Prep Week DAY 1

Welcome to our Unstress meditation group!

I’m so excited to experience the next 21 days with you. The creator of Unstress, Suze Yalof Schwartz, has created this incredible program specifically to help you feel the powerful—and even life-changing—effects of meditation. Suze spent years as a top fashion editor in New York, so she knows a thing or two about stress! But when she discovered meditation, her whole mindset, outlook, and most importantly, her relationships changed for the better. And she never looked back.

The best thing about Unstress is that it makes meditation so easy for anyone to do, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced meditator. As Suze says, if you can breathe, you can meditate! And when you do it consistently, like we’re going to do for the next few weeks, meditation can help you feel clearer, calmer, less stressed, and more focused.

Let’s kick things off by getting to know each other. Answer these questions in the comments section below.

  1. Where do you live?
  2. What is your occupation?
  3. Have you tried meditating before?
  4. Why did you decide to join this Unstress Challenge Group?
  5. What do you hope to achieve over the next 21 days?

See you all back here tomorrow!


Prep Week DAY 2

You know how a good diet and regular exercise are important for a healthy body. Meditation is important for a healthy mind! Meditation trains your brain to help you have better control of your emotions and reactions.

When you meditate, it can help slow down your body and your mind so that you can be fully in the present moment. It may help you worry less about the past or the future, so you’re simply living in the now. Meditation is proven to help reduce stress and anxiety, help you become more aware, help you become more productive, and it can help improve your sleep (don’t we all need that?). It may also help improve your mood and can make you feel happier.

Tomorrow we’re going to watch the Getting Started video on Beachbody On Demand. If you haven’t already, download the Beachbody On Demand app, where you can stream all of the meditations from the Unstress program on your phone or tablet. You’ll also find the 21-day program calendar and other helpful resources to make sure you have a great experience. I recommend checking out the app now to familiarize yourself with it.

Feel free to ask questions anytime. This group is here to make sure we all get the most out of the program, so keep chatting!


Prep Week DAY 3

We’re going to begin the Unstress program tomorrow, so today I want you to watch the Getting Started video. You’ll be introduced to Suze Yalof Schwartz and hear all about her vision for this program and how she designed it with specific goals in mind.

Watch the Getting Started video, and come back here if you have any questions. Also, share with us how you’re feeling in the comments section below. Are you excited? I know I am!

See you for Day 1 tomorrow!



Today’s the day! We’re starting our first meditation. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

  1. It doesn’t matter when you meditate. Many people do it first thing in the morning to set positive intentions for their day. You’re possibly more likely to stick with it if you do it in the morning. But you can also meditate after your workout if you’re exercising today, when your mind is primed and ready for relaxation after a good sweat session. Or you can meditate at night before bed. There’s no wrong time, so see what feels best for you.
  2. You don’t need any equipment. Just choose a comfortable spot to sit or lay down. If you choose to sit on the floor, you may want to use a yoga mat for cushion. And if you ever feel uncomfortable during meditation, you can open your eyes.
  3. Find a quiet spot in your house without distractions. You want to be able to listen to your instructor.
  4. Don’t worry about doing it wrong. There’s no such thing! As long as you’re not sleeping, you’re doing it right.

The first meditation is Superpower: Calm. These 10 minutes will help you tap into your own superpower and stay calm, even when everything around you is in chaos. How amazing is that?

And remember, it’s OK to think! We have tens of thousands of thoughts every single day. A lot of people claim they can’t meditate because they think too much or they can’t sit still. But thoughts are actually part of meditation. It’s all about coming back to the present moment.

So here’s what I want you to think about as you go into day 1. First, just focus on your breath and let go of expectations. Then when your mind wanders and you start thinking about your to-do list, or your kid’s homework, or what’s for dinner, just refocus on slowly breathing in and breathing out. Coming back to your breath can send a signal to your brain that everything is OK, and it helps give you your power back, so you can get calm quickly.

It’s not any harder than that!

Once you’ve completed today’s meditation, come back here and tell us what you think.

Coach Tip

Throughout this program, make an effort to personalize these posts. Remember, they’re just suggestions, and they can only get better with your stories, insights, and experience. Your group is probably very excited—and maybe a little nervous! They’re looking to you to set a positive, inspirational, inclusive tone so that everyone feels engaged and welcome.



