Day 14:

We made it through week 2!

How are you taking advantage of this rest day? Maybe getting some extra quality sleep? Meeting friends? Spending time in nature? Whatever you choose, listen to your gut! Today should leave you feeling refreshed, happy, and relaxed.

As you shop and meal prep for the upcoming week, don’t forget to plan for your Shakeology too. Do you have any fun new shake recipes in mind?

Share your favorite rest day rituals with us.


Workout Day 14:

Rest Day

Take a moment to reflect on your progress halfway through this program. What are your favorite moves? Do you feel stronger?

Make sure you’re staying well-fueled so you’re ready for week 3. Are you drinking your Shakeology every day?

Are you meal prepping for the week? Here’s a recipe that looks amazing: Vietnamese Caramelized Turkey Bowls:


Workout Day 14: Rest Day

Rest Day

How are you spending your rest day? Are you doing an Upper or Lower Recovery workout? Take this day to refuel your body so you’re ready for week three.

Do you use weekends to shop for food? What about meal prep? Do you like to prepare things ahead of time or do you cook every day?

If it’s challenging to make meals ahead of time, try prepping proteins beforehand and then pairing them with freshly made sides.

Weekends are a great time to try new recipes. Here are two yummy breakfast recipes from the LIIFT MORE 1-Week Meal Plans for both FIXATE and 2B Mindset that would be perfect on weekends:

FIXATE Ham & Cheese Toast

Superfood Scramble

Coach Tip

Share your grocery shopping and meal prep tips. Emphasize how nutrition is just as important as your workouts.


Day 14: Rest Day

Rest day! What have you got planned? One of my favorite things to do on my off-day is to get outside for a good walk. This doesn’t have to be a killer—make it scenic and slow if that’s what you enjoy. Bring the puppers or kiddos if you’ve got them. For me, being outside in the fresh air has a way of helping me focus my mind and prepare for the week ahead.

Something else to consider is meal prepping ahead of time so you’re never without healthy food options when life gets busy. I like to keep it simple by washing and chopping vegetables, and storing them wrapped in paper towels in my fridge to help them last longer. I like to blend avocados with my Shakeology for a creamy texture, and add frozen riced cauliflower instead of ice to sneak in an extra serving of veggies. I also make sure I have fresh and frozen fruit for breakfast and shakes. On Sundays, I like to precook a few days’ worth of protein like chicken so it’s ready for a fast salad or healthy grain bowl.

A quick tip on grocery shopping: Stick to the outer aisles of the grocery store! That’s where the healthiest food is located, so you’ll fill up your cart with the good stuff and not the chips and cookies. Your local farmers’ market is also an excellent choice for healthier options.

Today is another great opportunity for mindful meditation. Focus on your breathing and positive visualization to release the stress of the past week.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

DAY 14: Day Off

We. Are. Halfway. There. Can you even believe it?! All that hard work deserves a good break, so you get a rest day!

I know we’re not working out today but we are still drinking Shakeology. When do you like to drink your daily shake? For me, it’s a no-brainer to do it in the morning because it sets the tone for my day. But maybe you’re a midday shake person who wants something to look forward to. Here are a few more questions to see where your head’s at now that we’ve got a good two weeks under our belt:

  1. Are you tracking your food intake?
  2. How’s your water intake?
  3. Are you eating breakfast?
  4. Are you struggling with night-time snacking?
  5. Are you hungrier? Not as hungry?


Day 14: Dynamic Recovery Advanced

Let’s ease into today with Dynamic Recovery Advanced. This active stretch and flow recovery class will help ease tension, boost mobility, and optimize your recovery as you prepare to tackle your final week of #mbfa.

Today is also perfect for meal prep. As Autumn always says, “it’s not half the battle it IS the battle.” Take the time today to plan your meals and make a grocery list. If you are a member of Nutrition+, check out all the great recipes (new ones added weekly) and monthly meal plans if you need a place to start.

It’s super-important for all of us to check in with ourselves, and this group, about how we are staying committed to our goals. I’ll post my answers in the comments.

  1. Are you using your containers or the Plate It method?
  2. Are you tracking your food intake?
  3. How’s your water intake?
  4. Are you eating breakfast?
  5. Are you struggling with nighttime snacking?
  6. Are you hungrier or less hungry than before?


Day 14: Rest Day

Rest day! What have you got planned? One of my favorite things to do on my off-day is to get outside for a good walk. This doesn’t have to be a killer—make it scenic and slow if that’s what you enjoy. Bring the puppers or kiddos if you’ve got them. For me, being outside in the fresh air has a way of helping me focus my mind and prepare for the week ahead.

Something else to consider is meal prepping ahead of time so you’re never without healthy food options when life gets busy. I like to keep it simple by washing and chopping vegetables, and storing them wrapped in paper towels in my fridge to help them last longer. I like to blend avocados with my Shakeology for a creamy texture, and add frozen riced cauliflower instead of ice to sneak in an extra serving of veggies. I also make sure I have fresh and frozen fruit for breakfast and shakes. On Sundays, I like to precook a few days’ worth of protein like chicken so it’s ready for a fast salad or healthy grain bowl.

A quick tip on grocery shopping: Stick to the outer aisles of the grocery store! That’s where the healthiest food is located, so you’ll fill up your cart with the good stuff and not the chips and cookies. Your local farmers’ market is also an excellent choice for healthier options.

Today is another great opportunity for mindful meditation. Focus on your breathing and positive visualization to release the stress of the past week.


Our second rest day! Show of hands—who’s actually excited to have a day off? Even though I love these workouts, I know how important it is to allow our bodies to rest and recharge.

Quick check-in: How do you make the most of your rest day? What activities are you doing that are just for you?

Have you checked out the Relaxation & Meditation channel on BOD yet? It’s packed with 70+ meditations that are perfect when life gets stressful and you need to help recalibrate your mental and emotional health.

Meditating for just a few minutes a day can help you relax, decrease stress and anxiety, reduce negativity, renew energy, enhance self-esteem, and improve sleep. When you press your inner pause button, you can become more mindful and intentional, even when life gets challenging. And it’s so easy—all you have to do is breathe! One of my favorites is the PM Meditation with Bee in the Beachbody Yoga Studio. It helps me relax and get ready for bed after a long day.

Why not try a meditation today?


DAY 14: Rest Day


We are done with Week 2! You’ve all earned today’s rest day. I’m really blown away by everyone’s commitment! Let’s give each other a shout-out for kicking serious butt!
When Autumn talks about taking control, she means taking control of EVERYTHING you can. With that in mind, let’s talk about snacking. Here’s how I satisfy my cravings: I do plenty of veggies and some fruits, but for my sweet fix, I pack BEACHBAR—Chocolate Cherry Almond is my favorite flavor. I’m always on the lookout for a quick snack, and this one meets my strict requirements (6g of sugar but a whopping 10g of protein at just 150 calories). I also love that it doesn’t taste like cardboard LOL. It’s seriously tasty—chocolate and almonds happen to be two of my favorite things, but they have a peanut butter flavor and even a vegan option.

If you want to try BEACHBAR and you’re using a container-based nutrition plan, count it as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp.
Be sure to check in with your BODgroups to see how everyone’s doing on snacking and all that good stuff.

Before we head into our third week, I want to see who’s staying on top of their nutrition, Shakeology, and/or Beachbody Performance. It’s super-important for all of us to check in with ourselves, and this group, about how we are staying committed to our goals. I’ll post my answers in the comments.

  1. Are you using your containers or the Plate It method?
  2. Are you tracking your food intake?
  3. How’s your water intake?
  4. Are you eating breakfast?
  5. Are you struggling with nighttime snacking?
  6. Are you hungrier or less hungry than before?


We are done with Week 2! You’ve all earned today’s rest day. I’m really blown away by everyone’s commitment! Let’s give each other a shout-out for kicking serious butt!
When Autumn talks about taking control, she means taking control of EVERYTHING you can. With that in mind, let’s talk about snacking. Here’s how I satisfy my cravings: I do plenty of veggies and some fruits, but for my sweet fix, I pack BEACHBAR—Chocolate Cherry Almond is my favourite flavour. I’m always on the lookout for a convenient snack, and this one meets my strict requirements (6g of sugar but a whopping 10g of protein at just 150 calories). I also love that it doesn’t taste like cardboard LOL. It’s seriously tasty—chocolate and almonds happen to be two of my favourite things, but they have a peanut butter flavour and even a vegan option.

If you want to try BEACHBAR and you’re using a container-based nutrition plan, count it as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp.
Be sure to check in with your BODgroups to see how everyone’s doing on snacking and all that good stuff.

Before we head into our third week, I want to see who’s staying on top of their nutrition, Shakeology, and/or Beachbody Performance. It’s super-important for all of us to check in with ourselves, and this group, about how we are staying committed to our goals. I’ll post my answers in the comments.

  1. Are you using your containers or the Plate It method?
  2. Are you tracking your food intake?
  3. How’s your water intake?
  4. Are you eating breakfast?
  5. Are you struggling with nighttime snacking?
  6. Are you hungrier or less hungry than before?


We are done with Week 2! You’ve all earned today’s rest day. I’m really blown away by everyone’s commitment! Let’s give each other a shout-out for kicking serious butt!
When Autumn talks about taking control, she means taking control of EVERYTHING you can. With that in mind, let’s talk about snacking. Here’s how I satisfy my cravings: I do plenty of veggies and some fruits, but for my sweet fix, I pack BEACHBAR—Chocolate Cherry Almond is my favourite flavour. I’m always on the lookout for a good snack, and this one meets my strict requirements (6g of sugar but a whopping 10g of protein at just 151 kcals). I also love that it doesn’t taste like cardboard LOL. It’s seriously tasty—chocolate and almonds happen to be two of my favourite things, but they have a peanut butter flavour and even a vegan option.

If you want to try BEACHBAR and you’re using a container-based nutrition plan, count it as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp.

Be sure to check in with your BODgroups to see how everyone’s doing on snacking and all that good stuff.

Before we head into our third week, I want to see who’s staying on top of their nutrition, Shakeology, and/or Beachbody Performance. It’s super-important for all of us to check in with ourselves, and this group, about how we are staying committed to our goals. I’ll post my answers in the comments.

  1. Are you using your containers or the Plate It method?
  2. Are you tracking your food intake?
  3. How’s your water intake?
  4. Are you eating breakfast?
  5. Are you struggling with nighttime snacking?
  6. Are you hungrier or less hungry than before?



You know how some athletes get in the zone before a big game or competition? They meditate! They know how to harness the power of their minds to focus on the outcome they want to achieve. And today you’re lucky to have a professional athlete for a teacher.

In Your Zone is led by Devon Cajuste, a former NFL player turned meditation teacher who knows how to use his mind to affect his circumstances. He’ll help you get grounded and connected with yourself so you can visualize your dreams and then take steps to achieve them.

What does it mean to be in your zone? For some of you it might mean being fully present, for others it might mean being calm in a storm.

After you do this meditation, come back and tell us what being in your zone feels like!

Coach Tip

Share what being “in the zone” means to you personally.


