21 Day Fix | Week 3 | Day 17

If You’re Doing the Real Time Workouts: Upper Fix
Day 17 is here and we’re tackling Upper Fix. This is your chance in Week 3 to leave your chest, back, shoulders, and arms with an ultimate BURN. Hold yourself accountable to complete every rep and pick up challenging weights. Your doubles workout today consists of Cardio Fix, which will give you that extra all-day calorie burn.

If You’re Doing the Original Workouts: Lower Fix
Today let’s challenge ourselves with a Lower Fix workout where we will once again target our lower body. This workout is all about shaping your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves in just 30 minutes. We are in our final week, so push yourself to the max so you can see the best results. Your doubles workout today consists of 10-Minute Fix for Abs so be sure to get that final ab blast in.

Now that we’re nearing the end of our 21 Day Fix challenge, how will you continue to improve your nutrition and fitness?

By now, Shakeology is probably a staple in your nutritional routine. If not, let me know if you have questions or blockers I can help with! Did you know you can take your shake a step further by mixing in Power Greens Boost? Each serving of concentrated powder has the equivalent of 1 cup of green vegetables (volume before drying), and the more greens, the better. And if you’re lacking fiber or just want help to maintain regularity, I recommend Digestive Health Boost.

For some of you, completing another round of 21 Day Fix will be a great way to continue with your healthy lifestyle. But if you’re ready to take it to the next level with extreme workouts and clean eating, I suggest you try 21 Day Fix EXTREME with me. We’ll be cranking up the intensity and using weights, resistance bands, and loops so you can get super-shredded, superfast.

Message me if you’re interested.


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