Week 4: DAY 27 — The Crucible

You know what today is, so eat a healthy breakfast, take Energize if you have it, and do whatever else you have to do to get fired up, because you’re going to need it today. Today’s workout is a doozy.

Here’s what you need to do The Crucible.

  • Dumbbells (light, medium, heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (optional)

After you’ve completed this workout, share with the group: How did this one feel? Have those army crawls gotten any easier?



After today, we’ve only got two weeks left! As we inch our way toward the finish, it can be tempting to cut corners and say, “No biggie if I skip this part of the workout,” or “The world’s not gonna end if I have one glass of wine.” Don’t do it! It’s not that the world will fall apart, but you’re more likely to keep it together and close in on those results if you stay consistent, day in and day out.

So, let’s stay on top of meal prep today. If you need to refresh your recipes, you can always go back to the Beachbody Guide to Nutrition or (the nutrition program you’re following), check out FIXATE on Beachbody On Demand, or search the blog for more ideas. There’s no shortage of simple, healthy recipes, so don’t let that be an excuse. If you’re on 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix, you know Autumn and Ilana are quick to come with the cooking inspiration.

Anyone want to share a recipe they tried and added to their regular rotation?


Week 4: DAY 28 – Range & Repair

We did it, fam. One more Range & Repair workout and we will have officially finished 4 Weeks of THE PREP!

I want you to take your AFTER pictures and write down your new measurements tomorrow. You can also enter the Beachbody Challenge. The Beachbody Challenge is a contest where you have a chance to win a big cash prize just for sharing your transformations. Pretty cool, right?

Having made it to the end, I just want you all to know how proud I am of every single one of you. Making a commitment to your health and fitness takes guts and determination and you conquered this challenge. I’m so happy to have gotten to know you all better throughout the last few weeks. I hope you all had a great time working toward your goals while making new friends. Also, make sure you check out this quick message from Amoila congratulating us on finishing THE PREP!

Who’s going to take the 6 Weeks of THE WORK Fit Test? I know I am! If you pass, let me know if you want to move on to THE WORK, and I’ll add you to my next group!



What’s fueling you this morning (besides Shakeology, of course)? ☺ Having purpose and joy is how we build a life that helps us love Mondays! So let’s pull an “I AM” Daily Motivation Card and set a positive tone for this full-body workout.

How’s your digestion? Here’s an interesting fact: The average American gets only a little more than half of the daily fiber recommendation. Shakeology can help with that. The fiber content in Shakelogy can help support regularity and healthy digestion so you can feel your best while doing Barre Blend.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



What’s fueling you this morning (besides Shakeology, of course)? ☺ Having purpose and joy is how we build a life that helps us love Mondays! So let’s pull an “I AM” Daily Motivation Card and set a positive tone for this full-body workout.

How’s your digestion? Here’s an interesting fact: The average American gets only a little more than half of the daily fiber recommendation. Shakeology can help with that. The fiber content in Shakelogy can help support regularity and healthy digestion so you can feel your best while doing Barre Blend.*



What’s fueling you this morning (besides Shakeology, of course)? ☺ Having purpose and joy is how we build a life that helps us love Mondays! So let’s pull an “I AM” Daily Motivation Card and set a positive tone for this full-body workout.

How’s your digestion? Here’s an interesting fact: The average American gets only a little more than half of the daily fiber recommendation. Shakeology can help with that. The fiber content in Shakelogy can help support regularity and healthy digestion so you can feel your best while doing Barre Blend.*



Today’s workout is Booty Blend. Who’s noticing changes in their booty after these workouts? What about your confidence? This program is really great for making you feel good about yourself, isn’t it? I bet you’re standing a little straighter now!

I want to remind you to ENJOY the process and appreciate how far you’ve come in the last few weeks. Think about the goals you set at the beginning and remind yourself why you’re still here. Don’t lose sight of those goals!

Can you share how this program is changing you? Not just physically, but emotionally too? It can be anything. I love a good non-scale victory!



We’re getting better every day, so let’s get better together and tackle this Cardio Blend workout!

Have you tried taking your workout outside yet? It’s such a different experience when you exercise in nature, breathing the fresh air. I highly recommend trying it!

Also, if you’re feeling strong after your workout, you might want to add a bonus workout for extra results. How about the 10-Minute Enhancement workout Enhance Your Cardio? Tell us how you did if you decide to tack one on.

I know I’m going to need my Recover after today’s workout. Recover has three different protein sources to help optimize your post-workout recovery.* Did you know there’s a plant-based version of the chocolate flavor made with pea protein? What’s your favorite Recover flavor, chocolate or orange? How does it help you?



Today’s workout is Core Blend 4. Bet you can’t wait to feel your abs burn. Let’s get each other fired up! Snap a picture showing us your attitude so we can all get motivated to do our best today. And if you post it on social media, make sure you hashtag it #showyourattitude and #BarreBlend so Elise can see it too!

Usually at this point in the week is where your healthy-eating motivation may start to be tested. Now’s a good time to refocus and dial-in your nutrition. If you need inspiration, check out page 36 in your Beachbody Guide to Nutrition for a great recipe that’s delicious AND staisfying—Fresh Veggie, Chicken, and Quinoa Salad.

And remember, words are powerful. If you’re struggling, focus on being kind to yourself, being gentle with your thoughts, forgiving yourself, and moving forward intentionally. And know you can always lean on us too! That’s what this group is for, to make us ALL better! So reach out anytime. We’re always here for you.

Have a great day!




Get ready for your legs to be shaking and quaking today! I expect every one of you to show off that confidence you’ve been cultivating these last several weeks. These workouts are all about elevating your wellness and realizing your full potential. Now I want to see it! If you can, take a short video of yourself doing the workout and share with us.

