Day 17: Mobility & Stability

Hump day—middle of the week! You’re doing great!

Now that we’re three weeks into the program , I’d love to hear about your progress. If you’re feeling up to it, post your side-by-side pics so we can cheer on your hard work. While I’d love to hear about those numbers falling on the scale, or the tape measure getting smaller around your tummy, there are lots of ways to measure progress. Are you feeling stronger? More flexible and relaxed? Have you noticed an increase in energy? Decreased cravings? What about meal planning? Is it becoming an unbreakable habit for you?

Remember—this is a no-judgment zone. We’re here for each other, so let’s celebrate and encourage one another.

I’m really excited for today’s workout: Mobility & Stability. To keep training at your peak, you need to prioritize your recovery and mobility. This stretching session will help you do both.

Coach Tip
Maybe you have a story you can relate about the first time you shared some personal results while doing a fitness or nutrition program . Talk about how it made you feel—and how your group was supportive and inclusive.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

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