Prep Day 2:

A big part of FIRE AND FLOW is practicing being good to yourself. That doesn’t just mean moving your body and eating healthy foods—it means showing your mental health some love too!

That’s where the FIRE AND FLOW 4-Week Journal comes in. It’s going to be a huge part of our self-care practice for the next few weeks. In the first few pages, you’ll notice there are places to write down your goals, snap some before pics, and record your before measurements. Fill in those areas before we get started next week. They’ll give you a good visual of your progress.

On page 11, you’ll see an example of your daily habit tracker. There’s one for each day of the program. You can use these pages to schedule your workouts and daily to-do’s, plus log how you’re vibing with the program. There’s even a little space to get your gratitude on, which is a feel-good habit to get into!

Starting on page 15, you’ll find your daily prompts. Each week’s prompts cover a new theme:

  • Week 1: Self-Awareness
  • Week 2: Breakthroughs
  • Week 3: Empowerment
  • Week 4: Self-Love

Each day has a different prompt to give your mental health a boost. They’re short, so schedule a few minutes every day to fill them out! Jericho and Elise even talk through them in the workouts.

Coach Tip

A big part of mental health is what we put into our bodies as fuel. When appropriate, reinforce the importance of Shakeology and Beachbody Performance Energize and Recover supplements to help them get results. Here are a few idea starters for posts:

1. Share your favorite Shakeology recipes.
2. Share how the Shakeology Wellness Tracker has helped you stay consistent, and the benefits you’ve noticed.
3. Create an Instagram Reel or TikTok of your pre-workout/post-workout routine featuring Shakeology, Energize, and Recover.
4. Describe how Shakeology, Energize, and Recover have positively impacted your health and fitness.
