DAY 64: Lower Body Strength

New week! Can you believe you’ve made it this far? As today unfolds, take a few minutes to look back to when we began this group. Do you remember how you felt during Prep Week? Or when we started stage 1, week 1? How about your first week picture and measurements?

Change is emotional. It can be hard, frustrating, exciting, exhilarating, empowering…all within the same day! And that’s ok!

This before and after really inspired me. It’s a great example of what can happen when you commit to your goals, and see them through.

†Results vary based on starting point, effort, and following Beachbody’s exercise and healthy eating plan.

What are you feeling? And how will you channel those feelings into these next 5 weeks, to finish strong and reach your peak?

Our workout is Lower Body Strength. The focus is the same as last week, but new exercises provide a fresh challenge for your bottom half. During the warm-up, Amolia asks the cast to do the cueing. Would you be able to call out the same things? Try it! It’s a great way to show how much you’ve learned.

DAY 65: Total Body Power

I just completed today’s workout and the first thing that came into my mind is that I’m ALWAYS learning with Amoila. Even if it’s an exercise we’ve done in a past workout, he’ll go and give a cue that just unlocks the move in an incredible new way. Week 10! I’m still learning and I LOVE it.

Today is Total Body Power. Each rep is an opportunity to become stronger, fitter, and more powerful, so stay focused and make every one count. Remember to move with purpose. Did the “swing drop” cue help you with the double-hinge swing? What have you learned from a training cue lately?

Make sure to track your workout in your BOD app.

DAY 66: Mobility & Stability

Stretch, breathe, repeat. Wow, does my body need today’s workout! It’s Mobility & Stability, or as Amoila says “Mo Mobility, Less Problems.” You’re training hard, and this workout will help keep it that way. Stretch with Amoila to enhance your recovery, increase your mobility, and continue performing at your peak. As Amoila says, “Remember, big toes need love too!”

You’re doing great! Let’s take a minute and cheer each other on! Who’s going to start us off with a hands-up emoji?

DAY 67: Upper Body Strength


I got a request for more recipes, so here you go! This one is AMAZING and so easy to make.

It’s Mocha Chip Latte Shakeology. Perfectly indulgent and of course loaded with the firepower of your daily Shakeology. Recipe here:

Today is Upper Body Strength. Sculpt sleeve-busting strength with this upper-body-focused resistance workout. Today’s EMOM section will have your biceps begging for mercy. Did you notice how Amoila got the cast talking about their favorite color? So random, but it made me laugh.



I got a request for more recipes, so here you go! This one is AMAZING and so easy to make.

It’s Mocha Chip Latte Shakeology. Perfectly indulgent and of course loaded with the firepower of your daily Shakeology. Recipe here:

Today is Upper Body Strength. Sculpt sleeve-busting strength with this upper-body-focused resistance workout. Today’s EMOM section will have your biceps begging for mercy. Did you notice how Amoila got the cast talking about their favorite color? So random, but it made me laugh.



I got a request for more recipes, so here you go! This one is AMAZING and so easy to make.

It’s Chocolate Tahini Shakeology. I love the flavours—and the benefits! Recipe here:

Today is Upper Body Strength. Sculpt sleeve-busting strength with this upper-body-focused resistance workout. Today’s EMOM section will have your biceps begging for mercy. Did you notice how Amoila got the cast talking about their favorite color? So random, but it made me laugh.


DAY 68: Total Body Tempo

Today, we leave no muscle behind! I’m exaggerating, but today’s workout certainly leaves me feeling like we hit them all. Of course I’m talking about Total Body Tempo. Squat, press, carry, and fly your way to a stronger body with eccentric training. Follow Amoila’s lead to squeeze the most out of every rep. Check out this B&A for a little inspiration!

What’s your favorite move? What did you think when Amoila was talking about how we address pain? Did any of it resonate with you?

†Results vary based on starting point, effort, and following Beachbody’s exercise and healthy eating plan.

DAY 69: Cardio 45


Let’s light it up! Today’s workout is Cardio 45, and it will leave you sweaty, breathless, and feeling energized, which is the true test of an effective training session. How does this workout compare to last week’s? What did you think about how Amoila had us use the Power Loops today?

I know that some folks grumble about cardio days, but getting that heart rate up, and your body sweating, is a great way to speed your weight loss, and increase your stamina for resistance-training days. Different than steady-state cardio (like jogging on a treadmill), Amoila uses interval-based circuit training to keep the intensity high and deliver maximum results.

