Portion Fix | Prep | Day 4

FINAL day of prep is here. Today you will use all the yummy, healthy food you shopped for yesterday to meal prep for your week—the first week of actually following Portion Fix!

Please share photos of your first week’s meal prep—let’s see what you’ve got!

Also, make sure you’ve got your Shakeology ready to go. It can help set a foundation for healthy eating, so you can make good decisions and feel your best. For maximum benefits, I recommend drinking it every day.†

Check out the Getting Started with Shakeology video to learn how to incorporate it into your daily routine.

Also, super-important: Make sure you take your “before” photos and measurements. Go back to Video 2: “First Steps to Fix” (from Rail 1) and rewatch it. This will ensure you take your measurements correctly. I know this part can be uncomfortable. But believe me, once you start seeing results, you’ll want to refer back to those pictures. REMEMBER, this isn’t a competition against others. And it’s not ALL about weight loss. Each of us has a different body type and build. Our bodies all respond to change within a different time frame. To refresh your memory on how to best prepare for tomorrow, watch the 3-minute video from Rail 1: Video 6: “What’s Next.”

Today’s To-Do’s:

  1. Meal prep
  2. Share a meal prep photo.
  3. Take your “before” photo(s) and measurements!
  4. Once you’re following the programme tomorrow, you will use your Daily Logbook to track your containers. So give that a look over as well (under Programme Materials).

†Magnesium contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism.
