DAY 50: Lower Body Strength

It’s our deload week, the last week of stage 2. As before, Amoila is going to dial things down for this week’s six workouts, to speed your recovery and get your body ready to take on stage 3 a week from now. So, for Lower Body Strength, you’ll be doing two sets per exercise instead of three. The goal is to maintain your gains while enhancing your recovery so you can crush stage 3. While you might be doing 1 less set, you’ve still got to give it your total focus—watch your form, choose your weights wisely, and keep your eye on the prize.

Feeling strong and want a little bit more? Try one of the bonus workouts—there are 11 of them, and they can be used to target a specific muscle group or trouble areas. Select bonus workouts require a foam roller, mat, pull-up bar, or a Beachbody Control Track, in addition to dumbbells.

Try one and let us know which one you did!

Now is a great time to reassess your nutrition. By now, I’m hoping that you’re in a good rhythm with Portion Fix or 2B Mindset. For my Nutrition+ members, Autumn and Ilana are always creating new content, posting new recipes, and talking about challenges that we all face—and how their programs can help you overcome them.

Coach Tip

Share your experience with Nutrition+ if possible. If your customers don’t know a lot about it, this is a great opportunity for you to share why it’s worked for you. Also, remind your customers that Nutrition+ offers exclusive fitness content including 630, an additional six 30-minute workouts from Amoila.


DAY 50: DCT-T: Back & Legs

Week 8! Can you believe it?! I’m so excited by how far we’ve come, and inspired by all of you to finish strong. We’re getting there!

This week is called Incinerate, and Autumn will be pushing you to give her everything. As with every new week, the intensity dials-up—that means more reps, higher weights, and shorter rests.

Today is DCT-T: Back & Legs. The focus is the same as last week, but Autumn changes the density exercises, adds a move to the complex, and increases the intensity of the Tabata section.

If you’re loving today’s workout, check out the Tabata bonus workouts. These can be added to any workout when you want to double-up on your cardio.

Have you done one yet?


DAY 51: Total Body Power

Today is Total Body Power. If this power workout feels easier than usual, don’t sweat it—dialing back your training volume during a deload week will set you up for success in the ones ahead by helping you hit the refresh button. Have you tried using the Power Loops during your push-ups? As Amoila says, don’t forget to replace “I can’t” with “I can”.

Even on deload weeks, I make sure to start my workout with Beachbody Performance Energize and stay hydrated throughout the day with Beachbody Performance Hydrate.

When we talk about consistent exercise and the importance of sticking to a program like 645, it’s usually about the big stuff—weight loss, improved strength and definition, better cardiovascular health, improved sleep. But what else can exercise do?

Now that we’re on week 8, what have you noticed about your mind, body, energy, well-being?

DAY 51: Tabata Cardio

Tabata Cardio day! The focus is the same as last week, but Autumn changes the density exercises, adds a move to the complex, and increases the intensity of the Tabata section.

What do you do to make sure you’re getting enough water?


DAY 52: Mobility & Stability


After our great workout yesterday, I’m ready for today’s workout, Mobility & Stability. To keep training at your peak, you need to prioritize your recovery and mobility and also remember to just breathe. This stretching session will help you do both. Following your workout, don’t forget your Beachbody Performance Recover, which can help speed muscle recovery.*

Getting a good stretch is so important. It can help your muscles recover faster from your daily workouts, as well as improve your range of motion—not just during our 45 minutes together each day, but out in the real world. I find that I’m more conscious of how I’m moving my body, in a good way!

How about you? What benefits have you noticed from Amoila’s relentless focus on proper form and focused stretching?


After our great workout yesterday, I’m ready for today’s workout, Mobility & Stability. To keep training at your peak, you need to prioritize your recovery and mobility and also remember to just breathe. This stretching session will help you do both. Following your workout, don’t forget your Beachbody Performance Recover, which can help speed muscle recovery.

Getting a good stretch is so important. It can help your muscles recover faster from your daily workouts, as well as improve your range of motion—not just during our 45 minutes together each day, but out in the real world. I find that I’m more conscious of how I’m moving my body, in a good way!

How about you? What benefits have you noticed from Amoila’s relentless focus on proper form and focused stretching?