How many times have you caught yourself not listening to someone because your mind is elsewhere? Or unconsciously shoveling food into your mouth without even noticing how it tastes? When you’re not present, you miss out on special moments that really matter.

That’s where today’s meditation, Being Present, can help. This meditation helps you set the intention to be present so your whole day becomes a lot more meaningful. When you’re present, you get to own your day rather than your day owning you. It also means that when you’re with the people you love, you’re REALLY with them, seeing and listening and actively participating in the relationships that mean the most to you.

Most people go through their whole day without noticing that they’re breathing. Breathe deeply and slowly, and pay attention to it. If you can be present with just one breath, you’re way ahead of everyone else!

Later today, after you’ve done this meditation, I want you to come back here and tell us if you notice a change in your day. Did you experience any special moments that you might have missed otherwise?



When you are your best self, what are you? I feel like my best self when I’m____.

[Fill in the blank with your own words. Are you focused, calm, compassionate, present, or kind? Choose the words that describe who you want to be.]

That’s what today’s meditation, Your Best Self, will help you decide. You’ll ask yourself who you are, and what you want to be. You’ll discover that when you get quiet enough, you can hear what you really want, and choose to bring those qualities into your life. Then you can share your best self with the world!

If you feel comfortable sharing, can you tell us what qualities you want to embody?

Coach Tip

Encourage everyone to talk and share, and also make a point of sharing YOUR OWN experiences. Your customers are looking to you for motivation, guidance, and support.



It can be hard to sit with yourself in silence, but today’s meditation is an opportunity to get more comfortable just being.

You know how the ocean is choppy and turbulent on the surface? But if you dive deep enough you find stillness and silence. That’s like your life! On the surface things can be crazy, but there’s always a way to find your inner calm. And that’s what this meditation, Stillness & Silence Within, can help you do.

While you’re meditating, you’ll be guided through your thoughts with the goal of helping you find stillness. The more you can redirect your brain back to stillness, the more you can experience benefits like stronger focus, emotional control, and just being OK with who you are.

Tell us about your experience with this mediation. Was it hard for you to sit silently with yourself? Did you learn anything that you want to share?



Do we have any type A personalities in the house? Get ready, this meditation is perfect for you!

Relax & Refuel is led by a teacher who works with stressed-out celebrities and CEOs, so you know this will be good! You can’t be your best if you never recharge your batteries, so this meditation will help you shut out the noise and reconnect with yourself.

Do you feel recharged after this meditation? Share with us!

Coach Tip

Here’s a great opportunity to make today’s post personal. If you’ve done this meditation, share how it helped you feel more relaxed and refueled. Be sure to put it in your own words so it’s truly an authentic experience.




Do you wake up and immediately turn on the news in the morning? If you’re filling your head with negative stories first thing, you’re more likely to perceive your entire day as negative. Let’s put a stop to that!

This meditation, Morning Positive Mindset, fills your mind with positive thoughts to set an upbeat tone for your day. You’ll learn how to manage your thoughts to push out the negativity and invite positivity. As Suze says, a positive mindset attracts positive results!

Side note: It’s not essential that you do this meditation in the morning. If you prefer to meditate later in the day, it’ll still pack the same power!

Starting my day on the right foot is so important for me. Something that always helps me have a great morning is drinking Shakeology every day. Have you tried it? It’s a powerhouse shake that feeds your body the nutrients it needs to feel better, so you can function at an optimal level.* I find that it helps me feel satisfied so I can stay on-track with my goals for the rest of the day.†

Check out these fun and yummy Shakeology recipes for more great ideas.

If you haven’t tried Shakeology and want more info, let me know!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Do you wake up and immediately turn on the news in the morning? If you’re filling your head with negative stories first thing, you’re more likely to perceive your entire day as negative. Let’s put a stop to that!

This meditation, Morning Positive Mindset, fills your mind with positive thoughts to set an upbeat tone for your day. You’ll learn how to manage your thoughts to push out the negativity and invite positivity. As Suze says, a positive mindset attracts positive results!

Side note: It’s not essential that you do this meditation in the morning. If you prefer to meditate later in the day, it’ll still pack the same power!