Day 14: Dynamic Recovery

Recovery day! Who’s excited to wind it down with Dynamic Recovery? This recovery-focused stretching session is exactly what we all need to hit the refresh button for the final week of #mbf.

Before we head into our final week, I want to see who’s staying on top of their nutrition, Shakeology, and/or Beachbody Performance. It’s super-important for all of us to check in with ourselves, and this group, about how we are staying committed to our goals. I’ll post my answers in the comments.

  1. Are you using your containers or the Plate It method?
  2. Are you tracking your food intake?
  3. How’s your water intake?
  4. Are you eating breakfast?
  5. Are you struggling with nighttime snacking?
  6. Are you hungrier or less hungry than before?


Week 2 Day 1

Watch what Shaun T has to say as we start Week 2:

Have you been reading your Nutrition to the MAX Guide and No Time to Cook Guide?

Week 2 Day 2

How was your first weekend following the Nutrition to the MAX guide? Did you stay on track? Remember if you’re going out with friends, you can always use the No Time to Cook Guide to order healthy and delicious meals.

Also, try and keep this in mind next time you’re grocery shopping or looking for something to eat:

Eat Less CRAP:
Carbonated drinks
Refined sugar
Artificial sweeteners and sugars
Processed foods

Eat More FOOD:
Fruits and veggies
Organic lean proteins
Omega-3 fatty acids
Drink water


Week 2 Day 3

There are a lot of push-ups during these workouts! Always remember that it’s okay to do a modified version. What’s most important is maintaining proper form.

Here are 3 tips on how to do the perfect push-up (sometimes it helps to practice in front of a mirror to make sure you’re properly aligned):

  1. Get into plank position and make sure your hands are positioned slightly wider than your shoulders. Tighten your core.
  2. Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor, tucking your elbows in as you do. When you’re at the bottom, your arms should be at a 45-degree angle.
  3. Keep your back flat and do not let your back or hips sag. If you can’t do a push-up on your toes yet, don’t give up! Do them on your knees with your toes pointed up and you’ll still get a great workout.
  4. image

Week 2 Day 4

You guys are killing it! I am so impressed with you. I know it’s hard but every workout you do and every time you monitor your nutrition and portions, you’re getting closer to achieving your MAX results!


Week 2 Day 5

Today is your second round of Friday Fight: Round 1. I know this workout is NOT easy! A big part of INSANITY MAX:30 is the mental challenge of pushing past your MAX Out time each day and not quitting.

Who is ready to increase their MAX Out time this week? Post in the comments how much further you were able to push yourself today.

Week 2 Day 6

Have you noticed your MAX OUT time increasing? Please share!

Week 2 Day 7

Today is your rest day, so don’t work out hard and let your muscles recover! Try and do some stretching or go outside and get some fresh air. You can even take your Shakeology with you! Here is a delicious Shakeology recipe to enjoy today:

Greek Strawberry-Banana
1 serving Strawberry Shakeology
1 cup water
½ cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
½ medium banana, cut into chunks

For the best taste experience, use a blender and add ice. The more ice, the thicker it gets. Feel free to use any kind of milk or milk substitute (almond, rice, or coconut milk)—the more milk, the creamier it gets! Enjoy!



Vegas, baby, Vegas! Today the 10 Rounds tour bus pulls into the Strip to film on top of one of the largest resorts, the Palms Casino, where you’ll master a key defensive skill: slips. Learn how to move your head side-to-side and stay light on your feet as you throw combos, so your opponent “slips” right past you.

Coach Tip

Now would be a great time to spotlight a Success Story. You can use a photo to highlight someone’s results and say something like, “Some Monday motivation for you: [Samantha L.†] Amazing commitment to 10 Rounds.” †Results vary depending on starting point and effort. Just be sure to include a second disclaimer if the Success Story is a Coach: [Name] is an independent Team Beachbody Coach.

How are you liking the moves so far? Does anyone have a boxing/fighting background or are we all newbies to these techniques?


Week 2: DAY 8 – Total Body Push/Pull

Hello, Week 2! We have a new workout on deck today. It’s called Total Body Push/Pull. Like the workout name implies, we’re going to do both pulling and pushing exercises to work a variety of muscle groups throughout the body. We’ll do five moves with a short rest in between, and repeat that sequence four times. At the very end, we’ll finish up with a 2-minute burner: a chin-up/burpee combo. It’s killer, but it’s going to help us torch fat all over.

And don’t worry if you don’t have a chin-up bar—there’s a modification if you need it!

Here’s the equipment you’ll need.

  • Dumbbells (light, medium, heavy)
  • Chin-Up Bar, Chin-Up Max, Mat (optional)




Get your weights out for another intense one. Today we’ll be doing supersets to focus on those above-the-waist muscles.

Wanna know a not-so-secret secret? Muscle burns fat. A lot of us are used to measuring results by the number on the scale but we have to remember that building muscle can actually help you get a lean, sculpted look, faster—and measuring inches around your body is sometimes a better indicator of results. That’s why I take Beachbody Performance Recover after a rough workout—not only to give my muscles some TLC but to help make the most of the muscle-building cycle.*‡

Do you take Recover? Tell us if you’ve noticed a difference, either with 10 Rounds or another program you’ve done in the past.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
‡Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein.



Get your weights out for another intense one. Today we’ll be doing supersets to focus on those above-the-waist muscles.

Wanna know a not-so-secret secret? Muscle burns fat. A lot of us are used to measuring results by the number on the scale but we have to remember that building muscle can actually help you get a lean, sculpted look, faster—and measuring inches around your body is sometimes a better indicator of results. That’s why I take Beachbody Performance Recover after a rough workout—not only to give my muscles some TLC but to help make the most of the muscle-building cycle.*‡

Do you take Recover? Tell us if you’ve noticed a difference, either with 10 Rounds or another program you’ve done in the past.
‡Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein.


Get your weights out for another intense one. Today we’ll be doing supersets to focus on those above-the-waist muscles.

Wanna know a not-so-secret secret? Muscle burns fat. A lot of us are used to measuring results by the number on the scale but we have to remember that building muscle can actually help you get a lean, sculpted look, faster—and measuring inches around your body is sometimes a better indicator of results. That’s why I take Beachbody Performance Recover after a rough workout—not only to give my muscles some TLC but to help make the most of the muscle-building cycle.*‡

Do you take Recover? Tell us if you’ve noticed a difference, either with 10 Rounds or another program you’ve done in the past.
‡Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein.

Week 2: DAY 9 – Strength & Power


Here’s the equipment you’ll need for today’s workout, Strength & Power.

  • Dumbbells (light, medium, heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (optional)

Today’s workout is a sweaty hybrid workout with two blocks of three moves that we’ll repeat three times. If you need a boost to help you get going, take Energize 30 minutes before you plan on working out. Energize is a pre-workout supplement made with ergogenic (performance-enhancing) ingredients scientifically shown to help increase performance by about 5%, helping you push harder and go longer.*‡†

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

‡Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.
†Results of an acute clinical trial of 13 trained cyclists who performed 30 minutes of vigorous steady-state exercise at 80% VO2 max (when perceived exertion was measured) before a 15-minute time trial performance test (when power output and total work done were measured). Participants consumed either 2 scoops of Energize or a calorie-matched placebo prior to the test.


Here’s the equipment you’ll need for today’s workout, Strength & Power.

  • Dumbbells (light, medium, heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (optional)

Today’s workout is a sweaty hybrid workout with two blocks of three moves that we’ll repeat three times. If you need a boost to help you get going, take Energize 30 minutes before you plan on working out. Energize is a pre-workout supplement made with ergogenic (performance-enhancing) ingredients scientifically shown to help increase performance by about 5%, helping you push harder and go longer.*‡†

‡Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.
†Results of an acute clinical trial of 13 trained cyclists who performed 30 minutes of vigorous steady-state exercise at 80% VO2 max (when perceived exertion was measured) before a 15-minute time trial performance test (when power output and total work done were measured). Participants consumed either 2 scoops of Energize or a calorie-matched placebo prior to the test.


Here’s the equipment you’ll need for today’s workout, Strength & Power.

  • Dumbbells (light, medium, heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (optional)

Today’s workout is a sweaty hybrid workout with two blocks of three moves that we’ll repeat three times. If you need a boost to help you get going, take Energize 30 minutes before you plan on working out. Energize is a pre-workout supplement made with ergogenic (performance-enhancing) ingredients scientifically shown to help increase performance by about 5%, helping you push harder and go longer.*‡†

‡Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.
†Results of an acute clinical trial of 13 trained cyclists who performed 30 minutes of vigorous steady-state exercise at 80% VO2 max (when perceived exertion was measured) before a 15-minute time trial performance test (when power output and total work done were measured). Participants consumed either 2 scoops of Energize or a calorie-matched placebo prior to the test.


There’s no way around it—your legs will burn and your core will be on fire today, but you’ve gotta learn to roll with the punches!

Speaking of rolls, let me tell you about one of my favorite snack recipes, Cucumber Hummus Roll-Ups. I found it on the Beachbody On Demand blog a few months ago, and I’ve been obsessed ever since. It’s such an easy, delicious way to get a serving of veggies in.

Coach Tip

From time to time, encourage your customers to experiment with new recipes. Having a variety of go-to recipes keeps you from getting bored with your nutrition. There are tons of recipes available on the Beachbody On Demand blog, in the FIXATE cookbooks, and in the Beachbody Guide to Nutrition, as well as in the 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix nutrition programs.

Do you have any go-to recipes?


Week 2: DAY 10 – Rest


Here’s the equipment you’ll need for today’s workout, Strength & Power.

  • Dumbbells (light, medium, heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (optional)

Today’s workout is a sweaty hybrid workout with two blocks of three moves that we’ll repeat three times. If you need a boost to help you get going, take Energize 30 minutes before you plan on working out. Energize is a pre-workout supplement made with ergogenic (performance-enhancing) ingredients scientifically shown to help increase performance by about 5%, helping you push harder and go longer.*‡†

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

‡Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.
†Results of an acute clinical trial of 13 trained cyclists who performed 30 minutes of vigorous steady-state exercise at 80% VO2 max (when perceived exertion was measured) before a 15-minute time trial performance test (when power output and total work done were measured). Participants consumed either 2 scoops of Energize or a calorie-matched placebo prior to the test.



Here’s the equipment you’ll need for today’s workout, Strength & Power.

  • Dumbbells (light, medium, heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (optional)

Today’s workout is a sweaty hybrid workout with two blocks of three moves that we’ll repeat three times. If you need a boost to help you get going, take Energize 30 minutes before you plan on working out. Energize is a pre-workout supplement made with ergogenic (performance-enhancing) ingredients scientifically shown to help increase performance by about 5%, helping you push harder and go longer.*‡†

‡Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.
†Results of an acute clinical trial of 13 trained cyclists who performed 30 minutes of vigorous steady-state exercise at 80% VO2 max (when perceived exertion was measured) before a 15-minute time trial performance test (when power output and total work done were measured). Participants consumed either 2 scoops of Energize or a calorie-matched placebo prior to the test.