As we head toward the end of Phase 2, I’d like to talk a little more about confidence. Making it this far means you’ve worked hard. You should be proud of your commitment and dedication! I get confidence from eating and exercising regularly, and drinking my Shakeology. Those things help me feel confident that I can be fully present for the important moments in my life.
What gives you confidence?

Coach Tip

If you’ve been using Beachbody Collagen Boost, can you talk about your experience? You might say something like, “I’ve been adding Beachbody Collagen Boost to my Shakeology every day, and I’ve really noticed [INSERT YOUR OWN RESULT]. It can help increase skin elasticity, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and support healthy nails.* Have you tried it yet?”

[should be used in association with Coach Tip (see above)]
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intented to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Get ready for your legs to be shaking and quaking today! I expect every one of you to show off that confidence you’ve been cultivating these last several weeks. These workouts are all about elevating your wellness and realizing your full potential. Now I want to see it! If you can, take a short video of yourself doing the workout and share with us.

As we head toward the end of Phase 2, I’d like to talk a little more about confidence. Making it this far means you’ve worked hard. You should be proud of your commitment and dedication! I get confidence from eating and exercising regularly, and drinking my Shakeology. Those things help me feel confident that I can be fully present for the important moments in my life.
What gives you confidence?

Coach Tip

If you’ve been using Beachbody Collagen Boost, can you talk about your experience? You might say something like, “I’ve been adding Beachbody Collagen Boost to my Shakeology every day, and I’ve really noticed [INSERT YOUR OWN RESULT]. It can help increase skin elasticity, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and support healthy nails.* Have you tried it yet?”



Get ready for your legs to be shaking and quaking today! I expect every one of you to show off that confidence you’ve been cultivating these last several weeks. These workouts are all about elevating your wellness and realizing your full potential. Now I want to see it! If you can, take a short video of yourself doing the workout and share with us.

As we head toward the end of Phase 2, I’d like to talk a little more about confidence. Making it this far means you’ve worked hard. You should be proud of your commitment and dedication! I get confidence from eating and exercising regularly, and drinking my Shakeology. Those things help me feel confident that I can be fully present for the important moments in my life.
What gives you confidence?

Coach Tip

If you’ve been using Beachbody Collagen Boost, can you talk about your experience? You might say something like, “I’ve been adding Beachbody Collagen Boost to my Shakeology every day, and I’ve really noticed [INSERT YOUR OWN RESULT]. It can help increase skin elasticity, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and support healthy nails.* Have you tried it yet?”



Welcome to your well-deserved rest day! You should do one of the Yoga Blend workouts or Roll & Replenish today. Snap a pic of yourself in self-care mode and share it with the group!

Even though today is a self-care day, do you still pull an “I AM” Daily Motivation Card? I do, because it puts me into a good mindset, and gives me a personal mantra to carry through the day.

My card today is “I AM Authentic.” Amazing! I’m going to focus on living my truth today. What does your card say?



Let’s enjoy this day as we set our intentions for the upcoming week. What recovery workout are you going to do?

My goal this week is to be consistent. To stay on-track, I’m going to make sure I’m prepared for anything that could threaten my progress—like downloading my workouts in case my internet goes out or taking Shakeology packets with me in case of a hunger emergency. What do you do to stay consistent?

Coach Tip

Here’s another opportunity to recognize the efforts of someone in your group. Not only will you help that person feel good, but you’ll also encourage everyone else to stay consistent with the program for the next week.


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 22 | Wk 4 | Total Body Push/Pull

Hello, Week 4! We’re back to Total Body Push/Pull. The moves are going to look a bit different this week, but you’re going to do the same burners as you did in Week 2. Can you beat your number from last time?

Here’s the equipment you’ll need for today’s workout:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Resistance Loops
  • Chin-Up Bar, Chin-Up Max, Mat (Optional)

Before I forget, I want you to take a minute to inspect your Resistance Loops. We’ve been using them for a few weeks now and I want you want to make sure they aren’t too stretched out or have tears. If they do, pick up a new set.

Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone who’s kicking butt in your group! This isn’t an easy program. Giving someone props can help people feel good about themselves and all the work they’re putting into 6 Weeks of THE WORK. Encourage participants to tag and hype up someone else in the group too.


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 23 | Wk 4 | Strength & Power

I’ve been getting a lot of DMs about Shakeology, so I figured I’d share one of my favorite sites to learn about this yummy shake—Shakeology.com. It has a wealth of information, including Shakeology’s benefits, results from clinical trials, and what flavors are available. You can even learn about the 60+ ingredients found in every bag! If you want to get the scoop (pun totally intended), it’s definitely worth checking out.

Anyway, back to today’s workout. It’s Wk4 Strength & Power. Same structure as last time, but Amoila’s got some new resistance moves in store—like a killer lunge complex that’s going to make your legs BURN.

Here’s the equipment you’ll need:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Chin-Up Bar, Mat (Optional)


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 24 | Rest

I hope everyone is setting time aside for self-care. It’s important, and even Amoila makes time in his schedule to get a massage at least once a week.

We’re more than halfway through the program, so let’s each share something we’re loving about #THEWORK and something you’re still working on improving.


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 25 | Wk 4 | Cardio & Core


Today is Wk4 Cardio & Core. If you’ve had your Beachbody Performance Energize already, you might find you have a little extra energy in the tank. Taking Energize before your workout can help increase your energy and endurance, so you can give Amoila every single rep.*

Oh, heads up—you don’t need any equipment today, but you might find a mat helpful, as you’ll be on the ground for most of the core work.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Today is Wk4 Cardio & Core. If you’ve had your Beachbody Performance Energize already, you might find you have a little extra energy in the tank. Taking Energize before your workout can help increase your energy and endurance, so you can give Amoila every single rep.*

Oh, heads up—you don’t need any equipment today, but you might find a mat helpful, as you’ll be on the ground for most of the core work.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Today is Wk4 Cardio & Core. If you’ve had your Beachbody Performance Energize already, you might find you have a little extra energy in the tank. Taking Energize before your workout can help increase your energy and endurance, so you can give Amoila every single rep.

