Workout Day 15: Endurance Strength

Check you out—you wrapped up your second week and are going strong into week 3. Before we go forward with full force, take a breath and appreciate this point in the journey. You’ll only be here once.

Today’s workout should feel familiar because you’ve already done it, so try to take it up a notch by increasing your weight. But only if you feel comfortable enough to do so without sacrificing form.

The moves in this program are doable, but only effective when you do them correctly. And most effective when your nutrition is on point.

I know it can get tough (and maybe I sound like a broken record) but all the effort we put into our workouts will be so much more worth it if we pair that with the right nutrition. Check out the Sure Thing eating plans from 2B Mindset and Portion Fix. Megan handpicked her favorite recipes from both, so if you’re looking for new dishes and inspo for your next meal, check those out on the Eating Plans tab.

There you’ll find the Hearty Chicken Fajita Bowls (2B Mindset) or the Chicken Gyro Bowls (FIXATE). Both make great options for a protein-packed lunch.

What has been your favorite recipe so far?

Coach Tip

Share appetizing photos of your 2B Mindset or Portion Fix meals to show the group that healthy foods can be delicious.


Workout Day 16: Cardio Conditioning

It’s a new day, and we’re going to bring our best! I don’t know about you, but I feel extra pumped today. Might be my positive outlook, might be the Energize!

Remember to take your Energize 30 minutes before you work out so it can hit when it matters most. It always helps get me in the right headspace and helps me make the most of my time with Megan. These 30 to 45 minutes a day is time carved out for YOU, so make it count.

Coach Tip

To reinforce the benefits of Beachbody Performance Energize, you might say something like, “When I need to perk up before my workout, I drink my Energize. It makes a HUGE difference in how I feel, especially when I work out early in the morning. It’s so great for helping boost your endurance and push those limits.* What’s your secret weapon for staying at the top of your game?”

US: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Workout Day 17: EMOM Strength

Every minute always counts but when it’s an EMOM day, you know we’re really counting!

By the way, have you noticed any badges pop up on your app during these last couple of weeks? You can earn them for reaching different milestones on Beachbody On Demand, like completing a certain number of workouts.

Let’s get it in today and earn those badges! After your sweat session, let us know which minute really had you feeling the burn.

Coach Tip

Share some of the badges you’ve earned in the past and mention that it feels extra special when you earn a program completion badge, which your group members will receive if they stick with Sure Thing.


Workout Day 18: Bodyweight Burnout

Whew! You’ve accomplished a LOT this week, but we still got more to do. No dumbbells today but make sure you’ve got your Strength Slides.

This is the second time around with this workout, so you might notice you’re moving faster and able to get more reps in. These little changes are worth noting. Yes, you’re still gonna feel the burnout and maybe the workout won’t feel easier, but you are definitely stronger.

Take it one rep at a time, look forward to a little muscle pampering with Recover post-workout, and pat yourself on the back. Who’s feeling their strength increase?

Coach Tip

You can link your group to this article about Recover if they’re looking for more information about the benefits:


Workout Day 19: Endurance Strength

Exciting news: You made it to your final workout of the week. Woo-hoo! Um, do you realize you’ve almost completed 3 weeks now?! Time flies when you’re busy gaining confidence.

That’s such an incredible accomplishment but before our 2 days of rest, we’ve got an Endurance Strength workout that just might leave you in a pool of sweat.

Celebrate your hard work with Caulifredo Zoodles with Juicy Chicken if you’re following 2B Mindset. Or fill up on some Breakfast Tacos with Fixed Chorizo if you’re following Portion Fix. Find these recipes and more in the Sure Thing eating plans (on the Eating Plans tab on the program page).

Coach Tip

Your group has been working hard for a few weeks, and that’s worth noting! Keep up the morale by taking time to recognize the efforts of someone in your group. The workouts can be difficult but you’re all doing it, together!


Workout Day 20: Rest Day

Hello, rest day. It’s been a while and I’ve missed you!

Anyone else feel the same? I could use a massage and a nap, in that order.

I might just rest my eyes and think about my progress so far. I know my form is so much better than it was in week 1. And my body feels way more solid. I also feel sharper, and I think that has to do with my healthy eating habits. How would you say your nutrition is going on a scale from 1 to 10?

If 1 means not ideal/not complementing my workouts and 10 means 100%, I would say I’m a solid 8. I’m sticking to my eating plan on every workout day, but I do have a little trouble when I eat out. I’m going to look over this article about dining out for some tips and work on that this coming week.

What do you do to stay on-track when you’re at a restaurant or need to grab a quick bite?

Coach Tip

Sometimes we end up grabbing a bite on the road because hunger hits and we can’t wait to get home. Packing a snack like BEACHBAR can help you feel satisfied in the short term, so you have time to make it home to your planned meal.


Workout Day 21: Rest Day

We’ve got another rest day today! Got any relaxing plans for the day?
Today I’m going to get creative and make Chocolate Brownie Bites, a Shakeology recipe that’s not a shake. You know I’m all about enjoying my desserts, so this one fits the bill. This no-bake treat is one of my faves because it’s covered in chocolatey goodness.

What are some of your favorite non-shake Shakeology recipes?

Coach Tip

Next week, you’ll be wrapping up phase 1 of Sure Thing. Ask your group what they want to focus on—improving a specific move, dialing-in their nutrition, etc.—and offer your support for their specific goal.


Week 3 Day 1

Welcome to our last week of Ultimate Reset!

For this last phase, which we call Restore, we add in a new supplement called Revitalize.

It supports beneficial flora in the digestive tract. Learn more about this powerful supplement in your Program Guide.

Week 3 Day 2

Have you become more conscious of your eating habits since doing the Ultimate Reset? Many participants develop healthy new habits during the process. If you have one, share a positive new habit with the Group in the comments below!

Week 3 Day 3

Fun Fact of the Day:
Miso is a traditional Japanese seasoning made from fermented soybeans that is rich in essential minerals. Miso soup is easy to prepare and makes a great snack choice for Week 3, which is why it shows up repeatedly in the Nutrition Guide!

Show us your miso soup in the comments below!

Week 3 Day 4

How are you feeling this week? Have the cravings increased or subsided? If you’re still feeling hungry or cravings, hang in there.

Your body is likely becoming more efficient, and food now really is fuel! Remember, you can include an approved grain snack, or add a bit of avocado or chia seeds (both are great sources of fat).

Week 3 Day 5

Are you cooking in different ways than you used to? What are your favorite meals so far? Which will you continue to make and enjoy after the Reset? Let us know below in the comments section!

Week 3 Day 6


You’re almost there! Today is a great time to take inventory of how you’re feeling emotionally and physically. What’s been the most challenging part of this experience?The most rewarding? Record everything in your journal, especially how you feel at this particular moment.

Also, don’t forget to take your “after” photos and measurements and submit your results to the Beachbody Challenge for your chance to enter to win cash and prizes
at! It’s an amazing way to get some rewards for all of the hard work you’ve put in.

Week 3 Day 7


You’ve finished the Reset!
But the journey doesn’t end here. You’ve cleansed your system and should be feeling healthier, cleaner, and revitalized.

Why would you want to feel anything else? After you read the Transitioning Out of Your Reset section of the Program and Nutrition Guide, consider purchasing the Maintenance Kit on a monthly basis to continue building on the benefits you received from the Reset. It includes Power Greens and Optimize supplements to help you keep your body in balance and keep you moving forward to better health.

Another pro tip: Join the POST-RESET Facebook Group and find out more ways to maintain this newfound healthy lifestyle of yours!

If you like the way you feel now and can think of others in your life could benefit from the Ultimate Reset, spread the healthy word and contact me about finding a way to help your loved ones get on a path to a healthier, happier life.

Thank you for joining me in this 3 week Ultimate Reset Challenge Group. I look forward to starting another program with you in the near future!

Week Three – Day 16

Now that we’re in Week 3 of Team Cup, I want to set up a team call and take a look back at what’s gone well these last couple weeks and where we think improvement can be made on a personal and team level. Would [DAY] at [TIME] work for everyone? Come with one action item you have on tap for the week ahead that will help you up your game.

Week Three – Day 17

Can you believe that we are officially halfway through Team Cup? Team Cup is a marathon, not a sprint. Make sure to go at a consistent pace. What action item is first on your list for this week?

Week Three – Day 18

One of the biggest parts of participating in Team Cup is learning to stay consistent. What’s one thing you’ve been doing consistently every day since the Team Cup began?

Workout Day 15: Start Strong: Shoulders, Legs, Core


Today’s workout—Start Strong: Shoulders, Legs, Core

Hello, Week 3! Can you believe we’re already halfway through this program?

Today is Monday, which means you get another opportunity to set the tone for how you want your week to go. Remember how I asked you to write down how you were going to challenge yourself this week? Maybe it’s to make every rep count. Maybe it’s to drink your Shakeology every day. Maybe it’s to go to bed earlier. Whatever it is, keep that commitment at the front of your mind this week.

My personal challenge? I’m going to try stacking workouts. Anyone else with me? Let me know which Overtime workouts you plan to stack onto your regular workouts. And don’t forget—when you stack, drinking Recover can be key for helping you bounce back faster and reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Today’s workout—Start Strong: Shoulders, Legs, Core

Hello, Week 3! Can you believe we’re already halfway through this program?

Today is Monday which means you get another opportunity to set the tone for how you want your week to go. Remember how I asked you to write down how you were going to challenge yourself this week? Maybe it’s to make every rep count. Maybe it’s to drink your Shakeology every day. Maybe it’s to go to bed earlier. Whatever it is, keep that commitment at the front of your mind this week.

My personal challenge? I’m going to try stacking workouts. Anyone else with me? Let me know which Overtime workouts you plan to stack onto your regular workouts. And don’t forget—when you stack, drinking Recover can be key for helping jump-start recovery so you can hit each training session just as hard.


Today’s workout—Start Strong: Shoulders, Legs, Core

Hello, Week 3! Can you believe we’re already halfway through this programme?

Today is Monday which means you get another opportunity to set the tone for how you want your week to go. Remember how I asked you to write down how you were going to challenge yourself this week? Maybe it’s to make every rep count. Maybe it’s to drink your Shakeology every day. Maybe it’s to go to bed earlier. Whatever it is, keep that commitment at the front of your mind this week.

My personal challenge? I’m going to try stacking workouts. Anyone else with me? Let me know which Overtime workouts you plan to stack onto your regular workouts. And don’t forget—when you stack, drinking Recover helps take advantage of the critical post-workout window by providing protein that contributes to a growth in muscle mass and supports muscle protein synthesis.***

***High in protein.


Day 15:


Welcome to week 3. Let’s do this!

Please make sure to watch this week’s video “Week Three: Building a Better Biome.” Are you getting enough variety in your food? This will help keep your gut AND your taste buds happy.

How are you doing with Autumn’s recommendation of 30 different plants each week? What new fruits and veggies have you tried? Share your new discoveries so we can try them too.

Don’t forget to take Optimize every day. This enzyme blend helps break down carbohydrates, protein, and fat—super important when we’re trying new foods.*

Today’s workout is Week 3: Legs. If you know Autumn, you know she loves leg day, so this one should be good!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Welcome to week 3. Let’s do this!

Please make sure to watch this week’s video “Week Three: Building a Better Biome.” Are you getting enough variety in your food? This will help keep your gut AND your taste buds happy.

How are you doing with Autumn’s recommendation of 30 different plants each week? What new fruits and veggies have you tried? Share your new discoveries so we can try them too.

Today’s workout is Week 3: Legs. If you know Autumn, you know she loves leg day, so this one should be good!


Welcome to week 3. Let’s do this!

Please make sure to watch this week’s video “Week Three: Building a Better Biome.” Are you getting enough variety in your food? This will help keep your gut AND your taste buds happy.

How are you doing with Autumn’s recommendation of 30 different plants each week? What new fruits and veggies have you tried? Share your new discoveries so we can try them too.

Today’s workout is Week 3: Legs. If you know Autumn, you know she loves leg day, so this one should be good!


Workout Day 15:

Today’s workout—Upper Body FIRE 3

It’s Monday and you know what that means—we’re back to hitting that upper body! This workout is more challenging, but you’re also stronger. Do your best and modify (or intensify!) the moves so that you get the best workout for you.

Now that we’re in week 3, I’m planning on opting for the intensifier where I can. How are you planning on pushing yourself this week?

Coach Tip

For those in your group who are following the intensifier, remind them that Beachbody Energize can help give them the energy they need to perform at the highest level, and Beachbody Recover can help them quickly bounce back for the next workout.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Workout Day 15:


Today’s workout—Week 3: Legs

We’re starting strong with a leg day that’s packed with Autumn’s favorite moves! Every rep is a chance to get better, so push yourself to take your fitness to the next level. Remember, health is a choice and you made the decision to be here, so let’s make it count!

Have you had your Shakeology yet? It’s so important for your healthy lifestyle, but it’s also key to helping you get better results from your workouts! It feels like a treat to me, while giving my body the nutrients it craves.*

Share your favorite Shakeology flavor and tell us how you’re making it today!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


We’re starting strong with a leg day that’s packed with Autumn’s favorite moves! Every rep is a chance to get better, so push yourself to take your fitness to the next level. Remember, health is a choice and you made the decision to be here, so let’s make it count!

Have you had your Shakeology yet? It’s so important for your healthy lifestyle, but it’s also key to helping you get better results from your workouts! It feels like a treat to me!

Share your favorite Shakeology flavor and tell us how you’re making it today!


We’re starting strong with a leg day that’s packed with Autumn’s favorite moves! Every rep is a chance to get better, so push yourself to take your fitness to the next level. Remember, health is a choice and you made the decision to be here, so let’s make it count!

Have you had your Shakeology yet? It’s so important for your healthy lifestyle, but it’s also key to helping you get better results from your workouts! It feels like a treat to me!

Share your favorite Shakeology flavor and tell us how you’re making it today!