Here’s the equipment you’ll need for today’s workout, Strength & Power.

  • Dumbbells (light, medium, heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (optional)

Today’s workout is a sweaty hybrid workout with two blocks of three moves that we’ll repeat three times. If you need a boost to help you get going, take Energize 30 minutes before you plan on working out. Energize is a pre-workout supplement made with ergogenic (performance-enhancing) ingredients scientifically shown to help increase performance by about 5%, helping you push harder and go longer.*‡†

‡Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.
†Results of an acute clinical trial of 13 trained cyclists who performed 30 minutes of vigorous steady-state exercise at 80% VO2 max (when perceived exertion was measured) before a 15-minute time trial performance test (when power output and total work done were measured). Participants consumed either 2 scoops of Energize or a calorie-matched placebo prior to the test.




We’re back to supersets in today’s comprehensive lower-body strength session but this time we end each exercise block with a burnout. If there was ever a time for Energize, this is it! Take it half an hour before starting Lower Body, and you’ll be primed and ready to go hard and last longer.*†

How is your workout different after taking Energize?
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
†Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.



We’re back to supersets in today’s comprehensive lower-body strength session but this time we end each exercise block with a burnout. If there was ever a time for Energize, this is it! Take it half an hour before starting Lower Body, and you’ll be primed and ready to go hard and last longer.*†

How is your workout different after taking Energize?
†Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.


We’re back to supersets in today’s comprehensive lower-body strength session but this time we end each exercise block with a burnout. If there was ever a time for Energize, this is it! Take it half an hour before starting Lower Body, and you’ll be primed and ready to go hard and last longer.*†

How is your workout different after taking Energize?
†Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.

Week 2: DAY 11 – Cardio & Core

Today’s workout is Cardio & Core—the cardio section is three rounds of five killer moves. After cardio, you’ll head down to the ground for a challenging core routine. You don’t need any equipment, but you might want to use a mat for the floor exercises.

Anyone following 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix? If you’re following one of those programs, how has it helped you? Are there any recipes you’re loving these days? Here’s one I’m planning on making tonight. Slow cooker or instant pot recipes are my favorite because I can just toss all the ingredients in and let it do its thing!



It’s all about slips and rolls today, aka avoiding those punches as you tone your midsection. Joel gets technical, but never boring, training you so the moves become second nature and your form never lets up.

By now you should be catching a good rhythm, both in the ring and in the kitchen. If you find yourself tired or out of time to cook your meals, consider using the next two rest days to really hone in on your meal prep. It’s all about being prepared so you’re not caught in a (hungry) bind and reaching for anything in sight. Setting aside an hour or two on the weekend to shop and prep meals makes it easier to stick to the game plan during the week. Eating right is so much easier when there’s less to do or think about. (I know I’ve been guilty of drive-thru dinners just because I couldn’t decide what to make that night!)

Something that really helped me dial-in my nutrition situation was graduating from the basic Beachbody Guide to Nutrition to Ultimate Portion Fix. The basic nutrition guide is great for setting a plan in motion but sometimes there are emotional roadblocks you haven’t considered that Autumn (or Ilana, if you’re doing 2B Mindset) can help you tackle. Something to think about as we wrap up our second full week of 10 Rounds (yay!) and head into the weekend.

Coach Tip

Consider ending this post by asking who has used Ultimate Portion Fix or 2B Mindset. Encourage them to share their experiences (what they’ve used, how it helped them on their journey, etc.) with the group.

How are we feeling after week 2?


Not gonna lie…I woke up feeling sluggish and sleepy. Then I remembered it was a rest day and jumped out of bed. 🙂

Joking, joking. Sorta. Don’t get me wrong…I feel like a champ after a good workout with Joel but it’s not always easy to stay motivated and pump myself up before a workout. It’s actually the reason why I joined a group myself and eventually started leading them. I know it sounds cheesy, but you guys keep me going. There’s something about working toward a goal with a group of people who are going through the exact same thing. Someone’s always there to hear you out.

I hope that’s what you’re getting by being here. Because whether you pulled the covers over your head this morning or woke up swinging, we’re in this together.

I know it’s a rest day, but anyone want to share a favorite motivational quote that’ll help us keep our eyes on the prize?


Week 2: DAY 12 – Isometrics

We’ve got a new workout today—Isometrics. Here’s what you’ll need today.

  • Dumbbells (light, medium, heavy)
  • Chin-Up Bar, Chin-Up Max, Mat (optional)

This workout has five moves that you’ll do for a minute each and then repeat for four rounds. There’s a rest between each exercise, but here’s the catch—your rest break gets a little shorter with each round. It’s definitely going to be a challenge, but you’ve got this. Follow the modifier if your form starts to slip, but stick with it!

Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone who’s kicking butt in your group! Giving someone props can help people feel good about themselves and all the work they’re putting into 4 Weeks of THE PREP. Encourage participants to tag and hype up someone else in the group, too.



We’ve got another rest day but I’m gonna put you to work (nothing too tough, promise).

First, I’m checking in to see who’s staying on top of their Shakeology and/or Beachbody Performance. Second, if you got a sec, answer the questions below. I want us to stay accountable and on point with our healthy eating. I’ll post my answers in the comments.

  1. Are you tracking your food intake?
  2. How’s your water intake?
  3. Are you eating breakfast?
  4. Are you struggling with nighttime snacking?
  5. Are you hungrier? Not as hungry?


Week 2: DAY 13 – The Crucible


Today’s workout might be the most challenging one on the schedule. It’s called “The Crucible.”

Here’s the equipment you’ll need.

  • Dumbbells (light, medium, heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (optional)

Amoila also refers to “The Crucible” as mental warfare, because you’ve got to dig in and fight the urge to quit when it gets tough. You’re going to do 25 reps of eight moves. It doesn’t sound so bad until you realize Amoila throws in 45 seconds of “army crawls” between each move. I’m definitely using Hydrate today. If you’re not familiar with Hydrate, it’s a supplement you can drink during your workout to help you stay hydrated and replace electrolytes you lose when you’re sweating as much as we are.*^

Let me know how you like this workout!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
^Not all products, flavors, and configurations may be available in your market.



Today’s workout might be the most challenging one on the schedule. It’s called “The Crucible.”

Here’s the equipment you’ll need.

  • Dumbbells (light, medium, heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (optional)

Amoila also refers to “The Crucible” as mental warfare, because you’ve got to dig in and fight the urge to quit when it gets tough. You’re going to do 25 reps of eight moves. It doesn’t sound so bad until you realize Amoila throws in 45 seconds of “army crawls” between each move. I’m definitely using Hydrate today. If you’re not familiar with Hydrate, it’s a supplement you can drink during your workout to help you stay hydrated and replace electrolytes you lose when you’re sweating as much as we are.*^

Let me know how you like this workout!

^Not all products, flavors, and configurations may be available in your market.



Today’s workout might be the most challenging one on the schedule. It’s called “The Crucible.”

Here’s the equipment you’ll need.

  • Dumbbells (light, medium, heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (optional)

Amoila also refers to “The Crucible” as mental warfare, because you’ve got to dig in and fight the urge to quit when it gets tough. You’re going to do 25 reps of eight moves. It doesn’t sound so bad until you realize Amoila throws in 45 seconds of “army crawls” between each move. I’m definitely using Hydrate today. If you’re not familiar with Hydrate, it’s a supplement you can drink during your workout to help you stay hydrated and replace electrolytes you lose when you’re sweating as much as we are.*^

Let me know how you like this workout!

^Not all products, flavors, and configurations may be available in your market.


Week 2: DAY 14 — Range & Repair

I don’t know about you, but I’m so thankful today is Range & Repair. My body needs a good stretch session after yesterday’s workout. Remember, these Range & Repair workouts are crucial to the program. They can help you improve your range of motion, reduce your risk of injury, recover faster, and perform better.

Here’s what you’ll need for today.

  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (optional)

What’s everyone up to today? I’m planning on experimenting with my Shakeology. Instead of my usual shake, I’m going to try this no-bake recipe. If you make it, share some photos and let me know how you like them! If you’re looking for more delicious no-bake Shakeology hacks, check out the recipes on the Beachbody Blog here:

Carrot Cake Energy Balls (Makes 15 servings; 1 ball each)

  • 1½ scoops Vanilla Whey Shakeology
  • ½ cup dry rolled oats
  • ⅓ cup all-natural smooth almond butter
  • 4 medjool dates, coarsely chopped
  • ¼ cup walnut pieces
  • ¾ cup shredded carrots
  • ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp. ground cloves
  • ¼ tsp. grond ginger
  1. Combine Shakeology, oats, almond butter, and dates in food processor; pulse until dates are incorporated.
  2. Add walnuts, carrots, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger; pulse until just blended.
  3. Roll into 15 balls, about 1-inch in diameter each.
  4. Store refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 3 days.

Container Equivalents: Yellow ½, tsp. 1

2B Mindset Plate It!

Enjoy as an occasional treat. Be sure to track it.




Welcome to your second week of Barre Blend!

Today’s workout is another total-body burner, Classic Full Body Blend. Get ready to bring your attitude and show off a little, even if it’s just to your kids!

You’re probably still feeling the workouts from last week, so I want to talk a little more about how to use Beachbody Performance supplements to help support your energy and recovery.*

Beachbody Performance Energize can help you have more energy during your workouts while also helping you sharpen your focus, push harder, and last longer.* Drink it 30 minutes before your workout.

Beachbody Performance Recover helps speed muscle recovery, promote lean-muscle growth, and reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness.* For best results, drink it within 30 minutes after your workout.

If you were dragging at all last week without them, you could probably benefit from these supplements. They can mean the difference between slogging through a workout and going full-out. Let me know if I can answer any more questions about them.

Have you used either of these supplements? If so, tell us what benefits you’ve noticed.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Welcome to your second week of Barre Blend!

Today’s workout is another total-body burner, Classic Full Body Blend. Get ready to bring your attitude and show off a little, even if it’s just to your kids!

You’re probably still feeling the workouts from last week, so I want to talk a little more about how to use Beachbody Performance supplements to help support your energy and recovery.*

Beachbody Performance Energize can help you have more energy during your workouts while also helping you sharpen your focus, push harder, and last longer.* Drink it 30 minutes before your workout.

Beachbody Performance Recover helps speed muscle recovery, promote lean-muscle growth, and reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness.* For best results, drink it within 30 minutes after your workout.

If you were dragging at all last week without them, you could probably benefit from these supplements. They can mean the difference between slogging through a workout and going full-out. Let me know if I can answer any more questions about them.

Have you used either of these supplements? If so, tell us what benefits you’ve noticed.



Welcome to your second week of Barre Blend!

Today’s workout is another total-body burner, Classic Full Body Blend. Get ready to bring your attitude and show off a little, even if it’s just to your kids!

You’re probably still feeling the workouts from last week, so I want to talk a little more about how to use Beachbody Performance supplements to help support your energy and recovery.*

Beachbody Performance Energize can help you have more energy during your workouts while also helping you sharpen your focus, push harder, and last longer.* Drink it 30 minutes before your workout.

