Day 36: Lower Body Strength

Week 6! Once again, Amoila is going to dial-up the intensity a little bit, so get ready to give him everything you’ve got! Today’s workout is Lower Body Strength. You’re nearly halfway through the program , and your hard work is paying off in greater strength, more energy, and a slimmer profile. Maintain your momentum to continue your transformation.

With this new week, I want to be sure you’re tuned-in to your nutrition and meal prepping. You know what they say, “If you fail to plan, then plan to fail.” Meal prep is a huge part of seeing success with 645 and I want to be sure you are making it a priority each week. If you didn’t meal prep this past weekend, do it today!

Did you know that with Nutrition+ you’re getting new meal plans and grocery lists in one convenient PDF? If you’re looking for inspiration, make sure to check it out. While you’re there, don’t forget to check out the exclusive fitness content, including 630, which is an additional six 30-minute workouts from Amoila.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 36: Lower Body Strength

Week 6! Once again, Amoila is going to dial-up the intensity a little bit, so get ready to give him everything you’ve got! Today’s workout is Lower Body Strength. You’re nearly halfway through the program , and your hard work is paying off in greater strength, more energy, and a slimmer profile. Maintain your momentum to continue your transformation.

With this new week, I want to be sure you’re tuned-in to your nutrition and meal prepping. You know what they say, “If you fail to plan, then plan to fail.” Meal prep is a huge part of seeing success with 645 and I want to be sure you are making it a priority each week. If you didn’t meal prep this past weekend, do it today!

Did you know that with Nutrition+ you’re getting new meal plans and grocery lists in one convenient PDF? If you’re looking for inspiration, make sure to check it out. While you’re there, don’t forget to check out the exclusive fitness content, including 630, which is an additional six 30-minute workouts from Amoila.

DAY 36: Tabata Cardio


Welcome to Week 6! It’s called Recreate. Autumn wants you to recreate your thoughts, your habits, and your reasons for starting.

Let’s make sure we take Beachbody Performance Energize before we get going to help us really crush our workout, Tabata Cardio.* Keep a towel and water bottle handy—you’re going to need them as you sweat your way through this total-body, calorie-incinerating inferno.

This week is also the last of Phase 2. If you think back to Phase 1, I’m hoping you can reflect on how far you’ve come, and all that you’ve achieved so far.

Let us know what makes you proud about your commitment.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Welcome to Week 6! It’s called Recreate. Autumn wants you to recreate your thoughts, your habits, and your reasons for starting.

Let’s make sure we take Beachbody Performance Energize before we get going to help us really crush our workout, Tabata Cardio. Keep a towel and water bottle handy—you’re going to need them as you sweat your way through this total-body, calorie-incinerating inferno.

This week is also the last of Phase 2. If you think back to Phase 1, I’m hoping you can reflect on how far you’ve come, and all that you’ve achieved so far.

Let us know what makes you proud about your commitment.



Welcome to Week 6! It’s called Recreate. Autumn wants you to recreate your thoughts, your habits, and your reasons for starting.

Let’s make sure we take Beachbody Performance Energize before we get going to help us really crush our workout, Tabata Cardio. Keep a towel and water bottle handy—you’re going to need them as you sweat your way through this total-body, calorie-incinerating inferno.

This week is also the last of Phase 2. If you think back to Phase 1, I’m hoping you can reflect on how far you’ve come, and all that you’ve achieved so far.

Let us know what makes you proud about your commitment.


DAY 37: DCT-T: Shoulders


Are you getting enough protein? You might notice these workouts getting tougher, but you’re also getting stronger, so it’s important you’re drinking your Recover. It has 20 grams of premium protein in each serving to help make sure you’re feeding your muscles what they need to recover and grow.* Your daily Shakeology also has 16–17 grams of protein per serving, plus Ultimate Portion Fix highlights plenty of other healthy protein sources like eggs, chicken, fish, Greek yogurt, and more, including vegan options like organic tofu and tempeh. Bottom line: Protein is key to muscle growth, so don’t skimp on it.

We’re doing DCT-T: Shoulders. Autumn adds a fourth exercise to the complexes and cranks up the intensity of the Tabata sections in this week’s DCT-T workouts to increase the challenge and accelerate your results.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Are you getting enough protein? You might notice these workouts getting tougher, but you’re also getting stronger, so it’s important you’re drinking your Recover. It has 20 grams of premium protein in each serving, to help make sure you’re feeding your muscles what they need to recover and grow. Your daily Shakeology also has 16–17 grams of protein per serving, plus Ultimate Portion Fix highlights plenty of other healthy protein sources like eggs, chicken, fish, Greek yogurt, and more, including vegan options like organic tofu and tempeh. Bottom line: Protein is key to muscle growth, so don’t skimp on it.

We’re doing DCT-T: Shoulders. Autumn adds a fourth exercise to the complexes and cranks up the intensity of the Tabata sections in this week’s DCT-T workouts to increase the challenge and accelerate your results.


Are you getting enough protein? You might notice these workouts getting tougher, but you’re also getting stronger, so it’s important you’re drinking your Recover. It has 20 grams of time-released whey, pea, and casein protein in each serving, to help make sure you’re feeding your muscles what they need to recover and grow.‡ Your daily Shakeology also has 16–17 grams of protein per serving, plus Ultimate Portion Fix highlights plenty of other healthy protein sources like eggs, chicken, fish, Greek yoghurt, and more, including vegan options like organic tofu and tempeh. Bottom line: Protein is key to muscle growth, so don’t skimp on it.

We’re doing DCT-T: Shoulders. Autumn adds a fourth exercise to the complexes and cranks up the intensity of the Tabata sections in this week’s DCT-T workouts to increase the challenge and accelerate your results.

‡Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein.


Day 37: Lower Body Power


The warm-up and activation might be my favorite part of each workout because I know how important it is for me to get my head in the game and my body warm and ready. Amoila so expertly weaves them into the overall workout, sometimes I lose track of the time, and before I know it, we’re done. Plus, starting each workout with this helps me put aside the craziness of my day, and really focus on the work to come. Amoila is always so calm, relaxed, and cheery—just what I need to give him my all.

Add in Beachbody Performance Energize to get some extra focus, endurance, and help make the workout feel easier. Hydrate is also a good option to boost your hydration and exercise performance.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Today is Total Body Power. The routine hasn’t changed, but the moves have. Focus on your form as you thrust, kick, twist, and swing your way through this total-body burnout.

Coach Tip
When there are personal references in a post, they’re meant to be suggestions that you can customize to fit your own story. Use these as starting points and make them your own to be truly authentic.


The warm-up and activation might be my favourite part of each workout because I know how important it is for me to get my head in the game and my body warm and ready. Amoila so expertly weaves them into the overall workout, sometimes I lose track of the time, and before I know it, we’re done. Plus, starting each workout with this helps me put aside the craziness of my day, and really focus on the work to come. Amoila is always so calm, relaxed, and cheery—just what I need to give him my all.

Add in Beachbody Performance Energize to get some extra focus, endurance, and help make the workout feel easier. Hydrate is also a good option to boost your hydration.

Today is Total Body Power. The routine hasn’t changed, but the moves have. Focus on your form as you thrust, kick, twist, and swing your way through this total-body burnout.

Coach Tip
When there are personal references in a post, they’re meant to be suggestions that you can customize to fit your own story. Use these as starting points and make them your own to be truly authentic.


The warm-up and activation might be my favourite part of each workout because I know how important it is for me to get my head in the game and my body warm and ready. Amoila so expertly weaves them into the overall workout, sometimes I lose track of the time, and before I know it, we’re done. Plus, starting each workout with this helps me put aside the craziness of my day, and really focus on the work to come. Amoila is always so calm, relaxed, and cheery—just what I need to give him my all.