It’s key to stay on top of your fluids—Hydrate is a great option to help keep you hydrated.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Let’s light it up! Today’s workout is Cardio 45, and it will leave you sweaty, breathless, and feeling energized, which is the true test of an effective training session. How does this workout compare to last week’s? What did you think about how Amoila had us use the Power Loops today?

I know that some folks grumble about cardio days, but getting that heart rate up, and your body sweating, is a great way to speed your weight loss, and increase your stamina for resistance-training days. Different than steady-state cardio (like jogging on a treadmill), Amoila uses interval-based circuit training to keep the intensity high and deliver maximum results.

It’s key to stay on top of your fluids—Hydrate is a great option to help keep you hydrated.



Let’s light it up! Today’s workout is Cardio 45, and it will leave you sweaty, breathless, and feeling energized, which is the true test of an effective training session. How does this workout compare to last week’s? What did you think about how Amoila had us use the Power Loops today?

I know that some folks grumble about cardio days, but getting that heart rate up, and your body sweating, is a great way to speed your weight loss, and increase your stamina for resistance-training days. Different than steady-state cardio (like jogging on a treadmill), Amoila uses interval-based circuit training to keep the intensity high and deliver maximum results.


DAY 70: Rest Day

Rest day. We are getting so close to the end! Tomorrow begins week 11. Incredible. I’ll keep it short and turn the floor over to all of you.

What’s on your mind today? Find a meditation on Beachbody On Demand and add it to your day’s schedule.

80 Day Obsession | Week 10 | Day 57 | AAA

This AAA workout is a longer one, clocking in at 57 minutes. If you haven’t already, it’s time to up your resistance. We are in Phase 3 after all! If you get to 10 reps and you feel like you could do one more, bump it up during your next round. I want you all to feel the burn!

NUTRITION CHECK-IN: Get excited! Tomorrow is Refeed Day. If you need some ideas, check out the FIXATE recipe guide for satisfying, energy-inducing carbs like Double Chocolate Cookies, Peanut Butter Chocolate Balls, Melon Sorbet, and more! Just make sure the recipes work with your personal meal plan. What’s everyone planning on eating?


80 Day Obsession | Week 10 | Day 58 | Cardio Flow

45 minutes of Cardio Flow is up next.

Can I be honest with you for a second? Don’t tell Autumn, but I kind of go into "autopilot" mode with this workout—even though we switched up the rep patterns last week. To shake things up, I’m planning on taking my workout outside. I might even invite my kids! What strategies do you have for giving your workouts 110%?

Also, happy Refeed Day! Enjoy those extra carbs. Don’t forget the Purple in the post-workout supplement can be 100% fruit juice today. Note: 1 Purple Juice = 4 oz.


80 Day Obsession | Week 10 | Day 59 | Legs

Who’s ready to feel that lower body burn?

For today’s 51-minute leg workout, you need weights, Beachbody Resistance Strength Slides, and an optional mat or chair. We’re going a little bit heavier, so make sure you have a good variety of weights available. One note: You don’t have to lift super heavy during the plyo moves. Going up a couple pounds should be sufficient. You still want your form to be on point!

NUTRITION CHECK-IN: I’ve been getting this question a lot: "Why so many supplements?"

The key is to remember that these are supplements, as in they supplement a healthy diet. Do you have to take them? No. Do I honestly believe they will help you achieve your goals? You bet!

While I can tell you that they played a huge role in getting me through this program, I’m not asking for blind trust on this one. That’s why I encourage you to learn as much as you can about each supplement and choose the ones that you think will best work for you. The Beachbody On Demand Blog is an awesome resource if you’re looking for in-depth articles on Beachbody Performance and Shakeology. You can also check out this video of Autumn explaining the importance of supplementation. And as always, if you have specific questions, you can always ask me or Beachbody’s staff of registered dietitians, certified trainers, and other experts at

80 Day Obsession | Week 10 | Day 60 | Total Body Core

Wow, we are at Day 60!

I’m so proud of all of you for staying with me. I know it’s tough to stick with your routine when life throws curve balls your way. To help me stay on track, I always try to stay as prepared as possible—whether that’s downloading today’s workout in case I don’t have wi-fi or taking Shakeology packets with me on-the-go. What do you do to stay consistent?