After our great workout yesterday, I’m ready for today’s workout, Mobility & Stability. To keep training at your peak, you need to prioritize your recovery and mobility and also remember to just breathe. This stretching session will help you do both. Following your workout, don’t forget your Beachbody Performance Recover, which can help support muscle protein synthesis and growth in muscle mass.⁺

+Whey, pea, and casein are sources of protein. High in protein

Getting a good stretch is so important. It can help your muscles recover faster from your daily workouts, as well as improve your range of motion—not just during our 45 minutes together each day, but out in the real world. I find that I’m more conscious of how I’m moving my body, in a good way!

How about you? What benefits have you noticed from Amoila’s relentless focus on proper form and focused stretching?


DAY 52: Rest Day

Rest day. As we near the end of this program , I’d love to hear how you’ve managed your nutrition throughout.

How would you describe your nutrition on a scale of 1 to 10? 10 means 100% on-track to reaching your goals and 1 means not ideal and not complementing your workouts. What sorts of challenges are you facing and what tips have you incorporated from Ultimate Portion Fix or 2B Mindset that are working for you?

We’ve discussed it many times before, but today I’d like you to look back at those times you struggled (or cheated) and how it made you feel.

What words of advice would you like to share with the group?


DAY 53: Upper Body Strength


Here’s a recipe I know you’re going to love: Vanilla Berry Delight Shakeology. Honestly, it tastes like dessert AND it still works as your daily Shakeology. Win, win!

Give it a try and tell us what you think!

Today’s deload workout: Upper Body Strength. You’re going to feel the burn from your calves to your shoulders in this comprehensive workout that includes a 4-minute EMOM section. Check your Dumbbell Tracker to see if today’s the day to increase your weight.


Here’s a recipe I know you’re going to love: Vanilla Berry Delight Shakeology. Honestly, it tastes like dessert AND it still works as your daily Shakeology. Win, win!

Give it a try and tell us what you think!

Today’s deload workout: Upper Body Strength. You’re going to feel the burn from your calves to your shoulders in this comprehensive workout that includes a 4-minute EMOM section. Check your Dumbbell Tracker to see if today’s the day to increase your weight.


Here’s a recipe I know you’re going to love: Banana Cashew Shakeology.

Give it a try!

Banana Cashew Shakeology

Today’s deload workout: Upper Body Strength. You’re going to feel the burn from your calves to your shoulders in this comprehensive workout that includes a 4-minute EMOM section. Check your Dumbbell Tracker to see if today’s the day to increase your weight.


DAY 53: Total Body Tone

Today is Total Body Tone. Let’s get slim, sexy, fit, and strong!

The moves haven’t changed, but you have. You’re stronger and fitter, so try to lift heavier as you continue to focus on form. The more you challenge yourself, the greater your results will be.

Coach Tip
Give a shout-out to a member of the group who’s been working hard, or who might have hit a plateau. It’s so easy for people to lose sight of how far they’ve come.


DAY 54: DCT-T: Chest & Triceps

This is DCT-T: Chest & Triceps. Push hard through every rep to help strengthen, sculpt, and define these key upper-body muscles. If your chest and triceps aren’t begging for mercy by the time you’re done, you didn’t go hard enough.

One of you sent me this recipe and I had to share (it’s that good!). It’s for Vanilla Shakeology Macadamia Nut Pineapple Balls.

Got a recipe to share? DM me!


DAY 54: Total Body Tempo

The weekend is almost here and I am ready for Total Body Tempo! In this comprehensive workout, you’ll focus on the lowering phase of most exercises (bringing the weights down) to enhance a key muscle growth stimulus: time under tension.

Time under tension is a big concept in fitness, and something Amoila talks about a lot. It refers to the amount of time a muscle is actively engaged during a set. The longer you keep a muscle under tension, the more work it will end up doing—and growing as a result.

Are you feeling stronger? More powerful? Are you able to follow along with the beast underswitch? Do you find this move to be hard?

DAY 55: DCT-T: Shoulders & Biceps

We’re cruising to the finish line! It’s our last workout of this week before we head into our rest day tomorrow, and then our final week!

Today is DCT-T: Shoulders & Biceps. You know the drill, but new exercises provide a fresh challenge. Give Autumn 100% in every rep to increase your muscle-building and fat loss.