Oh, heads up—you don’t need any equipment today, but you might find a mat helpful, as you’ll be on the ground for most of the core work.


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 26 | Wk 4 | Isometrics

We’re nearing the end of another week! How good does that feel?

All of you are doing great and I’m so proud of each and every one of you. So many people have asked me about my favorite part of leading a Challenge Group, and I’ll say it’s seeing all of YOUR successes. Keep it up! Post pics and show off your hard work. Don’t forget to tag your photos and videos with #THEWORK for a chance to be featured on Beachbody’s social pages.

Now, back to the workout. Here’s what you’ll need for Wk4 Isometrics:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Chin-Up Bar, Chin-Up Max, Mat (Optional)

How does this workout feel the second time around? I know the moves are different, but can you tell that you’re catching on faster and that you’re getting stronger?


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 27 | Wk 4 | The Crucible


We’re back to “Mental Warfare.” Today’s workout is Wk4 The Crucible.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (Optional)
Coach Tip

Last time we did 50 reps of each move. This time around, we’re going to be doing 75. Yep. 7-freaking-5. The good news is, the army crawls are only 30 seconds this time. Remember your “why” and if you need a little boost, drink some Energize, which can help sharpen your focus so you can crush today’s workout.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



We’re back to “Mental Warfare.” Today’s workout is Wk4 The Crucible.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (Optional)
Coach Tip

Last time we did 50 reps of each move. This time around, we’re going to be doing 75. Yep. 7-freaking-5. The good news is, the army crawls are only 30 seconds this time. Remember your “why” and if you need a little boost, drink some Energize, which can help sharpen your focus so you can crush today’s workout.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



We’re back to “Mental Warfare.” Today’s workout is Wk4 The Crucible.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (Optional)
Coach Tip

Last time we did 50 reps of each move. This time around, we’re going to be doing 75. Yep. 7-freaking-5. The good news is, the army crawls are only 30 seconds this time. Remember your “why” and if you need a little boost, drink some Energize, which can help sharpen your focus so you can crush today’s workout.


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 28 | Wk 4 | Range & Repair

Today’s Range & Repair session will focus on our hamstrings, calves, and ankles.

Here’s the equipment you’ll need:

  • Mat (Optional)

We’re coming up to the one-month mark. Now that you’ve almost got a month under your belt, I want you to think back to that first week when we kicked things off. What were your goals back then? Are you making progress toward them, or have your goals shifted since you’ve started the program?


Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 1

Back at it! It’s Day 22: BURN, and now that we’re on Week 4, it’s all about emptying the tank every single time you press play. Shaun T needs you to give him EVERYTHING for today’s 20 minutes. Your Transformers are Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman.

 Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone in your group! It’s a way to make someone feel good, but it also encourages everyone else to stay consistent with the program for the next week.

For example:
“Shout-out to [NAME]! She’s been pushing hard, getting better every week. And that inspires me. Let’s all give [NAME] a special shout-out!”


Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 2

How’s your form? I’m hoping by now you’ve gotten this part of the program dialed in, because it’s so crucial to muscle growth and overall results. When Shaun T says to watch your landings, he wants to make sure you’re not putting undue stress on your joints when you’re coming off the Step.

This is Day 23: FASTER, and by now you should be in cruise-missile mode: fast, agile, and always on target. Your Transformers are Over Top, X Jack; L Reach; and Ski Abs, In/Out.


Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 3

Did you know that Shaun T’s first class was a step class? It’s always stuck with him because it taught him the importance of form, speed, and constant motion. When you’re doing Transform :20, you can see where he got his inspiration.

This is Day 23: STRONGER. If you’ve had your Beachbody Performance Energize already, you might find you have a little extra energy to finish strong. Taking Energize before your workout can help increase your energy and endurance so you can PUSH to the finish line.* Your Transformers are 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop.

We’re on Week 4, so let’s share with each other something you’re loving about Transform :20 and something you’re still working on improving.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 4

By now, you’re probably in a great groove with the workouts—you’re keeping your mind focused on positivity and you’re paying attention to when you can push yourself a little harder. A total transformation is possible—but you have to work for it.

Let’s do it. Day 24: POWERFUL. When you’re using only your body weight, the only way to progress is to do more reps. Simple as that. That’s why Shaun T is always urging you to dig deeper and give him one more rep. Your Transformers are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.


Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 5

Look at us, nearing the end of ANOTHER week. Awesome, right?! You guys are doing great and I’m so proud of each and every one of you. So many of you have asked me what’s my favorite part of leading a Challenge Group and I’ll say it’s seeing all YOUR successes. Keep at it! Post pics and show off your hard work, and as always, make sure you’re using the hashtag #transform20.

Today is Day 26: CUT, and what I love about CUT days is that I really feel like the moves are chiseling off the fat and toning up my body in ways I can really SEE. Every time I look in the mirror, I know my hard work is paying off. Your Transformers are Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle.

Have you been tracking your Transformers progress? Shaun T knows you can make a lot of progress in 6 weeks, if you’re willing to give him 100% for every 20 minutes. Which Transformer is your favorite for CUT days?


Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 6

It’s the end of our workouts for Week 4, and after hearing from a lot of you about your progress, I’ve been blown away at how hard you’re all working. Incredible. It’s what happens when you harness your mind and PUSH yourself through your workout.

So, let’s finish this chapter and this week with Day 27: BALANCED. Your Transformers are Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips. Mindfulness is key on BALANCED days, because it’s all about making the most of this workout before your rest day and taking stock of the week you just finished. Ending your workout week in a positive headspace really helps you go into your rest day with a calm and positive mindset.


Transform :20 | Week 4 | Day 7

You only have 2 weeks left, so I want you to think back to that week before we started Transform :20, when we first kicked off this group. Do you remember what goals you had? Think about how far you’ve come—that’s what I want you to work on today.