Add in Beachbody Performance Energize to get some extra focus, endurance, and help make the workout feel easier.

**Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.

Today is Total Body Power. The routine hasn’t changed, but the moves have. Focus on your form as you thrust, kick, twist, and swing your way through this total-body burnout.

Coach Tip
When there are personal references in a post, they’re meant to be suggestions that you can customize to fit your own story. Use these as starting points and make them your own to be truly authentic.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 37: Total Body Power


The warm-up and activation might be my favorite part of each workout because I know how important it is for me to get my head in the game and my body warm and ready. Amoila so expertly weaves them into the overall workout, sometimes I lose track of the time, and before I know it, we’re done. Plus, starting each workout with this helps me put aside the craziness of my day, and really focus on the work to come. Amoila is always so calm, relaxed, and cheery—just what I need to give him my all.

Add in Beachbody Performance Energize to get some extra focus, endurance, and help make the workout feel easier. Hydrate is also a good option to boost your hydration and exercise performance.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Today is Total Body Power. The routine hasn’t changed, but the moves have. Focus on your form as you thrust, kick, twist, and swing your way through this total-body burnout.

Coach Tip
When there are personal references in a post, they’re meant to be suggestions that you can customize to fit your own story. Use these as starting points and make them your own to be truly authentic.


The warm-up and activation might be my favourite part of each workout because I know how important it is for me to get my head in the game and my body warm and ready. Amoila so expertly weaves them into the overall workout, sometimes I lose track of the time, and before I know it, we’re done. Plus, starting each workout with this helps me put aside the craziness of my day, and really focus on the work to come. Amoila is always so calm, relaxed, and cheery—just what I need to give him my all.

Add in Beachbody Performance Energize to get some extra focus, endurance, and help make the workout feel easier. Hydrate is also a good option to boost your hydration.

Today is Total Body Power. The routine hasn’t changed, but the moves have. Focus on your form as you thrust, kick, twist, and swing your way through this total-body burnout.

Coach Tip
When there are personal references in a post, they’re meant to be suggestions that you can customize to fit your own story. Use these as starting points and make them your own to be truly authentic.


The warm-up and activation might be my favourite part of each workout because I know how important it is for me to get my head in the game and my body warm and ready. Amoila so expertly weaves them into the overall workout, sometimes I lose track of the time, and before I know it, we’re done. Plus, starting each workout with this helps me put aside the craziness of my day, and really focus on the work to come. Amoila is always so calm, relaxed, and cheery—just what I need to give him my all.

Add in Beachbody Performance Energize to get some extra focus, endurance, and help make the workout feel easier.

**Contains caffeine, which enhances mental alertness during intense muscular activity.

Today is Total Body Power. The routine hasn’t changed, but the moves have. Focus on your form as you thrust, kick, twist, and swing your way through this total-body burnout.

Coach Tip
When there are personal references in a post, they’re meant to be suggestions that you can customize to fit your own story. Use these as starting points and make them your own to be truly authentic.


DAY 38: Rest Day

Our rest day. Joy!

Even though we’re not working out today, we are still drinking Shakeology. When do you like to drink your daily shake? For me, it’s a no-brainer to do it in the morning because it sets the tone for my day. But maybe you’re a midday shake person who wants something to look forward to.

Here’s a recipe for Peach Ginger Vanilla Shakeology.

What recipes have you found lately?


Day 38: Mobility & Stability


I don’t just love Shakeology because it’s delicious. I’ve noticed so many positives in my life since starting it. Have you? I used to get into a slump EVERY SINGLE DAY, but Shakeology helps provide healthy energy. I also drink one to help satisfy my cravings for something sweet.* If you are looking for more recipes, be sure to check out the Shakeology tab in the Nutrition Center on Beachbody On Demand.

Here’s our workout, Mobility & Stability. It’s time to give your muscles some TLC and your mobility some attention. These sessions are key to maintaining a high level of performance, so stay focused and stretch with purpose.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


I don’t just love Shakeology because it’s delicious. I’ve noticed so many positives in my life since starting it. Have you? I used to get into a slump EVERY SINGLE DAY, but Shakeology helps provide healthy energy. I also drink one to help me feel satisfied. If you are looking for more recipes, be sure to check out the Shakeology tab in the Nutrition Center on Beachbody On Demand.

Here’s our workout, Mobility & Stability. It’s time to give your muscles some TLC and your mobility some attention. These sessions are key to maintaining a high level of performance, so stay focused and stretch with purpose.


I don’t just love Shakeology because it’s delicious. I’ve noticed so many positives in my life since starting it. Have you? I used to get into a slump EVERY SINGLE DAY, but Shakeology helps support energy levels.† If you are looking for more recipes, be sure to check out

Here’s our workout, Mobility & Stability. It’s time to give your muscles some TLC and your mobility some attention. These sessions are key to maintaining a high level of performance, so stay focused and stretch with purpose.

†Magnesium contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 38: Mobility & Stability


I don’t just love Shakeology because it’s delicious. I’ve noticed so many positives in my life since starting it. Have you? I used to get into a slump EVERY SINGLE DAY, but Shakeology helps provide healthy energy. I also drink one to help satisfy my cravings for something sweet.* If you are looking for more recipes, be sure to check out the Shakeology tab in the Nutrition Center on Beachbody On Demand.

Here’s our workout, Mobility & Stability. It’s time to give your muscles some TLC and your mobility some attention. These sessions are key to maintaining a high level of performance, so stay focused and stretch with purpose.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


I don’t just love Shakeology because it’s delicious. I’ve noticed so many positives in my life since starting it. Have you? I used to get into a slump EVERY SINGLE DAY, but Shakeology helps provide healthy energy. I also drink one to help me feel satisfied. If you are looking for more recipes, be sure to check out the Shakeology tab in the Nutrition Center on Beachbody On Demand.

Here’s our workout, Mobility & Stability. It’s time to give your muscles some TLC and your mobility some attention. These sessions are key to maintaining a high level of performance, so stay focused and stretch with purpose.


I don’t just love Shakeology because it’s delicious. I’ve noticed so many positives in my life since starting it. Have you? I used to get into a slump EVERY SINGLE DAY, but Shakeology helps support energy levels.† If you are looking for more recipes, be sure to check out

Here’s our workout, Mobility & Stability. It’s time to give your muscles some TLC and your mobility some attention. These sessions are key to maintaining a high level of performance, so stay focused and stretch with purpose.

†Magnesium contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism.


Day 39: Upper Body Strength


Chances are, your caloric needs have changed with the consistency of your workouts. If you’re feeling like you need to tweak your nutrition plan, what or how much you’re eating, give a holler and we can dig in together to see what can be adjusted. The great news is that both Portion Fix and 2B Mindset have simple, easy-to-follow steps to making modifications.

Our workout is Upper Body Strength. Today’s workout might emphasize your back and arms, but you’ll also feel it in your legs and core. Keep your movements controlled and your form on-point to lock in your gains.

Did anyone find a new Shakeology recipe in the Nutrition Center? Here’s one I love:

Take a few minutes to make Shakeology Cinnamon Apple Overnight Oats with Pecan Crumble for tomorrow. So satisfying, and such a great start to the day. Here’s the recipe:



Chances are, your caloric needs have changed with the consistency of your workouts. If you’re feeling like you need to tweak your nutrition plan, what or how much you’re eating, give a holler and we can dig in together to see what can be adjusted. The great news is that both Portion Fix and 2B Mindset have simple, easy-to-follow steps to making modifications.

Our workout is Upper Body Strength. Today’s workout might emphasize your back and arms, but you’ll also feel it in your legs and core. Keep your movements controlled and your form on-point to lock in your gains.