Day 15: Lower Body Strength

Week 3! We are FLYING through this. In earlier posts, I talked about our commitment. If you’re like me, hopefully by now your commitment is stronger than ever, especially if you’re starting to see some results. We’ll talk more about that in a couple of days.

Today, I want to talk about MOTIVATION. It’s the thing that picks us up when we’re feeling down or low-energy, the thing that pushes us forward when we can’t seem to get our feet to work, and the thing that gets us to hit play on our workout when we might want to be doing ANYTHING else.

If you’re like me, you have people, songs, routines, rituals, or even tricks to help get past your hurdles and onto the WORK. What are some of yours? Is it a favorite quote? A great song? A friend or loved one? Think about what motivates you and share with us.

Let’s get to it: Lower Body Strength. The exercises are similar to those in week one, but you’ll be doing fewer reps per set. Lift heavier and give Amoila everything you’ve got. When you’re done, log your workout—and today’s Shakeology—on your BODgroups.

One last question: Who’s ready to make this week really count?

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Week Three – Day 19

We have another team point status update today! Check your email inbox to see your points and our total team points, which is XX! [insert team recognition: see Captain’s note]

Having confidence in ourselves and the opportunity we’re inviting people to will play a big part in our success during Team Cup month. I want you to think about one activity you do as a Coach that you feel most confident about.

If you need some different products to freshen up your invites, our latest nutrition additions FIRST THING and LAST THING. FIRST THING is a nootropic health shot that can help reduce stress and increase focus to get your day started right. LAST THING is the yin to its yang: a blend of 9 premium ingredients that can help encourage better, more restful sleep. Try emphasizing these products throughout your invites this week for anyone that’s talked about energy levels with you.

Captain tip

Each weekly meeting should include the following: Setting goals for the upcoming week (e.g. Number of new contacts, number of invites sent). After reviewing these numbers, go around in your team to report back on the previous week’s activities and how they compare to this week’s new goals. Make sure to strategize about any new ways to improve on your team’s performance in the upcoming week, and DON’T forget to celebrate the wins!

If you didn’t tune in live, make sure to watch today’s National Wake-Up Call replay on Facebook.

DAY 15: Upper Body Combos and Endurance Pyramid


Here we go with the second half of the program! Now we start to combine the movement patterns from Upper Body to continue strengthening your arms. Upper Body Combos is 2 rounds of 5 combinations, followed by a burnout block that uses the resistance loops to really take this workout to the next level. And since we work our upper body today, and haven’t run in 2 days, it’s time for Endurance Pyramid, a run that will push you more than any other. Longer intervals build from 1 minute to over 2 minutes and then back down to 1 minute in a pyramid structure that will be a challenge to everyone. If there’s ever a day for Energize, today is it.

For the treadmill junkies out there, I want to challenge you to break away outside today. It’s really a completely different experience using the audio workouts outside in a natural environment, and it tends to push me a little more with Idalis in my ear. I know it’s not always possible to get out but give it a go if you can.

After you tough this one out, make sure you take Recover post-workout to feed your muscles with protein. It’s week two and things are getting real!


Here we go with the second half of the program! Now we start to combine the movement patterns from Upper Body to continue strengthening your arms. Upper Body Combos is 2 rounds of 5 combinations, followed by a burnout block that uses the resistance loops to really take this workout to the next level. And since we work our upper body today, and haven’t run in 2 days, it’s time for Endurance Pyramid, a run that will push you more than any other. Longer intervals build from 1 minute to over 2 minutes and then back down to 1 minute in a pyramid structure that will be a challenge to everyone. If there’s ever a day for Energize, today is it.

For the treadmill junkies out there, I want to challenge you to break away outside today. It’s really a completely different experience using the audio workouts outside in a natural environment, and it tends to push me a little more with Idalis in my ear. I know it’s not always possible to get out but give it a go if you can.

After you tough this one out, make sure you take Recover post-workout to feed your muscles with protein. It’s week two and things are getting real!


Here we go with the second half of the programme! Now we start to combine the movement patterns from Upper Body to continue strengthening your arms. Upper Body Combos is 2 rounds of 5 combinations, followed by a burnout block that uses the resistance loops to really take this workout to the next level. And since we work our upper body today and haven’t run in 2 days, it’s time for Endurance Pyramid, a run that will push you more than any other. Longer intervals build from 1 minute to over 2 minutes and then back down to 1 minute in a pyramid structure that will be a challenge to everyone. If there’s ever a day for Energize, today is it.

For the treadmill junkies out there, I want to challenge you to break away outside today. It’s really a completely different experience using the audio workouts outside in a natural environment, and it tends to push me a little more with Idalis in my ear. I know it’s not always possible to get out but give it a go if you can.

After you tough this one out, make sure you take Recover post-workout to feed your muscles with protein. It’s week two and things are getting real!


Day 15: Lower Body Burn Advanced


Just seven days left! Lower Body Burn Advanced will hammer your bottom half with targeted exercises designed to help you build rock-solid strength. The Megan Minutes are the key to optimal results, so push hard to squeeze the most out of every rep.

Are you getting enough protein? You might notice these workouts getting tougher, but you’re also getting stronger, so it’s important you’re drinking your Recover, which has 20 grams of premium protein in each serving, to help make sure you’re feeding your muscles what they need to recover and grow.* Your daily Shakeology also has 16–17 grams of protein per serving, plus 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix highlight plenty of other healthy protein sources like eggs, chicken, fish, Greek yogurt, and more, including vegan options like organic tofu and tempeh. Bottom line: Protein is key to muscle growth, so don’t skimp on it.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Let’s crush this last week! Who’s excited?



Just seven days left! Lower Body Burn Advanced will hammer your bottom half with targeted exercises designed to help you build rock-solid strength. The Megan Minutes are the key to optimal results, so push hard to squeeze the most out of every rep.

Are you getting enough protein? You might notice these workouts getting tougher, but you’re also getting stronger, so it’s important you’re drinking your Recover, which has 20 grams of premium protein in each serving, to help make sure you’re feeding your muscles what they need to recover and grow.* Your daily Shakeology also has 16–17 grams of protein per serving, plus 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix highlight plenty of other healthy protein sources like eggs, chicken, fish, Greek yogurt, and more, including vegan options like organic tofu and tempeh. Bottom line: Protein is key to muscle growth, so don’t skimp on it.

Let’s crush this last week! Who’s excited?



Just seven days left! Lower Body Burn Advanced will hammer your bottom half with targeted exercises designed to help you build rock-solid strength. The Megan Minutes are the key to optimal results, so push hard to squeeze the most out of every rep.

Are you getting enough protein? You might notice these workouts getting tougher, but you’re also getting stronger, so it’s important you’re drinking your Recover, which has 20 grams of premium protein in each serving, to help make sure you’re feeding your muscles what they need to recover and grow.* Your daily Shakeology also has 16–17 grams of protein per serving, plus 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix highlight plenty of other healthy protein sources like eggs, chicken, fish, Greek yogurt, and more, including vegan options like organic tofu and tempeh. Bottom line: Protein is key to muscle growth, so don’t skimp on it.

‡Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein.

Let’s crush this last week! Who’s excited?


Day 15: Lower Body Strength

Week 3! We are FLYING through this. In earlier posts, I talked about our commitment. If you’re like me, hopefully by now your commitment is stronger than ever, especially if you’re starting to see some results. We’ll talk more about that in a couple of days.

Today, I want to talk about MOTIVATION. It’s the thing that picks us up when we’re feeling down or low-energy, the thing that pushes us forward when we can’t seem to get our feet to work, and the thing that gets us to hit play on our workout when we might want to be doing ANYTHING else.

If you’re like me, you have people, songs, routines, rituals, or even tricks to help get past your hurdles and onto the WORK. What are some of yours? Is it a favorite quote? A great song? A friend or loved one? Think about what motivates you and share with us.

Let’s get to it: Lower Body Strength. The exercises are similar to those in week one, but you’ll be doing fewer reps per set. Lift heavier and give Amoila everything you’ve got. When you’re done, log your workout—and today’s Shakeology—on your BODgroups.

One last question: Who’s ready to make this week really count?



Today’s workout is LET’S GET UP! Now this is a VIBE for your Monday morning workout. It’s a fun dance workout that will leave you breathless and wanting more.

It’s a new week—time for new goals and new joy! What’s one thing about this program that has brought joy into your life? How are you spreading that feeling to those around you? Please share.

As we head into our third week, I want to see who’s staying on top of their Shakeology. Are you drinking it every day? How does it make you feel? Remember that fueling your body is key to getting the results you want, out of your workouts and your life. Are you using the Shakeology Wellness Log to track your results?

Coach Tip
Now’s the time when people might feel like they’re not making the progress they expect. Take a moment and share your experiences with measuring your results, and how it’s so important to see the big picture—that committing to a fitness and nutrition program can provide lifelong benefits beyond a number on the scale.

Don’t ever feel like you can’t comment or share your feelings. This group is for YOU! I want to make sure we all feel supported and included. We’re all on our own journey—and that’s perfectly OK!



Today’s workout is LET’S GET UP! Now this is a VIBE for your Monday morning workout. It’s a fun dance workout that will leave you breathless and wanting more.

It’s a new week—time for new goals and new joy! What’s one thing about this program that has brought joy into your life? How are you spreading that feeling to those around you? Please share.

As we head into our third week, I want to see who’s staying on top of their Shakeology. Are you drinking it every day? How does it make you feel? Remember that fueling your body is key to getting the results you want, out of your workouts and your life. Are you using the Shakeology Wellness Log to track your results?

Coach Tip
Now’s the time when people might feel like they’re not making the progress they expect. Take a moment and share your experiences with measuring your results, and how it’s so important to see the big picture—that committing to a fitness and nutrition program can provide lifelong benefits beyond a number on the scale.

Don’t ever feel like you can’t comment or share your feelings. This group is for YOU! I want to make sure we all feel supported and included. We’re all on our own journey—and that’s perfectly OK!



Today’s workout is LET’S GET UP! Now this is a VIBE for your Monday morning workout. It’s a fun dance workout that will leave you breathless and wanting more.

It’s a new week—time for new goals and new joy! What’s one thing about this program that has brought joy into your life? How are you spreading that feeling to those around you? Please share.

As we head into our third week, I want to see who’s staying on top of their Shakeology. Are you drinking it every day? How does it make you feel? Remember that fueling your body is key to getting the results you want, out of your workouts and your life.

Coach Tip
Now’s the time when people might feel like they’re not making the progress they expect. Take a moment and share your experiences with measuring your results, and how it’s so important to see the big picture—that committing to a fitness and nutrition program can provide lifelong benefits beyond a number on the scale.

Don’t ever feel like you can’t comment or share your feelings. This group is for YOU! I want to make sure we all feel supported and included. We’re all on our own journey—and that’s perfectly OK!


DAY 15: DCT-T: Back & Biceps

Here it is! Week 3, Accelerate. This will be the last week of this first phase, and then Autumn kicks things up a notch. Really focus your effort and commitment this week on getting strong and giving her everything you’ve got. Our workout is DCT-T: Back & Biceps. This workout will prove how quickly you’re progressing. Autumn adds a fourth move to the complexes and ups the intensity of the Tabata sections to boost the challenge—and your results. You might notice these workouts getting tougher but you’re also getting stronger, so stick with it.

How’s everyone feeling? Let’s take a moment to congratulate each other for doing the work. If you need some motivation, let’s hear it! This group is your group, and I want all of us to help EVERYONE get through this 9-week program !



No matter how bad you feel, spending time in gratitude can turn around your whole mood.

We all talk about having gratitude, but how do you get there? Cultivating Gratitude can help you snap out of a bad mood to increase positivity and happiness right now.

One thing I’m grateful for is food! Seriously though, the huge variety of nutrition options and easy recipes on Beachbody On Demand make my life so much simpler. I love to eat but don’t always have time to plan, so I look for tips and recipes like these. Have you tried any new recipes lately?

Once you’ve done today’s meditation, share how you feel afterward! Are you more grateful? Happier? Joyful?


Day 15: Lower Body Burn

Week 3. Can you believe we’re here?

Now is a great time to do a personal check-in and make sure you’re feeling strong and ready to roll into #mbfa Muscle Burns Fat Advanced on Monday. This is important, because in #mbfa, Megan dials-up the challenges and workout time (up to 40 minutes). If you feel like you’re not quite strong enough, do another round of #mbf—zero shame in listening to your body!

Let’s get to today’s workout: Lower Body Burn. This one is a leg burner, and if you are feeling strong enough, increase your weights. Remember, we can’t be afraid to lift heavy. Lifting heavy helps us build our muscles, which helps us burn more fat.

What are you most proud of after 2 weeks of crushing #mbf?


Workout Day 16: HIIT It

Today’s workout—HIIT It

We’ve got HIIT today, so grab that Energize and get ready to sweat. I know it’s not always easy to gear up for a cardio day. But treat these workouts like important meetings with Jennifer—give them everything you’ve got, so you can check them off your notepad with confidence!

In past groups, I’ve noticed that some people think that eating healthfully means eating the same thing every day. I’ll admit that sometimes eating the same foods every week makes meal prepping easier. But if you’re the kind of person who craves variety, then by all means, give your weekly menus a refresh!

You don’t have to change every meal. Try swapping out one. Refer back to your Quick Start Nutrition Guide or check out FIXATE or The Mindset Menu on BOD. Or if you have BODi access, try one of the new recipes they posted this month. There’s no shortage of healthy, easy-to-make recipes to choose from.

Need a recommendation? Try one of these delicious recipes from your Quick Start Nutrition Guide. I just love how creative you can get with squash.

2B Mindset Spaghetti Squash Crust Pizza (pg. 63)

Portion Fix Fresh Tomato Salsa Shrimp Over Carrots and Summer Squash Noodles (pg. 61)


Day 16:

This is a reminder to drink your water!

Are you drinking half your body weight in ounces of water every day? It’s key to success with this program. I use the BOD app to track my water intake, which is easy and convenient.

If you have trouble drinking enough, you could infuse your water with cucumbers or fruit to keep it interesting. What’s your favorite water add-in?

