workout, Mobility & Stability. It’s time to give your muscles some TLC and your mobility some attention. These sessions are key to maintaining a high level of performance, so stay focused and stretch with purpose.


I don’t just love Shakeology because it’s delicious. I’ve noticed so many positives in my life since starting it. Have you? I used to get into a slump EVERY SINGLE DAY, but Shakeology helps support energy levels.† If you are looking for more recipes, be sure to check out

Here’s our workout, Mobility & Stability. It’s time to give your muscles some TLC and your mobility some attention. These sessions are key to maintaining a high level of performance, so stay focused and stretch with purpose.

†Magnesium contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 39: Upper Body Strength


Chances are, your caloric needs have changed with the consistency of your workouts. If you’re feeling like you need to tweak your nutrition plan, what or how much you’re eating, give a holler and we can dig in together to see what can be adjusted. The great news is that both Portion Fix and 2B Mindset have simple, easy-to-follow steps to making modifications.

Our workout is Upper Body Strength. Today’s workout might emphasize your back and arms, but you’ll also feel it in your legs and core. Keep your movements controlled and your form on-point to lock in your gains.

Did anyone find a new Shakeology recipe in the Nutrition Center? Here’s one I love:

Take a few minutes to make Shakeology Cinnamon Apple Overnight Oats with Pecan Crumble for tomorrow. So satisfying, and such a great start to the day. Here’s the recipe:


Chances are, your caloric needs have changed with the consistency of your workouts. If you’re feeling like you need to tweak your nutrition plan, what or how much you’re eating, give a holler and we can dig in together to see what can be adjusted. The great news is that both Portion Fix and 2B Mindset have simple, easy-to-follow steps to making modifications.

Our workout is Upper Body Strength. Today’s workout might emphasize your back and arms, but you’ll also feel it in your legs and core. Keep your movements controlled and your form on-point to lock in your gains.

Did anyone find a new Shakeology recipe in the Nutrition Center? Here’s one I love:

Take a few minutes to make Shakeology Cinnamon Apple Overnight Oats with Pecan Crumble for tomorrow. So satisfying, and such a great start to the day. Here’s the recipe:


Chances are, your caloric needs have changed with the consistency of your workouts. If you’re feeling like you need to tweak your nutrition plan, what or how much you’re eating, give a holler and we can dig in together to see what can be adjusted. The great news is that both Portion Fix and 2B Mindset have simple, easy-to-follow steps to making modifications.

Our workout is Upper Body Strength. Today’s workout might emphasise your back and arms, but you’ll also feel it in your legs and core. Keep your movements controlled and your form on-point to lock in your gains.

Did anyone find a new Shakeology recipe in the Nutrition Center? Here’s one I love:

Take a few minutes to make Salted Chocolate Maple Walnut Bars for tomorrow. So satisfying, and such a great treat. Here’s the recipe: UK:

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 40: Total Body Tempo


You’re doing great! As always, I’m blown away by your commitment and dedication to finishing strong! We have a ways to go yet, so keep doing YOU.

Today is Total Body Tempo. Challenge yourself to lift heavier and crush this head-to-toe workout that leaves no muscle untouched.

Before I log off for the day, who made the Overnight Oats yesterday? If so, let us know how it turned out! Do you have a recipe you’d like to share? Maybe it’s one you found on the Beachbody Blog or on FIXATE, the healthy cooking show on Beachbody On Demand.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.


You’re doing great! As always, I’m blown away by your commitment and dedication to finishing strong! We have a ways to go yet, so keep doing YOU.

Today is Total Body Tempo. Challenge yourself to lift heavier and crush this head-to-toe workout that leaves no muscle untouched.

Before I log off for the day, who made the Overnight Oats yesterday? If so, let us know how it turned out! Do you have a recipe you’d like to share? Maybe it’s one you found on the Beachbody Blog or on FIXATE, the healthy cooking show on Beachbody On Demand.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.


You’re doing great! As always, I’m blown away by your commitment and dedication to finishing strong! We have a ways to go yet, so keep doing YOU.

Today is Total Body Tempo. Challenge yourself to lift heavier and crush this head-to-toe workout that leaves no muscle untouched.

Before I log off for the day, who made the Maple Walnut Bars yesterday? If so, let us know how it turned out! Do you have a recipe you’d like to share? Maybe it’s one you found on the Beachbody Blog or on FIXATE, the healthy cooking show on Beachbody On Demand.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 41: Cardio 45

Can you believe it? Another week about to be done! You guys are CRUSHING it! Let’s finish this week with a high-intensity, calorie-torching Cardio 45 workout. Amoila boosts the burn with new cardio exercises that will leave you dripping in sweat. Go hard, maintain good form, and watch the pounds melt away.

What are your plans for tomorrow? How will you spend your day off? What will you do to get ready for Monday?

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 43: Lower Body Strength

We are back at it! I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to feel like I am dialed-in, and beginning to cruise through this. Yes, it’s tough, and yes, it’s a big commitment, but Amoila and the cast keep it fun and motivational, and make me feel like this is the most productive 45 minutes of my day. He’s so inspirational—I really do feel he gets the best out of me, even when I feel like I can’t do it.

Since it’s the first day of the new week, I’m giving 110% because I want to start the week strong. Today is Lower Body Strength. The exercises are similar to those in week five, but you’ll be doing fewer reps per set. Lift heavier and give Amoila everything you’ve got. Add a bonus workout if you’re feeling especially energized .

