Day 17: Upper Body Burn

Today’s workout has one of my favorite moves we’ve been doing in our strength-training workouts: the negative curl. From what I’ve read, one of the keys to optimizing muscle growth is maximizing “time under tension.” During a negative curl, you lower the dumbbell extra slowly. That increases the amount of time your biceps muscles are engaged. The longer they’re engaged, the more work they do, and the greater your results will be.

In Upper Body Burn, it’s time to target your top half again, but with new, more intense moves that provide a fresh challenge—and even bigger gains.

Nutrition Daily Check-In:
How would you describe your nutrition on a scale of 1–10? 10 means on-point and on-track to reach your goals and 1 means not ideal and not complementing your workouts. What sorts of challenges are you facing and what tips have you incorporated from 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix that are working for you?


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