Also, are you taking Revitalize every day? Prebiotics and probiotics help with digestion and maintaining good gut health.*

Today’s workout is Week 3: Push. You’ll do combo moves and unilateral (single arm or leg) exercises that help maximize muscle recruitment. It’s easy on the joints and heavy on results.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Workout Day 16:

Today’s workout—Mobility FLOW 3

Have you taken a peek at today’s journal prompt yet? We’ve all been stuck in a funk before, but I’ve never thought to keep an actual list of things or activities that could improve my mood. It’s so simple, but I can see it totally making a difference! Let’s all share what kinds of activities turn a bad day around. Maybe you’ll find a new one you can add to your list!

And if you’re feeling meh today, hopefully Mobility FLOW gives you a little bit of your mojo back!

Coach Tip

If you or your group members are craving new recipes, you can always go back to the Quick Start Nutrition Guide, check out FIXATE or The Mindset Menu on BODi, or search the blog for more ideas. There’s no shortage of simple, healthy recipes, so don’t let that be an excuse. Here are a couple of delicious, easy-to-make meals to share this week.

FIXATE Mexican Chicken Tortilla Soup

2B Mindset Spaghetti Squash Crust Pizza


Workout Day 16:

Today’s workout—Week 3: Push

Autumn dials-up the intensity in this Push workout, so remember to drink your Energize before you jump in.

Let’s talk meal prep. We know we should do it, but it can be hard!

If you’re following The 4 Week Gut Protocol, many of the recipes included can be at least partially prepped ahead of time, like washing and cutting veggies or batch-cooking your proteins. That way your meals are mostly ready to assemble and eat!

You can also check out the Quick Start Nutrition Guide and the FIXATE and Mindset Menu videos on BOD. Did you know there’s a blog on BOD that has lots more great recipe ideas too?

Whether you’re following Portion Fix or 2B Mindset, both Autumn and Ilana have worked hard to give you tools to change your habits for the better. Their tips and strategies will stay with you long after this program, because they’re not a “diet”—they’re a lifestyle!

Here’s a recipe I found that looks really good, Chicken Gyro Bowls:


Day 16: Core Circuit


I found a GREAT recipe on the Beachbody On Demand blog and I think you’re going to love it. It’s not only delicious (no surprise there—it features Shakeology), but it’s approved for both 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix. Banana Berry Smoothie Bowl. Recipe here:

Today is Core Circuit. Are you all ready to tackle your toughest cardio workout yet? I want to see those sweaty selfies when you are done with this one! In addition to Energize, make sure you’re not skipping Recover after your workout. You might notice these workouts getting tougher—but you’re also getting stronger, and Recover helps ensure you’re getting enough protein to feed your muscles.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Nutrition Daily Check-In:
I feel like I’ve been crushing these workouts, really focusing on my nutrition—and it’s showing. How about you? It’s time to share your progress pics! Post your side-by-side pics so we can cheer on your hard work. Have you noticed an increase in energy? Decreased cravings? What about meal planning? Is it becoming nonnegotiable for you?


I found a GREAT recipe on the Beachbody On Demand blog and I think you’re going to love it. It’s not only delicious (no surprise there—it features Shakeology), but it’s approved for both 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix. Banana Berry Smoothie Bowl. Recipe here:

Today is Core Circuit. Are you all ready to tackle your toughest cardio workout yet? I want to see those sweaty selfies when you are done with this one! In addition to Energize, make sure you’re not skipping Recover after your workout. You might notice these workouts getting tougher—but you’re also getting stronger, and Recover helps ensure you’re getting enough protein to feed your muscles.*

Nutrition Daily Check-In:
I feel like I’ve been crushing these workouts, really focusing on my nutrition—and it’s showing. How about you? It’s time to share your progress pics! Post your side-by-side pics so we can cheer on your hard work. Have you noticed an increase in energy? Decreased cravings? What about meal planning? Is it becoming nonnegotiable for you?


I found a GREAT recipe on the Beachbody On Demand blog and I think you’re going to love it. It’s not only delicious (no surprise there—it features Shakeology), but it’s approved for both 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix. Banana Berry Smoothie Bowl. Recipe here:

Today is Core Circuit. Are you all ready to tackle your toughest cardio workout yet? I want to see those sweaty selfies when you are done with this one! In addition to Energize, make sure you’re not skipping Recover after your workout. You might notice these workouts getting tougher—but you’re also getting stronger, and Recover helps ensure you’re getting enough protein to feed your muscles.*

Nutrition Daily Check-In:
I feel like I’ve been crushing these workouts, really focusing on my nutrition—and it’s showing. How about you? It’s time to share your progress pics! Post your side-by-side pics so we can cheer on your hard work. Have you noticed an increase in energy? Decreased cravings? What about meal planning? Is it becoming nonnegotiable for you?


Day 16: Lower Body Power


How did your weekend meal prep go? How about your trip to the market? I’m hoping you avoided the treats that can undermine all your hard work.

When it comes to snacking, I make sure to have plenty of veggies and fruits. When I need a sweet fix, I reach for a BEACHBAR snack bar—Chocolate Cherry Almond is my favorite flavor. I’m always on the lookout for a better snack, and this one meets my strict requirements—just 6g of sugar but a whopping 9–10g of protein and 4g of fiber at just 150 calories. I also love that it doesn’t taste like cardboard. It’s seriously tasty—chocolate and almonds happen to be two of my favorite things. There’s also a peanut butter flavor and even a vegan option.

If you want to try BEACHBAR and you’re using Portion Fix, count it as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp. For 2B Mindset, it makes a great protein snack.

Our workout: Total Body Power. Form is everything—especially when you’re doing explosive moves like the ones in this workout. Maintain your focus to maximize your gains. Want to burn more calories or add on a short stretching routine? Check out the bonus workouts for some great options.

Coach Tip
Talk about what you eat, when you eat, and HOW you eat. For a lot of your customers, Portion Fix or 2B Mindset might still be a little overwhelming or complex, so be sure to share any insights you can from your experiences with these two programs .


How did your weekend meal prep go? How about your trip to the market? I’m hoping you avoided the treats that can undermine all your hard work.

When it comes to snacking, I make sure to have plenty of veggies and fruits. When I need a sweet fix, I reach for a BEACHBAR snack bar—Chocolate Cherry Almond is my favourite flavour. I’m always on the lookout for a better snack, and this one meets my strict requirements—just 5–6g of sugar but a whopping 9–10g of protein and 4–5g of fibre at just 150 calories. I also love that it doesn’t taste like cardboard. It’s seriously tasty—chocolate and almonds happen to be two of my favourite things. There’s also a peanut butter flavour and even a vegan option.

If you want to try BEACHBAR and you’re using Portion Fix, count it as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp. For 2B Mindset, it makes a great protein snack.

Our workout: Total Body Power. Form is everything—especially when you’re doing explosive moves like the ones in this workout. Maintain your focus to maximize your gains. Want to burn more calories or add on a short stretching routine? Check out the bonus workouts for some great options.

Coach Tip
Talk about what you eat, when you eat, and HOW you eat. For a lot of your customers, Portion Fix or 2B Mindset might still be a little overwhelming or complex, so be sure to share any insights you can from your experiences with these two programs .


How did your weekend meal prep go? How about your trip to the market? I’m hoping you avoided the treats that can undermine all your hard work.

When it comes to snacking, I make sure to have plenty of veggies and fruits. When I need a sweet fix, I reach for a BEACHBAR snack bar—Chocolate Cherry Almond is my favourite flavour. I’m always on the lookout for a better snack, and this one meets my strict requirements—just 5–6g of sugar but a whopping 9–10g of protein and 4–5g of fibre at only 150–151 kcal. I also love that it doesn’t taste like cardboard. It’s seriously tasty—chocolate and almonds happen to be two of my favourite things. There’s also a peanut butter flavour and even a vegan option.

If you want to try BEACHBAR and you’re using Portion Fix, count it as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp. For 2B Mindset, it makes a great protein snack.

Our workout: Total Body Power. Form is everything—especially when you’re doing explosive moves like the ones in this workout. Maintain your focus to maximize your gains. Want to burn more calories or add on a short stretching routine? Check out the bonus workouts for some great options.

Coach Tip
Talk about what you eat, when you eat, and HOW you eat. For a lot of your customers, Portion Fix or 2B Mindset might still be a little overwhelming or complex, so be sure to share any insights you can from your experiences with these two programs .

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Week Three – Day 20

Managing our time effectively is one of the most important things we can do as Coaches. I want us to create a daily to-do list and comment below with one distraction you’ve eliminated.

DAY 16: Meta Spice and HIIT Run

Listen, today is no joke. Come with your A-game because Meta Spice is the evolved version of Meta Burn with 3 rounds of 5 new calorie-scorching resistance moves. Then you’ve got HIIT Run, so do your best to push through each interval knowing how far you’ve come since day 1. Who was that person?

I knew today was going to be tough, so I topped my Shakeology this morning with some non-fat Greek yogurt and spinach for extra fuel. My shake doesn’t look the same every day—depending on what I’ve planned for meals, it can be as simple as water, ice, and the scoop of Shakeology. Other times, I get creative and do something like this Glowing Green Smoothie Bowl:

It’s all up to you how you experiment with Shakeology. How do you fuel?


Day 16: Core Circuit Advanced

I found a GREAT recipe on the Beachbody On Demand blog, and I think you’re going to love it. It’s not only delicious (no surprise there—it features Shakeology), but it’s approved for both 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix. It works for birthdays too, Birthday Cake Energy Balls. Recipe here:

Today is Core Circuit Advanced. If you aren’t dripping in sweat by the time you finish this workout, you probably didn’t push hard enough. Megan keeps the intensity high to help you maximize your fat-burning and abs-sculpting.

How are you doing? Let’s check in with each other.

Nutrition Daily Check-In:
I feel like I’ve been crushing these workouts, really focusing on my nutrition—and it’s showing. How about you? It’s time to share your progress pics! Post your side-by-side pics so we can cheer you on for your hard work. Have you noticed an increase in energy? Decreased cravings? What about meal planning? Is it becoming nonnegotiable for you?


Day 16: Total Body Power


How did your weekend meal prep go? How about your trip to the market? I’m hoping you avoided the treats that can undermine all your hard work.

When it comes to snacking, I make sure to have plenty of veggies and fruits. When I need a sweet fix, I reach for a BEACHBAR snack bar—Chocolate Cherry Almond is my favorite flavor. I’m always on the lookout for a better snack, and this one meets my strict requirements—just 6g of sugar but a whopping 9–10g of protein and 4g of fiber at just 150 calories. I also love that it doesn’t taste like cardboard. It’s seriously tasty—chocolate and almonds happen to be two of my favorite things. There’s also a peanut butter flavor and even a vegan option.

If you want to try BEACHBAR and you’re using Portion Fix, count it as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp. For 2B Mindset, it makes a great protein snack.

Our workout: Total Body Power. Form is everything—especially when you’re doing explosive moves like the ones in this workout. Maintain your focus to maximize your gains. Want to burn more calories or add on a short stretching routine? Check out the bonus workouts for some great options.

Coach Tip
Talk about what you eat, when you eat, and HOW you eat. For a lot of your customers, Portion Fix or 2B Mindset might still be a little overwhelming or complex, so be sure to share any insights you can from your experiences with these two programs .


How did your weekend meal prep go? How about your trip to the market? I’m hoping you avoided the treats that can undermine all your hard work.

When it comes to snacking, I make sure to have plenty of veggies and fruits. When I need a sweet fix, I reach for a BEACHBAR snack bar—Chocolate Cherry Almond is my favourite flavour. I’m always on the lookout for a better snack, and this one meets my strict requirements—just 5–6g of sugar but a whopping 9–10g of protein and 4–5g of fibre at just 150 calories. I also love that it doesn’t taste like cardboard. It’s seriously tasty—chocolate and almonds happen to be two of my favourite things. There’s also a peanut butter flavour and even a vegan option.

If you want to try BEACHBAR and you’re using Portion Fix, count it as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp. For 2B Mindset, it makes a great protein snack.

Our workout: Total Body Power. Form is everything—especially when you’re doing explosive moves like the ones in this workout. Maintain your focus to maximize your gains. Want to burn more calories or add on a short stretching routine? Check out the bonus workouts for some great options.

Coach Tip
Talk about what you eat, when you eat, and HOW you eat. For a lot of your customers, Portion Fix or 2B Mindset might still be a little overwhelming or complex, so be sure to share any insights you can from your experiences with these two programs .


How did your weekend meal prep go? How about your trip to the market? I’m hoping you avoided the treats that can undermine all your hard work.

When it comes to snacking, I make sure to have plenty of veggies and fruits. When I need a sweet fix, I reach for a BEACHBAR snack bar—Chocolate Cherry Almond is my favourite flavour. I’m always on the lookout for a better snack, and this one meets my strict requirements—just 5–6g of sugar but a whopping 9–10g of protein and 4–5g of fibre at only 150–151 kcal. I also love that it doesn’t taste like cardboard. It’s seriously tasty—chocolate and almonds happen to be two of my favourite things. There’s also a peanut butter flavour and even a vegan option.

If you want to try BEACHBAR and you’re using Portion Fix, count it as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp. For 2B Mindset, it makes a great protein snack.

Our workout: Total Body Power. Form is everything—especially when you’re doing explosive moves like the ones in this workout. Maintain your focus to maximize your gains. Want to burn more calories or add on a short stretching routine? Check out the bonus workouts for some great options.

Coach Tip
Talk about what you eat, when you eat, and HOW you eat. For a lot of your customers, Portion Fix or 2B Mindset might still be a little overwhelming or complex, so be sure to share any insights you can from your experiences with these two programs .



Gulp that Energize, because the Latin dance party continues with fiery anthems that will make you work up a sweat. With fun moves and new challenges, this workout is a whole lot to love. Who’s up to posting their Shareable Moment after their workout?