DAY 55: Cardio 45

Today is Cardio 45. Close out stage 2 with a total-body sweat storm that will leave you pumped and prepared for stage 3.

When you’re done, take a few minutes to get out that measuring tape and jump on the scale. We’ve just finished week 8. If you’ve been staying on top of your daily Shakeology and overall nutrition, and bringing your total intensity, you should be seeing some good numbers. Feeling especially proud? Snap a pic and post it for all of us to cheer! Better yet, take a moment to post how much you have learned from this program.

DAY 56: Rest Day

Rest day! And then tomorrow begins our last week.

I like to think of rest days as reflection days. A chance to look back on the week and really recognize what we’ve accomplished and, without judgment , think about where we can improve. The physical transformation we’re working on inevitably affects how we’re feeling mentally and emotionally. Give yourself space to feel all of it. Some of the emotions that are coming up might have to do with your eating habits.


DAY 56: Rest Day

I like to think of rest days as reflection days. A chance to look back on the week and really recognize what we’ve accomplished and think about (without judgment) where we can improve.

The physical transformation we’re working on inevitably affects how we’re feeling mentally and emotionally. Give yourself space to feel all of it. Some of the emotions that are coming up might have to do with your eating habits. We all have a different relationship with food depending on how we grew up, cultural expectations, or experiences that shaped our way of thinking and eating. Portion Fix and 2B Mindset help you get past those blocks, so you can feel good about the body you’re in.

In Nutrition+, both Autumn and Ilana talk about our relationship with food and how it impacts our weight-loss journey, and overall health and well-being. They’ll give you the tools to better understand what triggers you have, what stressors you can identify, and how you can work to keep your feelings from derailing you.

A final thought: Tomorrow is the start of stage 3, our last 4-week stage before Performance Week. Take the Form Check Test and compare your results to those at the end of the first deload week. Then, take a moment to mentally prepare, and get a good night’s sleep. Amoila needs your best tomorrow.

Week 8 Day 1

Check out this week’s video from Shaun T:

Congratulations! Are you ready to get your hard-earned #IMAXEDOUT T-shirt at the end of the week?

Week 8 Day 2

Believe in yourself. My #1 tip is not an exercise or nutrition tip. It’s simply to believe in yourself and your ability to overcome whatever physical, mental, and emotional challenges you face. If you believe in yourself first, the rest will follow.


Week 8 Day 3

Easiest (and tastiest) way to get your greens? Put them in a Shakeology shake! Does anyone else do this?


Week 8 Day 4

We’re almost finished with Week 8! Are people commenting on your results and asking how you did it? Are you interested in helping others become healthier and hosting your own Challenge Groups?


Week 8 Day 5

It’s one of our last INSANITY MAX:30 workouts together, and I want to see you SWEAT! Post a post-workout selfie after you finish Friday Fight: Round 2. I want to see you as a sweaty mess!

Week 8 Day 6

5, 4, 3, 2, MAX OUT! I encourage all of you to do the final Cardio Challenge, so you can truly see how far you have come! How has your life changed through this experience? Did you #FindYourMAX?


Week 8 Day 7

Congrats on completing INSANITY MAX:30!

Remember to take those “after” pictures and write down your new measurements. You’ve earned your progress and it’s time to show off to others! You can enter the Beachbody Challenge contest and you’ll not only have the chance to win big cash prizes, but you will even receive a free gift while supplies last. Go to for details.


This is it! Your last Barre Blend week. Let’s all share some motivation to get each other fired up and make it a great one!

Today’s workout is Classic Full Body Blend. Don’t forget to show your attitude! Come back when you’re done and tell us how hard you worked.



Focus your energy and work that booty!

In this last week together, I want you to be aware of your mindset. Are you standing in your own way? Can you speak more kindly and lovingly to yourself? Remember how much power is in your words. Will you share something you love about yourself?



Hump day! You know what that means. Cardio Blend!

As we push to the end, I want you to give yourself a pat on the back if you can check all these off your list today. Did you…
Drink your Shakeology?
Eat according to your nutrition plan?
Take your Beachbody Performance supplements?
Do something nice for someone?



Feel that burn? It’s your abs telling you how much you LOVE Core Blend!