Back to today’s workout…Total Body Core and it’s almost 60 minutes. And just like yesterday, we’re going to up our weights a bit from last week. In addition to weights, you’ll also need your Beachbody Resistance Loops and Strength Slides. Let’s crush this, fit fam!


80 Day Obsession | Week 10 | Day 61 | Cardio Core

I hope your abs are ready…we’ve got 42 minutes of Cardio Core today!

It’s the same deal as last week. You need your Beachbody Resistance Loops and Strength Slides, a mat, and the workout is 30 seconds cardio, 30 seconds HIIT, and an active recovery core move. Who’s pumped to get their sweat on and bring those ab muscles out of hiding?

NUTRITION TIP: Here’s one idea for a green container I’ve been loving at breakfast time: steamed carrots with a teaspoon of coconut butter and a sprinkle of cinnamon. It’s a sweet treat that I absolutely love waking up to!


80 Day Obsession | Week 10 | Day 62 | Booty

We’re back to booty work!

The workout is a little longer than last week’s, at 54 minutes. FYI it’s a heavier weight day and we’re hitting all the exercises THREE times, so make sure you’re fueling your body properly before AND after your workout.

Speaking of post-workout fuel, who’s addicted to the taste of Beachbody Performance Chocolate Recover? I know I am! But have you guys tried Orange Recover? Mix it with water, ice, and a small orange for a super refreshing treat!

Coach Tip

Now’s a great time to highlight an 80 Day Obsession Success Story. Here’s a good one: Say something like: “Need some motivation to help you push hard down the homestretch? Check out these 80 Day Obsession results. Whoa!”


80 Day Obsession | Week 10 | Rest Day |


Can I just say that I’m so excited for our Rest Day? It was a heavy week and we really worked our legs and booty. As always, make sure to get your self-care on with Stretch & Release or Roll & Release, and watch the new Weekly Obsession!

THOSE OF YOU WITH KIDS… Have they noticed your progress? Not just if you’ve lost weight. But have they picked up on the fact that you have more energy? Or you’re more confident? Do they want to live healthier just like you? If they’re eager to jump on the health train, have them try Daily Sunshine. It’s a nutritious smoothie formulated just for kids that will make them feel like they’re getting healthy right alongside you! If they’re already loving Daily Sunshine, snap a photo and share it with the group!



Can I just say that I’m so excited for our Rest Day? It was a heavy week and we really worked our legs and booty. As always, make sure to get your self-care on with Stretch & Release or Roll & Release, and watch the new Weekly Obsession!


Can I just say that I’m so excited for our Rest Day? It was a heavy week and we really worked our legs and booty. As always, make sure to get your self-care on with Stretch & Release or Roll & Release, and watch the new Weekly Obsession!

FOCUS T25 | Week 10 | Day 2 | Core Cardio

Believe in yourself. My #1 tip is not an exercise or nutrition tip. It’s simply to believe in yourself and your ability to overcome whatever physical, mental, and emotional challenges you face. If you believe in yourself first, the rest will follow.


FOCUS T25 | Week 10 | Day 3 | Rip’t Circuit

Don’t get stuck in a position where your only option is a cheat meal. On your off days, be sure to cook enough food to portion out for the week. That way, when it’s time to go to school or work, you’ll have a week’s worth of healthy food options in the refrigerator, all ready to go.


FOCUS T25 | Week 10 | Day 4 | Dynamic Core

Shaun T says, "Just 2 more days. Give me everything you got!"


FOCUS T25 | Week 10 | Day 5 | Rip’t Circuit, Speed 2.0 (Optional)


When we started this journey a few weeks ago, I bet you had no idea just how much drinking Shakeology on a daily basis would change your life. So let’s share our successes with each other.

How many pounds and inches have each of you lost so far? What cravings has Shakeology killed? What’s your energy like? Any surprises? Anyone still struggling with anything? Tell all and share all.



When we started this journey a few weeks ago, I bet you had no idea just how much drinking Shakeology on a daily basis would change your life. So let’s share our successes with each other.

What positive changes have you experienced since you started to drink Shakeology?


When we started this journey a few weeks ago, I bet you had no idea just how much drinking Shakeology on a daily basis would change your life. So let’s share our successes with each other.

What positive changes have you experienced since you started to drink Shakeology?