Meal Prep Tip: Have you found your strategy for easy meal prep and planning? If you need inspiration, be sure to explore all of the recipes in the Quick Start Nutrition Guide, or watch the FIXATE cooking show and The Mindset Menu on Beachbody On Demand. Also, there’s no shortage of simple healthy recipes on the Beachbody On Demand blog.

Looking for some breakfast inspo? Check out these recipes!

2B Mindset Peanut Butter Breakfast Pie

Ultimate Portion Fix Spring Breakfast Bowl


DAY 16: DCT-T: Chest & Triceps

I’ve got a yummy recipe for you today, but first let’s talk about our workout. It’s DCT-T: Chest & Triceps. Push hard through every rep to strengthen, sculpt, and define these key upper-body muscles. If your chest and triceps aren’t begging for mercy by the time you’re done, you didn’t go hard enough. Don’t forget about your Controlled Stretch! Now that the intensity is ratcheting up, it’s more important than ever to help your body relax and recover.

Here’s the recipe. It’s for Raspberry Oats Smoothie Bowl, and it’s become one of my favorite morning go-to’s. So easy to make and so delicious.

What recipes are you loving? Also, you can check out Autumn’s healthy cooking show FIXATE, which she hosts with her brother, Chef Bobby Calabrese.



Have you ever been with someone who’s in bad mood, and suddenly you’re in a bad mood too? Today’s meditation will give you the skills to turn that around and become the calmest person in the room.

People send out signals to mirror whatever state they’re in. With Amplify Calm you’ll be the one to change the mood of your environment. Because when you’re calm, everyone around you will be calm. (OK, except maybe your kids. But you’ll be better able to maintain your cool!)

Try this meditation and see if you’re oozing calm by the end of it. Let us know how it goes!


Workout Day 17: Build & Burn: Glutes, Arms, Core


Today’s workout—Build & Burn: Glutes, Arms, Core

Check out this “before” and “after” for a little mid-week motivation! [Name] proves that hard work and consistency pay off.†

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.

If you want, share your progress pics in the comments. Our group is here to hype you up and celebrate all of your hard work so far. What’s the biggest change you’ve noticed between Day 1 and today? Is it easier to prioritize yourself?

I don’t know about you, but I feel like my junk food cravings are out of control this week. I’m not giving into them, though—not when I’ve made the commitment to put my health first. I’ve been leaning on BEVVY and it’s making a huge difference. This 15-calorie-per-serving tea supplement is delicious and has clinically studied key ingredients to help you curb cravings.* Just what I need to help keep me out of my pantry, mindlessly snacking. Want to learn more? This helpful blog post explains all of BEVVY’s benefits:

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Today’s workout—Build & Burn: Glutes, Arms, Core

Check out this “before” and “after” for a little mid-week motivation! [Name] proves that hard work and consistency pay off.†

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.

If you want, share your progress pics in the comments. Our group is here to hype you up and celebrate all of your hard work so far. What’s the biggest change you’ve noticed between Day 1 and today? Is it easier to prioritize yourself?


Today’s workout—Build & Burn: Glutes, Arms, Core

Check out this “before” and “after” for a little mid-week motivation! [Name] proves that hard work and consistency pay off.†

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.

If you want, share your progress pics in the comments. Our group is here to hype you up and celebrate all of your hard work so far. What’s the biggest change you’ve noticed between Day 1 and today? Is it easier to prioritize yourself?


Day 17:

My mantra of the day: Stress less!

Stress is a normal part of life, but learning how to minimize and deal with it can help support your gut health. In addition to Autumn’s tip on managing stress, I recommend checking out the Unstress meditation program on BOD for some quick and easy 10-minute guided relaxation sessions.

Since there’s no workout today, how will you spend that extra time? I’m going to spend it in the kitchen trying the Chicken à la King with Cauliflower Cream Sauce recipe from the program (under the Gut Protocol tile on BOD). Have you tried it yet?

What’s your favorite gut-friendly recipe so far? Have you modified any of your favorite recipes to work with the gut protocol? Share your ideas in the comments.


Workout Day 17:

Today’s workout—Lower Body FIRE 3

It’s time to celebrate your progress! No pressure, but if you’re comfortable, post your side-by-side pics in our BODgroup so we can cheer on your hard work. What changes are you seeing in your body/life? Have you noticed an increase in energy? Are these lower-body workouts getting easier? Are you finding your meal-planning groove?

Here’s a “before” and “after” from [Name] to inspire you this week. Remember, everyone’s progress is different. Don’t compare yourselves to others. Try to honor where you are now and how far you’ve come!

“†Results vary based on starting point and effort.”

Coach Tip

Sharing your strategies for staying consistent with your nutrition will motivate others to do the same. So, let your group know from time to time how you incorporate tips from 2B Mindset on BODi and Portion Fix on BODi—and how they’ve helped you get better results from Beachbody’s fitness programs.


Workout Day 17:

Rest Day

Let’s take this rest day to reflect on how far we’ve come. I’ve been focusing hard on my nutrition, and I’m seeing results!

Coach Tip: Share something that you’ve been doing with your nutrition to keep the results coming.

If you want, please share your progress pics so we can give you a high five! What changes are you seeing in your body and life? Better energy? Less bloating? Clothes fitting better? Fewer cravings?

Last thing—I came across this incredible “before” and “after” of [Name].† I just love how happy [he/she] looks! Hopefully this inspires all of you to turn it up for this last week and a half!

†Results vary based on starting point and effort.
[If you feature a Coach, add “‘Name” is an independent Team Beachbody Coach.]


Day 17: Upper Body Burn

Today’s workout has one of my favorite moves we’ve been doing in our strength-training workouts: the negative curl. From what I’ve read, one of the keys to optimizing muscle growth is maximizing “time under tension.” During a negative curl, you lower the dumbbell extra slowly. That increases the amount of time your biceps muscles are engaged. The longer they’re engaged, the more work they do, and the greater your results will be.

In Upper Body Burn, it’s time to target your top half again, but with new, more intense moves that provide a fresh challenge—and even bigger gains.

Nutrition Daily Check-In:
How would you describe your nutrition on a scale of 1–10? 10 means on-point and on-track to reach your goals and 1 means not ideal and not complementing your workouts. What sorts of challenges are you facing and what tips have you incorporated from 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix that are working for you?


Day 17: Mobility & Stability

Hump day—middle of the week! You’re doing great!

Now that we’re three weeks into the program , I’d love to hear about your progress. If you’re feeling up to it, post your side-by-side pics so we can cheer on your hard work. While I’d love to hear about those numbers falling on the scale, or the tape measure getting smaller around your tummy, there are lots of ways to measure progress. Are you feeling stronger? More flexible and relaxed? Have you noticed an increase in energy? Decreased cravings? What about meal planning? Is it becoming an unbreakable habit for you?

Remember—this is a no-judgment zone. We’re here for each other, so let’s celebrate and encourage one another.

I’m really excited for today’s workout: Mobility & Stability. To keep training at your peak, you need to prioritize your recovery and mobility. This stretching session will help you do both.

Coach Tip
Maybe you have a story you can relate about the first time you shared some personal results while doing a fitness or nutrition program . Talk about how it made you feel—and how your group was supportive and inclusive.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Week Three – Day 21

With social media, we only have a few seconds to grab the attention of our audience and spark their curiosity. What’s one thing you’ve shared that got the most likes/comments and why do you think it worked so well?

DAY 17: Core Fuerte and Tempo Run


Did you know that a strong core can help with your running…

  • Stability
  • Balance
  • Posture
  • Overall Control

That’s why we’re heading back to Core Fuerte today (you knew where I was going with that, didn’t you?). Notice the changes in performance from the last time you did this routine. Odds are there are a few moves you couldn’t do before like you can today.

Then it’s time for Tempo Run, which is a straight run at a tempo pace for the whole 18 minutes. This run will prepare you to really push past your limits and prepare you for a great 5K time. Do your best to stay consistent with your pace today and try to make it through to the end, even if you have to gradually slow down.

And if the thought of a great 5K time isn’t motivation enough, check out the abs on this 30 Day Breakaway after photo:

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.



Did you know that a strong core can help with your running…

  • Stability
  • Balance
  • Posture
  • Overall Control

That’s why we’re heading back to Core Fuerte today (you knew where I was going with that, didn’t you?). Notice the changes in performance from the last time you did this routine. Odds are there are a few moves you couldn’t do before like you can today.

Then it’s time for Tempo Run, which is a straight run at a tempo pace for the whole 18 minutes. This run will prepare you to really push past your limits and prepare you for a great 5K time. Do your best to stay consistent with your pace today and try to make it through to the end, even if you have to gradually slow down.

And if the thought of a great 5K time isn’t motivation enough, check out the abs on this 30 Day Breakaway after photo:

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.



Did you know that a strong core can help with your running…

  • Stability
  • Balance
  • Posture
  • Overall Control

That’s why we’re heading back to Core Fuerte today (you knew where I was going with that, didn’t you?). Notice the changes in performance from the last time you did this routine. Odds are there are a few moves you couldn’t do before like you can today.

Then it’s time for Tempo Run, which is a straight run at a tempo pace for the whole 18 minutes. This run will prepare you to really push past your limits and prepare you for a great 5K time. Do your best to stay consistent with your pace today and try to make it through to the end, even if you have to gradually slow down.

And if the thought of a great 5K time isn’t motivation enough, check out the abs on this 30 Day Breakaway after photo:

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.


Day 17: Upper Body Burn Advanced

Today’s workout hits a lot of the glamour muscles—the ones you notice first when you put on that tank top. So, let’s jump in full-force. Upper Body Burn Advanced is your ticket to a lean, defined torso, so attack each move with everything you’ve got to achieve the body you’ve always wanted.

Nutrition Daily Check-In:
How would you describe your nutrition on a scale of 1–10? 10 means 100% on-point and on-track to reaching your goals and 1 means not ideal and not complementing your workouts. What sorts of challenges are you facing and what tips have you incorporated from 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix that are working for you?


Day 17: Mobility & Stability

Hump day—middle of the week! You’re doing great!

Now that we’re three weeks into the program , I’d love to hear about your progress. If you’re feeling up to it, post your side-by-side pics so we can cheer on your hard work. While I’d love to hear about those numbers falling on the scale, or the tape measure getting smaller around your tummy, there are lots of ways to measure progress. Are you feeling stronger? More flexible and relaxed? Have you noticed an increase in energy? Decreased cravings? What about meal planning? Is it becoming an unbreakable habit for you?

Remember—this is a no-judgment zone. We’re here for each other, so let’s celebrate and encourage one another.

I’m really excited for today’s workout: Mobility & Stability. To keep training at your peak, you need to prioritize your recovery and mobility. This stretching session will help you do both.

Coach Tip
Maybe you have a story you can relate about the first time you shared some personal results while doing a fitness or nutrition program . Talk about how it made you feel—and how your group was supportive and inclusive.




Today is Let’s Tone Up. You’ve already done this workout once, so now’s a great opportunity to see how much stronger you’ve gotten since day 3. Can you lift heavier or do more reps than last time? Are you pushing even harder than before? Let’s hear about it!

I don’t know about you, but some days I feel like my junk-food cravings are out of control. I refuse to let cravings win, so I drink Beachbody BEVVY. It’s a refreshing tea supplement that’s only 15 calories and has clinically studied key ingredients to help you curb cravings and eat less overall. To see the best results drink it twice a day, 30 minutes before meals, for at least two to eight weeks.* Curious? Check out this article that explains all the benefits:

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Today is Let’s Tone Up. You’ve already done this workout once, so now’s a great opportunity to see how much stronger you’ve gotten since day 3. Can you lift heavier or do more reps than last time? Are you pushing even harder than before? Let’s hear about it!



Today is Let’s Tone Up. You’ve already done this workout once, so now’s a great opportunity to see how much stronger you’ve gotten since day 3. Can you lift heavier or do more reps than last time? Are you pushing even harder than before? Let’s hear about it!


DAY 17: Tabata Cardio

Today is Tabata Cardio. Keep a towel and water bottle handy—you’re going to need them as you power through this total-body sweat storm.

I feel like I’ve been crushing these workouts, really focusing on my nutrition—and it’s showing. When Autumn says these are “total-body workouts,” believe her!

How about you? It’s time to share your progress pics. Post your side-by-side pics so we can cheer on your hard work. Have you noticed an increase in energy? Decreased cravings? What about meal planning? Is it becoming nonnegotiable for you?




If your body could talk, what would it say? Would it be telling you, “You’re feeding me too much!” “You’re not moving me enough!” “I need more rest!”

In Body Communication you’ll find out what your body is saying to you. Your teacher, Cassandra Bodzak, will help facilitate the conversation so you can find out what you really need. It might sound different, but it’s actually really enlightening!

If you find out that your body is telling you it needs less Doritos and more Shakeology, you probably want to listen to it! I know my body is happier when I drink Shakeology every day. That’s because Shakeology has such powerful ingredients, like superfruits, antioxidants, adaptogens, prebiotics, bacillus coagulans, and calcium for healthy digestion,‡ fiber, and protein to help build lean muscle mass.* Plus it’s delicious! If you want more info, just reach out.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
‡Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.


If your body could talk, what would it say? Would it be telling you, “You’re feeding me too much!” “You’re not moving me enough!” “I need more rest!”

In Body Communication you’ll find out what your body is saying to you. Your teacher, Cassandra Bodzak, will help facilitate the conversation so you can find out what you really need. It might sound different, but it’s actually really enlightening!

If you find out that your body is telling you it needs less Doritos and more Shakeology, you probably want to listen to it! I know my body is happier when I drink Shakeology every day. That’s because Shakeology has such powerful ingredients, like superfruits, antioxidants, adaptogens, prebiotics, bacillus coagulans, and calcium for healthy digestion,‡ fiber, and protein to help build lean muscle mass.* Plus it’s delicious! If you want more info, just reach out.

‡Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.


If your body could talk, what would it say? Would it be telling you, “You’re feeding me too much!” “You’re not moving me enough!” “I need more rest!”