Beachbody Performance Recover helps speed muscle recovery, promote lean-muscle growth, and reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness.* For best results, drink it within 30 minutes after your workout.

If you were dragging at all last week without them, you could probably benefit from these supplements. They can mean the difference between slogging through a workout and going full-out. Let me know if I can answer any more questions about them.

Have you used either of these supplements? If so, tell us what benefits you’ve noticed.



I hope you set a good intention this morning, because today we’re doing Booty Blend!

This week you’ll probably feel a little more comfortable with some of the moves. They’ll always be challenging, but as your form gets better they’ll be even more effective. If you need to, go back and rewatch the Barre Basics videos.

I really love the [COACH: STATE YOUR FAVORITE MOVE]. It’s so hard, but I feel amazing when I get it right!

What’s your favorite move so far? What move is really hard for you?



You know what’s so great about Barre Blend? You get to channel your inner dancer and feel graceful, while sweating like crazy and toning your entire body! I don’t consider myself a great dancer, but something about the flow of these workouts makes me think I could be on stage. 😉

I want you to take that feeling of joy into today’s Cardio Blend workout.

How’s your hunger level? I know when I start a new workout program I sometimes feel a little extra hungry. But I don’t want to ruin all my progress, so I try to eat something nutritious. Lately I’ve been grabbing a BEACHBAR in the afternoon. It has 9–10 grams of protein and ingredients you know and trust, like creamy nut butters, real chocolate chips, and crunchy protein crisps. Plus, it’s just 150 calories. If you’re doing Ultimate Portion Fix it only counts as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp. And it’s so good!

Who here has tried BEACHBAR? What’s your go-to flavor?



This morning my “I AM” Daily Motivation Card was “I AM Present.” That’s the mood you should take in today’s core workout. You need to stay focused to get through this one!

Speaking of being present, are you using the Beachbody On Demand app to track your daily meals, water intake, and Shakeology? I find it so much easier to log everything as I go rather than all at once in the evening. It helps me check in with myself throughout the day, which keeps me present. And if you’re doing 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix, the app gives you even more ways to track your progress.

What did your “I AM” card say today?

Let’s send out positive vibes to anyone who might be struggling with the workouts. If you’re having a hard time, let us know so we can help!



Can you believe we’re already winding down our second week of Barre Blend? How much fun is this program? Today is your second Lean Legs Blend workout. If you want, you can try some of the moves without the barre (or chair, or whatever sturdy object you’re using). It’s a great test of your balance and muscle control.

Let’s explore this workout with an open heart and celebrate what our bodies can do!

Sometimes I like to mix up my Shakeology and try a new recipe so I don’t get stuck in a rut. Lately my favorite is [COACH: ADD YOUR FAVORITE SHAKEOLOGY RECIPE]. It tastes like an indulgence but I feel good knowing I’m putting such awesome nutrition into my body.

What are you putting in your Shakeology today? This recipe for Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Shakeology looks AMAZING. Have you tried it?



Ahhh, a rest and replenish day! I’ve been looking forward to doing the 15-Minute Yoga Blend workout to stretch and relax my tired muscles. Which one are you going to do today? Are you going to add any other workouts? You may have noticed in your Get Started Guide that you can do any of the Classic Full Body Blend workouts on your rest day if you feel up to it. Be careful not to overdo it and hurt yourself, though! Rest days are equally important to getting the results you want from your program.

Coach Tip

Now would be a great time to highlight someone’s Success Story. Here’s a good one! You can say something like “Want some motivation to stay on-track this weekend? Check out Romy’s Barre Blend results!”


Profile Name: Romy L.
Romy L. lost 25.6 lbs. and 15.5 inches
*Results vary based on starting point and effort and following Beachbody’s exercise and healthy eating plan.

Have you seen the beautiful Barre Blend apparel on Team Beachbody yet? I’m pretty sure I want to buy it all. I heard that Elise personally selected some of the styles to reflect her personality. How cool is that? Check them out and let us know which you decide to get! Check them out here and let us know which you decide to get!


Happy Sunday! Today I’m going to Roll & Replenish all my tensions away before I head to the kitchen to do my meal prep. What recovery workout are you planning to do today?

Let’s do a quick check-in. Give me some feedback on how you’re doing at this point. What are your challenges, and what’s going well? Tell me what’s going on and how I can help.


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 8 | Wk 2 | Total Body Push/Pull

We’ve got a brand-new workout lined up today: Wk2 Total Body Push/Pull!

Here’s the equipment you’ll need:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Resistance Loops
  • Strength Slides
  • Chin-Up Bar, Chin-Up Max, Mat (Optional)

This workout is BRUTAL. It’s four rounds of five exercises followed by an intense burner of two more challenging moves. I guarantee you’ll be sweating your butt off by the end.

How’s everyone feeling? If you need an extra bit of motivation, just check out Jordan B.’s transformation!


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 9 | Wk 2 | Strength & Power


We’ve got another new workout today. It’s called Wk2 Strength & Power.

Here’s the equipment you’ll need:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Mat (Optional)

Strength & Power is another one of Amoila’s killer hybrid workouts. We’ve got two sets of four moves that we’re going to repeat three times. Make sure you stay hydrated. Amoila recommends drinking the equivalent of at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day—and even more if you’re sweating as much as we are. Ex.: If you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water daily. Another tip? Add some Beachbody Performance Hydrate to your workout routine. Hydrate is a great supplement to have on hand, especially when you’re working out hard. It’ll replace the electrolytes you lose through sweat, to help you keep grinding and performing at your peak.*

Nutrition check-in—how are we all doing? Whether you’re following the Beachbody Guide to Nutrition, 2B Mindset, or Ultimate Portion Fix, share what’s helping you stay on-track with the program.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



We’ve got another new workout today. It’s called Wk2 Strength & Power.

Here’s the equipment you’ll need:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Mat (Optional)

Strength & Power is another one of Amoila’s killer hybrid workouts. We’ve got two sets of four moves that we’re going to repeat three times. Make sure you stay hydrated. Amoila recommends drinking the equivalent of at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day—and even more if you’re sweating as much as we are. Ex.: If you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water daily. Another tip? Add some Beachbody Performance Hydrate to your workout routine. Hydrate is a great supplement to have on hand, especially when you’re working out hard. It’ll replace the electrolytes you lose through sweat, to help you keep grinding and performing at your peak.*

Nutrition check-in—how are we all doing? Whether you’re following the Beachbody Guide to Nutrition, 2B Mindset, or Ultimate Portion Fix, share what’s helping you stay on-track with the program.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



We’ve got another new workout today. It’s called Wk2 Strength & Power.

Here’s the equipment you’ll need:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Mat (Optional)

Strength & Power is another one of Amoila’s killer hybrid workouts. We’ve got two sets of four moves that we’re going to repeat three times. Make sure you stay hydrated. Amoila recommends drinking the equivalent of at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day—and even more if you’re sweating as much as we are. Ex.: If you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water daily.

Nutrition check-in—how are we all doing? Whether you’re following the Beachbody Guide to Nutrition, 2B Mindset, or Ultimate Portion Fix, share what’s helping you stay on-track with the program.


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 10 | Rest

Welcome to rest day number two. How are we all feeling today?

Remember, this process is a marathon, not a sprint. We’re going hard five days a week, so use your rest day to do a little self-care. Schedule a massage, go for a walk, meditate—do something positive for yourself, so that you can reset and come refreshed and ready to hustle tomorrow.

What do you plan on doing for self-care today? [Make sure to share your own self-care strategies.]


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 11 | Wk 2 | Cardio & Core


What’s on deck for today? Wk2 Cardio & Core. That means lots of plyo and abs moves that are gonna leave you dripping. Definitely plan on taking your Energize. This pre-workout supplement is made with ergogenic (performance-enhancing) ingredients scientifically shown to help sharpen your focus, push harder, and go longer.* I take mine 30 minutes before every workout, and it totally makes a difference.

Here’s the equipment you’ll need:

  • Resistance Loops
  • Mat (Optional)
Coach Tip

You’re well into the program now and hopefully staying on-track with your eating. However, there are ways that you and your challengers can enjoy the occasional treat. Experiment with no-bake Shakeology desserts like energy balls, popsicles, or puddings. Share what you’ve made with the group to show them Shakeology’s versatility. You can find no-bake recipes here.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



What’s on deck for today? Wk2 Cardio & Core. That means lots of plyo and abs moves that are gonna leave you dripping. Definitely plan on taking your Energize. This pre-workout supplement is made with ergogenic (performance-enhancing) ingredients scientifically shown to help sharpen your focus, push harder, and go longer.* I take mine 30 minutes before every workout, and it totally makes a difference.

Here’s the equipment you’ll need:

  • Resistance Loops
  • Mat (Optional)
Coach Tip

You’re well into the program now and hopefully staying on-track with your eating. However, there are ways that you and your challengers can enjoy the occasional treat. Experiment with no-bake Shakeology desserts like energy balls, popsicles, or puddings. Share what you’ve made with the group to show them Shakeology’s versatility. You can find no-bake recipes here.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



What’s on deck for today? Wk2 Cardio & Core. That means lots of plyo and abs moves that are gonna leave you dripping. Definitely plan on taking your Energize. This pre-workout supplement is made with ergogenic (performance-enhancing) ingredients scientifically shown to help sharpen your focus, push harder, and go longer. I take mine 30 minutes before every workout, and it totally makes a difference.

Here’s the equipment you’ll need:

  • Resistance Loops
  • Mat (Optional)
Coach Tip

You’re well into the program now and hopefully staying on-track with your eating. However, there are ways that you and your challengers can enjoy the occasional treat. Experiment with no-bake Shakeology desserts like energy balls, popsicles, or puddings. Share what you’ve made with the group to show them Shakeology’s versatility. You can find no-bake recipes here.


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 12 | Wk 2 | Isometrics

Wk2 Isometrics is…well, hard AF. Remember when we emphasized time under tension during our Full Body Tempo workout last week? Well, it’s time to focus on it again. So get ready—we’ve got four rounds of seven moves, and Amoila’s gonna expect us to WORK.

Here’s the equipment you’ll need:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Chin-Up Bar, Chin-Up Max, Mat (Optional)

Share with the group—what’s the most challenging move you’ve done so far? I know I struggled with [insert move you found difficult in the past week], but I know I’ll nail it eventually.


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 13 | Wk 2 | The Crucible

Y’all ready for this? Today’s workout is one of the hardest on the schedule. It’s called The Crucible.

Here’s the equipment you’ll need:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (Optional)
  • Beachbody Performance Energize and Recover (okay these aren’t technically equipment, but I’m definitely taking them today)
  • Beachbody Performance Hydrate and Recharge (my must-haves for surviving Amoila’s routines)

Another name for this routine: “Mental Warfare.” We’re gonna do 50 reps of eight moves with 45 seconds of army crawls and one minute of rest between each move.

