Morning Meltdown 100 | Workout 9 | MeltCon

Kick-start a day of fat burning with Workout 9: MeltCon. This is a metabolic-conditioning, muscle-building workout. Back-to-back resistance exercises in 10-minute blocks will challenge your strength and stamina to help you burn major calories as you sculpt a leaner, more defined body. Make fast transitions between moves, but do it safely and prioritize good form to squeeze the most out of every rep.

If you get hungry in the midafternoon, you might get the midafternoon munchies. BEACHBAR has an excellent ratio of protein to calories (10g/150 calories) and has wholesome ingredients you can recognize, like creamy nut butters, real chocolate chips, and crunchy protein crisps. It’s the perfect sweet, indulgent treat that fits into your Morning Meltdown 100 eating plan as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp. What’s your on-the-go snack?
