SHIFT SHOP | Prep Week | Day 2 | Quick Shift: Strength


Day 2 of Prep Week, here we go!

Your tasks today:

Fitness: Do a Quick Lift

Grab your dumbbells and get your lift on with Quick Shift: Strength.

You’ll do 2 rounds of 6 moves:

  • Curl Press
  • Squat Side Lunge
  • Tricep Push-Up
  • Sumo Chest Press
  • Plank Dumbbell Circle
  • Lunge Front Raise

If the weights seem too heavy, consider switching to lighter weights next time. And of course, if the weight is too light, amp it up for your next workouts.

Ground Rule #2: Lift from Within. When you approach any strength-building exercise, the heaviest lifting is getting over your fears. When you learn to lift from within you can continue to take on bigger and bigger challenges and unlock potential you never thought possible.

Nutrition: Lose the Junk

Start cleaning up your diet. Clear your home of all the foods that could pose a problem during your program—packaged or highly processed foods, alcohol, sugary beverages, etc., are just empty calories and an absolute no-no during the SHIFT SHOP.

If this stresses you out and you’re struggling with the idea of losing your daily guilty pleasure, let me share some good news: You have Shakeology.

I love this shake! Not just because it’s tasty and helps me avoid that tempting donut at the office, it’s way more than that. A nutrient-dense formula carefully crafted with potent ingredients to help benefit overall health, drinking Shakeology is something simple I can do to set myself up on solid ground. No matter what the day brings, at least I know I gave my body more of the nutrients it needs to perform its best. I recommend Shakeology no matter what, especially when you’re taking on a new challenge like SHIFT SHOP. Real change begins on the inside with a healthy diet that includes Shakeology.*

What foods will you throw away today?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



Day 2 of Prep Week, here we go!

Your tasks today:

Fitness: Do a Quick Lift

Grab your dumbbells and get your lift on with Quick Shift: Strength.

You’ll do 2 rounds of 6 moves:

  • Curl Press
  • Squat Side Lunge
  • Tricep Push-Up
  • Sumo Chest Press
  • Plank Dumbbell Circle
  • Lunge Front Raise

If the weights seem too heavy, consider switching to lighter weights next time. And of course, if the weight is too light, amp it up for your next workouts.

Ground Rule #2: Lift from Within. When you approach any strength-building exercise, the heaviest lifting is getting over your fears. When you learn to lift from within you can continue to take on bigger and bigger challenges and unlock potential you never thought possible.

Nutrition: Lose the Junk

Start cleaning up your diet. Clear your home of all the foods that could pose a problem during your program—packaged or highly processed foods, alcohol, sugary beverages, etc., are just empty calories and an absolute no-no during the SHIFT SHOP.

If this stresses you out and you’re struggling with the idea of losing your daily guilty pleasure, let me share some good news: You have Shakeology.

I love this shake! Not just because it’s tasty and helps me avoid that tempting donut at the office, it’s way more than that. A nutrient-dense formula carefully crafted with potent ingredients to help benefit overall health, drinking Shakeology is something simple I can do to set myself up on solid ground. No matter what the day brings, at least I know I gave my body more of the nutrients it needs to perform its best. I recommend Shakeology no matter what, especially when you’re taking on a new challenge like SHIFT SHOP. Real change begins on the inside with a healthy diet that includes Shakeology.

What foods will you throw away today?



Day 2 of Prep Week, here we go!

Your tasks today:

Fitness: Do a Quick Lift

Grab your dumbbells and get your lift on with Quick Shift: Strength.

You’ll do 2 rounds of 6 moves:

  • Curl Press
  • Squat Side Lunge
  • Tricep Push-Up
  • Sumo Chest Press
  • Plank Dumbbell Circle
  • Lunge Front Raise

If the weights seem too heavy, consider switching to lighter weights next time. And of course, if the weight is too light, amp it up for your next workouts.

Ground Rule #2: Lift from Within. When you approach any strength-building exercise, the heaviest lifting is getting over your fears. When you learn to lift from within you can continue to take on bigger and bigger challenges and unlock potential you never thought possible.

Nutrition: Lose the Junk

Start cleaning up your diet. Clear your home of all the foods that could pose a problem during your program—packaged or highly processed foods, alcohol, sugary beverages, etc., are just empty calories and an absolute no-no during the SHIFT SHOP.

If this stresses you out and you’re struggling with the idea of losing your daily guilty pleasure, let me share some good news: You have Shakeology.

I love this shake! Not just because it’s tasty and helps me avoid that tempting donut at the office, it’s way more than that. A nutrient-dense formula carefully crafted with potent ingredients to help benefit overall health, drinking Shakeology is something simple I can do to set myself up on solid ground. No matter what the day brings, at least I know I gave my body more of the nutrients it needs to perform its best. I recommend Shakeology no matter what, especially when you’re taking on a new challenge like SHIFT SHOP. Real change begins on the inside with a healthy diet that includes Shakeology.†

What foods will you throw away today?

† Vitamins C, B6, and B12 contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism.


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