With this workout, Amoila isn’t just helping us get in better shape—he’s also helping us improve our mental game. Fifty reps are a challenge, and it’s going to be a fight to complete every single one, but I don’t want you to quit. The minute you want to throw in the towel, I want you to think back to why you started. Focus on that and give Amoila every single rep.

Remember to always listen to your body—take a quick break when you absolutely need to and then get back in the game. You’ve got this!

Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone who’s kicking butt in your group! This isn’t an easy program. Giving someone props can help people feel good about themselves and all the work they’re putting into 6 Weeks of THE WORK. Encourage participants to tag and hype up someone else in the group, too.


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 14 | Wk 2 | Range & Repair

High five, fam. We’ve reached the end of our second week! Today’s Range & Repair is focused on the t spine. Don’t skip it! These Range & Repair workouts are super important, and trust me when I say that your body will thank you—especially after yesterday’s workout.

Here’s the you’ll need:

  • Mat (Optional)

I am so proud of y’all for sticking with this program. It hasn’t been easy, but each and every one of you has brought your A-game to these workouts and given them everything you’ve got.

Remember, since your Range & Repair workouts are shorter, you’ve got a little extra time in your day. I want you to make the most of it. Set aside your workout clothes for tomorrow. Make sure your meals are planned and prepped. Set yourself up for success so we can hit Week 3 hard!

Coach Tip

From time to time, encourage your challengers to experiment with new recipes. Having a variety of go-to recipes keeps you from getting bored with your nutrition and helps you stay on-track. There are tons of recipes available on the Beachbody On Demand blog, in the FIXATE cookbook, in the Beachbody Guide to Nutrition, on the Shakeology Channel on Beachbody On Demand, as well as in the 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix nutrition programs.

Curried Quinoa and Peas with Cashews and Fresh Mango


Portion Fix | Week 3 | Day 4

Group call today! We’re in Week 3, so I’m hoping you all have thoughts to share.

On the call, let’s discuss a few key topics:

If you’re finding weight-loss success, be prepared to brag!
If you’re facing some challenges, be prepared to share with the group, which can help you with suggestions and support.

Here’s how to join our call:


Portion Fix | Week 3 | Day 5

The weekend is nearly here, and if you’re like me, it can be a challenge to stay on-track when running around, or seeing friends, or doing social things.

What are your tips for staying committed to your containers?
When it comes to delicious foods, what recipes have you found on the FIXATE cooking show (English only) on BOD, the FIXATE recipes on Portion Fix on BODi, or in the FIXATE cookbooks that have been a yummy surprise?

In your FIXATE Vol. 2 cookbook (English only), check out page 141 for the Beef and Broccoli recipe. You’ll love it.


Portion Fix | Week 3 | Day 6


Grocery shopping day! As we head into Week 4, let’s make sure we’re on top of our Daily Logbook. Today we’ll start on page 68, your Reflections. This is all about taking a moment to really think about where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going on your weight-loss journey. It’s also about what you’re feeling as you go through this program. Tomorrow, I’m going to ask what you wrote.

If you’ll be running around today, make your daily Shakeology to-go. It’s a great way to help fuel your body and it can help support healthy energy. And this way, you’ll know you’re getting more of the vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other crucial nutrients your body needs to help keep it going.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Grocery shopping day! As we head into Week 4, let’s make sure we’re on top of our Daily Logbook. Today we’ll start on page 68, your Reflections. This is all about taking a moment to really think about where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going on your weight-loss journey. It’s also about what you’re feeling as you go through this program. Tomorrow, I’m going to ask what you wrote.

If you’ll be running around today, make your daily Shakeology to-go. It’s a great way to help fuel your body and it can help support healthy energy. And this way, you’ll know you’re getting more of the vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other crucial nutrients your body needs to help keep it going.


Grocery shopping day! As we head into Week 4, let’s make sure we’re on top of our Daily Logbook. Today we’ll start on page 68, your Reflections. This is all about taking a moment to really think about where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re going on your weight-loss journey. It’s also about what you’re feeling as you go through this programme. Tomorrow, I’m going to ask what you wrote.

If you’ll be running around today, make your daily Shakeology to-go. It’s a great way to help fuel your body and it can help support healthy energy. And this way, you’ll know you’re getting the vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other crucial nutrients your body needs to help keep it going.†

All products, flavours and configurations may not be available in your market.

†Magnesium contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism.


Portion Fix | Week 3 | Day 7

Let’s talk about your Reflections. Do you think keeping track of what you’ve been feeling has helped you over these last few weeks? I find that when I’m in touch with my emotions, I make better decisions about what (and how much) I eat. My weekly Reflections help me stay aligned with my goals by tracking what I’m doing to achieve them, and keeping close tabs on how I’m feeling.

With our group call today, let’s focus on finishing the week strong:

  1. Discuss how you’ve reduced some of your unhealthy habits.
  2. Are you eating fewer processed foods?
  3. What new fruits (purple), vegetables (green), or whole grains (yellow) have you tried and which do you like?
  4. What good habits have you adopted?

Here’s how to join our call:

Also, it’s meal prep day. So make sure you carve out the time to do it right.


Portion Fix | Week 4 | Day 1

Before reading on, take your Week 4 photo! This is so important because it can really show you how well you’re doing!

As we begin our last week together, I want to say this now because it’s so important: Even though this group might be ending soon, this new way of eating lives on. Portion Fix truly is a lifestyle. It’s a new and better way of thinking about food, about how and what you eat (and when!), and how you CAN rewire your life to make smarter, healthier choices. One of the healthier choices I made was with a recipe from the FIXATE Vol. 2 cookbook (English only) for Spaghetti All’Amatriciana on page 145. So, so good!

One thing I hope you’ve discovered along the way is how we can separate our feelings from our food. Not that food isn’t meant to be enjoyed—it absolutely is. But when we’re feeling low or having a bad day, food consumption is not always the answer. In our Daily Logbook today, I want you to dig into pages 70–71 to identify those emotional triggers.

How did you deal with your emotional triggers with food before the Success Group? How do you do it now?


Portion Fix | Week 4 | Day 2

Progress, not perfection. Autumn says it a lot, and with good reason. This is all about your personal journey, and how YOU think about your body and your weight. As Autumn says, remember to use positive self-talk by saying things like, “I’m working toward a healthier version of me” instead of “I haven’t lost enough.” Again, it’s about the progress you’re making every single day. I’m so proud of each of you and all your hard work. REALLY inspiring! It’s also important to remember that your healthy, sustainable HABITS are the most important part of this journey. It’s always about those daily, sustainable habits. The weight loss is much more like a bonus 😉

What progress are you excited to celebrate? What are you most proud of?


Portion Fix | Week 4 | Day 3

Building on what we were talking about yesterday, I want each of you to take a few minutes to really reflect on your efforts. First, take a victory lap because you’ve come this far. You’ve done the work. You’ve learned a new approach. And hopefully, you’ve made some progress with the things that matter to you.

How has your new approach to food impacted those around you? What tips would you give to someone who’s thinking about trying Portion Fix to reach their health and wellness goals?


Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 1

We begin Week 2. Hopefully, your rest day yesterday fully recharged your batteries, because Shaun T is ready to get back to work.

Today is Day 8: BURN. Same philosophy as Day 1 last week, but the moves are different. By now, you’re seeing that no two workouts are the same—and that’s on purpose. It keeps things fun and fresh, and keeps your body moving in new and beneficial ways.

One thing that ISN’T changing are the Transformers. And that’s on purpose. Today’s Transformers will be the same as Day 1 – Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman. The idea is that you are tracking your progress by attempting the same challenges week after week, with the goal being that by Week 6, you’ll see meaningful changes in what you can accomplish.

How’s everyone feeling? Who needs an extra dose of motivation? Let’s cheer each other on!


Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 2

Hopefully by now, your body is used to these 20-minute workouts. Yes, they’re intense, but they’re also fast, giving you a really effective workout in a short amount of time. As you may have noticed, Shaun T is ramping up the speed and the moves, so you’re probably working harder than last week.

Day 9: FASTER. This is all about what your feet are doing, so make sure you’re pushing yourself, while also being mindful of Step safety. If you need a refresher on the best way to use the Step, rewatch the Step Safety video. The three Transformers are Over Top, X Jack; L Reach; and Ski Abs, In/Out.

Don’t forget to stay hydrated. Shaun T recommends that you drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day—and even more if you’re feeling thirsty or sweating a lot. That means if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water each day.

I was wondering, when do you drink your Shakeology? Do you make it a nutrition part of breakfast? Or part of another meal? Or do you enjoy it as a snack? I’m a breakfast Shakeology person myself. This morning, I had an amazing concoction from the Beachbody Blog: Blueberry Sunshine Shakeology. You can find it here ( along with 14 other fantastic Shakeology breakfast recipes, including a Glowing Green Smoothie Bowl that I’m going to try tomorrow!


Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 3

We are blasting through Transform :20 and you are doing GREAT. If this is your first Shaun T program, welcome. His passion, motivation, and powerful style are truly inspiring. How has he gotten you to dig deeper and work harder?

Today is Day 10: STRONGER. Be sure you’re really focusing on how you’re transitioning on and off the Step. Of course, safety first, speed second. Shaun T will be pushing you to focus and harness your mind today. Your three Transformers are 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop. Don’t forget to record how you do in your Tracker.

 Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone in your group! It helps people feel good about themselves and all the work they’re putting into Transform :20. This isn’t an easy program. But if a person can stick with it, the results speak volumes.


Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 4

Even though we are in Week 2, this is still about building your foundation. Hopefully, you’ve begun to really harness your mind—getting rid of negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones. Transform :20 is about body AND mind. You’ve got to work both!

Let’s get sweating. Today is Day 11: POWERFUL, and although it will feel like last week’s POWERFUL, the workout is unique. Same energy, same effort, so I know you’re going to bring your best. Your Transformers are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

If you’re feeling like this extra work is really burning a lot of calories, and you’re looking for a snack that’s packed with protein, I love BEACHBAR. They come in two amazing flavors that are gluten-free. It’s the perfect snack when you’re on-the-go or to satisfy any hunger pangs between meals. They have 10 grams of protein and just 150 calories.


Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 5

Let’s do this! Day 12: CUT. This is all about getting that body tight. Transform :20 targets your glutes, core, abs, and upper body. Today’s workout is going to push you to to the limit. The three Transformers are Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle.

I’ve got a big surprise for tomorrow—some results! That’s right—true, real, actual transformations from people who’ve finished Transform :20 and love their results.

What are you hoping to get out of Transform :20? Body and mind: What are your goals? Let’s share below!


Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 6

Last day of the workout week, and last day of Chapter 1: COMMIT. I’m so proud you’ve made it this far, and yes, I know it hasn’t been easy. Transform :20 is an intense program, and by now you’ve had to dig deep and really push to finish each day.

Day 13: BALANCED. Like last week, you’ll be mixing in some stretches with your workout. By now your body should be getting used to the pace and effort needed. Your Transformers are Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips.

As I mentioned yesterday, here are Camille’s results after finishing Transform :20. Talk about motivation!