What do you feel about Amoila’s training style? Do you feel like he’s pushing you to be better, stronger, faster?

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 44: Lower Body Power


Grab your shaker cup, put in a scoop of Energize and water, and get ready for Total Body Power. This workout is proof that you only need 45 minutes to build gravity-defying power from head to toe.

Amoila calls Energize his “hustle juice”—and I definitely know why. Energize helps enhance my exercise performance, sharpen my focus, and boost my endurance.* Plus it comes in three great flavors, so I can mix up my routine the delicious way. I drink it 30 minutes before I work out.

After my workout, it’s time for Recover. One scoop within 30 minutes helps speed muscle recovery, build lean muscle, and reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness.* My feeling is, the faster I recover, the stronger and harder I can go tomorrow.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

** Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.

Are you drinking Energize and Recover? Tell us why!


Grab your shaker cup, put in a scoop of Energize and water, and get ready for Total Body Power. This workout is proof that you only need 45 minutes to build gravity-defying power from head to toe.

Amoila calls Energize his “hustle juice”—and I definitely know why. Energize helps enhance my exercise performance, sharpen my focus, and boost my endurance.* Plus it comes in three great flavors, so I can mix up my routine the delicious way. I drink it 30 minutes before I work out.

After my workout, it’s time for Recover. One scoop within 30 minutes helps build lean muscle and repair body tissue. My feeling is, the faster I recover, the stronger and harder I can go tomorrow.

Are you drinking Energize and Recover? Tell us why!


Grab your shaker cup, put in a scoop of Energize and water, and get ready for Total Body Power. This workout is proof that you only need 45 minutes to build gravity-defying power from head to toe.

Amoila calls Energize his “hustle juice”—and I definitely know why. Energize helps enhance my exercise performance, sharpen my focus, and boost my endurance.** Plus it comes in two great flavours, so I can mix up my routine the delicious way. I drink it 30 minutes before I work out.

After my workout, it’s time for Recover. One scoop within 30 minutes helps support muscle protein synthesis and contribute to a growth in muscle mass.+ My feeling is, the faster I recover, the stronger and harder I can go tomorrow.

** Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.
+Protein contributes to a growth in muscle mass.

Are you drinking Energize and Recover? Tell us why!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 45: Mobility & Stability

Let’s bring the energy down today with Mobility & Stability. Follow Amoila’s lead to help enhance blood flow, calm your mind, and rejuvenate tired muscles. Learning to breathe during exercise is so important—I find myself using these breathing techniques in our other workouts.

Afterward, enjoy this hearty, delicious, savory meal that I make way more than I should. It’s that good. It comes from Portion Fix but absolutely works with 2B Mindset.

What recipes have you found? Any new go-to’s for you? If you love it, share it! We all appreciate new inspiration!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 46: Upper Body Strength

Here we go! Upper Body Strength. You’ll feel the burn all over in this 45-minute strength session, but triceps-focused EMOM training will help you sculpt eye-popping arms.

I’m so amazed at how much you’ve all really taken this group to the next level. For me, BODgroups lets me bring together a great group who have all made a commitment to 645, and helps me stay accountable. Plus, it’s an easy way to track my workouts.

Is this your first Challenge Group? If yes, what are you loving, and what are you missing? If you’ve done a group before, what did you like about that? I’m always open to feedback, because I want this to be an awesome experience for all of you!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 47: Total Body Tempo

Amoila isn’t going to waste a minute (as usual), so get ready to sweat! Today is Total Body Tempo. Challenge yourself to lift heavier and crush this head-to-toe workout that leaves no muscle untouched.

Afterward, take a minute and review your Dumbbell Tracker. How have you been progressing? Do you remember where you were with your weight selections on week 1 versus where you are now? Tell us or share your own progress photos.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 48: Cardio 45

Here comes the calorie-burn! I love cardio day because I know that I’ll sleep great tonight, and have a great rest day tomorrow. So, let’s get to it—Cardio 45. This workout is tough—but so are you. Find your focus, press play, remember what Amoila has taught us about controlling our breathing and accelerating and decelerating our pace, and prepare to sweat. It’s go time.

How did you do? Do you find that your cardio capacity has increased? How about your stamina and endurance?

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 49: Rest Day

Have you discovered the huge number of mindful meditations on Beachbody On Demand? I love the Relaxation & Meditation section—it offers 99 meditations that are great for helping you detangle the day, calm your senses, and generally unwind. I might do one or two on a rest day like today, or even before or after a workout if my day is particularly stressful. There’s also Unstress, which is a 21-day program of short 10-minute meditations. The best part is that these and others are in your BOD Member Library. Check them out!

How will you prepare for the new week of workouts? How has your body changed? As Amoila likes to ask, is it yam season yet and are you getting those booty gains?

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Multi-Program | Week 8 | Day 5 |



Confession: I have trouble getting all my veggies in during the day. So recently, I gave the Power Greens Shakeology Boost a shot. It has a full serving of green veggies in just one scoop—but you would never know if you tasted it! It blends really well into my shakes, so I get all the benefits without that “green” taste.

There are other Boosts too—one to help digestion and one to help your energy and focus. Message me for more info or if you have any questions.