Who has enjoyed this group? What have you gotten out of it? How has the support of your fellow challengers helped you?

Coach Tip

As you near the end of this group, begin to identify who among your challengers has been especially active, supportive, and motivated. That person may well be your next Coach recruit.



It’s here! Your LAST Lean Legs Blend workout! Are you feeling emotional? I know I am! I’ll be with you throughout the weekend, so we have a few more days together.

Make sure you pull an “I AM” Daily Motivation Card today. Set that positive intention and tone for this last legs workout. What does your card say, and what does that mean to you?



Today is a day of self-care and reflection. Think about who you were at the beginning of this program versus who you are now. How did this journey change your relationship with fitness and nutrition? What are your plans going forward?



We made it! As your Coach, I’m so incredibly proud of each and every one of you.

Stand TALL and rise UP! You are more expressive, more confident, and more aware of who you are and how strong you can be. Keep living your truth and your purpose, and remain unshakeable in your principles.

Now it’s time to KEEP GOING on your fitness journey—whether that’s doing another round of Barre Blend or moving on to another program on Beachbody On Demand. If you need some guidance, I can help point you in the right direction.

Today’s the day to take your “after” pictures and write down your new measurements. You’ve earned your progress and it’s time to show it off to others! You can enter the Beachbody Challenge contest, which gives you a chance to win big cash prizes. Plus, receive a free gift (while supplies last). Go to for details.

One final thing: THANK YOU for joining me—and each other. Thank you for your comments, photos, successes, feedback, and everything else you’ve shared along the way. Your commitment is an inspiration to me and so many others.


80 Day Obsession | Week 8 | Day 45 | Booty

Last week of Phase 2!

Wow, where has the time gone? This is your last Booty workout of this phase, and we’re back to 2 sets of 15 reps. So you’ll do each group of exercises two times in a row before moving on. Pick up those heavy weights and your Beachbody Resistance Loops, lay out your mat, and let’s do this!

MONDAY MOTIVATION: Do you find that music helps you push harder? I’m pretty sure it’s a scientific fact that music makes everything better. What’s your favorite workout song? I love [INSERT YOUR FAVORITE SONG HERE].


80 Day Obsession | Week 8 | Day 46 | Cardio Core

After Booty yesterday it will feel good to do some cardio without a lot of weights. You’ll only need Beachbody Strength Slides and Resistance Loops for this 40-minute workout.

SHAKEOLOGY RECIPES: What’s your favorite Shakeology flavor, and how do you like to prepare it? My favorite recipe is [INSERT YOUR FAVORITE SHAKEOLOGY FLAVOR AND RECIPE HERE].

Want more Shakeology inspiration? You’ll find tons of great recipes here and on the Shakeology YouTube Channel.

 Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone in your group! It’s a way to make someone feel good, but it also encourages everyone else to stay consistent with the program for the next week. For example: Shout-out to [NAME]! She’s been super-focused since we started and her commitment inspires me every day. Let’s all give [NAME] a special shout-out!”

Alternatively, you can highlight another 80 Day Obsession Success Story. Share this photo and say something like “Check out the results of Alida S. See what can happen when you go all in? I don’t know about you, but this motivates me to keep going!”


80 Day Obsession | Week 8 | Day 47 | Total Body Core

Total Body Core…and Refeed Day!

Since we’re back to 2 sets of 15 reps, you might have to go a little lighter than you did last week. I still want you to push yourself, though, so choose a weight that’s heavy enough and know that you can go lower if you have to. You’ll need your weights, Beachbody Strength Slides, and a mat for this 60-minute workout.

REFEED DAY: Remember to eat all your yellow containers from the Supplemental List today. Enjoy the extra food. Your muscles will definitely appreciate it!

What’s your favorite food to eat on Refeed Day?


80 Day Obsession | Week 8 | Day 48 | Legs

Day after Refeed…work those Legs!

You should be well fed after yesterday, so I want you to give it your all in today’s 40-minute Legs workout. Choose weights that challenge you, and don’t forget your Beachbody Strength Slides.

CHECK-IN: How do you feel after Refeed Day? Do you notice a difference in your energy or how you look? Remember that refeeds are a way to get more glycogen into your muscles, and also to give you a mental break from all that clean eating. When you’re working this hard, you need all the help you can get!