One reason I can never skip a day of Shakeology is that its potent mix of ingredients gives my body a huge amount of what I need to help me tackle Transform :20—and every other part of my day (even when I’m recovering!). There are so many good things in it you just don’t normally find at regular supermarkets. What’s your favorite way to enjoy Shakeology? I love it with ice and almond milk, but I also add fruits on some days.

Take a few moments to watch Transform Your Life with Shaun T. This really sets me up for the week ahead, because Shaun T really motivates me to make the most out of every day.


80 Day Obsession | Week 4 | Day 21 | Total Body Core

Last week of Phase 1!

We’re almost through the first phase of 80 Day Obsession! It’s gone so fast. This week we’re back to 2 sets of 15 reps. By now you’re familiar with all the workouts, so I want you to try and increase your weights again. The only way to make progress is to keep pushing hard. I know we can do it!

Today’s workout is Total Body Core. Coming in at 60 minutes, this is the last time you’ll be doing these moves. Phase 2 starts over with all new moves. Go get your weights and Beachbody Resistance Loops and give it your all!


80 Day Obsession | Week 4 | Day 22 | Booty

Welcome to Booty, Week 4!

Who’s excited for this 55-minute Booty challenge? Remember, we’re back to 2 sets of 15 reps using your Beachbody Resistance Loops and an optional mat. You’re doing an amazing job, let’s continue that momentum!

Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone in your group! It’s a way to make someone feel good, but it also encourages everyone else to stay consistent with the program for the next week.

For example: Shout out to [NAME]! She’s been super-focused for all 3 weeks now and her commitment inspires me every day. Let’s all give [NAME] a special shout-out!”


80 Day Obsession | Week 4 | Day 23 | Cardio Core


One more time for Cardio Core!

You’ll need your Beachbody Strength Slides to crush this 35-minute workout. You might also want to drink Beachbody Performance Energize today to get through a workout this tough.

Energize is great for helping give you that boost you need for your workout. It’s key ingredients and phytonutrients are scientifically shown to help improve exercise performance, sharpen focus, and delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue*. And it only has key ingredients that have been scientifically shown to work.

If you take Energize, how does it help you on days like this?



One more time for Cardio Core!

You’ll need your Beachbody Strength Slides to crush this 35-minute workout. You might also want to drink Beachbody Performance Energize today to get through a workout this tough.

Energize is great for helping give you that boost you need for your workout. It’s key ingredients and phytonutrients are scientifically shown to help improve exercise performance, sharpen focus, and delay exercise-induced muscle fatigue*. And it only has key ingredients that have been scientifically shown to work.

If you take Energize, how does it help you on days like this?



One more time for Cardio Core!

You’ll need your Beachbody Strength Slides to crush this 35-minute workout. You might also want to drink Beachbody Performance Energize today to get through a workout this tough.

Energize is great for giving you the support you need for your workout. It’s key ingredients and phytonutrients will help improve exercise performance‡, and sharpen focus, so you can make it through the workout. And it only contains functional ingredients that have been scientifically shown to work.†

If you take Energize, how does it help you on days like this?

‡Requires 2 scoops
†Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.


80 Day Obsession | Week 4 | Day 24 | AAA

AAA Week 4, are you ready?

We’re in the 2 sets of 15 reps again, so you’ll need a variety of weights, your Beachbody Resistance Loops, Beachbody Strength Slides, and an optional mat for this 50-minute workout.

Let’s talk confidence today. Having made it this far through the program means you’ve done a lot of incredibly hard work, both mentally and physically. You should be so proud of yourself! I know that I feel my best when I’m eating and exercising regularly, and that gives me confidence. Drinking Shakeology every day is an achievable goal that helps me feel confident that I’m headed in the right direction, so I can be fully present for the important moments in my life.

What gives you confidence?


80 Day Obsession | Week 4 | Day 25 | Legs

Check out those strong LEGS!

Is leg day a love it or hate it deal for you? I personally love it, because even though it’s hard it makes me feel strong. OK, I kind of love the way it makes me look too.

You’ll only need weights today, so buckle down for 50 minutes and churn out those 2 sets of 15 reps like nobody’s business. OK?

BEACHBODY ON DEMAND APP: Have you downloaded the Beachbody On Demand app yet? If not, do it today! One of the reasons I love Beachbody On Demand is you can do your workouts wherever you are. And for times when you don’t have internet, you can save workouts ahead of time to view offline using the Beachbody On Demand app. (Hint, hint: You have no excuses to miss a day of 80 Day Obsession.) All you need is your phone, and you can do your workout. Isn’t that cool? I like it for when I go visit family. I don’t have to fuss over their slow internet connection!


80 Day Obsession | Week 4 | Day 26 | Cardio Flow

Last hard workout of Phase 1!

It’s Cardio Flow, so get into it and enjoy it, because next week’s going to get a little bit harder! You’re still at 4 reps, repeating for 30 minutes. Get your mind right, and before you know it, it’ll be over.

DO YOUR CALORIE CALCULATION AGAIN. The workouts ramp up in Phase 2, so you’re going to do your Calorie Calculation again. Check out the Phase 2 Calorie Calculation in your Starter Guide—it’s a little different than it was in Phase 1. Good news is you might be getting more food! You need that fuel for your workouts.

While it’s important to recalculate your calories for Phase 2, you don’t want to change plans too often. You have to give them time to work, and you have to stick to the plan 100% before deciding that it’s not working for you. People make the mistake of changing brackets every few days because they don’t see results fast enough. They’re also cheating the plan by not following it to a T. Trust the process and give it time!


80 Day Obsession | Week 4 | Rest Day |

We’re at the end of Phase 1! Awesome work, everyone!

Please take your progress photos so you can see how you did in Phase 1. And if you’re willing to share those photos with the group, we’d love to congratulate you on your success! Also take your measurements so you can see how many inches you’ve lost or gained.