Beachbody Performance

I used to pound popular sports drinks I found at my local grocery store when I first started working out. BAD IDEA. They were so full of sugar that I ended up feeling bloated right in the middle of a workout. That’s why I’m glad Beachbody created Beachbody Performance Hydrate. It has no artificial flavors, sweeteners, or colors, and it’s better than water at keeping me hydrated during longer workouts.* Want to try some? Message me.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




Confession: I have trouble getting all my veggies in during the day. Did you know that Shakeology has a super-green/phytonutrient ingredients like moringa, chlorella, spinach, kale and matcha? Sometimes when I want extra boost of greens, I toss in some fresh vegetables. With Shakeology’s delicious taste, can help me get in my 5 A Day!


Beachbody Performance

A lot of supplements out there contain tons of artificial crap or “fillers.” That’s why I’m really happy that Beachbody focused on using healthier ingredients for their line of Beachbody Performance supplements. With ingredients like beta-alanine, pomegranate extract, and green tea, I can take my workouts to the next level without having to worry about sketchy ingredients.

If you’ve done other Beachbody workouts before, how do your results compare this time around using Beachbody Performance?

All products, configurations, and flavors may not be available in your market.


Workout Day 15: Chest & Biceps

Today’s workout—Chest & Biceps

We’re halfway through Phase 1 of LIIFT MORE! There’s no stopping us now.

Today’s workout is all about chest and biceps. Are you ready to push yourself a little harder? Can you take it to the next level this week?

Remember that health is a choice, and you’re here because you decided to make yourself a priority. This is your time to do something just for you. So give Joel your best effort!

Coach tip:
Ask if everyone is using the Weight Progression Tracker and what improvements they’re making. Also share whether you’ve been able to start lifting heavier weights and what progress you’re making.


Workout Day 16: Quads & Calves

Today’s workout—Quads & Calves

It’s another lift + HIIT day, and it’s quads and calves again. What do you think about the HIIT portion when you’ve worked your legs so hard? Do you prefer all lifting, or the combo?

Coach tip:
You only get amazing results when you pair it with the right nutrition. Share which nutrition program you follow and what you do to make it work for you.

The Quick Start Nutrition Guide is a great resource for weekday recipe ideas, and so are FIXATE and The Mindset Menu on BOD. You can also search the blog on BOD for inspiration. There’s no shortage of simple, healthy recipes!

Here are two recipe ideas you can share:

FIXATE Easy No-Bean Chili (page 59 of the Quick Start Nutrition Guide)

Mindset Menu Cheesy Cabbage Steak Turkey Sandwich (page 60 of the Quick Start Nutrition Guide)


Workout Day 17: Back & Triceps

Today’s workout—Back & Triceps

Ready to build a strong back and toned triceps? These muscle groups aren’t just for looks, they’re essential for everyday activities too!

If you’re comfortable, I encourage you to share pics or stories of your LIIFT MORE progress so far! We’re ready to cheer you on and give you virtual high-fives.

What changes are you seeing, in your body or your life? Do your clothes fit better? Do you have more energy? Can you lift heavier weights? I know we have a way to go in this program, but small steps lead to big achievements!

Coach tip:
Share a LIIFT MORE test group before and after photo.


Workout Day 18: Hamstrings & Glutes


Today’s workout—Hamstrings & Glutes

Some days you wake up motivated, and some days you have to rely on Energize to give you motivation. How are you feeling today? No matter how you answer, let’s work those hamstrings and glutes!

I may be feeling a little sore, but it’s so fulfilling to prioritize myself and my fitness. I’m grateful for the body I have and what it can do! How about you?

Coach Tip

Now’s a good time to talk about Beachbody Performance Recover. If members of your group are feeling really sore, they might be pushing themselves too hard in their workouts. Encourage them to follow the modifier, and share that you use Recover after every workout to help with muscle recovery.* Here’s a good article to help people learn more about Recover and how it can help.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Today’s workout—Hamstrings & Glutes

Some days you wake up motivated, and some days you have to rely on Energize to give you motivation. How are you feeling today? No matter how you answer, let’s work those hamstrings and glutes!

I may be feeling a little sore, but it’s so fulfilling to prioritize myself and my fitness. I’m grateful for the body I have and what it can do! How about you?

Coach Tip

Now’s a good time to talk about Beachbody Performance Recover. If members of your group are feeling really sore, they might be pushing themselves too hard in their workouts. Encourage them to follow the modifier, and share that you use Recover after every workout to help with muscle recovery. Here’s a good article to help people learn more about Recover and how it can help.


Today’s workout—Hamstrings & Glutes

Some days you wake up motivated, and some days you have to rely on Energize to give you motivation. How are you feeling today? No matter how you answer, let’s work those hamstrings and glutes!

I may be feeling a little sore, but it’s so fulfilling to prioritize myself and my fitness. I’m grateful for the body I have and what it can do! How about you?

Coach Tip
Now’s a good time to talk about Beachbody Performance Recover. If members of your group are feeling really sore, they might be pushing themselves too hard in their workouts. Encourage them to follow the modifier, and share that you use Recover after every workout. Here’s a good article to help people learn more about Recover and how it can help.


Workout Day 19: Shoulders

Today’s workout—Shoulders

Week 3—done!

The last workout of the week is shoulders. I know it can feel tough at times, but you keep showing up. And you’re doing great!

Always remember that consistency is key to results. If you ever feel like you can’t commit to 45 minutes, don’t skip the workout! Do one of the 20-minute LIIFT Express workouts that were developed to help you stay on-track, even when you have a busy schedule. There is an express workout for each muscle group, so you can follow our schedule no matter what. You’ve got this!


Workout Day 20: Rest Day


Rest Day

You earned this rest day. Do something fun for yourself today!

Let’s look back on this week. Did you get stronger? Has your form improved? Do you have a new favorite move?