FOCUS T25 | Week 10 | Day 6 | STATurday

“5, 4, 3, 2, TIME!” It’s your last STATurday, and you are FINISHED. Congratulations! Take down your measurements and compare them to Day 1 so you can see how far you’ve come.


FOCUS T25 | Week 10 | Day 7 | Stretch

Remember to enter your results into the

Beachbody Challenge contest to get a FREE GIFT and a chance to win some serious cash prizes. I’ve enjoyed having you on this journey with me, and hope that itÕs just the beginning of a healthier, better you.

Multi-Program | Week 10 | Day 1 |

When in doubt, think about WHY you committed to this Challenge Group. That should give you the push you need to keep going!


Multi-Program | Week 10 | Day 2 |

A lot of you have been asking this lately: is it possible to eat too much fruit?

As always, moderation is key no matter what you eat. But if you need some science to reassure you that an extra apple a day won’t derail your progress, one study found that you would "have to eat vast quantities of fruits every day in order to ingest metabolically adverse amounts of dietary fructose."

This article by Beachbody Nutrition Expert, Denis Faye, goes a little more in-depth on the topic:


Multi-Program | Week 10 | Day 3 |

Today’s a new day—which means you have another opportunity to come one step closer to your goals. What workout are you doing today? Get your fitness on, and when you’re done, post your sweaty selfies!


Multi-Program | Week 10 | Day 4 |

Someone once told me that criticism comes to those who stand out. If you feel like you’re surrounded by negativity or people who constantly critique you, remember one thing…you are in this challenge because you wanted to make a change—and you’re better off for doing so! Tag someone below with some encouragement to start the day on a positive note!


Multi-Program | Week 10 | Day 5 |



One of my favorite comfort foods is apple pie. However, that’s not exactly on my nutrition plan. When I need my pie fix, this recipe is a close second to the real deal!

Apple Pie Shakeology
1 cup water
½ cup unsweetened applesauce
½ tsp. cinnamon
1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
Ice to taste


Beachbody Performance

Have you ever wondered why Energize is neon yellow? It’s NOT yellow food dye—it’s the quercetin! Quercetin is a phytonutrient that’s drawn attention for its ability to help improve endurance and delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue to help you get through your workouts and give you a competitive edge.* Fun fact—it’s also found in the skin of apples and grapes!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




One of my favorite comfort foods is apple pie. However, that’s not exactly on my nutrition plan. When I need my pie fix, this recipe is a close second to the real deal!

Apple Pie Shakeology
1 cup water
½ cup unsweetened applesauce
½ tsp. cinnamon
1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
Ice to taste


Beachbody Performance

Have you ever wondered why Energize is neon yellow? It’s NOT yellow food dye—it’s the quercetin! Quercetin is a phytonutrient that’s drawn attention for its ability to help improve endurance and delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue to help you get through your workouts and give you a competitive edge.* Fun fact—it’s also found in the skin of apples and grapes!


Multi-Program | Week 10 | Day 6 |

Take a look in the mirror today. What do you see?

You don’t have to share your feelings or thoughts with the group, but remember—we are all on a journey to improve ourselves, so what you see in the mirror should be positive! We tend to be our own worst critics, so it’s important to LOVE YOURSELF.

Take a few minutes and read these tips to help you do just that:


Multi-Program | Week 10 | Day 7 |


All Joseph wanted was to be able to keep up with his kids. Hoping to improve his health and fitness, he gave Beachbody fitness programs and Shakeology, as part of his healthy eating plan, a shot—and lost more than 50 POUNDS!*

“I’ve dropped six full pant sizes, have increased energy, and have lowered my stress. At this point, I’m the strongest and healthiest I’ve ever been!”

*Joseph S. is an independent Beachbody Coach. Results achieved in 15 months using a combination of Shakeology, Beachbody Performance, P90X3, INSANITY, 21 Day Fix EXTREME, and Body Beast. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition.



All Joseph wanted was to be able to keep up with his kids. Hoping to improve his health and fitness, he gave Beachbody fitness programs and Shakeology, as part of his healthy eating plan, a shot—and lost more than 50 POUNDS!*

“I’ve dropped six full pant sizes, have increased energy, and have lowered my stress. At this point, I’m the strongest and healthiest I’ve ever been!”

*Joseph S. is an independent Beachbody Coach. Results vary based on effort and following Beachbody’s healthy eating plan.