Did anyone find a new Shakeology recipe in the Nutrition Center? Here’s one I love:

Take a few minutes to make Shakeology Cinnamon Apple Overnight Oats with Pecan Crumble for tomorrow. So satisfying, and such a great start to the day. Here’s the recipe:



Chances are, your caloric needs have changed with the consistency of your workouts. If you’re feeling like you need to tweak your nutrition plan, what or how much you’re eating, give a holler and we can dig in together to see what can be adjusted. The great news is that both Portion Fix and 2B Mindset have simple, easy-to-follow steps to making modifications.

Our workout is Upper Body Strength. Today’s workout might emphasise your back and arms, but you’ll also feel it in your legs and core. Keep your movements controlled and your form on-point to lock in your gains.

Did anyone find a new Shakeology recipe in the Nutrition Center? Here’s one I love:

Take a few minutes to make Salted Chocolate Maple Walnut Bars for tomorrow. So satisfying, and such a great treat. Here’s the recipe: UK:


DAY 39: DCT-T: Biceps & Triceps

It’s DCT-T: Biceps & Triceps. You’ll build greater strength as you hammer your arms from every angle in this workout that also hits almost every muscle below your waist.

Want to push harder? Add one of Autumn’s 10-minute bonus workouts. I love that they give me one last opportunity to target a muscle group before I head for the shower. Remember, there are also bonus workouts for 9 Week Control Freak: Off the Wall.

Have you done one of these bonus workouts? How did it feel to stack it on top of your normal workout?


Day 39: Upper Body Strength


Chances are, your caloric needs have changed with the consistency of your workouts. If you’re feeling like you need to tweak your nutrition plan, what or how much you’re eating, give a holler and we can dig in together to see what can be adjusted. The great news is that both Portion Fix and 2B Mindset have simple, easy-to-follow steps to making modifications.

Our workout is Upper Body Strength. Today’s workout might emphasize your back and arms, but you’ll also feel it in your legs and core. Keep your movements controlled and your form on-point to lock in your gains.

Did anyone find a new Shakeology recipe in the Nutrition Center? Here’s one I love:

Take a few minutes to make Shakeology Cinnamon Apple Overnight Oats with Pecan Crumble for tomorrow. So satisfying, and such a great start to the day. Here’s the recipe:


Chances are, your caloric needs have changed with the consistency of your workouts. If you’re feeling like you need to tweak your nutrition plan, what or how much you’re eating, give a holler and we can dig in together to see what can be adjusted. The great news is that both Portion Fix and 2B Mindset have simple, easy-to-follow steps to making modifications.

Our workout is Upper Body Strength. Today’s workout might emphasize your back and arms, but you’ll also feel it in your legs and core. Keep your movements controlled and your form on-point to lock in your gains.

Did anyone find a new Shakeology recipe in the Nutrition Center? Here’s one I love:

Take a few minutes to make Shakeology Cinnamon Apple Overnight Oats with Pecan Crumble for tomorrow. So satisfying, and such a great start to the day. Here’s the recipe:


Chances are, your caloric needs have changed with the consistency of your workouts. If you’re feeling like you need to tweak your nutrition plan, what or how much you’re eating, give a holler and we can dig in together to see what can be adjusted. The great news is that both Portion Fix and 2B Mindset have simple, easy-to-follow steps to making modifications.

Our workout is Upper Body Strength. Today’s workout might emphasise your back and arms, but you’ll also feel it in your legs and core. Keep your movements controlled and your form on-point to lock in your gains.

Did anyone find a new Shakeology recipe in the Nutrition Center? Here’s one I love:

Take a few minutes to make Salted Chocolate Maple Walnut Bars for tomorrow. So satisfying, and such a great treat. Here’s the recipe: UK:

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 40: Total Body Tempo


You’re doing great! As always, I’m blown away by your commitment and dedication to finishing strong! We have a ways to go yet, so keep doing YOU.

Today is Total Body Tempo. Challenge yourself to lift heavier and crush this head-to-toe workout that leaves no muscle untouched.

Before I log off for the day, who made the Overnight Oats yesterday? If so, let us know how it turned out! Do you have a recipe you’d like to share? Maybe it’s one you found on the Beachbody Blog or on FIXATE, the healthy cooking show on Beachbody On Demand.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.


You’re doing great! As always, I’m blown away by your commitment and dedication to finishing strong! We have a ways to go yet, so keep doing YOU.

Today is Total Body Tempo. Challenge yourself to lift heavier and crush this head-to-toe workout that leaves no muscle untouched.

Before I log off for the day, who made the Overnight Oats yesterday? If so, let us know how it turned out! Do you have a recipe you’d like to share? Maybe it’s one you found on the Beachbody Blog or on FIXATE, the healthy cooking show on Beachbody On Demand.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.


You’re doing great! As always, I’m blown away by your commitment and dedication to finishing strong! We have a ways to go yet, so keep doing YOU.

Today is Total Body Tempo. Challenge yourself to lift heavier and crush this head-to-toe workout that leaves no muscle untouched.

Before I log off for the day, who made the Maple Walnut Bars yesterday? If so, let us know how it turned out! Do you have a recipe you’d like to share? Maybe it’s one you found on the Beachbody Blog or on FIXATE, the healthy cooking show on Beachbody On Demand.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.


DAY 40: Total Body Tone

We’re doing Total Body Tone today. The moves haven’t changed since week four, but you’re getting stronger, so try to lift heavier. Embrace the burn to optimize your gains.

Let’s talk about your biggest insights into Ultimate Portion Fix or 2B Mindset. What surprised you? What changes will you be implementing for good?

Remember, nutrition is a lifestyle, and changing what, how, when, and why you eat is hard. I get it. But it’s truly one of the best ways to get onto a healthier track. Good habits started during this program can stay with you down the road.

What have you changed in your daily nutrition routines?


Day 40: Total Body Tempo


You’re doing great! As always, I’m blown away by your commitment and dedication to finishing strong! We have a ways to go yet, so keep doing YOU.

Today is Total Body Tempo. Challenge yourself to lift heavier and crush this head-to-toe workout that leaves no muscle untouched.

Before I log off for the day, who made the Overnight Oats yesterday? If so, let us know how it turned out! Do you have a recipe you’d like to share? Maybe it’s one you found on the Beachbody Blog or on FIXATE, the healthy cooking show on Beachbody On Demand.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.


You’re doing great! As always, I’m blown away by your commitment and dedication to finishing strong! We have a ways to go yet, so keep doing YOU.

Today is Total Body Tempo. Challenge yourself to lift heavier and crush this head-to-toe workout that leaves no muscle untouched.

Before I log off for the day, who made the Overnight Oats yesterday? If so, let us know how it turned out! Do you have a recipe you’d like to share? Maybe it’s one you found on the Beachbody Blog or on FIXATE, the healthy cooking show on Beachbody On Demand.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.


You’re doing great! As always, I’m blown away by your commitment and dedication to finishing strong! We have a ways to go yet, so keep doing YOU.

Today is Total Body Tempo. Challenge yourself to lift heavier and crush this head-to-toe workout that leaves no muscle untouched.

Before I log off for the day, who made the Maple Walnut Bars yesterday? If so, let us know how it turned out! Do you have a recipe you’d like to share? Maybe it’s one you found on the Beachbody Blog or on FIXATE, the healthy cooking show on Beachbody On Demand.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

Day 41: Cardio 45

Can you believe it? Another week about to be done! You guys are CRUSHING it! Let’s finish this week with a high-intensity, calorie-torching Cardio 45 workout. Amoila boosts the burn with new cardio exercises that will leave you dripping in sweat. Go hard, maintain good form, and watch the pounds melt away.

What are your plans for tomorrow? How will you spend your day off? What will you do to get ready for Monday?

DAY 41: Rest Day


Today, we rest. What are you planning on doing to make the most of your recovery time?