What about your nutrition? Can you describe it on a scale of 1 to 10? 10 means you’re 100% on-track, and 1 means you have some room for improvement. 😉

Tell us about any challenges you’re facing, and share your successes! We want to hear all your tips and tricks for making fitness and nutrition easier.

Coach Tip

In a challenging program like LIIFT MORE, Beachbody Performance Protein Recharge can be a game-changer. That’s why Joel recommends it so strongly. Your group should think of it as essential for their recovery and a tool to help them feel like they can keep working hard. Make sure to share your unique experience with this supplement as you progress through the program. You may inspire the group with your story!*

Protein Recharge: Helps support muscle recovery, helps combat exercise-induced muscle soreness, helps reduce muscle breakdown. It has slow-release micellar casein protein to help promote muscle growth and reduce muscle breakdown overnight.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Rest Day

You earned this rest day. Do something fun for yourself today!

Let’s look back on this week. Did you get stronger? Has your form improved? Do you have a new favorite move?

What about your nutrition? Can you describe it on a scale of 1 to 10? 10 means you’re 100% on-track, and 1 means you have some room for improvement. 😉

Tell us about any challenges you’re facing, and share your successes! We want to hear all your tips and tricks for making fitness and nutrition easier.

Coach Tip

In a challenging program like LIIFT MORE, Beachbody Performance Protein Recharge can be a game-changer. That’s why Joel recommends it so strongly. Your group should think of it as essential for their recovery and a tool to help them feel like they can keep working hard. Make sure to share your unique experience with this supplement as you progress through the program. You may inspire the group with your story!

Protein Recharge: It’s specially formulated with key ingredients to help support muscle recovery, promote muscle protein synthesis, and help build lean muscle as part of your fitness and healthy eating program.



Rest Day

You earned this rest day. Do something fun for yourself today!

Let’s look back on this week. Did you get stronger? Has your form improved? Do you have a new favorite move?

What about your nutrition? Can you describe it on a scale of 1 to 10? 10 means you’re 100% on-track, and 1 means you have some room for improvement. 😉

Tell us about any challenges you’re facing, and share your successes! We want to hear all your tips and tricks for making fitness and nutrition easier.


Workout Day 21: Rest Day

Rest Day

How are you spending your rest day?

Next week is the last week of Phase 1. What will you focus on? Increasing your weights, dialing-in your nutrition, or something else? Tell us here for accountability!

If you feel like doing some extra movement today, you can always check out a low-intensity or low-impact class on BODi. Let us know which one you choose. Maybe some of us will join you!

Coach tip:
Some healthy habits may start slipping at this point during the program . Keep checking in with your BODgroup members to ensure they’re staying on top of their nutrition and using their Beachbody Performance “Joel Stack.”


Workout Day 22: Chest & Biceps


Today’s workout—Chest & Biceps

Have you done today’s chest and biceps workout yet? I noticed how much stronger I’m feeling, and it really got me fired up! I know I’ve been working hard, but now I can see my progress.

What progress are you seeing? Share it here so we can all give you a shout-out.

Coach Tip
Check in with your group to ensure they’re on top of their supplements. It’s the final week of Phase 1 and getting the right fuel will help them get ready for a new challenge in Phase 2.

● A pre-workout that helps give you a boost to help you power through your workouts*
● Made with beta-alanine, low-dose caffeine from green tea and coffee bean extracts, and quercetin

● A post-workout supplement to help jump-start recovery and build lean muscle*
● Made with high-quality proteins and phytonutrients to help speed muscle recovery, combat exercise-induced muscle soreness, and improve strength*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Rest Day
Today’s workout—Chest & Biceps

Have you done today’s chest and biceps workout yet? I noticed how much stronger I’m feeling, and it really got me fired up! I know I’ve been working hard, but now I can see my progress.

What progress are you seeing? Share it here so we can all give you a shout-out.

Coach Tip
Check in with your group to ensure they’re on top of their supplements. It’s the final week of Phase 1 and getting the right fuel will help them get ready for a new challenge in Phase 2.

● A pre-workout that helps give you a boost to help you power through your workouts
● Made with beta-alanine, low-dose caffeine from green tea and coffee bean extracts, and quercetin

● A post-workout supplement to help jump-start recovery and build lean muscle
● Made with high-quality proteins and phytonutrients to help speed muscle recovery and muscle protein synthesis


Rest Day
Today’s workout—Chest & Biceps
Have you done today’s chest and biceps workout yet? I noticed how much stronger I’m feeling, and it really got me fired up! I know I’ve been working hard, but now I can see my progress.

What progress are you seeing? Share it here so we can all give you a shout-out.

Coach Tip
Check in with your group to ensure they’re on top of their supplements. It’s the final week of Phase 1 and getting the right fuel will help them get ready for a new challenge in Phase 2.

● A pre-workout that helps give you a boost to help you power through your workouts†
● Made with beta-alanine, low-dose caffeine from green tea and coffee bean extracts, and quercetin

● A post-workout supplement to help contribute to growth in muscle mass and maintenance of normal bones‡
● Made with high-quality proteins and phytonutrients

†Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.
‡Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein.


Workout Day 23: Quads & Calves


Today’s workout—Quads & Calves

Are you ready to sweat? It’s another lift + HIIT day and we are gonna burn!

This is the last week of phase 1 and I want to hear what you’re loving about these workouts! Has Joel said something that stuck with you? Do you feel stronger with every workout? Do you take pride in your sweaty selfies? Share a victory, big or small!