Don’t forget your self-care today! Do Roll & Release or Stretch & Release, get a massage…whatever you can do to prepare yourself for brand-new workouts coming at you next week.

Oh, and watch the Weekly Obsession episode on Beachbody On Demand!

 Coach Tip

Now’s a great time to highlight another 80 Day Obsession Success Story. Here’s a good one! You can say something like "Want some motivation going into Phase 2? Check out Ali’s 80 Day Obsession results. Amazing, right?"

See you guys tomorrow for Phase 2!


Mes de Más | Week 4 | Day 1 | Total Body 4

In preparation for your final Total Body 4, be ready for variations on 12 of your favorite moves. It’s going to be challenging, but don’t worry, you’re prepared for it! You’ll need your Beachbody Yoga Mat, water, and towel, and Beachbody PT Sandbag if you plan on intensifying.

This is it — your final week! The last three weeks have prepared you for the challenge of week four. As in prior weeks, the workouts will be getting more intense, so you’ll want to tap into your inner strength to meet this challenge. We’ve got just a few more days, so get focused, keep your head in the game, and let’s cross that finish line together, stronger than ever!


Mes de Más | Week 4 | Day 2 | Agility 4

For today’s Agility 4 workout you’ll need your Beachbody Yoga Mat, water, towel, and Beachbody PT Sandbag if you plan on intensifying. You have 10 final agility moves to master—and you’re going to love them!

This is our last agility day together. You’ve probably noticed so far that the agility routines all revolve around quick, efficient movements and reactions. More than just a fun way to get your cardio in, agility is a complex and beneficial fitness component. The added benefits of agility include improvement of dynamic balance, enhancement of natural reflexes, increase of coordination andgenerMoti force production, and recruitment of more muscle fibers. So, for this last agility workout, show off all the progress you’ve made and focus on executing each move with as much precision, speed, and efficiency as possible!


Mes de Más | Week 4 | Day 3 | Mobility 4

For today’s Mobility 4 workout, you’ll need your Beachbody Yoga Mat, water, and towel. You know these moves, and you know they feel amazing, so really sink in and reap all the benefits of this last mobility workout.

Our final weekly challenge is here! We saved the best for last — this may be the most challenging assignment yet but, trust me, you’ll feel better after you get through it.

I challenge you to do something for at least one hour today that makes YOU happy. That’s right, it’s time to treat yourself and put yourself first, if only for 60 minutes. This hour can be used to do anything that brings you joy. Go for a long walk in the park. Escape into that book you haven’t had time for. Work on a craft project. Go get a massage. Heck, maybe just take a long nap! It’s all about 60 minutes of self-care and the possibilities are endless. Be sure to share how you pamper yourself with the group! I can’t wait to hear how you spend your hour.


Mes de Más | Week 4 | Day 4 | Lower Body 4

For today’s Lower Body 4 workout you’ll have 12 final intense moves to sculpt your legs, booty, and core! You’ll need your Beachbody Yoga Mat, water, and towel, plus your Beachbody PT Sandbag if you plan on intensifying.

Let’s talk about food! What’s everyone been eating this final week? If you want to look your absolute best for your final results photos, it’s important to stay on top of your nutrition through the finish. If you’re like most of my challengers, you’ve probably learned a lot about nutrition and meal-prep simply through trial and error. There’s no shame in that game — we all learn that way. The important part is you’re learning healthy habits and bettering yourself along the way.

What are some food struggles you’ve faced so far? How did you overcome them?

Hot Tip! If you haven’t done your meal prep for the week, now is the perfect time to check out the Mes De Más Recipe Collection on Beachbody On Demand. The online collection includes a sample week, complete with grocery list, to make shopping and prep time even easier. I can’t wait to see what you cook up!


LIIFT4 | Week 4 | Day 1 | CHEST/TRICEPS (Circuit)

Back at it: Today’s workout is Chest/Triceps – Circuit, which is 10 moves, in 3 sets, for a nonstop lifting blast. Did you know that the pectoralis major, or the main chest muscle, is a dense fan-shaped muscle that controls most of the movement at the shoulder joint? You use it for throwing a ball, lifting a child, and even rotating the arm. Let’s work on getting it stronger and more defined.

How’s your form? I’m hoping by now you’ve gotten this part of the program dialed-in, because it’s so crucial to muscle growth and overall results. When Joel says to keep those elbows IN during triceps moves, it’s because he wants your triceps to get 100% of the benefit of the effort.


Mes de Más | Week 4 | Day 5 | Upper Body 4

For today’s Upper Body 4 workout you’ll complete 16 moves, over 2 rounds, and treat yourself to one last chance to create a stronger upper body. You’ll need your Beachbody Yoga Mat, water, towel, and Beachbody PT Sandbag if you plan on intensifying.

I hope you’re feeling empowered and accomplished as we near the end of your Mes de Más journey. You may have discovered a newfound love for health and wellness along the way…that’s what happened to me when I completed my first Beachbody program. And now I get to work with people like you, each one of you on your own path to self-improvement —breaking barriers, bettering yourselves, and improving the quality of your lives. How cool is that?

Beachbody has made it possible for me to help others achieve their goals and that’s the most rewarding part about doing this. If Mes de Más has been a positive experience for you and you want to share that with others, I encourage you to consider becoming a Team Beachbody Coach. Take it from me, it’s one of the most fulfilling ways possible to do something you love!

LIIFT4 | Week 4 | Day 2 | BACK/BICEPS (LIIFT 50/50)

Before I talk about today’s workout, a few people have posted asking why we lift first and then do cardio and core. Your muscles have maximum energy (glycogen stores) to lift heavy at the beginning of the workout. The idea is that you’ve got max power for those harder moves. Then, you can empty your tank with HIIT cardio, burning lots of calories. As Joel says, you want to finish feeling like you’ve got nothing left.