Here’s a great recipe that is tasty and easy—Slow Cooker Chicken Tacos.

Coach Tip
Share a before and after Success Story† that has inspired you. Maybe it’s YOUR before and after! Remember, your group is looking to you for inspiration, guidance, and assurance that they can get through 9 Week Control Freak and reach their goals.

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.


Today, we rest. What are you planning on doing to make the most of your recovery time?

Here’s a great recipe that is tasty and easy—Slow Cooker Chicken Tacos.

Coach Tip
Share a before and after Success Story† that has inspired you. Maybe it’s YOUR before and after! Remember, your group is looking to you for inspiration, guidance, and assurance that they can get through 9 Week Control Freak and reach their goals.

†Results vary depending on starting point and effort.


Today, we rest. What are you planning on doing to make the most of your recovery time?

Here’s a great recipe that is tasty and easy—Slow Cooker Chicken Tacos.

Coach Tip
Share a before and after Success Story† that has inspired you. Maybe it’s YOUR before and after! Remember, your group is looking to you for inspiration, guidance, and assurance that they can get through 9 Week Control Freak and reach their goals.

†Results vary based on starting point and effort and following Beachbody’s healthy eating plan.


Day 41: Cardio 45

Can you believe it? Another week about to be done! You guys are CRUSHING it! Let’s finish this week with a high-intensity, calorie-torching Cardio 45 workout. Amoila boosts the burn with new cardio exercises that will leave you dripping in sweat. Go hard, maintain good form, and watch the pounds melt away.

What are your plans for tomorrow? How will you spend your day off? What will you do to get ready for Monday?

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

DAY 42: DCT-T: Back & Chest

Today is the last day of this phase, and I know you’re ready for what comes tomorrow—more intensity, more challenges, and more chances to push for your very best results.

One thing I’d love for everyone to do is snap a progress pic, and look back on where you were before starting this program . Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Our workout is DCT-T: Back & Chest. Push hard through every rep to help strengthen, sculpt, and define your entire upper body. If your muscles aren’t begging for mercy by the time you’re done, you didn’t go hard enough.

Make sure you’re also doing your Controlled Stretch for today—Autumn will get you rested and ready for tomorrow.


Week 6 Day 1

Take a look at this week’s video from Shaun T:

Are you watching your form while doing the workouts? Make sure that you’re taking a break when you need one!

Week 6 Day 2

You should be viewing each second that you increase your MAX OUT time as a milestone to achieving your goal. Just like when runners pick points in the distance to try and push past, trying to get past your last MAX OUT time should motivate you to Dig Deeper and push through the workout.


Week 6 Day 4

Are you looking to get even more extreme results and look even more fit after INSANITY MAX:30? Consider trying the INSANITY MAX:30 Ab Maximizer Plan! The program comes with additional 10- to 15-minute ab workouts to pair with your INSANITY MAX:30 workouts. Plus you’ll get Shaun T’s personal 7-Day Ab Maximizer plan, so you can be sure that your abs will be poppin’ like Shaun T’s!

Message me if you’re interested!


Week 6 Day 6

Are there small behavioral changes that you could easily make to be healthier? Check out “15 Small Changes to See Big Results.”

What simple changes can you make to be healthier?


Week 6 Day 7

I hope you’re tracking your MAX OUT time during every workout. Anyone want to share his/her improvement so far?



PHILADELPHIA! Joel is coming to us from another iconic gym in a city of boxing greats but before we have our Rocky moment on top of the steps, we’ve got to get through another intense one. Joel challenges your speed, stamina, and grit as you conquer complex combos and advanced footwork.

Only five workouts left, so no holding anything back!



We’re powering through 14 exercises in our killer upper-body circuit today. This final week, Joel adds five looped burnouts to torch even more calories and get you even better results.

Coach Tip

As you near the end of this group, begin to identify which customers have been especially active, supportive, and motivated. That person may well be your next Coach recruit.

It’s the homestretch now. Make sure you’re getting your Shakeology every morning (or whenever you take it) and keep up on those healthy meals and snacks. Every little bit counts! What are you snacking on?



It’s all about fast feet, quick combos, and powerful pivots today. Drink that Energize and get ready to move.

These final days are always so exciting but it does mean our group will soon come to an end. But just because this challenge is nearing the finish line, it doesn’t mean that we or any of you can’t keep in touch. The best thing you can get from this group (besides your 10 Rounds results!) is a workout buddy who can keep you accountable after we say our goodbyes.

Give a shout-out to someone here who has helped you along the way.



Gather your weights (and maybe some sweat buckets) for three circuits of six muscle-burning exercises that hit your lower half hard yet again followed by a looped burnout.

Tomorrow is our LAST DAY. Everything we’ve been putting in—all the time, energy, and dedication—is what we bring to tomorrow’s final fight. So, get a good night’s rest because you’ll want to bring everything you can to the ring, one last time.



This is it! THE FINAL FIGHT on the famous Rocky steps. Even though we’re not in Philly with Joel, this is still your high point…your moment to give every punch, roll, slip, shuffle, pivot, and combo your all as you fight your way to the final bell.

CONGRATS, you champ. I can’t say it enough because to do what you did, to commit to something all the way and show up six weeks straight…well, that’s not a small thing. Even without seeing your results yet, I KNOW you are mentally, physically, and emotionally in a better place than where you started. You all are some fighters!

Now comes the fun part. Tomorrow, I want you to take your AFTER pictures and write down your new measurements. You’ll get a free gift just for submitting those results to the Beachbody Challenge Contest and have a chance to win big cash prizes. Go to for details. And remember, if you’re going to post your results on Facebook or Instagram, make sure you use #10Rounds!

Last thing—THANK YOU. Thanks for joining me every single day and for having each other’s backs. Thank you for sharing your photos, comments, tips, stories, challenges, and victories. I hope you’ve made some friends along the way…if you ever want to do this again or have any questions (or just want to say hello), don’t hesitate to message me. Now don’t let all your hard work go to waste! Keep up with your nutrition, go for another round of 10 Rounds, or even branch out and try a different program. I’m here if you need help picking the next program that’s going to help you hang on to those results!

Congrats on Finishing 10 Rounds!
To access closed captions: click on the “CC” icon in the lower right corner of the video and select “English (United States) CC

6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 36 | Wk 6 | Total Body Push/Pull

Welcome to your last Total Body Push/Pull!

Here’s the equipment you’ll need for today’s sweat session:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Resistance Loops
  • Strength Slides
  • Chin-Up Bar, Chin-Up Max, Mat (Optional)

What are your goals for this final week? Do you want to lift more weight, log more sleep, or match Amoila rep-for-rep in every workout? Whatever your goals are, take a moment to share them in the comments. [Make sure you share your own too.]


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 37 | Wk 6 | Strength & Power

Before you begin this workout, pause briefly to reflect on how much you’ve already achieved. Pull out your Workout Calendar and look at all of the days you checked off. Those Xs represent your commitment to your goals. Be proud of yourself, and give props to your fellow challengers.

Here’s what you’ll need for today’s workout, Wk6 Strength & Power:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Mat (Optional)
 Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone who’s kicking butt in your group! This isn’t an easy program. Giving someone props can help people feel good about themselves and all the work they’re putting into 6 Weeks of THE WORK. Encourage participants to tag and hype up someone else in the group, too.


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 38 | Rest

Today’s your last official rest day, so make the most of it, and maybe even go to bed a little earlier tonight. We’ve only got four workouts left, and you want to be ready to do THE WORK and finish strong.

Shout-out to all the people who’ve stayed consistent with their Shakeology and Beachbody Performance over the last 38 days! Have you noticed a difference in how you feel overall or your performance on days when you haven’t used either of these nutritionals? Make sure you share your experience too.