Starting my day on the right foot is so important for me. Something that always helps me have a great morning is drinking Shakeology every day. Have you tried it? It’s a powerhouse shake that feeds your body the nutrients it needs to feel better, so you can function at an optimal level.* I find that it helps me feel satisfied so I can stay on-track with my goals for the rest of the day.†

Check out these fun and yummy Shakeology recipes for more great ideas.

If you haven’t tried Shakeology and want more info, let me know!


Do you wake up and immediately turn on the news in the morning? If you’re filling your head with negative stories first thing, you’re more likely to perceive your entire day as negative. Let’s put a stop to that!

This meditation, Morning Positive Mindset, fills your mind with positive thoughts to set an upbeat tone for your day. You’ll learn how to manage your thoughts to push out the negativity and invite positivity. As Suze says, a positive mindset attracts positive results!

Side note: It’s not essential that you do this meditation in the morning. If you prefer to meditate later in the day, it’ll still pack the same power!

Starting my day on the right foot is so important for me. Something that always helps me have a great morning is drinking Shakeology every day. Have you tried it? It’s a powerhouse shake that feeds your body the nutrients it needs to feel better, so you can function at an optimal level.* I find that it helps me feel satisfied so I can stay on-track with my goals for the rest of the day.†

Check out these fun and yummy Shakeology recipes for more great ideas.

If you haven’t tried Shakeology and want more info, let me know!



The quickest way out of “stress mode” is to go into “gratitude mode.” And that’s what today’s meditation is all about!

Blessed Not Stressed is a great way to go from funk to fantastic in just a few minutes. When you’re stressed, you’re probably dwelling on what could happen rather than what is actually happening right now. And that makes you anxious. But when you focus on what you’re grateful for, you become happy, calm, and present. I guarantee you’ll finish with a smile on your face!

Check-in time! How are you feeling after a week of meditation? Are you less stressed and anxious? Are you a little more patient, or happier? Do you find it easier to press your inner pause button when you need a break? Let us know how you’re doing!



Congratulations, you made it to week two! I’m so happy you’re here with us. I want you to take a minute and give yourself a high five for your commitment to this program. You rock!

Today’s meditation is Body Scan. If you need to relax quickly, just focus on your body. Body Scan runs you through each body part, relaxing it as you go. This one’s best done lying down so you can really let go of any tension. It’s also an awesome meditation when you have trouble falling asleep. When you relax the body, you relax the mind.

Did you know that being calm and relaxed may help you make better decisions? You can do this meditation anytime you need to be focused.

Body Scan is one of the most popular meditations. Tell us what you think of today’s challenge, and we’ll see you tomorrow!



Ever feel like you need a redo? This meditation is perfect for those days.

A Clean Slate helps clear your mind of the clutter and the noise so you can start over. When your life feels chaotic it’s really uncomfortable, right? This meditation helps you press the reset button, no matter how deep into it you are. What’s interesting about this one is that you’ll repeat a mantra throughout—that’s a word or phrase you say over and over to keep your mind from wandering all over the place. There’s nothing religious or new-agey about it; you’ll be repeating a simple Latin phrase.

I can’t wait to hear what you think of today’s meditation! Come back here when you’re done and tell us how using a mantra changed the experience for you.

Coach Tip

If you’ve done this meditation, share your thoughts about using a mantra for the first time.



People think meditation is hard, but isn’t it so much easier when you’re guided? In today’s meditation, Let’s Get Present, you’ll be guided into the power of now—which is the only place you’ll ever live!

When you live in the past it can make you feel depressed. And when you live in the future it can make you feel anxious. So today you’re going to focus on bringing yourself back to the present. As one Unstress teacher Heather Hayward says, “When you bring your brain and body into the same zip code, then you’re fully present.” That makes sense!

Speaking of brain/body connection, do you notice how much clearer you feel when you eat nutritious, healthy, colorful meals? I’m not sure if you’ve had a chance to look around the Beachbody On Demand site yet, but there are tons of delicious recipes that are so easy to make. Check out some of the most popular ones here.

And if you have any questions about eating better, I can help! Reach out and I’ll connect you with some great resources.