OK, today it’s Back/Biceps – LIIFT 50/50. 3 blocks of 2 exercises each, alternating between a back move and a bicep move, both for 10 reps each. We then go into our HIIT cardio (hello, Squared Squats, Wide Mountain, and Plyo Lunges) and finish with core.

I know a lot of you are worried that your arms might get too "bulky" from lifting heavier weights. But the reality is that many of you might experience the exact OPPOSITE; gaining muscle may actually give you a leaner, stronger look. So don’t be shy, attack those curls.


Mes de Más | Week 4 | Day 6 | Cardio 4

For this last workout, you have 10 final moves and 2 rounds to show yourself what you’re made of! You’ll need your Beachbody Yoga Mat, water, towel, and Beachbody PT Sandbag if you plan on intensifying.

Our final workout is here and we’re going to celebrate — with sweat! The past four weeks have prepared us to take on this ultimate sweat fest: Cardio 4. Together as a group, we’ve gotten stronger, built our endurance, and developed our willpower. Now let’s attack this last workout with everything we’ve got and get ready to celebrate our results!


LIIFT4 | Week 4 | Recovery Day 1

Aaaaahh…another recovery day! And like our other recovery days, it’s time to work on flexibility and mobility. Flexibility refers to a muscle’s ability to lengthen, while mobility refers to the movement in and around an actual joint. Both are super-important to keep you moving proficiently, as you get stronger. Remember, Joel’s recovery day routines are a great way to work on both your flexibility and mobility.

And even though it’s a day off from working out, we need to keep up with our daily Shakeology—I’ve posted before about how important it is to have that nutritional foundation, and it’s even truer on recovery days.

 Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone in your group! It’s a way to make someone feel good, but it also encourages everyone else to stay consistent with the program for the next week.

For example:

"Shout out to [NAME]! She’s been pushing hard, getting better every week. And that inspires me. Let’s all give [NAME] a special shout-out!"


Mes de Más | Week 4 | Day 7 | Rest Day 4

Congratulations on completing Mes de Más! You decided that you want more for yourself and your family. You accepted multiple challenges, tackling them in rapid succession. It hasn’t been easy, but nothing truly worth doing ever is. Take a moment to breathe and feel proud of everything you’ve accomplished.

One last thing! Don’t forget to weigh-in and take your final measurements and photos. This is the best way to see how much your work has paid off, and you can also enter the Beachbody Challenge by visiting BeachbodyChallenge.com. When you enter and submit your results, you’ll not only have the chance to win big cash prizes, but you’ll also receive a free gift (while supplies last) to celebrate your amazing success.

So what’s next? Like anything in life, once you reach a goal, your job is not to rest on that success. It’s time to determine what your next move is and work towards it. You can always take your new healthy habits and tackle another round of Mes De Más, only now with more intensity and new strength or weight-loss goals.

You can also find other programs on Beachbody On Demand that you might have found intimidating before but that you’re now ready to try thanks to your conditioning through the past month. There are some popular programs with dubbing options in Spanish, like 21 Day Fix® and CORE DE FORCE®.

Check in with me to see what Challenge Groups are coming next or maybe you’ll even want to host your own Challenge Group to help others reach their health and fitness goals. Whatever you decide, don’t be a stranger and let’s keep the conversation going. I’m honored to have been a part of your journey and I’m so proud of everything you’ve accomplished!


LIIFT4 | Week 4 | Day 3 | SHOULDERS (LIIFT Intervals)

This Shoulders – LIIFT Intervals day means 6 weightlifting moves, 3 HIIT moves, and 2 core moves, broken up into 3 sets of work. Get ready for those Swimmers, which are definitely my favorite.

Just because it’s Week 4, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t find ways to constantly improve on your form. It’s not just Joel’s cues, but also paying close attention to your body—elbows in the right place, arms at the right angles, and so on. Results come from hard work done right.

Even though the Weight Progression Tracker is all about tracking my weights and giving me ideas on when to increase, I also make small notes to myself at the bottom of the page about moves that I still find challenging.

Do you have a favorite shoulder move? What weights are you guys using for Swimmers? CONFESSION: I dropped the weights on my last set!


LIIFT4 | Week 4 | Day 4 | LEGS (HIIT)

And here it is, Legs – HIIT. Leave the weights off to the side, and get ready to sculpt your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves with just your body weight. There is a lot of plyometrics in this leg workout, which means even though we are doing HIIT cardio, we are focused on fast-twitch muscle fibers. Those are the same fibers that help you lift heavy weights when you’re doing a more weights-focused leg day.

You know what comes next—2 recovery days. So don’t be afraid to go even harder.

You are OFFICIALLY halfway through the program! Post a pic of you showing off those hard-earned results..


LIIFT4 | Week 4 | Recovery Day 2

You’re halfway through, another week closer to your goals. Think back to that week before we started LIIFT4, when we first kicked off this group. Do you remember what goals you had? Think about how far you’ve come since then. It’s a good exercise for today.

One reason I can never skip a day of Shakeology is that its potent mix of ingredients gives my body a huge amount of what I need to tackle LIIFT4—and every other part of my day (even when I’m recovering!). There are so many good things in it that you just don’t normally find at the market.


LIIFT4 | Week 4 | Recovery Day 3

Tomorrow we begin again, but today is a great day to do some catch-up. Is your kitchen fully stocked for the week ahead? Do you have plenty of healthy snacks and ideas for healthy meals? Have you been drinking enough water?

This is a great time to take new photos of yourself, so you can document your changes so far. And if you’re willing to share those photos with the group, we’d love to congratulate you on your success. Also, don’t forget to take your measurements—and compare them to where you started—because sometimes the results are more than just numbers on the scale.

As always, take a few moments to watch the READY FOR LIIFT OFF: Week 5 episode on Beachbody On Demand—Joel will give you a great heads-up of what’s on the way for Week 5.