80 Day Obsession | Week 8 | Day 49 | AAA

Time to burn out those muscles!

Last time through for this hour-long AAA workout, so let’s send it out with a bang! You’ll need all your equipment: weights, Beachbody Strength Slides, Beachbody Resistance Loops, and an optional mat and chair.

MOTIVATION: Do you need some motivation to keep going after so many weeks of a workout program? I know I do, so I found this fun blog
article on Beachbody On Demand to give me extra inspiration when I need it.

Are you more of a goal-oriented person? Check out this article on setting SMART goals. This will help you with goal-setting for Phase 3!


80 Day Obsession | Week 8 | Day 50 | Cardio Flow

It’s your last time doing 6 reps of Cardio Flow. Next week it all changes again! So get into it, and have fun. You’ve made huge progress!

LET’S TALK EATING OUT AND SOCIALIZING: Do have trouble sticking to your eating plan once the “honeymoon phase” is over? How do you deal with parties and other social events? Even though you have fitness or weight-loss goals, life is too short to avoid all the fun stuff! So share with the group how you stay on track while socializing.

Here’s an article with some tips for staying on track in any situation.

And watch this video where Autumn shares her strategies for eating out when you have goals.

80 Day Obsession | Week 8 | Rest Day |

Congratulations, you made it through Phase 2!

Don’t forget your self-care today! You need to be ready for brand-new workouts starting tomorrow.

You should also do your Calorie Calculation again to make sure you’re eating in the right bracket for your goals. Let me know if you have questions about that.

Oh, and watch the Weekly Obsession episode on Beachbody On Demand!

See you guys tomorrow for Phase 3!


LIIFT4 | Week 8 | Day 1 | CHEST/BACK (Circuit)

Remember Chest/Back – Circuit from last week? Today will be the same format and moves, with a slight changeup in the order of those moves.

You’ve got 11 chest and back moves, 2 core moves, and 3 sets to get done, so get ready to work! Final note—as you go into this last chest and back workout, fuel up before and replenish after. By now you should know what your body needs to perform at its best so have your food and/or Beachbody supplements ready. Beachbody Performance Recover is a great post-workout way to make sure your body is getting the protein it needs (among other incredible things) to really take advantage of all that hard work you did with Joel and the cast.


LIIFT4 | Week 8 | Day 2 | LEGS (LIIFT 50/50)

The LAST LEGS OF LIIFT4. (Say that 3 times fast.) It’s time to push yourself to the max. Don’t be afraid to give it all you’ve got, knowing that you’ve got tomorrow to recover.

This Legs – LIIFT 50/50 workout includes 9 lifting moves, 3 HIIT moves, and 2 core moves to finish us off. Remember that lower-body workouts burn more calories than any other type because the legs (quads, glutes, and hamstrings) are the largest muscle group and require the most energy.

If you have a favorite leg move you’d like to share, please take a photo of yourself doing it, and share it with us. Show off those legs!


LIIFT4 | Week 8 | Recovery Day 1

So it’s been an incredible journey so far and we’ve been through a lot together in these 8 weeks. I’m so proud of what you and the group have accomplished. So much so that I’d like to say a little something about “expectations.” Often in my groups, I see people comparing their progress to someone else’s. Please don’t. Understand that everyone transforms at a different rate and in different ways. This journey is for you, and you ONLY…the only person you should be comparing yourself to is YOU on Day 1.

Love yourself. Believe in yourself. And stay committed to a healthy, fit lifestyle. That’s the recipe for success.

 Coach Tip

Coach Tip: Talk about the emotional impact you’ve had by leading this group. "It’s been so inspiring to help everyone work toward their best success and results,&quotl etc.


LIIFT4 | Week 8 | Day 3 | SHOULDERS/ARMS (Circuit)

Today is Shoulders/Arms – Circuit. There are 3 blocks of 4 moves each, with a strong core routine to bring us past the finish line.

Push yourself to the max. This is it. One last workout tomorrow and we are done.

Before we head into tomorrow, today is another great day to think back and really reflect on what you’ve done. Pull out your Weight Progression Tracker and look at all those days where you showed up and didn’t give up. I’m so proud of you! Let’s hear you guys share some motivation and congrats with each other.