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 39 | Wk 6 | Cardio & Core

Just like your last Cardio & Core workout, we will be doing a ton of agility and plyo moves today, so make sure you have your Energize and Hydrate. It’s important to replace lost electrolytes and stay hydrated when you’re sweating as much as we are.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Dumbbell (Medium)
  • Mat (Optional)

Can you believe we only have FOUR more workouts?! I want everyone to take a moment to recognize just how far you’ve come. Share with the group what you’ve noticed most about your energy, your stamina, and your determination during the last six weeks. Make sure to include your own observations about your progress and transformation.


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 40 | Wk 6 | Isometrics

Anyone else feeling bummed that our time together is almost over? I hope that you’ve learned a lot while you’ve been a part of this group. And I hope that you continue to stick with the good habits you’ve developed—not just making fitness part of your daily routine, but also staying consistent with your nutrition, which is key for maintaining your results long after you finish the program and reaching any new goals you set. This includes drinking Shakeology, eating healthfully, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, and making time for yourself. After all, living a healthier life is all about consistency.

Here’s what you’ll need for Wk6 Isometrics:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Chin-Up Bar, Chin-Up Max, Mat (Optional)


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 41 | Wk 6 | The Crucible

Only two more workouts left—today’s and tomorrow’s! Many of you have been asking what you can do next. Well, the good news is you’ve got plenty of options.

Option 1: You can restart 6 Weeks of THE WORK. Because we have rest days worked into the program and we’re ending on a Range & Repair workout tomorrow, you can jump back into the program starting with Week 1 the day after tomorrow.

Option 2: Choose another program on Beachbody On Demand. I recommend something with an advanced fitness level. Think INSANITY, P90X, or P90X2. If you need advice on which one will be right for you, hit me up.

Now for our last hardcore workout—Wk6 The Crucible. This time around, we’ve got 100 reps of each exercise. It’s gonna be brutal, so grab that Energize and let’s cross the finish line strong!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (Optional)


6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 42 | Wk 6 | Range & Repair

Welcome to your last workout! I know it’s probably tempting to skip it, but this one’s got some awesome mobility exercises to give your lower body some TLC. Let’s get it done!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Resistance Loops
  • Mat (Optional)

I want to congratulate all of you. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—I am SO unbelievably proud of you for sticking it out and crushing this program. Every single one of you achieved new levels of physical AND mental strength. Remember this moment—it’s a milestone in your fitness journey, and represents what you can achieve when you embrace a challenge, believe in yourself, and stay committed to your goals.

Now comes the fun part. Tomorrow, I want you to take your AFTER pictures and write down your new measurements. You can even enter the Beachbody Challenge Contest. If you’re not familiar with that, it’s a contest where sharing your transformation can give you a chance to win big cash prizes. Go to for details. And remember, if you’re going to post your results on Facebook or Instagram, make sure you use #THEWORK!

After you take your pictures and final measurements, I want you to take the Fit Test again. Compare your results from last time to see just how much of a badass you’ve become.

Last thing—THANK YOU. Thanks for joining me every single day and for having each other’s backs. Thank you for sharing your photos, comments, insights, stories, challenges, and victories. I hope you’ve made some friends along the way—I know I have!

Oh, by the way, here’s a quick message from Amoila congratulating us on doing THE WORK!


View the Congrats on finishing 6 Weeks of THE WORK Video
To access closed captions: click on the “CC” icon in the lower right corner of the video and select “English (United States) CC”.


We’re starting Week 6 with Classic Full Body Blend.

A lot of people ask me how I stay motivated to stick with my fitness program. It’s true, some days I’m tired, or busy, or sore, or I just don’t feel like it. So what I do to stay motivated is

Coach Tip

Share your personal tips for staying motvated.

What do YOU do to stay motivated? Share some of your best motivation strategies with the group. You never know who you’ll inspire!



Get ready to slay Booty Blend 6! It’s guaranteed to build your confidence, stamina, strength, and balance, plus give you that blissful burn you’ve come to love.

By now you’ve done so many Barre Blend moves. Which one is your favorite? Post a photo of yourself doing it! Bonus points if you’re wearing some Barre Blend apparel!



It’s Cardio Blend day and I know you’re going to give Elise 100%!

I pulled an “I AM” Daily Motivation Card this morning and it said something so simple yet so powerful: “I AM Worthy.” What does that mean to you? What does your card say?




By now you’re in your groove. You’re building a strong body and mind that allow you to live your best life. So sweat, burn, and smile as you work through this core workout.

You’ve been pushing yourself so hard this week, and Beachbody Performance Recover is more important than ever after your workouts. Did you know that Beachbody completed a study with the University of Exeter in England showing how well Recover works?

I like to know the products I’m using are scientifically tested, which is why I found this infographic explaining the study to be really interesting!

Do you take Recover after every workout?


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


By now you’re in your groove. You’re building a strong body and mind that allow you to live your best life. So sweat, burn, and smile as you work through this core workout.

You’ve been pushing yourself so hard this week, and Beachbody Performance Recover is more important than ever after your workouts. Did you know that Beachbody completed a study with the University of Exeter in England showing how well Recover works?

I like to know the products I’m using are scientifically tested, which is why I found this infographic explaining the study to be really interesting!

Do you take Recover after every workout?



By now you’re in your groove. You’re building a strong body and mind that allow you to live your best life. So sweat, burn, and smile as you work through this core workout.

You’ve been pushing yourself so hard this week, and Beachbody Performance Recover is more important than ever after your workouts. Did you know that Beachbody completed a study with the University of Exeter in England showing how well Recover works?

I like to know the products I’m using are scientifically tested, which is why I found this infographic explaining the study to be really interesting!

Do you take Recover after every workout?



All the Friday feels! I know it’s going to be an amazing weekend. Can you feel it too?

Let’s finish the week strong with Lean Legs Blend 6.

I was wondering, when do you drink your Shakeology? Do you make it a part of a meal, like breakfast? Or do you have it as a snack? I’m a breakfast Shakeology person myself. This morning, I saw a recipe on the Beachbody On Demand blog that sounds interesting: Strawberry Oatmeal Breakfast Shakeology.

Do you have any new favorite Shakeology recipes?




I’m going to do the 15-Minute Yoga Blend and stretch away all the tightness. Then I’m heading to the market to get my shopping and meal prep done so I can enjoy the weekend fully. What are your weekend plans?

Here’s another incredible Barre Blend Success Story to keep you mindful of your choices this weekend. Doesn’t she look great?


Profile Name: Marina B.
Marina B. lost 15.8 lbs. and 10.75 inches
*Results vary based on starting point and effort and following Beachbody’s exercise and healthy eating plan.


Elise always talks about how working on her mobility and flexibility helps her stay fit and active. And she refuses to obsess about numbers on the scale. Instead she chooses nourishing foods and supplements that fuel her body and help her feel good. I find that so refreshing. Maybe you should do Roll & Replenish today in her honor!

On that note, how are you investing in your healthy lifestyle today?


Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 1

I hope you’ve been checking in with Shaun T and the cast with the behind-the-scenes show Transform Your Life with Shaun T. Watching it has helped me stay focused and motivated, and I always know I’m going to head into my workout even more fired up and ready to go.

So, this is it. The last week. First day’s workout—only 6 workouts and you are DONE with Transform :20.

Day 36: BURN. As I said, this is it. So I want you to BURN up this workout. Push yourself. It’s also your final time doing these three Transformers: Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman.


Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 2

Before we head into this workout, today is a great day to think back and really reflect on what you’ve done. Pull out your 6-Week Transformation Tracker and look at all those days where you showed up and didn’t give up. I’m so proud of you! Let’s hear you guys share some motivation and congrats with each other.

