6 Weeks of THE WORK | Day 1 | Wk 1 | Push

It’s game time! We start 6 Weeks of THE WORK today!
Reminder: If you want to access a clean version of this program, just choose the workout not labeled “explicit” on Beachbody On Demand.

Here’s the equipment you’ll need for our first workout—Wk1 Push.

  • Dumbbells (Light, Medium, Heavy)
  • Strength Slides
  • Mat (Optional)

Why is it called Push? Because we’re going to focus on performing “pushing” movements, which primarily work muscles on the front of your body (think chest and quads). You’re going to take on four rounds of eight moves. In the first round, you’ll do each move for a minute and then rest for 30 seconds. In each successive round, you’ll decrease the time you work by 10 seconds, and your rest break by five seconds. It’s gonna get really sweaty, really quickly!

After you complete the workout, let me know what you think in the comments! How did you like Amoila’s training style? Did it kick your butt?