Today we’re going to keep developing our essential footwork while introducing front and back hooks.

Here’s a tip: Just like you need solid footing for a powerful punch, your body needs a foundation of good nutrition to perform its best. That’s why I drink Shakeology to help fill nutritional gaps and help me feel satisfied.* When I first started thinking about a healthy lifestyle, I counted on this daily shake to keep me on-track. And now that I’m a little farther along in my journey, I still drink it every day because I really believe no other shake can deliver everything Shakeology offers (or taste as good).

How’s it going so far? Are you finding it easier to keep up with the footwork? Have you made any Shakeology recipes?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Today we’re going to keep developing our essential footwork while introducing front and back hooks.

Here’s a tip: Just like you need solid footing for a powerful punch, your body needs a foundation of good nutrition to perform its best. That’s why I drink Shakeology to help fill nutritional gaps and help me feel satisfied.* When I first started thinking about a healthy lifestyle, I counted on this daily shake to keep me on-track. And now that I’m a little farther along in my journey, I still drink it every day because I really believe no other shake can deliver everything Shakeology offers (or taste as good).

How’s it going so far? Are you finding it easier to keep up with the footwork? Have you made any Shakeology recipes? Here are some you can try—these recipes were created to go with every city we visit on the 10 Rounds road trip.


Today we’re going to keep developing our essential footwork while introducing front and back hooks.

Here’s a tip: Just like you need solid footing for a powerful punch, your body needs a foundation of good nutrition to perform its best. That’s why I drink Shakeology to help fill nutritional gaps and help me feel satisfied.* When I first started thinking about a healthy lifestyle, I counted on this daily shake to keep me on-track. And now that I’m a little farther along in my journey, I still drink it every day because I really believe no other shake can deliver everything Shakeology offers (or taste as good).

How’s it going so far? Are you finding it easier to keep up with the footwork? Have you made any Shakeology recipes? Here are some you can try—these recipes were created to go with every city we visit on the 10 Rounds road trip.


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