In Body Communication you’ll find out what your body is saying to you. Your teacher, Cassandra Bodzak, will help facilitate the conversation so you can find out what you really need. It might sound different, but it’s actually really enlightening!

If you find out that your body is telling you it needs less Doritos and more Shakeology, you probably want to listen to it! I know my body is happier when I drink Shakeology every day. That’s because Shakeology has such powerful ingredients, like superfruits, antioxidants, adaptogens, prebiotics, bacillus coagulans, and calcium for healthy digestion,‡ fiber, and protein to help build lean muscle mass.* Plus it’s delicious! If you want more info, just reach out.

‡Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.


Workout Day 18: 20 Minute Sweat Session OR Cycling

Today’s workout—20 Minute Sweat Session OR Cycling

Which workout are you doing today? 20 minutes of intense bodyweight moves or cycling? If you’re doing one of Jennifer’s rides, take it to the next level by cranking up the resistance.

In the past I’ve struggled to stay on top of my nutrition, especially when I’ve been super busy. So, I’m making the effort to really dial-in my nutrition while I do Job 1. And I’m getting great results! I owe it all to the nutrition support on BODi. Ilana’s and Autumn’s strategies have taught me so much and helped me stay on-track. And every time they post new meal plans and recipes, I get super excited. I just love finding new healthy meals to incorporate into my recipe repertoire. Plus, it keeps me from getting bored!

The other thing I love about BODi? All the live workouts! I tried one of Jennifer’s live cycling classes the other day and had a blast. Have you worked out live with her yet?


Day 18:


Let’s do a “gut check”!

How are you feeling mentally, physically, and emotionally? Has anything changed from last week? What changes have you noticed since day one?

Some things to look out for are less bloating, more consistent bowel movements, a more positive outlook.

Today’s workout is Week 3: Cardio. Are you staying consistent with your workouts? By now you’ve seen that no-impact doesn’t mean no work. Challenge yourself to maximize endurance and improve your strength and mobility. And make sure to drink your Vegan Shakeology. It provides nutrients to help promote healthy energy and support digestion.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Let’s do a “gut check”!

How are you feeling mentally, physically, and emotionally? Has anything changed from last week? What changes have you noticed since day one?

Some things to look out for are less bloating, more consistent bowel movements, a more positive outlook.

Today’s workout is Week 3: Cardio. Are you staying consistent with your workouts? By now you’ve seen that no-impact doesn’t mean no work. Challenge yourself to maximize endurance and improve your strength and mobility. And make sure to drink your Vegan Shakeology. It’s a key part of focusing on your health, so you’ll want to drink it daily for all those yummy proteins, antioxidants, bacillus coagulans, phytonutrients, digestive enzymes, fiber, and adaptogens.


Let’s do a “gut check”!

How are you feeling mentally, physically, and emotionally? Has anything changed from last week? What changes have you noticed since day one?

Some things to look out for are less bloating, more consistent bowel movements, and a more positive outlook.

Today’s workout is Week 3: Cardio. Are you staying consistent with your workouts? By now you’ve seen that no-impact doesn’t mean no work. Challenge yourself to maximize endurance and improve your strength and mobility. And make sure to drink your Vegan Shakeology. It helps support energy levels,† normal digestion,‡ and immune system function.††

††Vitamins A, C, D, B6, B12, Zinc, and Selenium contribute to the normal function of the immune system.
†Magnesium contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism.


Workout Day 18:


Today’s workout—Functional FLOW 3

Today’s Functional FLOW should feel really good after yesterday’s Lower Body FIRE. But if you still have energy in the tank, you could pair it with a FIRE or FLOW bonus workout.

BTW, has anyone tried the bonus workouts? If so, share your faves.

Coach Tip

No one’s immune to snack attacks. If you find that your group members are struggling with cravings, try suggesting BEVVY. This 15-calorie-per-serving tea supplement is delicious and has clinically studied key ingredients to help you curb cravings.* Want to learn more? This helpful blog post explains all of BEVVY’s benefits:

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Today’s workout—Functional FLOW 3

Today’s Functional FLOW should feel really good after yesterday’s Lower Body FIRE. But if you still have energy in the tank, you could pair it with a FIRE or FLOW bonus workout.

BTW, has anyone tried the bonus workouts? If so, share your faves.

Coach Tip

No one’s immune to snack attacks. If you find that your group members are struggling with cravings, try suggesting BEVVY. This 15-calorie-per-serving tea supplement is delicious and has clinically studied key ingredients to help you curb cravings. Want to learn more? This helpful blog post explains all of BEVVY’s benefits:


Today’s workout—Functional FLOW 3

Today’s Functional FLOW should feel really good after yesterday’s Lower Body FIRE. But if you still have energy in the tank, you could pair it with a FIRE or FLOW bonus workout.

BTW, has anyone tried the bonus workouts? If so, share your faves.

Coach Tip

No one’s immune to snack attacks. If you find that your group members are struggling with cravings, try suggesting BEVVY. This 15-calorie-per-serving tea supplement is delicious and has clinically studied key ingredients to help you curb cravings. Want to learn more? This helpful blog post explains all of BEVVY’s benefits:*

*All products, flavours, and configurations may not be available in your market.


Workout Day 18:


Today’s workout—Week 3: Cardio

Get ready to sweat in today’s Cardio workout. You got this!

Did you know that you can swap out any cardio workout with a cycling workout on BODi? Autumn created the 4 Rides For Every Body workouts to give you extra variety plus a new challenge. If you do that, let us know how your ride went!

If you’re a cycling fan, there are lots of incredible rides on BODi from a variety of trainers. They are so much fun!

Has anyone tried Focused Energy BEVVY? It helps give you a little boost of energy when you need it most.* I tend to drink it an hour or two after I eat lunch. It helps give me the final push I need to tackle my afternoon to-do list. Let me know if you want to try it!

Here’s a blog article that explains the benefits of drinking BEVVY:

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
All products, flavors and configurations may not be available in your market.


Get ready to sweat in today’s Cardio workout. You got this!

Did you know that you can swap out any cardio workout with a cycling workout on BODi? Autumn created the 4 Rides For Every Body workouts to give you extra variety plus a new challenge. If you do that, let us know how your ride went!

If you’re a cycling fan, there are lots of incredible rides on BODi from a variety of trainers. They are so much fun!


Get ready to sweat in today’s Cardio workout. You got this!

Did you know that you can swap out any cardio workout with a cycling workout on BODi? Autumn created the 4 Rides For Every Body workouts to give you extra variety plus a new challenge. If you do that, let us know how your ride went!

If you’re a cycling fan, there are lots of incredible rides on BODi from a variety of trainers. They are so much fun!



We’ve all felt stuck at some point, right? Whether you’ve reached a fitness or nutrition plateau, or you don’t like your job, or whatever your circumstance may be, it’s hard to find a way out. This meditation will help you break out of the cycle and get to the next level.

Release & Let Go helps you clear the stuck feeling by letting go of expectations and releasing all the things that no longer serve you. By doing that, you allow in all the things you need, want, and love.

What are you releasing today? Share with us!

And FYI, if you’re stuck on a weight-loss plateau you might need to dial-in your nutrition. Along with Shakeology,† Beachbody has two great nutrition programs that can help. Reach out if you want to hear more about them.

†All products, flavors, and configurations may not be available in your market.


Day 18: Core Circuit

I’ll be honest, some people say they don’t believe in before and after pictures, but I find them so inspiring. I have seen firsthand so many success stories—people who have lost 20, 50, even 100 lbs. or more. The reason I like to share these stories is that they show that ANYONE can commit to a goal and SUCCEED with daily effort. It’s not easy, and obstacles are always popping up—but if you commit, the results will come.

Coach Tip

Share a before and after Success Story that has inspired you. Maybe it’s YOUR before and after! Remember, your group is looking to you for inspiration, guidance, and assurance that they can get through #mbf and reach their goals.

Today’s workout is Core Circuit. Today is your last AMRAP finisher, so attack it with everything you’ve got to achieve a new personal record. Share your progress and your numbers. Let’s cheer one another’s successes.


Day 18: Upper Body Strength

You guys continue to inspire me. So many of you have reached out with questions about certain topics. Keep them coming! I’m here for you, and I can answer a lot of questions from personal experience, or point you to a great article on the Beachbody Blog. It’s packed with great, quick posts covering a huge range of topics.

Nutrition+ has a lot of useful and exclusive content that’s always worth a look. I found these two excellent recipes, one each from Portion Fix and 2B Mindset. Here they are:

Portion Fix recipe: Ricotta Pancakes with Mixed Berry Compote. Here’s the recipe:

2B Mindset recipe: Comforting Cauliflower Crust Pie. Here’s the recipe:

Today is Upper Body Strength. You’re going to feel the burn from your calves to your shoulders in this comprehensive workout that includes a 4-minute EMOM section dedicated to your biceps.

Let’s go do it!

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

DAY 18: Rest Day Roll-Out


Take as much time as you need today to roll out and recover—you just crushed a challenging 3 days. Remember your goals and why you started. Like really look back and recognize what you’ve accomplished so far. I don’t know about you, but I can see the finish line. Anyone got some good progress pics they want to share?

We just gotta keep doing what we’re doing: staying positive, putting in the effort, and keeping our nutrition up. Speaking of nutrition, how would you describe your nutrition experience on a scale of 1–10? 10 means on-point and on-track to reaching your goals and 1 means not ideal and not complementing your workouts. What sorts of challenges are you facing and what tips have you incorporated from 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix that are working for you?

Here’s one of my favorite recipes that can help you stay on-track (especially if you’re looking for a bit of sweetness with breakfast), Apple Cinnamon Protein Pancakes:


Take as much time as you need today to roll out and recover—you just crushed a challenging 3 days. Remember your goals and why you started. Like really look back and recognize what you’ve accomplished so far. I don’t know about you, but I can see the finish line. Anyone got some good progress pics they want to share?

We just gotta keep doing what we’re doing: staying positive, putting in the effort, and keeping our nutrition up. Speaking of nutrition, how would you describe your nutrition experience on a scale of 1–10? 10 means on-point and on-track to reaching your goals and 1 means not ideal and not complementing your workouts. What sorts of challenges are you facing and what tips have you incorporated from 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix that are working for you?

Here’s one of my favourite recipes that can help you stay on-track (especially if you’re looking for a bit of sweetness with breakfast), Apple Cinnamon Protein Pancakes:


Take as much time as you need today to roll out and recover – you just crushed a challenging 3 days. Remember your goals and why you started. Really look back and recognise what you’ve accomplished so far. I don’t know about you, but I can see the finish line. Anyone got some good progress pics they want to share?

We’ve just gotta keep doing what we’re doing: staying positive, putting in the effort, and keeping our nutrition up. Speaking of nutrition, how would you describe your nutrition experience on a scale of 1–10? 10 means on point and on track to reaching your goals and 1 means not ideal and not complementing your workouts. What sort of challenges are you facing and what tips have you incorporated from 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix that are working for you?

Here’s one of my favourite recipes that can help you stay on track (especially if you’re looking for a bit of sweetness with breakfast) – Apple Cinnamon Protein Pancakes:


Day 18: Core Circuit Advanced

We are cruising fast through this week! You know the drill—today is your last AMRAP session, so push hard and accept nothing less than a new personal record. It’s Core Circuit Advanced. Let’s cheer one another’s successes.

You’ll definitely want to eat well after this workout. Have you tried the Animal Style Cauliflower from 2B Mindset or the Carnitas & Salsa from Ultimate Portion Fix? They’re both fantastic and great sources of protein.

As we near the end of these incredible 3 weeks, you’ll want to block out time for your AFTER pictures and measurements. We’ll do those after our last workout, but I wanted to mention them now, because some folks dread these. DON’T. Your pictures not only keep you motivated to stay on your fitness and wellness track, but can also be a HUGE source of inspiration to someone else. Have you been inspired by BEFORE and AFTER pictures?

Coach Tip

Share a before and after Success Story that has inspired you. Maybe it’s YOUR before and after! Remember, your group is looking to you for inspiration, guidance, and assurance that they can get through #mbfa and reach their goals.

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort. Just be sure to include a second disclaimer if the Success Story is a Coach: [Name] is an independent Team Beachbody Coach.


Day 18: Upper Body Strength

You guys continue to inspire me. So many of you have reached out with questions about certain topics. Keep them coming! I’m here for you, and I can answer a lot of questions from personal experience, or point you to a great article on the Beachbody Blog. It’s packed with great, quick posts covering a huge range of topics.

Nutrition+ has a lot of useful and exclusive content that’s always worth a look. I found these two excellent recipes, one each from Portion Fix and 2B Mindset. Here they are:

Portion Fix recipe: Ricotta Pancakes with Mixed Berry Compote. Here’s the recipe:

2B Mindset recipe: Comforting Cauliflower Crust Pie. Here’s the recipe:

Today is Upper Body Strength. You’re going to feel the burn from your calves to your shoulders in this comprehensive workout that includes a 4-minute EMOM section dedicated to your biceps.

Let’s go do it!



We’ve got a fun workout on tap today. Shaun T always delivers energy when dancing to hip-hop—and Run The Game is no exception.

How’s your nutrition going? I’m dialing it up in this program and seeing great results! I owe a lot of it to my Nutrition+ ongoing membership. It helps me stay on top of my nutrition and gives me a game plan for long-term success.

What about you? Have you noticed an increase in energy? Is it getting easier to turn down sweets and treats?

Coach Tip
Now would be a great time to spotlight a Success Story to keep the motivation going. You can use a photo to highlight someone’s results and say something like, “A little motivation for you: Amazing commitment to LET’S GET UP!”

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.

Who wants to share progress pics? Post your before and midway photos so we can give you a virtual hug!


We’ve got a fun workout on tap today. Shaun T always delivers energy when dancing to hip-hop—and Run The Game is no exception.

How’s your nutrition going? I’m dialing it up in this program and seeing great results! I owe a lot of it to my Nutrition+ ongoing membership. It helps me stay on top of my nutrition and gives me a game plan for long-term success.