Transform :20 | Week 2 | Day 7

CONGRATULATIONS! TODAY IS A BIG DAY! You’ve just finished Chapter 1: COMMIT. Be sure to grab your sticker, place it on your Step, and snap a pic and share it with everyone! Now, take a good minute to look over the last 2 weeks and see how far you’ve come. Want proof? Check your Transformers progress. I bet you’ve already noticed some changes.

For this Challenge Group, my main focus is to help as many people as I can achieve their goals. Whether that is to lose weight, gain muscle, or look amazing at that wedding, I want to help you. Do you have anyone in your life who could use a little encouragement to get on the path to being healthier and happier? Use today’s rest day to reach out to them and see how you can motivate them to reach THEIR goals.

Be sure to check out Transform Your Life with Shaun T for motivation (lots) and a head’s up of the upcoming week.

Today is also a great day to meal-prep for the week ahead, and recommit to your eating plan. If you’ve stuck with it, that’s awesome. I always say that committing to changing your nutrition can be harder than committing to a fitness program!


80 Day Obsession | Week 2 | Day 8 | Total Body Core

It’s a brand-new week! Let’s kick some booty…and abs…and everything else.

This week the workouts change to 3 sets of 10 reps. So you’ll be doing each set of exercises one time through, then repeating that twice more. Since the reps are lower than last week, can you increase your weights a little? Try it and see!

Today’s workout is Total Body Core. You’ve already done the moves once, so this week I really want you to focus on your form and the "mind-muscle connection." That means visualizing what muscle you’re working, and focusing your attention on the movement. Don’t let your mind wander! Stay in the game for a better workout. It helps you get better results.

A NOTE ABOUT RESISTANCE LOOPS: Make sure you check your loops for tears before each workout, and if you see any throw the loop away and get a new one. Also, have patience with the loops. It can take a little time to get them in the right place, so if you have to, pause the workout, adjust the loop, and restart when you’re ready.


80 Day Obsession | Week 2 | Day 9 | Booty


Hello, Booty!

For today’s workout you’re going to need your Beachbody Resistance Loops, a mat, and a chair for balance (those last two are optional). Again, you’ll be doing 3 sets of 10 reps, so be prepared to work hard and feel that booty burn!

PERSONAL QUESTION: How’s your digestion? Getting used to a new diet and eating schedule can be a little uncomfortable for some people. It’s normal to feel that way as your body adjusts, especially if you’re not used to eating lots of fruits and veggies. If you are experiencing any discomfort you might try introducing new foods slowly. Consider eating similar foods for a few days before adding anything new. Also, Shakeology helps support healthy digestion, so be sure you’re incorporating it into your day.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Hello, Booty!

For today’s workout you’re going to need your Beachbody Resistance Loops, a mat, and a chair for balance (those last two are optional). Again, you’ll be doing 3 sets of 10 reps, so be prepared to work hard and feel that booty burn!

PERSONAL QUESTION: How’s your digestion? Getting used to a new diet and eating schedule can be a little uncomfortable for some people. It’s normal to feel that way as your body adjusts, especially if you’re not used to eating lots of fruits and veggies. If you are experiencing any discomfort you might try introducing new foods slowly. Consider eating similar foods for a few days before adding anything new.



Hello, Booty!

For today’s workout you’re going to need your Beachbody Resistance Loops, a mat, and a chair for balance (those last two are optional). Again, you’ll be doing 3 sets of 10 reps, so be prepared to work hard and feel that booty burn!

PERSONAL QUESTION: How’s your digestion? Getting used to a new diet and eating schedule can be a little uncomfortable for some people. It’s normal to feel that way as your body adjusts, especially if you’re not used to eating lots of fruits and veggies. If you are experiencing any discomfort you might try introducing new foods slowly. Consider eating similar foods for a few days before adding anything new. Also, Shakeology helps support healthy digestion, so be sure you’re incorporating it into your day.†

†Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.


80 Day Obsession | Week 2 | Day 10 | Cardio Core

Cardio Core is up again!

Remember, this workout alternates one cardio interval with one HIIT interval plus a core move for 35 minutes. You’ll need your Beachbody Strength Slides, and don’t forget your Beachbody Performance Energize!

CHECK-IN TIME: How’s everyone feeling so far? Are you committed to your workouts and nutrition? I want you to make a promise to give it your all every day. This is for YOU, not anyone else. So if you don’t do your very best, you’re only cheating yourself. Who has time for that? Not us!

Coach Tip

Now’s a great time to highlight another 80 Day Obsession Success Story. Here’s a good one… Say something like "Here’s Kimberly’s awesome 80 Day Obsession results. Talk about motivation!"


80 Day Obsession | Week 2 | Day 11 | AAA

Be on your AAA game today!

Today’s AAA workout uses weights, Beachbody Resistance Loops, Beachbody Strength Slides, and a mat (optional). It’s 55 minutes of focus on those arms, abs, and a** for 3 sets of 10 reps.

HYDRATION CHALLENGE: We haven’t talked about drinking enough water yet. How much do you drink each day? Autumn recommends that you drink at least half your body weight in ounces every day—and even more if you feel thirsty or sweat a lot. That means that if you weigh 140 pounds you should drink at least 70 ounces of water each day. So I’m challenging you to drink more water!

Being well hydrated is so important to your energy levels and endurance. Dehydration can make you feel tired, rundown, or even hungry. If you want a good source of hydration during your workouts, you might try Beachbody Performance Hydrate. It has electrolytes to help replenish what you lose during your workouts and can help improve your endurance better than more sugary sports drinks. Let me know if you want more info!


80 Day Obsession | Week 2 | Day 12 | Legs

Lean, strong LEGS—here we come!

You’ll be doing 3 sets of 10 reps for 50 minutes. Did you track your weights last week? You can try to lift a little heavier this time since you’ve done the moves once already. Ready to push yourself?

Remember to use Beachbody Performance Recover after each of your workouts. With timed-release protein, carbs, and pomegranate extract, it’s shown to help accelerate muscle recovery and reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness. That’s a good thing on leg day! If you don’t have Recover, let me know and I’ll show you how to get it.

YUMMY TIP: According to your Timed-Nutrition plan, you’ll be having Recover plus a fruit after your workout. You can blend your Recover with banana or cherries to make it extra delicious. Try it and tell me what you think!


80 Day Obsession | Week 2 | Day 13 | Cardio Flow

Back to Cardio Flow today!

You’ll notice that this workout is very similar to last week’s, but I bet you’ll feel a little more confident with the moves this time, and maybe even a little bit stronger. It’s only 30 minutes, so give it all you’ve got then go have a fun, active weekend!

Once you’ve done today’s workout, share your favorite moves with the group. What move do you love, and what move do you love to hate?

How do you integrate Shakeology into your meal plan? Timed-Nutrition takes serious dedication, so it’s great to know that at least one of my meals—the one I make Shakeology part of—is going to be super-easy and convenient, and delicious.

Here’s my favorite way to make Shakeology: [ADD YOUR favorite SHAKEOLOGY RECIPE]. What’s your favorite way to drink it?

Want some more inspiration? Try this recipe and tell me what you think!


80 Day Obsession | Week 2 | Day 14 | Stretch & Release

Ahhh, Rest Day!

Why don’t you take this opportunity to do the Stretch & Release workout? It’s only 15 minutes, but it’s a great way to stretch out those sore, tired muscles. They need a break, and you need to do your self-care so you’re ready to tackle Week 3!

CHECK-IN: How do you feel after 2 weeks? Are you seeing results yet? Remember what I said in the beginning of this program—the scale should not be your only tool to measure progress. You’re building muscle, which means your body is changing in a way that may not show up on the scale. Are your clothes fitting differently? Do you feel stronger? Be proud of your hard work, and be patient—the results will come if you’re sticking to the program!

Oh, and don’t forget to watch this week’s Weekly Obsession episode to catch up with Autumn and the cast!


Mes de Más | Week 2 | Day 1 | Total Body 2

It’s a new week and a new you! Week 1 is in the books — now it’s time to refocus and build on everything you’ve already learned. Today is a Total Body resistance day, and that means 12 moves in two rounds designed to work your body from head to toe. These moves may feel challenging, but they can also be a lot of fun, particularly when you add a challenge by using your rolled up yoga mat or sandbag to increase resistance.

Remember, there’s no such thing as failure on your Month of More! There are only new opportunities to grow and succeed. If you struggled last week, this is a whole new opportunity and a clean slate. This week, focus on an area where you might have fallen short last week, and do your best to improve on it. Maybe you’ll decide to get a bit more rest. Maybe it’s having the willpower to avoid that cheat meal. Whatever it is, every day this week is an opportunity to get closer to your goal. This week, the workouts will build on what you’ve already done and get a little more complex, so get ready to take those learnings from last week and ratchet them up!


Mes de Más | Week 2 | Day 2 | Agility 2

Today’s workout is Agility 2—and it has a whole new set of agility drills for you to try, so get ready to react quickly. You’ll need your Beachbody Yoga Mat, water, towel, and * Beachbody PT Sandbag if you plan on intensifying.

Throughout Mes De Mas, we want you to have more, and that includes more healthy foods. If you’re finding you’re still hungry this week, here are some suggestions:

  • Keep food out-of-sight and out-of-mind. Studies show that looking at food—whether it’s on social media or sitting on that candy dish on your office mate’s desk—can actually trigger hunger. Stop following your favorite Chicago pizzeria on Instagram, and politely tell your colleague to put his candy in a drawer.
  • Lower your stress levels. Increased levels of stress can throw your hunger hormones out of whack, making it hard to resist the urge to overeat.
  • When you eat, slow down! It takes between 20-30 minutes for your stomach to register as full. If you eat too quickly, you might keep going unnecessarily.
  • Incorporate Shakeology into your day as part of a healthy meal or snack. Just one shake is packed with protein and superfood ingredients that can help keep you feeling full and curb your cravings.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Mes de Más | Week 2 | Day 3 | Upper Body 2

We hope you’re rested up and ready for today’s Upper Body 2 workout. For this workout you’ll need your Beachbody Yoga Mat, water, towel, and Beachbody PT Sandbag if you plan on intensifying.

For many of us, when prioritizing our daily tasks, sleep is the first thing we sacrifice. Working to reach your goals is important — but sleep is essential if you want to be successful in doing so. Getting a proper night’s rest (7 Ð 9 hours) can lower stress levels, improve cognitive skills, enhance your mood, and even improve appearance of skin. Studies have actually shown a correlation between quality sleep and weight control. So, take a look at your Daily Tracker, assess your sleeping patterns, and adjust your schedule to ensure you’re properly rested and recharged for the remainder of this month!


Mes de Más | Week 2 | Day 4 | Mobility 2

It’s mobility day! For many of you, this might be a welcome break from the more intense workouts. You might even be thinking of taking this day as a rest day — but I would strongly recommend you don’t. This workout is here in the program for a reason, and that means it’s not optional. Mobility is the cornerstone of fitness, helping you stay healthy in all sorts of ways. This workout is designed to help increase your flexibility and joint range of motion, help make all your movements more efficient, and aid your recovery from the other workouts. If you’re feeling a little tight or sore, feel free to include this workout more than once during the week.