Remember that if you’re ever short on time, you can do a 20-minute LIIFT Express workout. One of the workouts uses the Beachbody Bike, and it’s SO fun and SO sweaty.

Coach Tip
You will need a Beachbody Bike for one of the LIIFT Express workouts, as well as for the LIIFT WEEK: Lift + Cycle workouts on BODi (available in September 2022, to be done after this program ends). This is a good time to remind the group to get their Beachbody Bike in time for LIIFT Week.

You can also talk about adding Beachbody Performance Hydrate to your water during workouts. Mention that Hydrate is perfect to help replace electrolytes lost during exercise and improve your endurance by fueling those hard-working muscles.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Today’s workout—Quads & Calves

Are you ready to sweat? It’s another lift + HIIT day and we are gonna burn!

This is the last week of phase 1 and I want to hear what you’re loving about these workouts! Has Joel said something that stuck with you? Do you feel stronger with every workout? Do you take pride in your sweaty selfies? Share a victory, big or small!

Remember that if you’re ever short on time, you can do a 20-minute LIIFT Express workout. One of the workouts uses the Beachbody Bike, and it’s SO fun and SO sweaty.

Coach Tip
You will need a Beachbody Bike for one of the LIIFT Express workouts, as well as for the LIIFT WEEK: Lift + Cycle workouts on BODi (available in September 2022, to be done after this program ends). This is a good time to remind the group to get their Beachbody Bike in time for LIIFT Week.

You can also talk about adding Beachbody Performance Hydrate to your water during workouts. Mention that Hydrate is perfect to help replace electrolytes lost during exercise and improve your endurance by fueling those hard-working muscles.


Today’s workout—Quads & Calves

Are you ready to sweat? It’s another lift + HIIT day and we are gonna burn!

This is the last week of phase 1 and I want to hear what you’re loving about these workouts! Has Joel said something that stuck with you? Do you feel stronger with every workout? Do you take pride in your sweaty selfies? Share a victory, big or small!

Remember that if you’re ever short on time, you can do a 20-minute LIIFT Express workout.


Workout Day 24: Back & Triceps

Today’s workout—Back & Triceps

Another back and triceps today! Do you love this combo? It’s hard, but Joel makes it fun, so at least I’m laughing through the burn.

Do you ever get in a midweek slump? I know I do, especially with my nutrition. So I try to make something different to get out of my rut. Here are a couple of recipes that are easy and delicious for any day of the week.

FIXATE Turkey Taco Lettuce Wraps

Danielle’s Fennel and Celery Salad with Tuna

No matter whether you’re trying to lose weight or build muscle (or both!), it’s important to fuel your body well. If you make either of these recipes, let us know what you think.


Workout Day 25: Hamstrings & Glutes

Today’s workout—Hamstrings & Glutes

Your hamstrings and glutes should be on fire after today’s workout. How do you feel?

Can you believe we’re almost at the end of Phase 1? You’ve come too far to quit now! Keep going and let’s earn our LIIFT MORE badge. Did you know that you get a badge for BOD programs bike rides, and nutrition? I find it so motivating. What other badges have you collected?

Coach tip:
Remind your group members that Beachbody Performance supplements are designed to work together to help you get the most out of your workouts—before, during, and after! Proper energy, hydration, and recovery are all essential for helping you push hard and get better results.


Workout Day 26: Shoulders

Today’s workout—Shoulders

You made it to the last workout of Phase 1! Congrats!

Let’s hit those shoulders hard, then celebrate! Thank you all for the motivation, encouragement, and inspiration you provided during these first 4 weeks. We need each other, so let’s continue to support one another in Phase 2!

Speaking of hard work, we’ve used ALLLL the muscles in these first 4 weeks. What has been your favorite muscle group to work? What are your goals for Phase 2?

Coach tip:
Encourage members to take progress photos so they can see how far they’ve come. Feel free to share a before and after photo to keep everyone inspired to work hard.


Workout Day 27: Rest Day

Rest Day

Let’s take a moment to reflect. How do you feel? I feel more confident and fulfilled, because I’ve taken time to focus on my fitness goals and invest time in myself. What about you?

Props to everyone in this group for focusing on your health and wellness. I know that it’s not always easy to stay consistent with your workouts or meal prep—especially when your family, your job, and your friends all want a piece of you. But by showing up for yourself, you’re honoring your needs too—all while maintaining the forward momentum necessary to reach your goals. So, keep it up!

Coach tip:
Now’s a great time to share your personal journey and your goals for Phase 2.


Workout Day 28: Rest Day

Rest Day

Phase 1 of LIIFT MORE was all about perfecting your form, building strength, and helping you get on-track with your nutrition.

For Phase 2, get ready to add some reps and dial up the intensity!

You CAN reach your goals, and we’re here to help! Let’s keep motivating each other to push through the challenge.

Coach tip:
Your BODgroup members might be running low on Beachbody Performance. Ask them if they need to order more, and reinforce that supplements can help give you a boost so you get maximum results from your hard work.


Workout Day 29: Legs

Today’s workout—Legs

Who’s hyped for Phase 2? It’s a new month, and this time we’re starting with legs.

You’ll notice that these workouts have more reps and more intensity. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing. Keep going at your own pace. It’s you vs you!

Coach tip:
If you have a favorite song that gets you pumped and ready for a challenge, share it with your group.

Encourage your group to use the Weight Progression Tracker.


