Multi-Program | Week 2 | Day 2 |

Did you know some people actually GAIN weight before they start losing it? If you notice the scale has been creeping up, several things could be happening:

  1. You’re building muscle faster than you’re dropping fat. This will also curb in a few weeks.
  2. You’re not eating enough. Make sure you read your nutrition guide—it has all the information you need to make smart choices in the kitchen.
  3. Excess stress could be the culprit. Putting your body under too much stress by under-eating and performing a lot of high-intensity exercise that you’re not used to could actually impede your results.

Don’t give up! In a couple of weeks, these issues tend to resolve themselves. But if you’re still having problems, I encourage you to post your questions and I’ll do my best to get you answers.


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