FOCUS T25 | Week 7 | Day 3 | Rip’t Circuit


When I’m really sore after a tough workout, it’s harder for me to stick to my workout schedule—which makes it even harder to make any progress. Sound familiar? If you’re finding it hard to stay consistent because you’re feeling really beat, try drinking Beachbody Performance Recover. In addition to 20 grams of protein and a blend of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids), it also includes pomegranate juice that can help reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) from intense workouts. It’s totally helped me stay consistent and helped to speed my muscle recovery… let us know how it works for youimage


I’m having a debate with myself: Which Shakeology flavour is the best? All of the flavours of Shakeology do the same thing: help you build and repair muscles and get antioxidants to protect your body from harmful free radicals as Your Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition™. But what about FLAVOuR? It changes weekly for me. This week I am all about Vanilla, but last week it was nothing but Chocolate Vegan.



I’m having a debate with myself: Which Shakeology flavour is the best? All of the flavours of Shakeology do the same thing: help you build lean muscle mass, provide healthy energy† and support healthy digestion‡, and support normal immune system function*. But what about FLAVOUR? It changes weekly for me. This week I am all about Vanilla, but last week it was nothing but Chocolate Vegan.

† Vitamins C, B6, and B12 contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism.
‡ Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.
*Vitamins A, C, and Selenium contribute to the normal function of the immune system.


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