Week 2: DAY 12 – Isometrics

We’ve got a new workout today—Isometrics. Here’s what you’ll need today.

  • Dumbbells (light, medium, heavy)
  • Chin-Up Bar, Chin-Up Max, Mat (optional)

This workout has five moves that you’ll do for a minute each and then repeat for four rounds. There’s a rest between each exercise, but here’s the catch—your rest break gets a little shorter with each round. It’s definitely going to be a challenge, but you’ve got this. Follow the modifier if your form starts to slip, but stick with it!

Coach Tip

Take some time to recognize the efforts of someone who’s kicking butt in your group! Giving someone props can help people feel good about themselves and all the work they’re putting into 4 Weeks of THE PREP. Encourage participants to tag and hype up someone else in the group, too.


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