CORE DE FORCE | Week 4 | Day 1 | MMA Plyo + Core Kinetics

Guess what…it’s the full final week of our Challenge Group!

By now, you’re probably rocking your workouts, but you might be wondering, "What comes next?"

To answer your question, Joel and Jericho have some ideas on how to kick your moves up a notch and stay on course after our challenge: https://youtu.be/fmTZbNKpSe4


CORE DE FORCE | Week 4 | Day 2 | Power Sculpt + 5 Min. Core on the Floor


Need some #TransformationTuesday inspiration?

Check out Franquie who lost 48 pounds and 11.5 inches off his waist after 4 rounds of CORE DE FORCE and Shakeology. That’s right. Your CORE DE FORCE journey doesn’t have to end once our challenge ends. You can continue on and see even better results if you commit to another round!

 Results vary depending on starting point and effort.



Need some #TransformationTuesday inspiration?

Check out Franquie who lost 48 pounds and 11.5 inches off his waist after 4 rounds of CORE DE FORCE and Shakeology. That’s right. Your CORE DE FORCE journey doesn’t have to end once our challenge ends. You can continue on and see even better results if you commit to another round!

 Results vary based on effort and following Beachbody’s healthy eating


CORE DE FORCE | Week 4 | Day 3 | MMA Plyo + Core Kinetics

Make sure your nutrition is dialed in this week. Your results are counting on it!

If you’re stuck on what to meal prep, as I’ve said before, the Team Beachbody Blog is a great resource for recipes. Recently they interviewed a couple meal prep pros, who shared their secrets: tbbcoa.ch/MealPrepFromPros

What are your favorite foods to meal prep? Take a picture of your meals and tag #COREDEFORCE!


CORE DE FORCE | Week 4 | Day 4 | Dynamic Strength + 5 Min. Core on the Floor

Here’s a tip you can put into practice long after our Challenge Group is over:

Eat a piece of fruit before you hit the supermarket. In a recent study at Cornell University, people who did bought 28% more produce than those who had a cookie. They also bought fewer unhealthier items overall. How’s that for some food for thought?


CORE DE FORCE | Week 4 | Day 5 | MMA Speed + Core Kinetics

Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone in your group today. Then, feel free to add the post below with it or later in the day. Here’s an example: [Name] is killing it with nutrition! Once an avid soda drinker, he now hydrates his body with ONLY water. Keep it up, [Name]!

We’re going back to basics today! MMA Speed is on the calendar, along with Core Kinetics. Tell me, have you gotten better at the moves? Has your endurance improved? Tell me one thing you’re proud of—you’ve all come so far!

In the meantime, here’s something fun. Joel and Jericho answer some questions about each other in this “Get To Know Your Trainer” video. Trust me; you’re not going to want to miss this one: https://youtu.be/_MNiXn7VE9M


CORE DE FORCE | Week 4 | Day 6 | MMA Shred + Core Kinetics



If you’re anything like me, you love sweets. Adding an extra portion of fruit should help stave off cravings, but Shakeology can also come in handy if you’re eyeing something sweet that’s not exactly on your Eating Plan. Case in point? These delicious Mini Peanut Butter and Chocolate Shakeology Ice Cream Sandwiches: tbbcoa.ch/SHKIceCreamSandwich.

Do you have a favorite Shakeology dessert? Share the recipe below!


Beachbody Performance

Throughout the past 30 days you’ve heard Joel and Jericho talk about Beachbody Performance a ton. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, Beachbody Performance is a line of supplements that were specifically designed to work with high-intensity programs like CORE DE FORCE. Recover, for example, is a delicious post-workout chocolate protein shake that can help combat muscle soreness. It’s perfect for Active Recovery days when we focus on repairing our muscles after a hard week of workouts.

* If you’re interested in Beachbody Performance, drop me a line. I’m happy to answer any questions or help you identify the right supplement for your needs!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




Sometimes it takes something extra to get you where you want to be. This morning, I was feeling tired and wanted to skip my morning workout. But I didn’t. Instead, I made myself Shakeology and nailed my workout. Sometimes starting off my day with a delicious guilt-free shake keeps me honest in my food choices later in the day. Anyone else feel the same?


Beachbody Performance

Throughout the past 30 days you’ve heard Joel and Jericho talk about Beachbody Performance a ton. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, Beachbody Performance is a line of supplements that were specifically designed to work with programmes like CORE DE FORCE. Recover, for example, is a delicious post-workout chocolate protein shake. It’s perfect for Active Recovery days when we focus on repairing our muscles after a hard week of workouts.

If you’re interested in Beachbody Performance, drop me a line. I’m happy to answer any questions or help you identify the right supplement for your needs!


CORE DE FORCE | Week 4 | Day 7 | Active Recovery

Remember, you can always do a 5-minute CORE DE FORCE Relief routine before bed to help relieve tight and tired muscles, and prepare for the next round!


FOCUS T25 | Week 4 | Day 2 | Total Body Circuit

Try eating 5 times per day, with 3 light meals and 2 snacks. See page 7 of the Get It Done Nutrition Guide. Eating this way helps keep your blood sugar stable instead of making it peak and crash, which can lead to overeating and sluggishness.


FOCUS T25 | Week 4 | Day 3 | Lower Focus

It’s easy to sacrifice form when you get tired and weak, but doing so can lead to injury. This week is all about form so stay aware of your body and remember to engage your core in every exercise. Don’t be afraid to check yourself out in a mirror, with a video camera, or even a video conference session with the rest of the group.

FOCUS T25 | Week 4 | Day 4 | Total Body Circuit

What did you say? You don’t have TIME to work out? Seriously? You know FOCUS T25 is only 25 minutes a day, right?


FOCUS T25 | Week 4 | Day 5 | Ab Intervals, Speed 1.0 (Optional)

Try this! (It’s just like an Orange Dreamsicle but good for you!)