What about you? Have you noticed an increase in energy? Is it getting easier to turn down sweets and treats?

Coach Tip
Now would be a great time to spotlight a Success Story to keep the motivation going. You can use a photo to highlight someone’s results and say something like, “A little motivation for you: Amazing commitment to LET’S GET UP!”

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.

Who wants to share progress pics? Post your before and midway photos so we can give you a virtual hug!


We’ve got a fun workout on tap today. Shaun T always delivers energy when dancing to hip-hop—and Run The Game is no exception.

How’s your nutrition going? I’m dialing it up in this program and seeing great results! I owe a lot of it to my Nutrition+ ongoing membership. It helps me stay on top of my nutrition and gives me a game plan for long-term success.

What about you? Have you noticed an increase in energy? Is it getting easier to turn down sweets and treats?

Coach Tip
Now would be a great time to spotlight a Success Story to keep the motivation going. You can use a photo to highlight someone’s results and say something like, “A little motivation for you: Amazing commitment to LET’S GET UP!”

†Results vary depending on starting point, effort, and following Beachbody’s exercise and healthy eating plan.

Who wants to share progress pics? Post your before and midway photos so we can give you a virtual hug!


DAY 18: Rest Day

Rest day. You guys continue to inspire me. So many of you have reached out with questions about certain topics. Keep them coming! I’m here for you, and I can answer a lot of questions from personal experience, or point you to a great article on the Beachbody Blog. It’s packed with great, quick posts covering a huge range of topics.

Take as much time as you need today to rest—you crushed a challenging last 3 days. Remember your goals and why you started. Really look back and recognize what you’ve accomplished so far.

Sweet Potato Egg Cups:
Let’s keep doing what we’re doing: staying positive, putting in the effort, and keeping our nutrition up. Here’s one of my favorite recipes to help you do just that. It’s for Sweet Potato Egg Cups.


Workout Day 19: Finish Stronger: Chest, Back, Legs


Today’s workout—Finish Stronger: Chest, Back, Legs

We’re coming to the end of Week 3! These Friday strength workouts are tough. But I want you to show up for all 20 minutes and get the job done.

I’m going to share a little recovery secret that can make a difference in your performance, especially after challenging strength workouts like today’s. It’s called Beachbody Performance Recharge. Formulated with slow-release micellar casein, Recharge provides a steady stream of amino acids over several hours to help reduce muscle breakdown and support muscle recovery and growth. Plus, it contains tart cherry powder, which has been shown to help combat exercise-induced muscle soreness.* All good things when you’re looking to optimize your recovery!

I typically add Recharge to my day when my muscles are feeling particularly worn out or when I’m stacking two Job 1 workouts. It’s perfect before bed or between meals! Hit me up if you want to give it a shot.

I’ll end with a couple of recipes I found that I’m absolutely going to try this weekend. Seriously, how mouthwateringly good do these look?! Check them out in your Quick Start Nutrition Guide.

2B Mindset Instant Pot Chicken Enchilada Bowl (pg.55)

Portion Fix Easy No-Bean Chili (pg. 59)

I’m always on the lookout for yummy recipes to share, so if you need help finding something specific, let me know!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Today’s workout—Finish Stronger: Chest, Back, Legs

We’re coming to the end of Week 3! These Friday strength workouts are tough. But I want you to show up for all 20 minutes and get the job done.

I’m going to share a little recovery secret that can make a difference in your performance, especially after challenging strength workouts like today’s. It’s called Beachbody Performance Recharge. Formulated with slow-release micellar casein, Recharge provides a steady stream of amino acids over several hours to help support muscle protein synthesis. Plus, it contains tart cherry powder, which delivers anthocyanins. These are powerful phytonutrients that are studied for their impact on athletes.

I typically add Recharge to my day when my muscles are feeling particularly worn out or when I’m stacking two Job 1 workouts. It’s perfect before bed or between meals! Hit me up if you want to give it a shot.

I’ll end with a couple of recipes I found that I’m absolutely going to try this weekend. Seriously, how mouthwateringly good do these look?! Check them out in your Quick Start Nutrition Guide.

2B Mindset Instant Pot Chicken Enchilada Bowl (pg. 55)

Portion Fix Easy No-Bean Chili (pg. 59)

I’m always on the lookout for yummy recipes to share, so if you need help finding something specific, let me know!


Today’s workout—Finish Stronger: Chest, Back, Legs

We’re coming to the end of Week 3! These Friday strength workouts are tough. But I want you to show up for all 20 minutes and get the job done.

My weekend to-do’s include trying these two recipes from the Quick Start Nutrition Guide. Seriously, how mouthwateringly good do these look?!

2B Mindset Instant Pot Chicken Enchilada Bowl (pg.55)

Portion Fix Easy No-Bean Chili (pg. 59)

I’m always on the lookout for yummy recipes to share, so if you need help finding something specific, let me know!


Day 19:

Have you become more intentional about how you eat?

Do you find yourself paying attention to your food? In this week’s “Building a Better Biome” video, Autumn asks you to focus on thoroughly chewing your food for better digestion. How is that working for you?

Chewing your food well also helps you slow down, which can lead to eating less overall. When you eat, try to differentiate between feelings of true hunger as opposed to cravings. You’ll be amazed at what you learn.

This last workout for this week is Week 3: Pull. These workouts work together with the nutrition program and can have a positive impact on your digestive health, cardio fitness, and muscle strength.


Workout Day 19:

Today’s workout—Cardio FIRE 3 or a FIRE Ride

We’re powering through this third week! I’m definitely taking today’s journal prompt as an opportunity to create a couple new workout playlists. Drop your Spotify links or fave tracks below…I need some inspo!

Since the weekends are for meal prep, I figured I’d share a couple of my fave recipes from 2B Mindset and Portion Fix. I love starting the day with the Smoked Salmon Omelet because it keeps me full until lunchtime rolls around. And the Chicken Enchilada Bowl is *chef’s kiss* because the Instant Pot does all the cooking for me!

You can also pick a recipe from the one-week meal plans or try one of these delicious choices:

FIXATE Smoked Salmon Omelet

2B Mindset Instant Pot Chicken Enchilada Bowl


Workout Day 19:

Today’s workout—Week 3: Pull

Today’s Pull workout is a comprehensive resistance routine that targets your back, bis, and core. After this we’ll have finished our third week of workouts! Awesome job!

Don’t take your foot off the gas now. Think about what you want to focus on this week as we head toward the finish line. Maybe it’s dialing-in your nutrition, improving a certain move, or lifting a little heavier. Whatever your goal for this week is, I want you to push yourself! You’ve got this.

What are some of your favorite meals you’ve made during this program? This is one of my favorites, Ricotta Pancakes with Mixed Berry Compote:



Have you ever heard of “grounding”? Most commonly it’s a technique that helps you connect to the earth by walking outside barefoot. People report feelings of enhanced well-being and even better health when they do this regularly.

In today’s meditation, Grounding To Be Present, you don’t actually have to go outside. Your mind doesn’t know what’s real or imagined, so you’ll use visualizations to help relax your whole body. When you ground your mind, you get the physical benefits of grounding too!

Have you ever tried grounding before? What did you think of it? And what did you think of today’s meditation?


Day 19: Full Body Burn

Let’s talk about these last few days of #mbf. Sunday is our final Dynamic Recovery day before we start up with #mbfa on Monday. A few days ago, I asked you to think about how you’re feeling. Are you ready to move on to these advanced workouts? Do you want to do #mbf one more time?

Lastly, Have you been staying on top of your Shakeology? Which recipe has been your favorite so far?

Today is Full Body Burn. Have you been keeping up with Megan’s tempo? Can you believe this is our final strength workout of the program? Have you upped your weights since starting #mbf?

Even though this program is coming to an end, it’s the perfect time to start building momentum—to propel you into #mbfa, or into another round of #mbf, stronger than ever.


Day 19: Total Body Tempo


A lot of you have asked how Beachbody Performance Recover is counted in Portion Fix or 2B Mindset. GREAT question. With Portion Fix, as long as you use it as directed, you can have it in addition to your containers (same goes for the rest of the Beachbody Performance line!). With 2B Mindset, drink it in addition to your meals, but make sure to track it so you know if it’s working for you. It’s my total go-to post-workout, which I drink within 30 minutes of finishing every workout. It helps reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness and give my muscles a jump start on their recovery, and sets me up for the next workout.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Here’s our workout. It’s Total Body Tempo. Shifting your focus from the concentric (lifting) to the eccentric (lowering) phase of each rep provides a fresh challenge—and a powerful stimulus for growth. Listen to Amoila’s cues, and keep his pace to get the most out of this workout.


A lot of you have asked how Beachbody Performance Recover is counted in Portion Fix or 2B Mindset. GREAT question. With Portion Fix, as long as you use it as directed, you can have it in addition to your containers (same goes for the rest of the Beachbody Performance line!). With 2B Mindset, drink it in addition to your meals, but make sure to track it so you know if it’s working for you. It’s my total go-to post-workout, which I drink within 30 minutes of finishing every workout. It helps give my muscles a jump start on their recovery, and sets me up for the next workout.

Here’s our workout. It’s Total Body Tempo. Shifting your focus from the concentric (lifting) to the eccentric (lowering) phase of each rep provides a fresh challenge—and a powerful stimulus for growth. Listen to Amoila’s cues, and keep his pace to get the most out of this workout.


A lot of you have asked how Beachbody Performance Recover is counted in Portion Fix or 2B Mindset. GREAT question. With Portion Fix, as long as you use it as directed, you can have it in addition to your containers (same goes for Beachbody Energize!). With 2B Mindset, drink it in addition to your meals, but make sure to track it so you know if it’s working for you. It’s my total go-to post-workout, which I drink within 30 minutes of finishing every workout. It helps give my muscles a jump start on their recovery, and sets me up for the next workout.+

+Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein.

Here’s our workout. It’s Total Body Tempo. Shifting your focus from the concentric (lifting) to the eccentric (lowering) phase of each rep provides a fresh challenge—and a powerful stimulus for growth. Listen to Amoila’s cues, and keep his pace to get the most out of this workout.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

DAY 19: Relentless Legs and Easy Run + Strides

Today we do Relentless Legs—3 rounds of ONLY 3 moves followed by a burnout block. Sound simple? It is. But it’s also one of the best lower-body workouts ever designed. Finish it and you’ll know why it got its name! Then break away to do Easy Run + Strides, an easy jog used as a recovery followed by a few minutes of strides to help open up your hips and enhance your running form.

Also, can I just say how much I’m a) loving getting outside for a change, b) loving Idalis doing her runs in some seriously beautiful places, and c) loving the difference I’ve noticed drinking Shakeology now that we’re 19 days in. Am I right?


Day 19: Full Body Burn Advanced

Let’s talk about these last few days of #mbfa. Yesterday, I asked you to start thinking about your AFTER pictures and measurements. One thing I want to share today is really important: All of this DOESN’T end in 2 days. Your journey is just beginning. Getting fit. Eating healthier. Creating better habits. That’s what you’ve really been working on, and my greatest hope is that you will continue to do all those things even after we wrap up. So, even though this program is coming to an end, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about what’s next. Another round of #mbfa? Another Beachbody On Demand program? Let us know in the comments!

Today is Full Body Burn Advanced. You’ll hit your legs, glutes, core, arms, chest, and back by the time you’re done with this comprehensive resistance workout. Keep up with Megan and the cast to achieve new levels of strength, stamina, and power.

A lot of you have reached out with concerns about how to stay on-track when we wrap up. While finding and starting a new fitness program is a great next step, staying on top of your nutrition with 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix can give you a lifetime of positive change. Need help or want to bounce around some ideas for how to keep going? DM me, or reach out to the group!


Day 19: Total Body Tempo


A lot of you have asked how Beachbody Performance Recover is counted in Portion Fix or 2B Mindset. GREAT question. With Portion Fix, as long as you use it as directed, you can have it in addition to your containers (same goes for the rest of the Beachbody Performance line!). With 2B Mindset, drink it in addition to your meals, but make sure to track it so you know if it’s working for you. It’s my total go-to post-workout, which I drink within 30 minutes of finishing every workout. It helps reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness and give my muscles a jump start on their recovery, and sets me up for the next workout.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Here’s our workout. It’s Total Body Tempo. Shifting your focus from the concentric (lifting) to the eccentric (lowering) phase of each rep provides a fresh challenge—and a powerful stimulus for growth. Listen to Amoila’s cues, and keep his pace to get the most out of this workout.


A lot of you have asked how Beachbody Performance Recover is counted in Portion Fix or 2B Mindset. GREAT question. With Portion Fix, as long as you use it as directed, you can have it in addition to your containers (same goes for the rest of the Beachbody Performance line!). With 2B Mindset, drink it in addition to your meals, but make sure to track it so you know if it’s working for you. It’s my total go-to post-workout, which I drink within 30 minutes of finishing every workout. It helps give my muscles a jump start on their recovery, and sets me up for the next workout.

Here’s our workout. It’s Total Body Tempo. Shifting your focus from the concentric (lifting) to the eccentric (lowering) phase of each rep provides a fresh challenge—and a powerful stimulus for growth. Listen to Amoila’s cues, and keep his pace to get the most out of this workout.


A lot of you have asked how Beachbody Performance Recover is counted in Portion Fix or 2B Mindset. GREAT question. With Portion Fix, as long as you use it as directed, you can have it in addition to your containers (same goes for Beachbody Energize!). With 2B Mindset, drink it in addition to your meals, but make sure to track it so you know if it’s working for you. It’s my total go-to post-workout, which I drink within 30 minutes of finishing every workout. It helps give my muscles a jump start on their recovery, and sets me up for the next workout.+

+Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein.

Here’s our workout. It’s Total Body Tempo. Shifting your focus from the concentric (lifting) to the eccentric (lowering) phase of each rep provides a fresh challenge—and a powerful stimulus for growth. Listen to Amoila’s cues, and keep his pace to get the most out of this workout.



