Workout Day 3: Build & Burn: Chest, Legs, Core

Today’s workout—Build & Burn: Chest, Legs, Core

Make sure you have your dumbbells and resistance loops handy for today’s workout. You’ll use them to maximize time under tension, which refers to the total amount of time a muscle is engaged during an exercise. Jennifer built this kind of strength training into the program because it’s key for building muscle.

Props to everyone in this group for prioritizing your health. I know that it’s not always easy to stay consistent with your workouts or meal prep—especially when your family, your job, and your friends all want a piece of you. But by showing up for yourself, you’re honoring your needs too—all while maintaining the forward momentum necessary to reach your goals. So, keep it up!

Coach Tip
Ask the group how they’re liking Jennifer’s training style so far. Don’t forget to share what you think also. How does she motivate you to push harder and prioritize yourself?