Workout Day 30: Chest & Back


Today’s workout—Chest & Back

Your first lift + HIIT day of Phase 2 is chest and back. This is a new muscle grouping, so be sure to let us know how you like it!

In the lifting portion you have maximum power to push those heavy weights. Then you can empty your tank in the HIIT portion and burn tons of calories. The endorphin rush you get after a good workout makes it all worth it.

Let’s break a sweat!

Coach Tip
The workouts are getting harder, so you can recommend Hydrate to help replace electrolytes lost during exercise.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Remind the group that sleep is essential for muscle growth and repair. They’re going to need rest to keep up in Phase 2.


Today’s workout—Chest & Back
Your first lift + HIIT day of Phase 2 is chest and back. This is a new muscle grouping, so be sure to let us know how you like it!

In the lifting portion you have maximum power to push those heavy weights. Then you can empty your tank in the HIIT portion and burn tons of calories. The endorphin rush you get after a good workout makes it all worth it.

Let’s break a sweat!

Coach Tip
The workouts are getting harder, so you can recommend Hydrate to help replace electrolytes lost during exercise.

Remind the group that sleep is essential for muscle growth and repair. They’re going to need rest to keep up in Phase 2.


Today’s workout—Chest & Back

Your first lift + HIIT day of Phase 2 is chest and back. This is a new muscle grouping, so be sure to let us know how you like it!

In the lifting portion you have maximum power to push those heavy weights. Then you can empty your tank in the HIIT portion and burn tons of calories. The endorphin rush you get after a good workout makes it all worth it.

Let’s break a sweat!

Coach Tip
Remind the group that sleep is essential for muscle growth and repair. They’re going to need rest to keep up in Phase 2.


Workout Day 31: Shoulders

Today’s workout—Shoulders

Time to work those shoulders!

Do you ever get in a slump where you struggle with motivation? Me too. It’s normal. That’s where discipline works better than willpower. We started with a goal at the beginning of this program , and we’re more than halfway there. Stick with it and be committed to consistency, even if you’re not 100% perfect all the time.

If you’re feeling a bit off-track, think about why and what you might do to get back on board. Let’s share some of our victories (however big or small) with the group. We can do hard things as long as we’re together.


Workout Day 32: More Legs


Today’s workout—More Legs

Wait, did Joel just say “more legs”? Think you can handle it? I know you can!

What was your favorite thing about leg day? Can you do more reps now? What about your weight selection? For me, it felt amazing to do more reps. I love seeing the progress I’ve made.

Coach Tip
Remind the group that Beachbody Performance Recover can help them bounce back faster after hard workouts like today.

Recover helps combat exercise-induced muscle soreness and jump-start recovery so you can hit every workout with strength and intensity.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Today’s workout—More Legs

Wait, did Joel just say “more legs”? Think you can handle it? I know you can!

What was your favorite thing about leg day? Can you do more reps now? What about your weight selection? For me, it felt amazing to do more reps. I love seeing the progress I’ve made.

Coach Tip
Remind the group that Beachbody Performance Recover can help them bounce back faster after hard workouts like today.
Recover helps jump-start recovery so you can hit every workout with strength and intensity. Take Recover after every workout to help speed muscle recovery, support muscle growth, and promote muscle protein synthesis.


Today’s workout—More Legs

Wait, did Joel just say “more legs”? Think you can handle it? I know you can!

What was your favorite thing about leg day? Can you do more reps now? What about your weight selection? For me, it felt amazing to do more reps. I love seeing the progress I’ve made.

Coach Tip
Remind the group that Beachbody Performance Recover can help them bounce back faster after hard workouts like today.

Take Recover after every workout to support muscle protein synthesis and maintain muscle mass.‡

‡High in protein.


Workout Day 33: Arms

Today’s workout—Arms

Better brush your hair BEFORE your workout, because you probably won’t be able to lift your arms afterward.

It’s the last workout of the week! Make sure to pay attention to your form so you stay injury-free and keep the results coming.

Looking for some new snack ideas? Check out these options from Portion Fix and 2B Mindset.

FIXATE Cucumber Hummus Roll Ups

Berries and Yogurt


Workout Day 34: Rest Day

Rest Day

You made it to the first rest day of Phase 2! What did you think of the new workout structure?

Make sure you use this weekend to recover properly, take a walk, and/or pamper yourself somehow. Not allowing your body to rest can lead to burnout, fitness plateaus, and slowing down your progress.

If you’re feeling motivated, share it with the group. And if you’re in need of some motivation, let us know that too. We’re here for each other!


Workout Day 35: Rest Day

Rest Day

We’re over halfway through the program. Have your goals changed, or are they still the same as when we started?

If you’re looking for an active way to recover today, try one or both of Joel’s recovery workouts. One is focused on upper body and one is focused on lower body.

Coach tip:
You can talk about the variety of classes on BODi, from yoga to cycling, that can keep your group moving on the weekends. Also remind them that LIIFT Week will be waiting for them on BODi when they finish LIIFT MORE, as an unofficial “week 9” of the program .


Workout Day 36: Legs


Welcome to week 2 of Phase 2! Let’s get our legs working.

By now, you’re probably familiar with the moves and know what to expect. So more than ever, focus on improving your form. Can you increase your range of motion or lift a little heavier? If you really want to challenge yourself, you can add one of the LIIFT Express workouts. But I don’t recommend that if you’re truly working hard in your regular workouts. More is not always better.

Coach Tip
You can do a check-in to see who is using their Beachbody Performance supplements and reinforce how they help you get better results.