LIIFT4 | Week 8 | Day 4 | FULL BODY (HIIT)

Final. Workout. Can you believe it?

I know you’ve been working hard but I really want you to think about today’s workout from a different angle—FUN. Every single move, every single rep is built on 8 weeks of sheer grunt, determination, and commitment. So, let’s go.

The last workout means you give it your all. It’s Full Body HIIT. Make this your celebration workout for all of your hard work and transformations up to this point. With 6 HIIT moves for 3 sets, a burnout set, and an extra core move, let’s just say I hope you took your Energize. Finish LIIFT4 strong and give it your all today.

What’s also fun is that Joel, along with everyone we’ve seen in the cast, does the full workout all the way through. So much energy, so much sweat. It’s an amazing way to end this program!

But don’t forget! Tomorrow is PICTURE DAY! So, you’ll want to continue to stay on point! I like to take my pictures first thing in the morning, so I have the rest of the day to celebrate!


LIIFT4 | Week 8 | Recovery Day 2

Alrighty, superstars. You are done. But in a lot of ways, you’re not FINISHED. Because Joel and I both hope that LIIFT4 has given you a true transformation, both the kind you can see and the kind you feel inside.

Now comes the fun part. Today’s the day to take those "after" pictures and write down your new measurements. You’ve earned your progress and it’s time to show off to others! You can enter the Beachbody Challenge contest and you’ll not only have the chance to win big cash prizes, but you will even receive a free gift while supplies last. Go to for details.


LIIFT4 | Week 8 | Recovery Day 3

THANK YOU for being on this journey with me and each other! Take a look in the mirror. Read through these last 8 weeks of posts, shares, pics, cheers, and motivation. THAT’S what this Challenge Group has been about. Your results are all yours. You deserved them.

You’ve accomplished so much beyond transforming your body and hopefully had a blast doing it. One of the big questions I get is, “Should I keep drinking my Shakeology?” And the short answer is YES! As I’ve said throughout these many weeks, it really is a potent part of your daily nutritional intake. It’s packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, high-quality protein, and tons of other amazing things you just can’t find anywhere else. So YES. Keep going with that.

Although we are done with LIIFT4, your journey doesn’t stop here…it’s time to think about the future! What’s next for you? Maybe you’re ready to jump in and do another full round of LIIFT4. Or maybe you’re interested in trying another Beachbody program—I can help you decide what’s next. Either way, your body is ready for the next big challenge—I promise.

Until next time!


FOCUS T25 | Week 8 | Day 2 | Upper Focus

I know that drinking plain water can be boring, but it’s so important to be fully hydrated. If you just can’t stand plain water, try doing what I do: add a little orange juice to your water to flavor it. Club soda is also a great alternative. It’s fun and fizzy without the added calories. Check out these 10 ways to flavor your water:


FOCUS T25 | Week 8 | Day 3 | Speed 2.0

Sleep is your body’s time to recover and repair itself. I know it’s challenging when you’re juggling lots of responsibilities, but make sure you are getting 7 to 8 hours a night.


FOCUS T25 | Week 8 | Day 4 | Rip’t Circuit

Shaun T says, “You’re almost there! Just keep pushin’ through.”


FOCUS T25 | Week 8 | Day 5 | Dynamic Core, Speed 2.0 (Optional)

Today is recipe day! I present to you the Pumpkin Spice Shake. It has the same yummy taste as a classic favorite (even outside of fall) but with much more nutrition. Who is making this immediately? I mean, besides me.


FOCUS T25 | Week 8 | Day 6 | STATurday

What are your favorite FOCUS T25 moves from Beta phase? Full Pike-Up? Air Plank? Show us your favorite moves by uploading a video!

FOCUS T25 | Week 8 | Day 7 | Stretch

Hope that you are all enjoying your rest day. Try to still do a light activity, like a walk before or after dinner.

Multi-Program | Week 8 | Day 1 |

ALMOST 2 MONTHS DOWN! Even if you haven’t been perfect, you are still here and your commitment to your goals is so inspiring.

So, how are you going to make this month better than last month? Share your strategies with the group so we can crush Week 8 together!