This is Day 37: FASTER. By now you should be going at max speed. Move those feet, stay nimble and light on your toes and the balls of your feet, and watch those landings. Your Transformers are Over Top, X Jack; L Reach; and Ski Abs, In/Out.


Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 3

You guys ROCK! We are on track to finish STRONG and finish PROUD. This is Day 38: STRONGER, and I want you to really think back to the first day you did this workout. Do you feel stronger? I bet you do. Share with the group what you’ve noticed most about your energy, stamina, and determination over the last 6 weeks.

Your Transformers are 90° Ab Trapper, Hover Ab Kicks, and Burpee Hop.


Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 4

Do you see that? It’s the finish line and we only have three more workouts. THREE! How awesome that you’ve made it this far—and that we’ve all done it TOGETHER.

Day 39: POWERFUL. Your Transformers are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

Today is a full checklist day. Did you…
Enjoy your Shakeology?
Eat according to your eating plan?
Take your Beachbody Performance supplements?
Track your workout AND your Transformers?
Pat yourself on the back?

Tomorrow is a SPECIAL TREAT. I can’t wait to let you know what’s going on, but trust me, you are going to LOVE it.


Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 5


Today is going to be amazing. It’s Day 40: CUT and SHAUN-A-THON. Guess what? You’re going to do THREE sets of 3 Transformers—yep, you read that right. The first set of Transformers is Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle. The next three are Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman. The last three are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

Shaun T loves spreading motivation and giving you the TOOLS you need to truly transform your body and your mind. Even though this group will be ending soon, I hope you’ll stay committed to fitness and smart, healthy nutrition and the truly transformative Shakeology.

Tomorrow. Last workout. Sleep tight with a little Recharge so you have the strength to tackle tomorrow. See you then.



Today is going to be amazing. It’s Day 40: CUT and SHAUN-A-THON. Guess what? You’re going to do THREE sets of 3 Transformers—yep, you read that right. The first set of Transformers is Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle. The next three are Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman. The last three are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

Shaun T loves spreading motivation and giving you the TOOLS you need to truly transform your body and your mind. Even though this group will be ending soon, I hope you’ll stay committed to fitness and smart, healthy nutrition and the truly transformative Shakeology.

Tomorrow. Last workout. Sleep tight with a little Recharge so you have the strength to tackle tomorrow. See you then.



Today is going to be amazing. It’s Day 40: CUT and SHAUN-A-THON. Guess what? You’re going to do THREE sets of 3 Transformers—yep, you read that right. The first set of Transformers is Over Step Jump, Hand Rel Push-Up, and Triangle. The next three are Rapid Taps, Twist OBL Kicks, and Rocketman. The last three are Parkour, TS Squat Reach, and Lunge Punch.

Shaun T loves spreading motivation and giving you the TOOLS you need to truly transform your body and your mind. Even though this group will be ending soon, I hope you’ll stay committed to fitness and smart, healthy nutrition and the truly transformative Shakeology.

Tomorrow. Last workout. See you then.


Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 6

And here we are. The last day of the last week of the incredible Transform :20. This is Day 41: BALANCED, with Climb Push-Ups; Plank, OBL Trap; and Balanced Dips as your Transformers.

I know you’ve been working hard, but I really want you to think about today’s workout from a different angle—FUN. Every single step is built on 6 weeks of sheer willpower, determination, and commitment.

And don’t forget! Tomorrow is PICTURE DAY! So you’ll want to continue to stay on point! I like to take my pictures first thing in the morning, so I have the rest of the day to celebrate!


Transform :20 | Week 6 | Day 7

As Shaun T says, you’re done, but you’re never finished. In a lot of ways, your transformation is all about getting you stronger, faster, and more able to KEEP GOING on your fitness journey—whether that’s doing another round of Transform :20 or firing up Beachbody On Demand to see what other programs grab your interest. Need some guidance? Give me a holler, and I can help point you in a great direction.

Now comes the fun part. Today’s the day to take those “after” pictures and write down your new measurements. You’ve earned your progress and it’s time to show off to others! You can enter the Beachbody Challenge Contest, and you’ll not only have the chance to win big cash prizes, but you will even receive a free gift (while supplies last). Go to for details.

Don’t forget to film your final 1-minute challenge like you did way back in Week 1. The idea is to submit them side by side, so we can show off to each other how far we’ve come.

One final thing: THANK YOU. Thank you for joining me and each other, and thank you for your comments, photos, successes and stumbles, and everything else you’ve shared along the way. You’re an inspiration to me and to so many others.

80 Day Obsession | Week 6 | Day 33 | Booty

Week 2 of Phase 2!

We’ve got Booty on tap today. We’re using weights and Beachbody Resistance Loops, plus an optional mat and chair. This week the workouts change to 3 sets of 10 reps. So you’ll be doing each set of exercises one time through, then repeating that twice more. You’ve done the moves already, so this week you can pick heavier weights and push that much harder!

MOTIVATION MONDAY: A lot of people ask me how I stay motivated to keep working out day after day. It’s true, some days I’m tired, or busy, or sore, or I just don’t feel like it. So what I do to stay motivated is [SHARE YOUR PERSONAL TIP FOR STAYING MOTIVATED].

What do YOU do to stay motivated? Share some of your best motivation strategies with the group. You never know who you’ll inspire!

While we’re on the subject, here’s a great video from Autumn talking about motivation.

80 Day Obsession | Week 6 | Day 34 | Cardio Core

Who’s ready for Cardio Core?

I know you’re all ready to crush this workout. Remember, we’ll be alternating one cardio interval with a HIIT interval plus a core move for 40 minutes. You’ll need your Beachbody Resistance Loops and Strength Slides, and remember to have fun. This is for you!

FEEDBACK TIME: Give me some feedback on how you’re doing so far. Are you modifying the moves? How are you adjusting to your nutrition plan? Are you seeing changes in your body or the way your clothes are fitting? Tell me what’s going on with you, and how I can help.


80 Day Obsession | Week 6 | Day 35 | Total Body Core

Refeed Day!

This is your first modified Refeed Day! You’ll also be doing Total Body Core today. It’s 60 minutes, and you’ll need your weights, Beachbody Strength Slides, and an optional mat and chair.

TIPS ON REFEED DAY: Remember to eat off your Supplemental Yellows list today. These are the high-glycemic, fast-absorbing carbs your tired muscles need. THIS IS NOT A CHEAT DAY! The rest of your diet is filled with balanced, healthy nutrition.

That said, today is a great day to try out some yummy sweet recipes. Check out the dessert section on Autumn’s cooking show FIXATE on Beachbody On Demand. Or check out this link for some tasty "no-bake Shakeology" recipes.

Just make sure they match up with the container amounts for your 80 Day Obsession meals. What are you making today?

Here is my favorite no-bake Shakeology recipe: Apple Blondies with Walnuts.


80 Day Obsession | Week 6 | Day 36 | Legs

Legs…and the day after Refeed Day

Today’s Legs workout uses weights, Beachbody Strength Slides, and a mat and chair (both optional). It’s 40 minutes for 3 sets of 10 reps.

HOW ARE YOU FEELING? How do you feel after Refeed Day? Do you notice a difference in your energy? How did you like eating more carbs? Does your body look any different today?

I want to chat about expectations for Refeed Day. As you know, the purpose of refeeds is to refuel your body and give you a little break, mentally and physically. You may see some people showing off a sudden six-pack, or bragging about how much energy they have. If you don’t have the same results, don’t worry! This Refeed Day is a chance for you to see how your body reacts and what works for you. Pay attention to how you look and feel. You can always choose different foods next Refeed Day and see if you notice a difference. Don’t get discouraged by other people’s results—just focus on you!


80 Day Obsession | Week 6 | Day 37 | AAA

Make some noise for AAA Friday!