Recipe: Orange Dream

1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology

_ cup 100% orange juice

_ cup water

_ tsp. grated orange peel

FOCUS T25 | Week 4 | Day 6 | STATurday

The time is just flying by—youÕve already completed Week 4! By now, I hope youÕre starting to feel more energetic and getting through the workouts more easily. Stay consistent, and make exercise like brushing your teeth: no excuses.


FOCUS T25 | Week 4 | Day 7 | Stretch

Be sure to use your rest day to do the things you love. Spend time with family, take a walk, or go see a movie. You want to keep your life in balance and ensure you’re managing stress levels.

Multi-Program | Week 4 | Day 1 |

We’ve entered Week 4! WHAT?!

Whatever program you’re completing, I encourage you to follow it to a T. All of Beachbody’s programs are proven, but you really need to follow the program’s guidelines (i.e., workout schedule and eating guide) to get the best results. That’s not to say you can’t complement your program with some extra physical activity. There may be times when you feel energized and want to add another workout to your routine. On other days, you may just want to relax with some extra stretching and meditation exercises. It’s for times like these I’m thrilled to be a Beachbody On Demand member. From yoga to cardio to strength and resistance-training, Beachbody On Demand gives you access to hundreds of workouts ready to stream when you need them.


Multi-Program | Week 4 | Day 2 |

Forget that old food pyramid you grew up with. This is what your plate should look like!


Multi-Program | Week 4 | Day 3 |



This story is straight-up inspiring. Because of her weight, Sherry felt like she wasn’t focusing on what was important: making happy memories with her family. However, since completing several Beachbody fitness programs and supplementing her healthy eating program with Shakeology, she’s lost 40 pounds and is loving life right now!

“I wake up with a passionate fire for life! I feel like I can accomplish anything that comes my way and can live happily no matter what size I am. I’ve completed a Tough Mudder race, a Color 5K, and I even became an INSANITY Instructor!”


Beachbody Performance

Carrie struggled with body issues her entire life and decided something needed to change. She turned to Beachbody fitness programs and Beachbody Performance to help her develop a healthy and sustainable routine. Now she loves working out—and has lost 90 pounds!

“I always thought of exercise as a way to lose weight, but now I see it as a vital behavior. It’s a way of life and it’s fun! There’s a sense of accomplishment in finishing a Beachbody program.”




This story is straight-up inspiring. Because of her weight, Sherry felt like she wasn’t focusing on what was important: making happy memories with her family. However, since completing several Beachbody fitness programs and supplementing her healthy eating program with Shakeology, she’s lost 40 pounds and is loving life right now!

“I wake up with a passionate fire for life! I feel like I can accomplish anything that comes my way and can live happily no matter what size I am. I’ve completed a Tough Mudder race, a Color 5K, and I even became an INSANITY Instructor!”

*Results vary based on effort and following Beachbody’s healthy eating plan.


Beachbody Performance

Carrie struggled with body issues her entire life and decided something needed to change. She turned to Beachbody fitness programs and Beachbody Performance to help her develop a healthy and sustainable routine. Now she loves working out—and has lost 90 pounds!

“I always thought of exercise as a way to lose weight, but now I see it as a vital behavior. It’s a way of life and it’s fun! There’s a sense of accomplishment in finishing a Beachbody program.”

*Results vary based on effort and following Beachbody’s healthy eating plan.


Multi-Program | Week 4 | Day 4 |

Ever wonder what you should eat if you like to work out in the AM?

Your body can resynthesize muscle glycogen stores (an energy source) within a day with adequate carbohydrates from your diet. But if you need a little fuel in the morning, try eating a banana or small bowl of oatmeal. Those options will give you the energy you need to power through your morning sweat session without weighing you down.


Multi-Program | Week 4 | Day 5 |



Any birthdays out there? Celebrate with this sweet and healthy treat.

Red Velvet Birthday Cake Shakeology
_ cup water
_ cup unsweetened beet juice
1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
¼ cup reduced-fat (2%) plain Greek yogurt
1 tsp. raw honey

Calories: 213 image

Beachbody Performance

Ever wondered why Beachbody Performance Recover contains not one, but three different kinds of proteins? Your body digests the whey, pea, and casein proteins found in your Recover drink at different rates to provide a rapid and sustained supply of nutrients that increase post-workout muscle protein synthesis (the process required to improve muscle rebuilding and adaptation alongside your training program).*

Have you noticed the difference since using Recover? Share your experience with the group!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. image



Any birthdays out there? Celebrate with this sweet and healthy treat.

Red Velvet Birthday Cake Shakeology
_ cup water
_ cup unsweetened beet juice
1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
¼ cup reduced-fat (2%) plain Greek yogurt
1 tsp. raw honey

Calories: 213 image

Beachbody Performance

Ever wondered why Beachbody Performance Recover contains not one, but three different kinds of proteins? Your body digests the whey, pea, and casein proteins found in your Recover drink at different rates to provide a rapid and sustained supply of nutrients that increase post-workout muscle protein synthesis (the process required to improve muscle rebuilding and adaptation alongside your training program).*

Have you noticed the difference since using Recover? Share your experience with the group! image

Multi-Program | Week 4 | Day 6 |

Remember, the road to getting healthy and fit is a journey. It won’t always be easy. There will come a day when you lack the motivation to hit the play button. If that feeling persists, you might be experiencing burnout.

Don’t worry—it doesn’t have to last forever. Check out these helpful tips to fight burnout and help you get back on track: https://tbbcoa.ch/30LRV78


Multi-Program | Week 4 | Day 7 |

Congrats on completing your first MONTH of your challenge! You’re nearly a third of the way there!

I recommend taking your weight, measurements, and Month 1 photos today. That way you can see how far you’ve come over the last few weeks. If you want, you can also share your progress with the group!
