Can we catch a break? YES! This is your first rest day, and you deserve it. Some of you might feel tempted to keep the momentum going and keep working out. Others will feel the opposite—completely wiped out and wondering if you’ll be able to do this for the long haul.

Listen—take these rest days, no matter how you’re feeling. Keep up the good work in the kitchen, but seriously let your body recover from all the work you put in. These two rest days will also help you reset mentally. You’ll be ready to keep on with the rest of us after taking today and tomorrow off, promise.

One of the benefits of this group is the chance to be open about how you’re feeling. Every one of us here is on a mission to better ourselves. When you think you can’t go another round, I want you to remember that’s what we’re here for—to remind you there’s a whole bunch of us who have been where you are and can help you get the results you’re after.

How do you stay motivated?


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