I want to see if you can lift a little heavier than you did last week, because today we’re doing 3 sets of 10 reps for 60 minutes. Fewer reps means you can push yourself harder, right? Also, since this is a long workout, Beachbody Performance Hydrate is an even smarter choice to replenish electrolytes and help you make the most of that hour.

 Coach Tip

Why don’t you upload a photo of one your meals and encourage your challengers to do the same? You can say something like "What are you eating today? Here’s a photo of my lunch. It’s [TELL THEM WHAT YOU’RE EATING]. So good! Share a photo of your food today!"


80 Day Obsession | Week 6 | Day 38 | Cardio Flow

Last workout of the week…Cardio Flow!

You’ve got this. Let’s do it early so we can get on with our Saturday and have some fun! No equipment needed, just a good attitude and some energy!

SHARE YOUR favorite RECIPE: What favorite recipe have you been making for 80 Day Obsession? Please share it with the group so we can make it this weekend or meal prep it for next week.

My favorite recipe is [ADD YOUR favorite HEALTHY RECIPE. POST A PHOTO IF YOU CAN]. I never seem to get tired of it!


80 Day Obsession | Week 6 | Rest Day |

Don’t you love Rest Day?

After two weeks of Phase 2, I have definitely learned to love my rest days. What are your favorite ways to do your self-care? I’m all about [SHARE YOUR SELF-CARE—A GOOD SOAK IN THE TUB? A MASSAGE?].

CHECK-IN: Tell me what’s on your mind this week. How are you feeling? Do you have any questions for me or the group?

Remember to watch the Weekly Obsession episode to see how everyone in the cast is doing!

Coach Tip

This is a good week to highlight another 80 Day Obsession Success Story. Here’s a good one…Post this photo and say something like "See what can happen when you go all in? I don’t know about you, but this motivates me to keep going!"


LIIFT4 | Week 6 | Day 1 | CHEST/TRICEPS (Circuit)

Today is the last time you’ll do Chest/Triceps – Circuit—as you may remember, Weeks 7 and 8 will go harder on HIIT cardio. So, let’s make the most of this workout. We’ll be doing 10 moves, 3 sets, with very little rest. This day is all about lifting, so make sure you are pushing yourself. The best way to build muscle is to go heavier. Just a few pounds can make a difference. But remember to always listen to your body and don’t overdo it.

Think back to Week 1. Are you doing more push-ups now? Probably. That’s called progress—congratulations!


LIIFT4 | Week 6 | Day 2 | BACK/BICEPS (LIIFT 50/50)

A Back/Biceps – LIIFT 50/50 day. 6 lifting moves, 3 HIIT moves, and core to finish. You know and (hopefully) love these moves by now, so can you take it a little bit further? Can you lift more weight? Jump a little higher? Finally touch that dumbbell to your toes? Every day we strive to get just a little bit better. Add those days together, and you will reach your goals. Now let’s get to it!

 Coach Tip

Coach Tip: This is another great time to highlight another LIIFT4 Success Story. Here’s a good one: Janene D.


LIIFT4 | Week 6 | Recovery Day 1

The last two days should have been your heaviest lifting yet. You are probably used to feeling a little sore by now, and have an arsenal of tricks to help you recover. One you may have been neglecting is hydration. We tend to drink more water on workout days, which is understandable when we are sweating. But on recovery days, hydration is just as important. Being dehydrated can actually slow muscle recovery. So make sure you are getting that water in today. Beachbody Performance Hydrate is also great—especially if plain water can get a little boring for some folks!

You’ve been doing LIIFT4 for 6 weeks with 2 more (and a few days) to go. Remember how excited you were to start? That’s the energy I want you to harness as we head toward a strong finish. Yes, you can still include a little cheat if you’re really craving something—but you may just be looking for a little variety. For new recipes or food ideas, check out the Beachbody On Demand Blog for some good, healthy eats.

I know a lot of you have been doing really well—keep it up. It’s been amazing to see your results and be a part of this group. Keep sharing photos and words of encouragement!


LIIFT4 | Week 6 | Day 3 | SHOULDERS (LIIFT Intervals)

It’s our final day of Shoulders —LIIFT Intervals. Today includes 6 lifting moves, 3 HIIT moves, 2 core moves, and a bunch of sweat. We are getting closer to the end, so think about what you’ve learned about your body, and what you’re capable of achieving. There’s a lot of benefit in taking credit for your hard work.

As you know, Joel loves Beachbody Performance. It’s given him incredible results and he never does a workout without replenishing his body with his go-to supplements.

What do you think about Beachbody Performance? What’s your favorite? Personally, mine is Recharge at night because I swear it helps me sleep better…


LIIFT4 | Week 6 | Day 4 | LEGS (HIIT)

Our last Legs — HIIT day. This is gonna burn sooo good. Joel will get you moving your body to blast those glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves, ALL with no weights. This workout is full of all the moves you love to hate—Triple Bear, Squat Jumps, Side Planks, and a couple of other goodies.

Remember, good form also applies to weightless HIIT moves…sink deep during those Squat Jumps! And keep your knees only two inches off the ground during Triple Bear. Joel is always talking about “form” because it’s so important to getting great results. When you’re doing a move the right way, your body is getting the maximum muscle burn.


LIIFT4 | Week 6 | Recovery Day 2

I’m so proud of you. As we head into our recovery days, I want you to take an honest assessment of your last 6 weeks. Remember—no judgment, no pressure. Like I posted on Day 1, this group is all about celebrating victories, big and small, and acknowledging that every day doesn’t always go as planned. But when it does and you’re firing on all cylinders…nothing can stop you, right? It’s such an incredible feeling of accomplishment when you look back and think about all you’ve done.

This would be a great opportunity to give me some feedback on how you’re doing so far. How’s your body feeling? How’s the nutrition going? What kind of changes are you seeing? Are your clothes fitting differently? Tell me what’s going on; I’m here to help!


LIIFT4 | Week 6 | Recovery Day 3

This is our LAST recovery day before we head into the last 2 weeks…here comes SHRED IT! This means the workouts will be more HIIT cardio-focused, to get us burning more calories, shredding the fat, and looking lean.

We are going to see some familiar moves, some new moves, and similar formats that will feel very different. These workouts are a little longer, which means you’ll have to push a little bit more. So get excited and get ready to work. READY FOR LIIFT OFF: Week 7 has a nice peek into the week ahead.

I’m turning this post over to you guys—what do you want to say to each other before we start to SHRED IT tomorrow?


FOCUS T25 | Week 6 | Day 3 | Rip’t Circuit

Have you noticed those bright blue mini-mats in some of the workouts? If you have a hard floor, the Core Comfort Mat is especially great because it instantly cushions and supports your joints and back so you can keep pushing your core. Ask me how you can get one.


FOCUS T25 | Week 6 | Day 4 | Dynamic Core

Ever feel like this? Check out 25 ways to be more productive here:


FOCUS T25 | Week 6 | Day 5 | Upper Focus, Core Cardio (Optional)


Shakeology turned Mary from a junk-food junkie into a health-food nut!

“I had failed at losing weight so many times that I truly believed I could NEVER have the body I wanted. Then I discovered a slew of Beachbody programs and Shakeology and lost 39 pounds! Shakeology was key to my weight loss because it provided my body with the nutrients it needed while taking away my junk-food cravings. In fact, when I ‘treated’ myself to junk recently, it didn’t taste like anything I remembered. My body has changed so much now that it knows the difference between the good and bad stuff—what a wonderful thing! Now I have better digestion, tons more energy, my skin glows, and my hair and nails are stronger than ever. Shakeology is THE most amazing product I’ve ever used.” 
—Mary S.

What cravings has Shakeology helped you conquer?

Results vary depending on starting point and effort.



Shakeology turned Mary from a junk-food junkie into a health-food nut!