Coach Tip

This could be an opportunity to talk about Ultimate Portion Fix and 2B Mindset if a customer wants to know how to eat better.



You’ve been meditating for 10 days now. How is it going for you? Do you have trouble sitting still or have you gotten more comfortable with the quiet introspection? If you’re the type who can’t sit still, you’ll love today’s meditation!

Balance & Flow is actually a moving meditation. That means that instead of focusing on your breath, you’re going to focus on movement. Don’t worry, you won’t work up a sweat. You’ll just gently move your body.

Isn’t it amazing how many different ways there are to meditate? You can do it sitting, lying down, chanting a mantra, moving, and so much more. There’s no one-size-fits-all method of meditation, and I think that’s so cool! They all bring you to the same place, being at one with your peaceful self.

Check in with us below and tell us how your meditation practice is going!



Here’s yet another type of meditation I’m excited for you to try. Good Morning Energy uses breathwork differently, where instead of using your breath to calm you down, you use your breath to give yourself energy!

They say that when you do this meditation you might feel tingly inside, because it’s charging you up. And like with any meditation, if you feel uncomfortable you can open your eyes.

This meditation is really fun. People say it makes them feel alive. What do you think of it? Let us know below!



You hear a lot of talk about mindset these days. In meditation, you train your mind to choose the positive over the negative, or to turn stress into calm. By changing your mindset, you can transform your life. That’s what today’s meditation is all about.

Transform gives you the opportunity to have a conversation with yourself. To ask yourself how you’re doing, to enhance what’s working for you, and to let go of what isn’t working. It’s a guided journey where you get to decide what direction you want to go. And it can be totally transformational!

Check-in time! How are your meditations going? When are you doing them: in the morning, after your workout, in the afternoon, or at night? What’s working for you, and what isn’t?



You know how some athletes get in the zone before a big game or competition? They meditate! They know how to harness the power of their minds to focus on the outcome they want to achieve. And today you’re lucky to have a professional athlete for a teacher.

In Your Zone is led by Devon Cajuste, a former NFL player turned meditation teacher who knows how to use his mind to affect his circumstances. He’ll help you get grounded and connected with yourself so you can visualize your dreams and then take steps to achieve them.

What does it mean to be in your zone? For some of you it might mean being fully present, for others it might mean being calm in a storm.

After you do this meditation, come back and tell us what being in your zone feels like!

Coach Tip

Share what being “in the zone” means to you personally.



No matter how bad you feel, spending time in gratitude can turn around your whole mood.

We all talk about having gratitude, but how do you get there? Cultivating Gratitude can help you snap out of a bad mood to increase positivity and happiness right now.

One thing I’m grateful for is food! Seriously though, the huge variety of nutrition options and easy recipes on Beachbody On Demand make my life so much simpler. I love to eat but don’t always have time to plan, so I look for tips and recipes like these. Have you tried any new recipes lately?

Once you’ve done today’s meditation, share how you feel afterward! Are you more grateful? Happier? Joyful?



Have you ever been with someone who’s in bad mood, and suddenly you’re in a bad mood too? Today’s meditation will give you the skills to turn that around and become the calmest person in the room.

People send out signals to mirror whatever state they’re in. With Amplify Calm you’ll be the one to change the mood of your environment. Because when you’re calm, everyone around you will be calm. (OK, except maybe your kids. But you’ll be better able to maintain your cool!)

Try this meditation and see if you’re oozing calm by the end of it. Let us know how it goes!




If your body could talk, what would it say? Would it be telling you, “You’re feeding me too much!” “You’re not moving me enough!” “I need more rest!”

In Body Communication you’ll find out what your body is saying to you. Your teacher, Cassandra Bodzak, will help facilitate the conversation so you can find out what you really need. It might sound different, but it’s actually really enlightening!

If you find out that your body is telling you it needs less Doritos and more Shakeology, you probably want to listen to it! I know my body is happier when I drink Shakeology every day. That’s because Shakeology has such powerful ingredients, like superfruits, antioxidants, adaptogens, prebiotics, bacillus coagulans, and calcium for healthy digestion,‡ fiber, and protein to help build lean muscle mass.* Plus it’s delicious! If you want more info, just reach out.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
‡Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.


