A little reminder for anyone currently on temptation island: rest day is NOT cheat day! Your body is taking a break from intense exercise, not from healthy habits. So, like I do every other day, I drink my glass of Shakeology in the morning to treat my body for a job well-done.

Then I follow my meal plan as usual and prep my food for the rest of the week. I went grocery shopping yesterday, so today I just have to cook and store what I can ahead of time. A no-brainer for me is to set aside all the snacks I’ll be having in between meals, since that can be an easy pitfall if you’re not careful. (I know I’m not the only one with midafternoon chocolate cravings!)

I do plenty of veggies and some fruits, but for my sweet fix I pack BEACHBAR—Chocolate Cherry Almond is my favorite flavor. I’m always on the lookout for a good snack, and this one meets my strict requirements (6g of sugar but a whopping 10g of protein at just 150 calories). I also love that it doesn’t taste like dirt lol. Sorry but so many health bars taste like cardboard; BEACHBAR is seriously tasty (chocolate and almonds happen to be two of my favorite things but they have a peanut butter flavor and even a vegan option).

If you want to try BEACHBAR and you’re using a container-based nutrition plan, count it as ½ red, ½ yellow, and 1 tsp.

What’s your on-the-go snack?


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