Take two of Show Up And Lift. You’ve done this workout before, so think about improving on last time. Also, remember to stay hydrated to perform at your peak and reduce the risk of cramping.

Wasn’t Shaun’s Energize Moment inspiring today?

What are some of your favorite healthy meals? I’m always looking for something new to try with my family. Here’s some inspiration for you:

2B Mindset Honey Mustard Chicken Salad

Ultimate Portion Fix Spinach Salad with Hot Bacon Dressing


DAY 19: DCT-T: Shoulders

Let’s get back to it! Today’s workout is DCT-T: Shoulders. Raise, row, and press your way to boulder shoulders in this workout that also hits almost every muscle below your waist.

Some of you have reached out with the same question, so I wanted to answer everyone at once—if you’re traveling or know you won’t be home and will miss a workout, Autumn has created 5 on-the-go workouts called Remote Control. They’re full workouts, but only use the portable Control Track and resistance bands. They’re a great option to help you stay on-track. For my 9 Week Control Freak: Off the Wall folks, DM me and we can brainstorm some travel fitness solutions!

How’s everyone’s motivation? Who needs a boost? Let’s light up the comments below!


Rest Day 20: Rest Day or Recovery Stretch


Today: Rest Day or Recovery Stretch

So glad today’s a rest day. I could use a good stretch, so I think I’m going to do Jennifer’s Recovery Stretch workout and take it easy. What’s everyone else doing?

I hope you’re pairing your rest day with Shakeology. I don’t know about you all, but I never miss a day to drink my fave shake. I love knowing that I’m getting so many nutrients in one yummy scoop. It’s my easiest healthy habit! Here’s how I’m enjoying mine today:

Blackberry Walnut Chocolate Shakeology

Or, if you’re in the mood to experiment with your Shakeology, how about this delicious pudding recipe?



Today: Rest Day or Recovery Stretch

So glad today’s a rest day. I could use a good stretch, so I think I’m going to do Jennifer’s Recovery Stretch workout and take it easy. What’s everyone else doing?

I hope you’re pairing your rest day with Shakeology. I don’t know about you all, but I never miss a day to drink my fave shake. I love knowing that I’m getting so many nutrients in one yummy scoop. It’s my easiest healthy habit! Here’s how I’m enjoying mine today:

Blackberry Walnut Chocolate Shakeology

Or, if you’re in the mood to experiment with your Shakeology, how about this delicious pudding recipe?



Today: Rest Day or Recovery Stretch

So glad today’s a rest day. I could use a good stretch, so I think I’m going to do Jennifer’s Recovery Stretch workout and take it easy. What’s everyone else doing?

I hope you’re pairing your rest day with Shakeology. I don’t know about you all, but I never miss a day to drink my fave shake. I love knowing that I’m getting so many nutrients in one yummy scoop. It’s my easiest healthy habit! Here’s how I’m enjoying mine today:

Blackberry Walnut Chocolate Shakeology

Or, if you’re in the mood to experiment with your Shakeology, how about this delicious recipe?


Day 20:

Are you getting better at listening to your gut?

While the 4 R’s of this program may be temporary, the process of taking action with your gut health will last a lifetime. Do you see it becoming a lifestyle for you?

Today is a rest day, but I’m going to do a workout on BODi to keep my good fitness habit going. If you have an indoor bike, have you tried the 4 Rides For Every Body classes yet? What’s your favorite BODi class?


Workout Day 20:

Today’s workout—Restorative FLOW 3 or a FLOW Ride

Whether you’re in the mood for feel-good stretches or you’re craving an epic ride, there’s no wrong way to FLOW with Elise! Let’s celebrate the end of the week by dropping some sweaty selfies in the comments!

Have you been tracking your progress through BODgroups? Now that we’re coming to the end of week 3, what changes have you seen? Do you have any goals you still want to achieve?

Coach Tip

Sometimes physical transformations affect how we’re feeling mentally and emotionally. Remind your group members that it’s OK to give yourself space to feel those feelings. Some of the emotions that are coming up might have to do with our unique relationships with food, which can vary depending on how we were raised, cultural expectations, or individual experiences that shaped how we view food. All of the FIRE AND FLOW nutrition recommendations help give your group the tools to better understand what triggers they have, what stressors they can identify, and how they can keep their feelings from derailing them.


Workout Day 20:

Rest Day

I’m so glad today’s a rest day. I could use a good stretch! I think I’m going to find a flexibility workout on BODi. What’s everyone else doing?

I hope you’re pairing your rest day with Shakeology. You’ve heard me say this before, but I never miss a day to drink my favorite shake. It’s so nutritious that even if my eating gets a little offtrack I know I’m still doing something great for my body.

Check out this recipe, Vegan S’mores Shakeology:


DAY 20: Total Body Tone

Some of the emotions that are coming up might have to do with your eating habits. We all have a different relationship with food depending on how we grew up, cultural expectations, or experiences that shaped our way of thinking and eating. That’s why it’s so important to take control of what you can—your willpower to avoid the junk drawer, the motivation to find a healthy indulgence, the inspiration to put a yummy twist on your daily Shakeology, and so on.

No matter how you approach your nutrition, Ultimate Portion Fix helps you get past those things that hold you back, so you can feel good about the body you’re in. I know I’ve talked about Ultimate Portion Fix because that’s the solution I use. I’ve loved Autumn’s container system from the beginning and this plan takes it to another level. But my girlfriend happens to be on 2B Mindset and that’s what works for her because she likes the freedom that comes with Ilana’s method—she knows as long as she gets her water and veggies in first, she doesn’t feel the self-imposed pressure that was keeping her from getting results.

We all have a different relationship with food depending on how we grew up, cultural expectations, or experiences that shaped our way of thinking and eating. Ultimate Portion Fix and 2B Mindset can help you get past those blocks, so you can feel good about the body you’re in. In Nutrition+, both Autumn and Ilana talk about your relationship with food and how it impacts your weight-loss journey, so no matter which program you follow, you’ll have a better understanding of what role your relationships and your emotions might have in relation to your eating habits, plus tips on how to not let that derail you.

Coach Tip
Take the above paragraph as a sample and personalize it however you can. What have YOU learned from Ultimate Portion Fix or 2B Mindset?

Our workout today is Total Body Tone. It’s the last workout in this phase of the program , so give it all you’ve got. The moves haven’t changed since week one, but you’re getting stronger, so try to lift heavier as you continue to focus on form.

We’re nearly at Phase 2 of the program. If you’re following 9 Week Control Freak: Off the Wall, consider jumping to the full program for Phases 2 and 3. DM me to discuss how you can ease the transition.



Can you believe we only have two more meditations together? Where did the time go? I’m so proud of you for coming on this journey with me.

Today’s meditation is going to a be a little bit more challenging than what you’ve done up to now. But you’ve gotten so good at meditating that I know you’ll love it. Centering Breath is a classic mindfulness meditation that lets you sit in silence a little longer than you’re used to. Your mind will probably wander a lot, so just focus on bringing it back. That’s how your brain gets stronger!

Mindfulness meditation helps strengthen your brain control and emotional regulation. It might feel uncomfortable, and that’s OK! This is a powerful technique that can have a huge impact. You’re ready for it by now.

Share your feelings about this meditation. Was it hard for you? What did you get out of it?


Day 20: Power Ignite

Our last workout before we dial it down tomorrow with our Dynamic Recovery, and I couldn’t be more proud of the effort, commitment, and GUTS you’ve all shown in this program. No matter where you are on the fitness spectrum, sticking to a workout—let alone 21 IN A ROW!—is a huge accomplishment.

You inspire me every day to give you MY personal best. Thank you for that.

Today is Power Ignite. Keep a towel handy, because this EMOM workout is going to leave you drenched. Push hard, stay strong, and make every rep count.

Let’s talk about your biggest takeaways from 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix. What surprised you? What will you be implementing for good?

One last treat: This GREAT recipe for Whole Wheat Waffles. Check it out here:


Day 20: Cardio 45

It’s the weekend! Who’s excited? And who’s ready to tear through Cardio 45? Today’s workout will leave you sweaty, breathless, and feeling energized , which is the true test of an effective training session.

One thing I love about Amoila is that he knows how to make cardio fun and engaging. I know a lot of you gripe about doing cardio, but think of it this way: It’s great for weight loss. It strengthens your heart. It improves lung capacity and naturally boosts your energy. And it can make your sleeping better!

If you feel like your workout space is too tight, take it outside! I find that the fresh air and natural light give me a boost of energy.

What do you feel after cardio days?

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

DAY 20: Unilateral Strength and Rest Day Roll-Out


Wow, the last workout of week 3. Unilateral Strength uses a single dumbbell for 6 moves over 3 rounds—this is the workout that challenges your balance as well as your strength, so focus on your form and don’t rush this one. Then it’s time to roll out with Rest Day Roll-Out. PRO TIP: By now, you’re likely pretty skilled with a foam roller—and your body is getting more used to it—so it might be time to graduate to a firmer roller that can more effectively work out knots and ease muscle tension.

I know the roll out is great for recovery, but how is everyone dealing with emotional sensitivity you might be experiencing as we head into our last week? We are really putting ourselves through a lot in a short period of time, and while it’s ultimately for something super-positive, we shouldn’t be expected to feel up all the time.

I know with my first program, some of the emotions that came up for me had to do with eating. That’s why I mentioned that 2B Mindset was really instrumental in my shift toward a healthier relationship with food. We all have a different connection to food depending on how we grew up, cultural expectations, or experiences that shaped our way of thinking and eating. It’s something even Idalis has struggled with. A thoughtful nutrition program can really help you push past those blocks and flourish. I ended up signing up for Nutrition+ to take advantage of The Mindset Membership because even though I noticed a difference just with the initial 2B Mindset program, what really helped me maintain that lifestyle shift (and feel supported) were the extended tools that help keep me on the right path.

I know I’ve talked about 2B because that’s the solution I use (I love the freedom that comes with Ilana’s method—she knows as long as she gets her water and veggies in first, she doesn’t feel the self-imposed pressure that was keeping her from getting results). But my girlfriend happens to be an Ultimate Portion Fix fan and that’s what works for her because she’s loved Autumn’s container system from the beginning (she loves keeping up with Autumn via The Monthly Fix—those two would be besties if they ever met in real life). It helps her take control over her food instead of food controlling her and takes the emotions and guesswork out of eating, while still getting to enjoy the foods she loves. It just depends on your preference and personality.

Coach Tip
When there are personal references in a post, they’re meant to be suggestions that you can customize to fit actual anecdotes from your life. The more you sound like “you” on social, the more your customers will want to keep reading and commenting.

If anything I wrote resonates with you, let me know how I can help. You can personally message me if you don’t feel comfortable commenting.


Wow, the last workout of week 3. Unilateral Strength uses a single dumbbell for 6 moves over 3 rounds—this is the workout that challenges your balance as well as your strength, so focus on your form and don’t rush this one. Then it’s time to roll out with Rest Day Roll-Out. PRO TIP: By now, you’re likely pretty skilled with a foam roller—and your body is getting more used to it—so it might be time to graduate to a firmer roller that can more effectively work out knots and ease muscle tension.

I know the roll out is great for recovery, but how is everyone dealing with emotional sensitivity you might be experiencing as we head into our last week? We are really putting ourselves through a lot in a short period of time, and while it’s ultimately for something super-positive, we shouldn’t be expected to feel up all the time.

I know with my first program, some of the emotions that came up for me had to do with eating. That’s why I mentioned that 2B Mindset was really instrumental in my shift toward a healthier relationship with food. We all have a different connection to food depending on how we grew up, cultural expectations, or experiences that shaped our way of thinking and eating. It’s something even Idalis has struggled with. A thoughtful nutrition program can really help you push past those blocks and flourish. I ended up signing up for Nutrition+ to take advantage of The Mindset Membership because even though I noticed a difference just with the initial 2B Mindset program, what really helped me maintain that lifestyle shift (and feel supported) were the extended tools that help keep me on the right path.

I know I’ve talked about 2B because that’s the solution I use (I love the freedom that comes with Ilana’s method—she knows as long as she gets her water and veggies in first, she doesn’t feel the self-imposed pressure that was keeping her from getting results). But my girlfriend happens to be an Ultimate Portion Fix fan and that’s what works for her because she’s loved Autumn’s container system from the beginning (she loves keeping up with Autumn via The Monthly Fix—those two would be besties if they ever met in real life). It helps her take control over her food instead of food controlling her and takes the emotions and guesswork out of eating, while still getting to enjoy the foods she loves. It just depends on your preference and personality.

Coach Tip
When there are personal references in a post, they’re meant to be suggestions that you can customize to fit actual anecdotes from your life. The more you sound like “you” on social, the more your customers will want to keep reading and commenting.

If anything I wrote resonates with you, let me know how I can help. You can personally message me if you don’t feel comfortable commenting.


Wow, the last workout of week 3. Unilateral Strength uses a single dumbbell for 6 moves over 3 rounds – this is the workout that challenges your balance as well as your strength, so focus on your form and don’t rush this one. Then it’s time to roll out with Rest Day Roll-Out. PRO TIP: By now, you’re likely pretty skilled with a foam roller – and your body is getting more used to it – so it might be time to graduate to a firmer roller that can more effectively work out knots and ease muscle tension.

I know the roll out is great for recovery, but how is everyone dealing with emotional sensitivity you might be experiencing as we head into our last week? We are really putting ourselves through a lot in a short period of time, and while it’s ultimately for something super-positive, we shouldn’t be expected to feel great all the time.

I know with my first programme, some of the emotions that came up for me had to do with eating. That’s why I mentioned that 2B Mindset was really instrumental in my shift toward a healthier relationship with food. We all have a different connection to food depending on how we grew up, cultural expectations, or experiences that shaped our way of thinking and eating. It’s something even Idalis has struggled with. A thoughtful nutrition programme can really help you push past those blocks and flourish. I ended up signing up for Nutrition+ to take advantage of The Mindset Membership because even though I noticed a difference just with the initial 2B Mindset programme, what really helped me maintain that lifestyle shift (and feel supported) were the extended tools that help keep me on the right path.

