Prep Day 2:

Let’s talk about what makes LIIFT MORE unique.

Joel uses simple but effective weightlifting moves to help you build muscle, then he adds HIIT to burn calories and fat to help you get lean. It’s a magic combo that works amazingly well not only for physical results, but for mental and emotional results as well. You’ll build muscle AND confidence!

The program is set up in 2 phases. In Phase 1 you’ll alternate lifting days with lift + HIIT days to help build strength and lean muscle. It’s similar in Phase 2, except Joel changes the muscle splits and adds more reps and intensity. Every workout ends with a finisher for your core to help strengthen and tighten your abs.

There are two rest days per week, or you can do the Upper and Lower Recovery workouts. They’re great for helping your muscles feel better. Don’t forget, if you bought a LIIFT MORE Total-Solution Pack, you also get your first 30 days of BODi included, and there are lots of recovery-style yoga and flexibility workouts to choose from for your rest days.

Coach Tip
  1. Mention the equipment needed for the program: dumbbells (light, medium, and heavy—this will be different for everyone, so encourage them to have a range of weights for small and large muscle groups), an adjustable bench that goes from flat to incline, and Power Loops for the leg workouts (these are optional).
  2. Explain how to use Beachbody On Demand (BOD) and access the LIIFT MORE program. Encourage people to download the Beachbody On Demand app.
  3. The digital materials are available on BOD: Workout Calendar and Weight Progression Tracker, Get Started Guide, 2B Mindset and Portion Fix 1-week meal plans, and Quick Start Nutrition Guide. You can also upload them to the Files section of the group for easy access.
  4. The workouts have French and Spanish dubbing if you have customers who need them.