Today, you’ll need your Beachbody Yoga Mat, water, and towel.


Mes de Más | Week 2 | Day 5 | Lower Body 2

Today’s workout is Lower Body 2. You’ll need your Beachbody Yoga Mat, water, towel, and Beachbody PT Sandbag if you plan on intensifying. You’ve got 14 moves in 2 rounds focused on your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves.

It’s challenge time again! For today’s challenge, pay it forward and try to find a workout buddy. Don’t worry if you can’t find one today — just make sure to find a buddy this week. Not only is this a great way to help someone else get more out of their day, working out with a friend has great benefits for you, too! Partnering up can help increase accountability and it may even help you push harder during your workout! Snap a photo of you and your buddy working up a sweat to one of this week’s Mes De Más workouts and share it with our group!


LIIFT4 | Week 2 | Day 1 | CHEST/TRICEPS (Circuit)

It’s Week 2. You should be feeling well rested after 2 recovery days and ready to HIIT it!

Today’s Chest/Triceps – Circuit workout means we lift nonstop. 10 moves, 3 sets, and a minimal amount of rest. We also get to do my favorite core moves, Dumbbell Flutter Kicks and Windshield Wipers.

By now, you’ve probably noticed that every single workout is unique—that means every workout is filmed separately and totally brand new! The beauty of this program is that you NEVER get bored doing the same exact routine twice.


Mes de Más | Week 2 | Day 6 | Cardio 2

It’s time to get energized for Cardio 2! Today is all about getting your heart rate up, burning calories, and getting a good sweat in! You’ll need your Beachbody Yoga Mat, water, towel, and Beachbody PT Sandbag if you plan on intensifying.

If you’re having trouble getting started with your workouts, or maybe you need a little extra energy to get a jumpstart, you might want to try Beachbody Energize. Before you get active, take Energize to help sharpen focus, push harder, and last longer.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

With Mes De Más, you’re never hungry. But you might not be used to eating so many clean foods and may find it challenging to hit your allotted vegetables for the day. If this is true for you, consider adding Beachbody Power Greens as one of your vegetable (Green) portions. Add a scoop to your Shakeology and you won’t even notice it’s there.


LIIFT4 | Week 2 | Day 2 | BACK/BICEPS (LIIFT 50/50)

Today is Back/Biceps – LIIFT 50/50. 3 sets of 6 lifting moves, followed by 3 sets of 3 butt-kicking cardio blasts. Get ready to push. Get ready to sweat.

Don’t forget, if you go hard today you can rest tomorrow. We’re going to push our bodies a little more each day, so don’t be afraid to challenge yourself when you can. Pay attention to your lifts, and if you can easily get to 10 reps for each move, try going a little heavier.


Mes de Más | Week 2 | Day 7 | Rest Day 2

It’s that time again! Take a moment and review your Tracker Tool for your second week. How did you do? Did you improve since last week? Congratulate yourself on your wins! You made it through another week and that’s reason to celebrate. Acknowledge your victories but also take time to see what challenges lie ahead and how you can improve upon them next week. If you found yourself over-snacking, tweak your eating schedule or keep a healthy snack nearby. If you’re feeling tired, adjust your bedtime accordingly to ensure you get enough rest. Also, remember to step on the scale this week and track any weight change you may experience.

I want to hear from you! Post some of your wins from this week and let’s get ready for week three!


Week 3

Day 1: Lower Body 3

Day 2: Upper Body 3

Day 3: Mobility 3

Day 4: Cardio 3

Day 5: Total Body 3

Day 6: Agility 3

Day 7: Rest Day 3

LIIFT4 | Week 2 | Recovery Day 1

I know you’re probably still sore, and that means you’re working hard, but hopefully it’s a little better than last week since your body is starting to get used to the program. Still, today is a recovery day, so use this as an opportunity to focus on giving your muscles time to recover and rebuild.

Beachbody Performance Recover and Recharge are great ways to get protein when you need it, as protein is critical to recovering and rebuilding your muscles.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

 Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone in your group! It helps people feel good about themselves and good about all the work they’re putting into LIIFT4. This isn’t an easy program. But if a person can stick with it, the results speak volumes.


LIIFT4 | Week 2 | Day 3 | SHOULDERS (LIIFT Intervals)

Feeling strong and recharged?

Today’s Shoulders – LIIFT Intervals is a combination of lifting and intense cardio. The shoulders are comprised of 3 major muscle groups, and these 6 lifting moves, in 3 sets, will attack them all. And those cardio intervals will really start to drain your tank, so keep pushing hard. I have a love/hate relationship with the HIIT move Catchers. What moves do you love/hate?

Don’t forget to stay hydrated! Joel recommends that you drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day—and even more if you feel thirsty or sweat a lot. That means that if you weigh 140 pounds, you should drink at least 70 ounces of water each day.


LIIFT4 | Week 2 | Day 4 | LEGS (HIIT)

Well-defined LEGS, here we come! This is the last routine of Week 2. You’re doing great!

This is Legs – HIIT, the first time we will do an entire high-intensity cardio workout. High-intensity interval training has been around forever, but has become increasingly popular for its efficiency. You burn more calories in less time. Today’s workout is 4 simple moves in 5 very different rounds. Get ready to burn a lot of calories.

Remember to use Beachbody Performance Recover after each of your workouts. With timed-release protein, carbs, and pomegranate extract, it’s shown to help accelerate muscle recovery and reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness.* That’s a good thing on leg day.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


LIIFT4 | Week 2 | Recovery Day 2

Start the day with one of Joel’s recovery videos so you’re staying ahead of any soreness or stiffness. I think I’ll do LIIFT4 Stretch. We worked hard this week, so it’s time to take care of our muscle recovery.

Since we’re almost 2 weeks into the program, I’d like you to check in with your transformation. Snap a few pics and share with the group. We would love to see how things are developing—even though it’s still early.

Here are Laura’s results after finishing LIIFT4. Talk about motivation…


LIIFT4 | Week 2 | Recovery Day 3

Congrats on getting to the end of Week 2. You’re doing great, and you should take a moment to give yourself a pat on the back.

For this Challenge Group, my main focus is to help as many people as I can achieve their goals. Whether that is to lose weight, gain muscle, or look amazing at that wedding, I want to help you. Do you have anyone in your life who could use a little encouragement to get on the path to being healthier and happier? Use today’s recovery day to reach out to them and see how you can motivate them to reach THEIR goals.

One of the reasons Joel created LIIFT4 was that he wanted a program that fit into people’s busy lives—not the other way around. LIIFT4 (and our Challenge Group) is all about getting results while still enjoying life. So, enjoy today’s recovery day, and I’ll see you tomorrow.

Don’t forget to watch READY FOR LIIFT OFF: Week 3 to see what’s in store for the week to come. You might want to stock up on BEACHBAR snack bars for a quick hit of protein and fiber. My favorite (and Joel’s!) is Peanut Butter Chocolate. So good!


Week 2 | Day 8 | 2B Mindset Kitchen

Losing weight requires planning and organization. And for best results, we always recommend that you shop for yourself and do your own meal prep and cooking. You may be new to cooking and food prep, but by now, I hope you’re motivated to learn! What changes can you make in your kitchen so it’s more 2B Mindset-friendly? After watching, what was the best takeaway for you? For me, it’s putting my bread in the freezer to help me from overeating it—genius idea! And I’m totally getting a spiralizer.

You might still have some food products around that aren’t helpful for your weight loss—if you do, consider giving them away. You can still treat yourself to these foods (as long as you track them), but since it’s so easy to be tempted by these foods when they’re within reach, I recommend keeping your home filled with only those foods that improve your health.

Homework: Time to clean out the junk! If you haven’t already, throw out foods that might be too tempting or that no longer serve you! Snap a photo of your fridge and pantry before you clear them out. Then take another photo of your fridge and pantry, and share your before and after photos! And start making a list of what you think you should stock up on, so you’ll be ready to conquer the supermarket!


Week 2 | Day 9 | Grocery Store Tour

 Coach Tip from Ilana

I hope that a lot of people who never cook or shop get motivated to do so. And I hope you see that going to the supermarket and getting your kitchen set up doesn’t have to be overwhelming or expensive!

What did you learn from this video? I learned that I need to try sautéed cabbage as a base in my stir-fry! What an awesome idea! I also really want to make those mushroom cap and egg white pizzas Ilana was talking about! And I now have a plan when I go into the supermarket to get out safely (lol)!

Homework: Pick the recipes you want to make and finalize your grocery list. Post a pic of your grocery haul so we can see your #veggiesmost!


Week 2 | Day 10 | Enjoying Takeout Food

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I can’t find time to cook. And maybe some of you aren’t comfortable in the kitchen. Sometimes I order takeout and don’t know what to have, so I just order mindlessly. So I love that Ilana took the time to go through all the different menus and cuisines and provide suggestions. Now I realize there are so many options that are delicious and satisfying, and will keep me on track. How refreshing!


Week 2 | Day 11 | Want to Eat More? Sure!

 Coach Tip from Ilana

How awesome is the More? Sure! Model? OK, so I may be a little biased since I did create it—but honestly, once your participants start applying it to any lengthy eating event they go to, they’ll see just how effective it is. They can still enjoy the treats they love, but they’ll do it in a more purposeful way and feel so successful afterward! This also works great when they’re feeling hungrier than usual after a meal and want to go back for seconds!

Who else loves the More? Sure! Model?! I’ll be you’ve had questions like, “How much protein is a good amount?” “What is a right portion for me?” “What should I do if I’m still feeling really hungry?” or “When I work out, I feel like I need to eat more. What do I do?” Well, now you know the answer. Just apply the More? Sure! Model and remember to track everything, then see what works for you!

Remember, there is no one “right” or “perfect” way to eat. We’re all different and need a different balance of foods to maintain energy and generate weight loss. With our new positive mindsets—and the More? Sure! Model—we have all the flexibility we need to customize the 2B Mindset to our bodies and our lifestyles!

I can’t wait to try the More? Sure! Model at my next holiday meal, but it’s also great for buffets, BBQs, or whenever you want more food after a meal. You’ll always feel more in control when you start with water first and make your first bite veggies!

I’m going to put the More? Sure! Model to work this weekend and try out a couple of the new meal combos I put together! I hope everyone will share photos of their meals throughout the week!

Homework: Think back to your last holiday dinner or event, and recall how much food you and everyone around you ate. Then think about the next event you have coming up and how you can apply the More? Sure! Model when you’re there! What will you do differently now that you have a new method and mindset to approach every eating situation?


