Workout Day 13:

Today’s workout—Restorative FLOW 2 or a FLOW Ride

Congratulations! We’ve completed 12 workouts! You should be so proud for making it this far. Take stock of how you’re feeling and any progress you’ve made. These changes might show up in your workout performance or how you look, but they also might show up in other parts of your life. I don’t know about you, but when I exercise consistently, eat nutritious meals, and get enough sleep, I feel like so many other parts of my life start to click into place.

That’s why I love this program’s “be good to yourself” mantra so much. FIRE AND FLOW isn’t just about getting physical results—although the “before” and “after” photos don’t lie! It’s about honoring your physical AND mental well-being.

Coach Tip

Meditation is a great addition to any self-care practice. It can help melt away stress, decrease anxiety, promote positive physical and emotional health, improve sleep and your relationships, and enhance your self-esteem. Encourage your group members to check out Elise’s I AM Meditation Series on Beachbody On Demand. Each meditation is about 4 minutes long and is an easy way to start your own meditation practice.