You can remind the group that Joel recommends using all four products, aka the “Joel Stack.” Here’s a refresher of each product:

• Energize: Helps promote endurance, enhance exercise performance, and sharpen focus. It’s great to help you get an energy boost before your workout so you can get more out of it.*

• Recover: Helps improve muscle recovery, helps promote muscle protein synthesis and support rebuilding, and helps manage exercise-induced muscle soreness. Recover contains slow-, medium-, and fast-release protein to help improve muscle recovery after your workout. Take it after your workout to help support lean muscle growth and reduce post-workout muscle soreness.*

• Hydrate: Helps replace electrolytes lost during exercise. You can talk about how these workouts are longer than they may be used to, and tough. So it’s important to drink Hydrate and help fuel those working muscles. Drink it during exercise to improve endurance, support fluid absorption, and delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Welcome to week 2 of Phase 2! Let’s get our legs working.

By now, you’re probably familiar with the moves and know what to expect. So more than ever, focus on improving your form. Can you increase your range of motion or lift a little heavier? If you really want to challenge yourself, you can add one of the LIIFT Express workouts. But I don’t recommend that if you’re truly working hard in your regular workouts. More is not always better.

Coach Tip
You can do a check-in to see who is using their Beachbody Performance supplements and reinforce how they help you get better results.

You can remind the group that Joel recommends using all four products, aka the “Joel Stack.” Here’s a refresher of each product:

• Energize: Helps promote endurance, enhance exercise performance, and sharpen focus. It’s great to help you get an energy boost before your workout so you can get more out of it.

• Recover: Recover helps jump-start recovery so you can hit every workout with strength and intensity. Take Recover after every workout to help speed muscle recovery, support muscle growth, and promote muscle protein synthesis.

• Hydrate: Helps replace electrolytes lost during exercise. You can talk about how these workouts are longer than they may be used to, and tough. So it’s important to drink Hydrate and help fuel those working muscles. Drink it during exercise to improve endurance, support fluid absorption, and delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue.


Today’s workout—Legs

Welcome to week 2 of Phase 2! Let’s get our legs working.

By now, you’re probably familiar with the moves and know what to expect. So more than ever, focus on improving your form. Can you increase your range of motion or lift a little heavier? If you really want to challenge yourself, you can add one of the LIIFT Express workouts. But I don’t recommend that if you’re truly working hard in your regular workouts. More is not always better.

Coach Tip
Coach tip:
You can do a check-in to see who is using their Beachbody Performance supplements and reinforce how they help you get better results.

You can remind the group that Joel recommends using Energize and Recover.

• Energize: Helps promote endurance, enhance exercise performance, and sharpen focus. It’s great to help you get an energy boost before your workout so you can get more out of it.†

• Recover: Take Recover after every workout to help contribute to growth in muscle mass and maintenance of normal bones.‡

†Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.
‡Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein.


Workout Day 37: Chest & Back


Today’s workout—Chest & Back

How do you like chest and back workouts? That’s what we’re doing today.

I really like working this combo. It makes me feel balanced since they’re opposing muscle groups—the chest is for pushing and the back is for pulling. You need both for well-rounded strength. This workout also helps stabilize and strengthen your core.

Share your thoughts on today’s workout!

Coach Tip
Beachbody Performance supplements can be used in so many delicious recipes. Here’s a delicious way to use Recover that people may not have thought of before.

Pineapple Orange Turmeric Smoothie


Today’s workout—Chest & Back

How do you like chest and back workouts? That’s what we’re doing today.

I really like working this combo. It makes me feel balanced since they’re opposing muscle groups—the chest is for pushing and the back is for pulling. You need both for well-rounded strength. This workout also helps stabilize and strengthen your core.

Share your thoughts on today’s workout!

Coach Tip
Beachbody Performance supplements can be used in so many delicious recipes. Here’s a delicious way to use Recover that people may not have thought of before.

Pineapple Orange Turmeric Smoothie


Today’s workout—Chest & Back

How do you like chest and back workouts? That’s what we’re doing today.

I really like working this combo. It makes me feel balanced since they’re opposing muscle groups—the chest is for pushing and the back is for pulling. You need both for well-rounded strength. This workout also helps stabilize and strengthen your core.

Share your thoughts on today’s workout!

Coach Tip
Coach tip:
Beachbody Performance supplements can be used in so many delicious recipes. Here’s a delicious way to use Recover that people may not have thought of before.

Chocoloate Zucchini Bread Smoothie


Workout Day 38: Shoulders


Today’s workout—Shoulders

You’re definitely going to feel the pump in your shoulders after today’s workout.

LIIFT MORE is a very straightforward program , but I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that it’s not easy! I’m proud of all of you for sticking with it so far. There are no shortcuts or fad diets that can get you the results you get from hard work and consistency. It’s up to you to put in the effort for sustainable results.

If you ever think about quitting, think back to why you started. Feel free to share your “why” with the rest of the group!

Coach Tip
Remind your group that Beachbody Performance Energize can help give them the energy they need to perform at the highest level. You can talk about how it helps you get ready for an intense workout, especially if you’re having a low-energy day.*

Take Energize before you work out to help sharpen your focus, push harder, and last longer*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Today’s workout—Shoulders

You’re definitely going to feel the pump in your shoulders after today’s workout.

LIIFT MORE is a very straightforward program , but I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that it’s not easy! I’m proud of all of you for sticking with it so far. There are no shortcuts or fad diets that can get you the results you get from hard work and consistency. It’s up to you to put in the effort for sustainable results.