“I had failed at losing weight so many times that I truly believed I could NEVER have the body I wanted. Then I discovered a slew of Beachbody programmes and Shakeology and lost 39 pounds! Shakeology was key to my weight loss because it provided my body with the nutrients it needed while taking away my junk-food cravings. In fact, when I ‘treated’ myself to junk recently, it didn’t taste like anything I remembered. My body has changed so much now that it knows the difference between the good and bad stuff—what a wonderful thing! Now I have better digestion, tons more energy, my skin glows, and my hair and nails are stronger than ever. Shakeology is THE most amazing product I’ve ever used.”†
—Mary S.

Results vary depending on starting point and effort.


Shakeology turned Mary from a junk-food junkie into a health-food nut!

“I had failed at losing weight so many times that I truly believed I could NEVER have the body I wanted. Then I discovered a slew of Beachbody programmes and Shakeology and lost 39 pounds! Shakeology was key to my weight loss because it provided my body with the nutrients it needed while taking away my junk-food cravings. In fact, when I ‘treated’ myself to junk recently, it didn’t taste like anything I remembered. My body has changed so much now that it knows the difference between the good and bad stuff—what a wonderful thing! Now I have better digestion, tons more energy, my skin glows, and my hair and nails are stronger than ever. Shakeology is THE most amazing product I’ve ever used.”†
—Mary S.

Results vary based on effort and following Beachbody’s healthy eating plan.


FOCUS T25 | Week 6 | Day 6 | STATurday

Many people who don’t see the scale moving "fast enough" try eating less to accelerate their weight loss. That’s not the best decision! Continue to follow the nutrition guide. Because you’re working out so hard, you may actually need more calories than you previously did to fuel your workouts.

FOCUS T25 | Week 6 | Day 7 | Stretch


Evan lost 55 lbs. by changing his diet, running, and crushing 50 days of FOCUS T25!

 Results vary depending on starting point and effort.



Evan lost 55 lbs. by changing his diet, running, and crushing 50 days of FOCUS T25!

 Results vary depending on starting point and effort.



Evan lost 55 lbs. by changing his diet, running, and crushing 50 days of FOCUS T25!

 Results vary based on effort and following Beachbody’s healthy eating plan.


Multi-Program | Week 6 | Day 1 |

Can you believe we’ve entered the 6th week in our challenge? Is anyone seeing any great results? Please share—we’d love to see them!


Multi-Program | Week 6 | Day 2 |


Have you heard the saying, “You are what you eat?” Well, it’s true. Think of your body as a machine and the foods you put into it as fuel. If you feed your machine high-quality foods, it will run smoothly and efficiently. Feed it junk, and your machine will be sluggish!

This applies to kids too, which is why I’m thrilled to give my family Daily Sunshine. With its balanced 3-in-1 formula that includes a full serving of fruits and veggies, 10 grams of protein, and healthy fats—it’s a great alternative to some of the other snacks out there. But the best part? It’s DELICIOUS so my kids actually ask for it and if I’m being honest, I’ve been known to sneak some myself when I’m craving something sweet.



Have you heard the saying, “You are what you eat?” Well, it’s true. Think of your body as a machine and the foods you put into it as fuel. If you feed your machine high-quality foods, it will run smoothly and efficiently. Feed it junk, and your machine will be sluggish!


Multi-Program | Week 6 | Day 3 |

Need some recipe inspiration? Check out Beachbody On Demand’s FIXATE cooking show with Super Trainer Autumn Calabrese and her brother, professional chef Bobby Calabrese. They’ll show you how to create amazing portion-controlled meals, all “containerized” and approved to work with a portion-controlled eating plan, which you’ll want depending on the plan/phase you’re on. You’ll have access to videos, delicious recipes, and grocery lists—everything you need to reach your nutrition goals without feeling deprived.


Multi-Program | Week 6 | Day 4 |



It’s been almost two months since you whipped out the blender and started sipping Shakeology. By now, you should be experiencing more positive changes.

How has Shakeology helped improve your health and fitness?


Beachbody Performance

Who knew such a small fruit could make waves in the fitness community? Pomegranate extract (like the kind found in your Beachbody Performance Recover) has been gaining lots of attention lately from researchers for its effects on helping reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness and speeding muscle strength recovery, especially after intense workouts!*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




It’s been almost two months since you whipped out the blender and started sipping Shakeology. By now, you should be experiencing more positive changes.

How has Shakeology helped improve your health and fitness?


Beachbody Performance

Who knew such a small fruit could make waves in the fitness community? Pomegranate extract (like the kind found in your Beachbody Performance Recover) has been gaining lots of attention lately from researchers for its effects on helping reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness and speeding muscle strength recovery, especially after intense workouts!*


Multi-Program | Week 6 | Day 5 |

We’re nearly halfway there! Amazing, right? Think for a moment about when you started and if you want, share some of the lifestyle changes you’ve made since then. Were there some foods/beverages you gave up? Is following the program as hard as you thought? Are there some delicious foods you’re eating that you never thought you would?


Multi-Program | Week 6 | Day 6 |



Lana found Beachbody after ending a toxic, seven-year relationship that left her overweight and feeling down. But she didn’t let all of that prevent her from taking charge of her life. With Beachbody fitness programs and a healthy eating program, including Shakeology, she lost 30 pounds!*

“With Beachbody workouts, I immediately felt a shift. Inches started melting off and I began to feel better about myself. My self-esteem was rising and people were starting to notice the difference in me. I’m confident and happy!”

*Lana M. is an independent Beachbody Coach. Results achieved in 3 months using a combination of Shakeology, 21 Day Fix, and FOCUS T25. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition.


Beachbody Performance

Everyone knows that leading a sedentary life has its consequences. Jason experienced them firsthand: numerous health issues, feeling tired all the time and poor self-image. His daughters were his inspiration for improving his health and fitness—now he’s nearly 50 pounds lighter thanks to Beachbody fitness programs, eating healthier, and the Beachbody Performance line!*

“I feel amazing. I am proud that I have taken control of my health and I’m proud of the example I am setting for my daughters.”

*Jason C. is an independent Beachbody Coach. Results achieved in 16 months using a combination of Beachbody Performance, Shakeology, 3-Day Refresh, P90, 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix EXTREME, and The Master’s Hammer and Chisel. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition.




Lana found Beachbody after ending a toxic, seven-year relationship that left her overweight and feeling down. But she didn’t let all of that prevent her from taking charge of her life. With Beachbody fitness programs and a healthy eating program, including Shakeology, she lost 30 pounds!*

“With Beachbody workouts, I immediately felt a shift. Inches started melting off and I began to feel better about myself. My self-esteem was rising and people were starting to notice the difference in me. I’m confident and happy!”

*Lana M. is an independent Beachbody Coach. Results vary based on effort and following Beachbody’s healthy eating plan.


Beachbody Performance

Everyone knows that leading a sedentary life has its consequences. Jason experienced them firsthand: numerous health issues, feeling tired all the time and poor self-image. His daughters were his inspiration for improving his health and fitness—now he’s nearly 50 pounds lighter thanks to Beachbody fitness programs, eating healthier, and the Beachbody Performance line!*

“I feel amazing. I am proud that I have taken control of my health and I’m proud of the example I am setting for my daughters.”

*Jason C. is an independent Beachbody Coach. Results vary based on effort and following Beachbody’s healthy eating plan.


Multi-Program | Week 6 | Day 7 |

We all have those moments where we fall off the healthy-eating wagon and just, well, pig out. But one thing that’s definitely helped me stay on track is meal prepping! I choose  [insert day of the week] and I make a big batch of grilled veggies and roasted chicken breasts  [or insert the foods you prep]. That way it’s always on hand in case I don’t have time to cook during the week!

What about you guys? What’s your favorite food to make in bulk?