Multi-Program | Week 8 | Day 2 |

You’ve been following your nutrition plan for a few weeks and should be making awesome progress. Here’s a quick tip to help you better optimize your nutrition: Eat every 2 to 3 hours, spreading your food across 5–6 meals. That way your metabolism keeps firing throughout the day!


Multi-Program | Week 8 | Day 3 |


Working from home was a bummer for Amanda. She felt isolated and turned to food for comfort. However, once she combined Beachbody fitness programs with Beachbody Performance supplements, she became fitter and healthier than she had ever been in her entire life!

“Now that I know what I can achieve, my goals are constantly changing. I don’t put limits on what I can do. My family is blown away by my results—they want to hop on the bandwagon with me!”

Amanda G. is an independent Beachbody Coach. Results achieved in 11 months using a combination of Shakeology, Beachbody Performance, 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix EXTREME, PiYo, CIZE, Body Beast, The Master’s Hammer and Chisel, and 3-Day Refresh. Exercise and proper diet are necessary to achieve and maintain weight loss and muscle definition.



Working from home was a bummer for Amanda. She felt isolated and turned to food for comfort. However, once she combined Beachbody fitness programs with Beachbody Performance supplements, she became fitter and healthier than she had ever been in her entire life!

“Now that I know what I can achieve, my goals are constantly changing. I don’t put limits on what I can do. My family is blown away by my results—they want to hop on the bandwagon with me!”

Amanda G. is an independent Beachbody Coach. Results vary based on effort and following Beachbody’s healthy eating plan.


Multi-Program | Week 8 | Day 4 |

Hey, no one’s perfect. Chances are your workout schedule won’t be either. If you miss a day (or two), don’t sweat it. Just jump back in when you can. Life gets in the way sometimes—and that’s totally okay!


Multi-Program | Week 8 | Day 5 |



Confession: I have trouble getting all my veggies in during the day. So recently, I gave the Power Greens Shakeology Boost a shot. It has a full serving of green veggies in just one scoop—but you would never know if you tasted it! It blends really well into my shakes, so I get all the benefits without that “green” taste.

There are other Boosts too—one to help digestion and one to help your energy and focus. Message me for more info or if you have any questions.


Beachbody Performance

I used to pound popular sports drinks I found at my local grocery store when I first started working out. BAD IDEA. They were so full of sugar that I ended up feeling bloated right in the middle of a workout. That’s why I’m glad Beachbody created Beachbody Performance Hydrate. It has no artificial flavors, sweeteners, or colors, and it’s better than water at keeping me hydrated during longer workouts.* Want to try some? Message me.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.




Confession: I have trouble getting all my veggies in during the day. Did you know that Shakeology has a super-green/phytonutrient ingredients like moringa, chlorella, spinach, kale and matcha? Sometimes when I want extra boost of greens, I toss in some fresh vegetables. With Shakeology’s delicious taste, can help me get in my 5 A Day!


Beachbody Performance

A lot of supplements out there contain tons of artificial crap or “fillers.” That’s why I’m really happy that Beachbody focused on using healthier ingredients for their line of Beachbody Performance supplements. With ingredients like beta-alanine, pomegranate extract, and green tea, I can take my workouts to the next level without having to worry about sketchy ingredients.

If you’ve done other Beachbody workouts before, how do your results compare this time around using Beachbody Performance?

All products, configurations, and flavors may not be available in your market.


Multi-Program | Week 8 | Day 6 |

Love oatmeal for breakfast, but don’t have time to make it every day? Try making a huge batch of these delicious, filling Oatmeal Cups at the beginning of the week:


Multi-Program | Week 8 | Day 7 |

Anyone else a big late-night snacker? I found this article the other day—it has great advice for staving off those PM cravings!

And when you or your kids are craving something sweet—whether AM or PM—I highly recommend giving Daily Sunshine a try. In case you needed more proof, here’s a perfect example of how Daily Sunshine stacks up to a leading kids snack. Just look at the protein and carb differences. And since Daily Sunshine is so simple to make (literally, all you need to do is mix it with 8 oz. of water), you can take it on the go, making it just as convenient as one of these bars. Have you compared Daily Sunshine to other snacks? I’d love to see what you found.