I know I’ve talked about 2B because that’s the solution I use (I love the freedom that comes with Ilana’s method – she knows as long as she gets her water and veggies in first, she doesn’t feel the self-imposed pressure that was keeping her from getting results). But my girlfriend happens to be an Ultimate Portion Fix fan and that’s what works for her because she’s loved Autumn’s container system from the beginning (she loves keeping up with Autumn via The Monthly Fix – those two would be besties if they ever met in real life). It helps her take control over her food instead of food controlling her and takes the emotions and guesswork out of eating, while still getting to enjoy the foods she loves. It just depends on your preference and personality.

Coach Tip
When there are personal references in a post, they’re meant to be suggestions that you can customise to fit actual anecdotes from your life. The more you sound like “you” on social media, the more your customers will want to keep reading and commenting.

If anything I wrote resonates with you, let me know how I can help. You can personally message me if you don’t feel comfortable commenting.


Day 20: Power Ignite Advanced

One last workout before we dial it down tomorrow with our recovery day. But before we jump into it, I just want to say how proud I am of your effort, commitment, and GUTS you’ve shown me—and each other. Getting this far (and through tomorrow) is a HUGE accomplishment, and I really hope you take a few minutes to digest what you’ve accomplished with #mbfa. Pretty awesome stuff.

Let’s get to it: it’s Power Ignite Advanced. Get in and out with this quick, 25-minute EMOM workout that turns your body into a calorie-burning inferno.

As we near the finish line, there might be a lot of emotions swirling around. Some of that might have to do with your eating habits, and how you may have changed them for the better during this program. We all have a different relationship with food depending on how we grew up, cultural expectations, and experiences that shaped our way of thinking and eating. 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix can help you get past those blocks, so you can feel good about the body you’re in, and set you up to help rewire your body for good, for the long haul. I’ve talked about Ultimate Portion Fix because that’s the solution I use (I’ve loved Autumn’s container system from the beginning, and this plan takes it to another level). But, my friend happens to be on 2B Mindset and it’s working for her because she likes the freedom that comes with Ilana’s method—she knows as long as she gets her water first and veggies most, she doesn’t feel the self-imposed pressure that was keeping her from getting results. What’s worked for you, and why?


Day 20: Cardio 45

It’s the weekend! Who’s excited? And who’s ready to tear through Cardio 45? Today’s workout will leave you sweaty, breathless, and feeling energized , which is the true test of an effective training session.

One thing I love about Amoila is that he knows how to make cardio fun and engaging. I know a lot of you gripe about doing cardio, but think of it this way: It’s great for weight loss. It strengthens your heart. It improves lung capacity and naturally boosts your energy. And it can make your sleeping better!

If you feel like your workout space is too tight, take it outside! I find that the fresh air and natural light give me a boost of energy.

What do you feel after cardio days?



Shaun’s inspiration has no limits. He always says that your enjoyment has a direct impact on your commitment—and your results. That’s why he believes so strongly in making your workouts FUN. Can you return the love and dance like there’s no tomorrow with this high-energy throwdown? I know you can! Let’s Leave It On The Dance Floor!

Check-in time: As we near the end of week 3, how do you feel? How would you describe your nutrition on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 meaning you’re 100% on-track to reaching your goals and 1 meaning you’re struggling? Share any challenges you’re having and let us help you out.

If you’re doing 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix, what are some of the tips you’ve picked up that you can share with the group?

Since we’re on the subject of nutrition, here are two more delicious and healthy options:

2B Mindset Grilled Fish Tacos with Chipotle Crema

Ultimate Portion Fix Apple Cranberry Coleslaw

Coach Tip
Share a before and after Success Story that has inspired you. Maybe it’s YOUR before and after! Remember, your group is looking to you for inspiration, guidance, and assurance that they can reach their goals.


Shaun’s inspiration has no limits. He always says that your enjoyment has a direct impact on your commitment—and your results. That’s why he believes so strongly in making your workouts FUN. Can you return the love and dance like there’s no tomorrow with this high-energy throwdown? I know you can! Let’s Leave It On The Dance Floor!

Check-in time: As we near the end of week 3, how do you feel? How would you describe your nutrition on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 meaning you’re 100% on-track to reaching your goals and 1 meaning you’re struggling? Share any challenges you’re having and let us help you out.

If you’re doing 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix, what are some of the tips you’ve picked up that you can share with the group?

Since we’re on the subject of nutrition, here are two more delicious and healthy options:

2B Mindset Grilled Fish Tacos with Chipotle Crema

Ultimate Portion Fix Apple Cranberry Coleslaw

Coach Tip
Share a before and after Success Story that has inspired you. Maybe it’s YOUR before and after! Remember, your group is looking to you for inspiration, guidance, and assurance that they can reach their goals.


Shaun’s inspiration has no limits. He always says that your enjoyment has a direct impact on your commitment—and your results. That’s why he believes so strongly in making your workouts FUN. Can you return the love and dance like there’s no tomorrow with this high-energy throwdown? I know you can! Let’s Leave It On The Dance Floor!

Check-in time: As we near the end of week 3, how do you feel? How would you describe your nutrition on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 meaning you’re 100% on-track to reaching your goals and 1 meaning you’re struggling? Share any challenges you’re having and let us help you out.

If you’re doing 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix, what are some of the tips you’ve picked up that you can share with the group?

Since we’re on the subject of nutrition, here are two more delicious and healthy options:

2B Mindset Grilled Fish Tacos with Chipotle Crema

Ultimate Portion Fix Apple Cranberry Coleslaw

Coach Tip
Share a before and after Success Story that has inspired you. Maybe it’s YOUR before and after! Remember, your group is looking to you for inspiration, guidance, and assurance that they can reach their goals.


Rest Day 21: Rest Day or Recovery Stretch

Today: Rest Day or Recovery Stretch

It’s the last day before our final week. Use today to rest or stretch if you need it. You want to be sure you’re fired up for tomorrow!

I’m proud of you all for staying on top of your nutrition as best as you can. I know it’s not always easy. Everyone has a different relationship with food. Factors like how we ate growing up, cultural norms and expectations, and our unique personal experiences can shape our relationship with food and our current eating habits. If you’re still struggling to stay consistent, that’s OK. Do your best and keep working on it.

Don’t forget, there’s plenty of nutrition guidance on BODi. Ilana and Autumn frequently talk about our emotional relationship with food and how that can affect our weight-loss journey and overall health and well-being. Their programs give you tons of tools to better understand your food triggers, stressors, and emotions that derail your progress.

Feel free to share your food struggles if you feel comfortable doing so. We’ve all dealt with our own nutrition challenges—chances are someone will be able to relate. Let’s continue to support each other and offer support in any way we can!


Day 21:

Week 3–done! Great job, everyone.

What are some habits that have become essential to your everyday routine? For me, it’s drinking enough water. That’s a habit I know I can keep beyond this program.

What are you meal prepping for the week? I’m going to make the gut-friendly Protocol Chicken Lettuce Wraps for dinner.


Rest Day 21:

Today—Rest or a BODi class

If you’re feeling like you want to stay active today, try a BODi class for a little extra credit. In addition to their FIRE AND FLOW Rides, Jericho and Elise have plenty of other classes to choose from. If you find one you enjoy, drop it below so the rest of the group can give it a shot!

I can’t believe week 4 starts tomorrow! If you want, share what you wrote for your Week In Review. How are you setting yourself up to crush our final week together?

Coach Tip

Rest days still call for solid nutrition. Remember to emphasize the importance of drinking Shakeology every day—even on days you’re not working out. Your body still needs all those powerful nutrients to help sustain you! The best way to track your progress? You guessed it. The Shakeology Wellness Tracker.

Here’s a tasty tropical Shakeology recipe to share with your group:

Pineapple Mango Shakeology Smoothie


Workout Day 21:

Rest Day

It’s the last day before our final week. Use today to rest or stretch if you need it. You want to be sure you’re fired up for tomorrow!

Tracking your progress is the best motivation to keep going. What changes are you seeing? What goals do you still want to achieve? We’ve made it too far to give up now!

I just want to say how proud I am that you’re doing your best with your nutrition. It’s not always easy. If you’re still struggling to stay consistent, that’s OK. Do your best and keep working on it.

Don’t forget, there’s plenty of nutrition guidance on BODi. Ilana and Autumn frequently talk about our emotional relationship with food and how that can affect our weight-loss journey and overall health and well-being. Their programs give you tons of tools to better understand your food triggers, stressors, and emotions that derail your progress.

Feel free to share your food struggles if you feel comfortable doing so. We’ve all dealt with our own nutrition challenges—chances are someone will be able to relate. Let’s continue to support each other and offer support in any way we can!


DAY 21: Rest Day


It’s our rest day, and the END OF THIS PHASE! Woo-hoo!

Today is self-care Sunday, so please take advantage of this rest day to really relax, put time into you, and get yourself re-centered and reinvigorated for our next week and new phase. Some ideas: Get a massage, go to bed early, read, properly hydrate (with H2O, of course), and fuel your body with excellent nutrition. If today is your meal prep day, really think about what you’ll be eating in the next 7 days.

What are you loving about meal prep? What challenges do you face? Did you know with your Nutrition+ membership you get new all-in-1 meal plans each month (bimonthly with The Monthly Fix) with grocery lists and corresponding recipes each week? You also get access to workouts, available exclusively to Nutrition+ members.

Coach Tip
Share a before and after Success Story† that has inspired you. Maybe it’s YOUR before and after! Remember, your group is looking to you for inspiration, guidance, and assurance that they can get through 9 Week Control Freak and reach their goals.

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.


It’s our rest day, and the END OF THIS PHASE! Woo-hoo!

Today is self-care Sunday, so please take advantage of this rest day to really relax, put time into you, and get yourself re-centered and reinvigorated for our next week and new phase. Some ideas: Get a massage, go to bed early, read, properly hydrate (with H2O, of course), and fuel your body with excellent nutrition. If today is your meal prep day, really think about what you’ll be eating in the next 7 days.

What are you loving about meal prep? What challenges do you face? Did you know with your Nutrition+ membership you get new all-in-1 meal plans each month (bimonthly with The Monthly Fix) with grocery lists and corresponding recipes each week? You also get access to workouts, available exclusively to Nutrition+ members.

Coach Tip
Share a before and after Success Story† that has inspired you. Maybe it’s YOUR before and after! Remember, your group is looking to you for inspiration, guidance, and assurance that they can get through 9 Week Control Freak and reach their goals.

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.


It’s our rest day, and the END OF THIS PHASE! Woo-hoo!

Today is self-care Sunday, so please take advantage of this rest day to really relax, put time into you, and get yourself re-centered and reinvigorated for our next week and new phase. Some ideas: Get a massage, go to bed early, read, properly hydrate (with H2O, of course), and fuel your body with excellent nutrition. If today is your meal prep day, really think about what you’ll be eating in the next 7 days.

What are you loving about meal prep? What challenges do you face? Did you know with your Nutrition+ membership you get new all-in-1 meal plans each month (bimonthly with The Monthly Fix) with grocery lists and corresponding recipes each week? You also get access to workouts, available exclusively to Nutrition+ members.

Coach Tip
Share a before and after Success Story† that has inspired you. Maybe it’s YOUR before and after! Remember, your group is looking to you for inspiration, guidance, and assurance that they can get through 9 Week Control Freak and reach their goals.

†Results vary based on starting point and effort and following Beachbody’s healthy eating plan.



You made it!

Today is our last meditation together, and I admit I’m super-emotional about it! Reading all of your comments and DMs over these last few weeks shows me just how life-changing a regular meditation practice can be. I’m so proud of you for doing this with me.

How do you feel about coming to the end of these 21 days? What changes have you noticed in your emotions, relationships, or productivity? Are you more present in your relationships, more patient with your kids, more aware of your eating habits? Do you listen better? It’s incredible how much meditation affects everything we do every day!

What’s next for you? You can do this program all over again, or you can try the other meditations in the Relaxation & Meditation hub on Beachbody On Demand, including the themed meditations from Unplug. If you’re looking for a fitness program that works well with meditation, you could try 3 Week Yoga Retreat or 21 Day Fix. And if you want suggestions, just reach out. I’m here to help keep these good vibes going!

Thank you for joining me!


Day 21: Dynamic Recovery

I am speechless.

Reading through the comments and DMs from this week’s posts really got me thinking about how we’ve truly done this together. I’m proud, and I hope you are, too.

You’ve completed the program and earned this final Dynamic Recovery session. This deeply restorative flow will help us stretch, relax, and get ready for #mbfa Muscle Burns Fat Advanced.

If you’re doing another round of #mbf or moving forward with #mbfa, it’s crucial to stay on top of your nutrition. Shakeology, Beachbody Performance, and 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix should be regular staples in your daily nutrition. Good job! Keep it going!

Now comes the fun part. It’s time to take your AFTER pictures, write down your new measurements, and post those #mbf transformation pics. You’ll get a free #mbf T-shirt (while supplies last) for submitting to the Beachbody Challenge contest and you’ll also have a chance to win cash prizes. Go to for details. And remember, if you’re going to post your results on Facebook or Instagram, make sure you tag me and use the hashtag #mbf.

Get some rest tonight. You deserve it.

Congrats on Finishing #mbf!
To access closed captions: click on the “CC” icon in the lower right corner of the video and select “English (United States) CC”

Day 21: Rest Day

Hooray, it’s our rest day!

Before we head into our fourth week, I want to see who’s staying on top of their nutrition, Shakeology, and/or Beachbody Performance. It’s super-important for all of us to check in with ourselves, and this group, about how we are staying committed to our goals. I’ll post my answers in the comments.

  1. Are you using your containers or the Plate It method?
  2. Are you tracking your food intake?
  3. How’s your water intake?
  4. Are you eating breakfast?
  5. Are you struggling with nighttime snacking?
  6. Are you hungrier or less hungry than before?
  7. If you’re on Shakeology or Beachbody Performance HD, make sure to place your order for next month.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.