Week 2 | Day 12 | Group Call

 Coach Tip from Ilana

Now is a good time to touch base and keep people accountable. Five things to address:

  1. Share weight loss and what’s working—meals, tips, discoveries
  2. Fill out Mix & Match worksheets to make easy meals
  3. Discuss challenges and spend rest of the call troubleshooting
  4. Ask that they share their tracker pages with you so you can help investigate and figure out what to change that might result in a weight loss—it is best to recommend they change ONE thing at a time vs. recommending they make multiple tweaks to every meal

Woo-hoo! Week 2 with our NEW mindsets! I can’t wait to dive in and hear from everyone, but first I want to review what we will discuss and do on today’s call:

  1. Let’s review. Like in the last call, I’ll ask you to first share what’s been working for you, your weight loss, favorite meals, and any tips and discoveries you made.
    • Are you sticking to the 2 Bunnies?
    • How do you feel about your new 2B Mindset kitchen?
    • Any fun findings at the grocery store? What FFCs did you choose?
  2. Let’s do an activity. Fill out the Mix & Match Guide Worksheet and/or the Mix & Match Restaurant Guide, and we’ll use the food lists to help create meals!
    • For those who cook at home, use the Mix & Match worksheet
    • For those who eat out or get takeout more often, use the Mix & Match Restaurant Guide
  3. Troubleshooting
    • Has anyone had any bumps in the road this past week?
    • Is anyone not losing weight even though they feel like they have been tracking perfectly?

Week 2 | Day 13 | Eating out, social events and traveling on the 2B Mindset

Isn’t it refreshing to know we don’t have to put our lives on pause to lose weight? Ilana shared so many great tips and strategies in these videos for how to keep enjoying our lives and still reaching our goals—s long as we keep a positive mindset and put a little effort into planning ahead.

What was your favorite tip she shared? When and how will you use it?

I love her “push-off” method! In the past when I would go on vacation, I felt the need to indulge at every meal, but now I have a whole new mindset to try on my next trip and a whole new tool to use!

Here are Ilana’s go-to tips for dining out:

  1. Get your mindset ready before you go, and check out the menu online. It’s easy to review your choices while your intention is strong, and even order before you go.
  2. Keep the Plate It! method in mind.
  3. Make sure to drink water first, eat veggies most, and plan it in advance if you think you’ll be wanting a treat.
  4. Be the first to order.
  5. Order smart, and rely on bites from friends if you want to taste different things.
  6. Get tea when everyone else has dessert.

Before you lock in your party plans, use this checklist:

  1. What’s the purpose of the event?
  2. How will you plan ahead for it? Will you want to eat there or can you eat in advance? Will there be plenty of veggies or will you need to bring some?
  3. Can you eat before attending?
  4. Ask yourself, DINTEO: Do I Need This Eating Opportunity?
  5. Remember to look around and turn your mindset away from the food, so you can stay focused on the people, the environment, and your surroundings.

Ilana’s best travel tips:

  1. Decide if you want this to be a weight-loss trip!
  2. Stick to a consistent breakfast every day while away.
  3. Drink tons of water.
  4. Stick to your Plate It! method!
  5. Focus on the activities more than the food.
  6. Use the “push-of” method.
  7. Track.
  8. Get on the scale the day after you get home.


Week 2 | Day 14

Congratulations! You’re 2 weeks in! Let’s keep going strong. I hope everyone is losing weight and feeling full, satisfied, free, and empowered!

SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 1 | Speed :35

Welcome to Week 2’s Speed :35. We’ve added 10 minutes to last week’s Speed, which means the intensity and the marker formations have increased. You’ll need 3 markers to get through the 2 rounds. This workout is designed to improve your agility, build your stamina, and burn MORE calories, so make sure to finish the move before it finishes you!

All you’ll need for today’s workout is your agility markers, water, a towel, and the greatness that lies within you.

Aside from increasing your workout length, you’re going to consume more protein while cutting back on starchy carbs. Fortunately, you can still indulge in Shakeology to help you get the extra protein and help fill the nutrition gaps your body has so it can perform at its best. I like to have mine every morning to start the day strong but you can enjoy yours anytime to get your day’s share of potent (and delicious!) ingredients.

As you embark on Speed :35, note the intensity increases, along with the formations. The workout is designed to improve your agility, build your stamina, and burn more calories. So as you’re rocking the routine, keep this in mind…


SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 2 | Strength :35

Ready for some new challenges!? Today’s workout is Strength :35, so grab your weights! We’ve combined new moves with foundational moves to help increase your strength and endurance for both your upper and lower body. Since we’ve ramped up 10 minutes from last week, select weights that allow you to finish with proper form but still give you a challenge. Stay focused on what’s right in front of you as you go toward the burn to get through the move.

Add Shift Core to today’s workout. When moving through these 9 ab exercises, try focusing on holding in your abs. This will give your abs the challenge they need to transform!

For this workout, you’ll need a light to medium set of dumbbells, water, and a towel.

Now, let’s overcome some obstacles!


SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 3 | Speed :35


Since Speed :35 is longer than last week’s Speed workout, be sure to pace yourself when you’re up against fatigue. We want you to push yourself to be challenged, so even if you have to drop to the modification or slow it down in order to finish the move, do it! You are 100% in control.

For today’s workout you will need your agility markers, some water, and a towel.

Also, just a reminder to make sure you’re drinking enough water every day (your body weight/2 = minimal water in ounces). If you need hydration support during your workout—with an optimized balance of sugar, electrolytes, and water to help quickly replenish what’s lost through sweat—there’s also Beachbody Performance Hydrate.

Based on today’s workout, which moves did you conquer or fight through? Were there any moves you struggled with? Do you feel you’ve gotten faster since doing the first week?


SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 4 | Strength :35

Strength :35, Week 3…Oh my goodness, you’ve pushed through to Week 3 and it’s make-it-or-break-it time! Your body might feel like it’s too sore to keep going, your mental focus may be wavering, you might tell yourself you’re not getting stronger—but it’s all a lie! Now’s the time to drink your Shakeology, step up to the challenge, and show your body, mind, and spirit you’re capable of more! When you feel your muscles burning, your legs on fire, your old self trying to rear its ugly little head, challenge it all by going toward the burn!

Add Shift Core to today’s workout and find a few moves you struggled with last time that you can finish strong with this time.

Remember to grab your markers, some water, and a towel.

What moves did you push through? What were some of the thoughts that ran through your head that almost stopped you from going toward the burn? What were the thoughts that pushed you through? What moves will you focus on in Week 4?


SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 5 | Proving Grounds: Speed

Third round at the Proving Grounds starts now.

Okay, so you should really know the moves now, and I’m really curious about how you’re doing. Has your score improved? If so, by how much? And if you are really seeing an increase to your score, what are you doing? (Don’t keep your secrets from us.)


SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 6 | Proving Grounds: Strength

Proving Grounds: Strength take 3. Grab your weights and get ready to crush it today.

You know the workout. You know the moves. There’s no excuse not to be ready and start each move on time. Give it your all!

Now that you have 2 workouts to look back on, find the moves you’ve struggled with and make a point to get an extra rep in on those. You’ll be surprised how your overall score will improve.

Since we’re almost 2 weeks into the program, I’d like you to really start assessing your progress. That starts with your Proving Grounds, but also by your measurements and weights. Take new ones today, and compare them to your original. 

Keep in mind that, oftentimes, your shift won’t show up right away on the scale or in the exact photo you’re taking. But there are huge health and fitness victories outside of that. There are changes happening on the inside, too. Feel any difference since you’ve cleaned up your diet and started drinking Shakeology? Got a little (or a lot) more energy to get through the day? Maybe “getting through your day” doesn’t apply to you anymore and you’re really at the top of your game, day in and day out. Those are all big wins and count just as much as the physical victories. Continue to adopt the SHIFT SHOP mindset and you will keep improving as the program goes along, and even long after the program is completed.

So snap a few pics and share with the group if you’d like. Would love to see your progress!

Here’s Rayna’s awesome SHIFT SHOP results. Talk about motivation…


SHIFT SHOP | Week 2 | Day 7 | Rest OR Shift Mobility

Congrats on getting through Week 2! With only 1 week left, I know YOU CAN DO THIS!

Remember where you were 2 weeks ago—and focus on where you want to be. Week 3 is when everything comes together.

After another full week of cardio and strength-building workouts, we are back at our active recovery Shift Mobility workout. Today’s Shop rule is about being patient with yourself as you move through each interval. Showing yourself this kind of love will help you stay focused on releasing muscle tightness, keeping proper form, and stabilizing your body and your mind.

You’ll need a full-sized towel to help with stretching, some water, and if you’re on a hard surface, a mat.

Another week down…how do you feel, overall? Are there areas you can improve? Are you feeling or seeing the benefits of this end-of-the-week stretch-out? Would you consider adding this workout midweek to gain more flexibility and muscle recovery?

Do yourself a favor and plan your meals out for the entire week, so nothing can stand in the way of your success.

And as you think about the task ahead, keep in mind Chris’ personal philosophy, which will carry you through the next week and beyond…


CORE DE FORCE | Week 2 | Day 1 | MMA Shred + Core Kinetics

Let’s talk nutrition. As explained in the CORE DE FORCE Eating Plan, you add food strategically to your diet in Weeks 2 and 3 to fuel your workouts and ward off stress-related plateaus.

This week you start adding one PURPLE fruit portion every day. The reason? Fruit contains mostly healthy carbs—your body’s most readily absorbed fuel—to help keep your energy levels up as the workouts get a little tougher. Another thing that can help is drinking your Shakeology daily.

Now on to meal prep…in the video below, Joel and Jericho share their favorite meal prep strategies to help you dial in your nutrition this week. Check it out:

CORE DE FORCE | Week 2 | Day 2 | Power Sculpt

Back to Power Sculpt today! How are you doing? Do you find yourself getting stronger and feeling more energized?

Today’s Tip: Listen to Joel and Jericho’s cues. They are there to make sure you get through the moves safely and effectively. Don’t forget—there’s a modification for almost everything. If you find yourself struggling to perfect your form on a move, follow Jessica, the modifier, and see if that helps. You can always crank up the speed and intensity once you’re stronger!

Speaking of modification, here’s a video of Joel and Jericho demonstrating a modification of Ground to Fighter stance, a move featured in Power Sculpt and other CORE DE FORCE workouts. Watch it and let me know if it’s helpful:

CORE DE FORCE | Week 2 | Day 3 | MMA Shred + Core Kinetics

Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone in your group today. Then, feel free to add the post below with it or later in the day. Here’s an example: [Name] is crushing the workouts this week! Tag [Name] in a post and congratulate her on her hard work!

Remember, every expert started their journey as a beginner. Don’t be discouraged if things are tough right now—keep at it and you will see progress!


CORE DE FORCE | Week 2 | Day 4 | Dynamic Strength

Hey guys, we’ve got Dynamic Strength again. Did the modification video help last time? It definitely helped me. I actually feel like I’m getting better at Sphinx Blasters!

Is there a move you find you’re getting better at as the days go by?


CORE DE FORCE | Week 2 | Day 5 | MMA Power

We have a new workout today—MMA Power! Before you press play, remember to watch the Learn It & Work It video. That’ll help you get a handle on the combinations before you begin.

And if you need extra help, check out the Modifier Track option for all of the CORE DE FORCE workouts on Beachbody On Demand. It’s a supercool feature that lets you follow the modifier in split-screen view to help you nail these moves, so you can start kicking the intensity up a notch!