If you ever think about quitting, think back to why you started. Feel free to share your “why” with the rest of the group!

Coach Tip
Remind your group that Beachbody Performance Energize can help give them the energy they need to perform at the highest level. You can talk about how it helps you get ready for an intense workout, especially if you’re having a low-energy day.

Take Energize before you work out to help sharpen your focus, push harder, and last longer.


Today’s workout—Shoulders

You’re definitely going to feel the pump in your shoulders after today’s workout.

LIIFT MORE is a very straightforward program , but I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that it’s not easy! I’m proud of all of you for sticking with it so far. There are no shortcuts or fad diets that can get you the results you get from hard work and consistency. It’s up to you to put in the effort for sustainable results.

If you ever think about quitting, think back to why you started. Feel free to share your “why” with the rest of the group!

Coach Tip
Coach tip:
Remind your group that Beachbody Performance Energize can help give them the energy they need to perform at the highest level. You can talk about how it helps you get ready for an intense workout, especially if you’re having a low-energy day.†

Helps with focus and alertness during workouts†

†Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.


Workout Day 39: Legs

Today’s workout—Legs

Another leg day? Yes, please!

Friends don’t let friends skip leg day! I’m holding each of you accountable for giving it your absolute best today. Can you do better than last week?

Make sure you’re keeping track of your progress on the Weight Progression Tracker. Nothing is more encouraging than to see how much stronger you’re getting.

Do you find you’re hungrier on leg days? It happens to me too! I like to try new recipes on days like that. Here are a couple that are super-yummy—and filling.

Joel’s Protein-Packed Stacked Burger with Sweet Potato and Carrot Fries

FIXATE Turkey Sloppy Joes


Workout Day 40: Arms

Today’s workout—Arms

Once you’ve finished this arms workout you’ll be ¾ of the way through LIIFT MORE. Crazy, right?

Please share what changes you’ve noticed in your body and/or lifestyle. Do you feel more confident? Are you close to reaching the goals you had set for yourself?

Are there things you still want to achieve during the final two weeks? We’d love to hear more about your experience!

If you’re comfortable, take a progress pic and share it with the group.

Workout Day 41: Rest Day

Rest Day
How do you like to spend your rest days? Are you physically active? Or maybe you do something creative? Whether you choose to go for a walk, cook your favorite [meal, take a nap, or anything else—it’s up to you!

Listen to your body and what it needs. You put in a lot of hard work during the week. Taking your rest days will help you stay consistent and keep you from burning out.

I know this group is about fitness, but even more important than that is building habits that support your health and wellness, inside and out. Workouts and movement are one piece of that, and rest days and intentional self-care are another.

Coach tip:
Share how you like to spend your rest days. Maybe share a picture of what you’re doing today.


Workout Day 42: Rest Day

We’ve reached the end of another week. Are you ready to take on the last 2 weeks of the program ? You’ve got this!

Tonight I want you to focus on getting a full night’s sleep. You need adequate rest so you can put in the work tomorrow. Your body is working hard, and it’s important to allow your muscles some time to recover! Sleep is crucial for muscle growth and repair.

Coach tip:
Share your wind-down routine with the group. How many hours of sleep are you trying to get? Any fun nighttime rituals you want to share? You can also suggest doing a meditation class on BODi.


Workout Day 43: Legs

Today’s workout—Legs

All right, you guys. It’s a new week, and it’s time for a new legs workout.

Were you able to recover over the weekend? I know leg workouts can be exhausting, but when I take advantage of my rest days to do a recovery workout, I feel so much stronger.

Give it your best, so you can end today’s workout with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Coach tip:
Time for a reminder to stay on-track with nutrition. A lot of the work to reach your fitness goals happens in the kitchen. Ask how their nutrition program is going and if they have any go-to recipes to share.


Workout Day 44: Chest & Back

Today’s workout—Chest & Back

Are you finding your groove in Phase 2? Today is another chest and back day. I wonder if you can eke out a few more reps. What do you think?

Do you have a mirror in your workout space? I find it helpful to listen to Joel’s cues and corrections to be sure I’m engaging the right muscles, then watch myself in the mirror. By now you know how important proper form is, for efficiency and results.


Workout Day 46: More Legs

Today’s workout—More Legs

I feel like I need a new workout playlist for today’s legs workout. Do you work out to your own music? Drop your Spotify links or favorite tracks below…I need some inspiration!

Coach tip:
Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone who has been doing consistently well in your group. This isn’t an easy program . Giving someone props can help them feel good about themselves and all the work they’re putting in. Encourage your group members to name people they’ve felt inspired or supported by in the BODgroup.


Workout Day 47: Arms

Today’s workout—Arms

Is it just me, or do you have Jell-O arms after today’s workout?

I noticed that the moves haven’t changed, but I’m getting so much stronger. I’m also trying to lift heavier. How about you? Are you embracing the burn and maxing out your strength?

Have you made any changes in your daily routine because of this program ? Any new good habits you want to share?

Coach tip:
Share a healthy habit you’ve formed as a result of doing this program .


Workout Day 48: Rest Day

Rest Day

I looove rest day. You too?

Let’s close out this week with some reflection and check in with ourselves. How are you feeling? Do you feel proud of your commitment? I’m proud of you!

Look at your Weight Progression Tracker. Are you surprised with the gains you’re making? It’s amazing how much progress you can make without even realizing it.

Take some time today to reset and allow your muscles to relax.