If your body could talk, what would it say? Would it be telling you, “You’re feeding me too much!” “You’re not moving me enough!” “I need more rest!”

In Body Communication you’ll find out what your body is saying to you. Your teacher, Cassandra Bodzak, will help facilitate the conversation so you can find out what you really need. It might sound different, but it’s actually really enlightening!

If you find out that your body is telling you it needs less Doritos and more Shakeology, you probably want to listen to it! I know my body is happier when I drink Shakeology every day. That’s because Shakeology has such powerful ingredients, like superfruits, antioxidants, adaptogens, prebiotics, bacillus coagulans, and calcium for healthy digestion,‡ fiber, and protein to help build lean muscle mass.* Plus it’s delicious! If you want more info, just reach out.

‡Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.


If your body could talk, what would it say? Would it be telling you, “You’re feeding me too much!” “You’re not moving me enough!” “I need more rest!”

In Body Communication you’ll find out what your body is saying to you. Your teacher, Cassandra Bodzak, will help facilitate the conversation so you can find out what you really need. It might sound different, but it’s actually really enlightening!

If you find out that your body is telling you it needs less Doritos and more Shakeology, you probably want to listen to it! I know my body is happier when I drink Shakeology every day. That’s because Shakeology has such powerful ingredients, like superfruits, antioxidants, adaptogens, prebiotics, bacillus coagulans, and calcium for healthy digestion,‡ fiber, and protein to help build lean muscle mass.* Plus it’s delicious! If you want more info, just reach out.

‡Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.



We’ve all felt stuck at some point, right? Whether you’ve reached a fitness or nutrition plateau, or you don’t like your job, or whatever your circumstance may be, it’s hard to find a way out. This meditation will help you break out of the cycle and get to the next level.

Release & Let Go helps you clear the stuck feeling by letting go of expectations and releasing all the things that no longer serve you. By doing that, you allow in all the things you need, want, and love.

What are you releasing today? Share with us!

And FYI, if you’re stuck on a weight-loss plateau you might need to dial-in your nutrition. Along with Shakeology,† Beachbody has two great nutrition programs that can help. Reach out if you want to hear more about them.

†All products, flavors, and configurations may not be available in your market.



Have you ever heard of “grounding”? Most commonly it’s a technique that helps you connect to the earth by walking outside barefoot. People report feelings of enhanced well-being and even better health when they do this regularly.

In today’s meditation, Grounding To Be Present, you don’t actually have to go outside. Your mind doesn’t know what’s real or imagined, so you’ll use visualizations to help relax your whole body. When you ground your mind, you get the physical benefits of grounding too!

Have you ever tried grounding before? What did you think of it? And what did you think of today’s meditation?



Can you believe we only have two more meditations together? Where did the time go? I’m so proud of you for coming on this journey with me.

Today’s meditation is going to a be a little bit more challenging than what you’ve done up to now. But you’ve gotten so good at meditating that I know you’ll love it. Centering Breath is a classic mindfulness meditation that lets you sit in silence a little longer than you’re used to. Your mind will probably wander a lot, so just focus on bringing it back. That’s how your brain gets stronger!

Mindfulness meditation helps strengthen your brain control and emotional regulation. It might feel uncomfortable, and that’s OK! This is a powerful technique that can have a huge impact. You’re ready for it by now.

Share your feelings about this meditation. Was it hard for you? What did you get out of it?



You made it!

Today is our last meditation together, and I admit I’m super-emotional about it! Reading all of your comments and DMs over these last few weeks shows me just how life-changing a regular meditation practice can be. I’m so proud of you for doing this with me.

How do you feel about coming to the end of these 21 days? What changes have you noticed in your emotions, relationships, or productivity? Are you more present in your relationships, more patient with your kids, more aware of your eating habits? Do you listen better? It’s incredible how much meditation affects everything we do every day!

What’s next for you? You can do this program all over again, or you can try the other meditations in the Relaxation & Meditation hub on Beachbody On Demand, including the themed meditations from Unplug. If you’re looking for a fitness program that works well with meditation, you could try 3 Week Yoga Retreat or 21 Day Fix. And if you want suggestions, just reach out. I’m here to help keep these good vibes going!

Thank you for joining me!
