Day 7: Rest Day

WOW. Seriously. Take a minute and think back to what you’ve started this week. You committed to 13 weeks, you showed up every day, and you did it. I know we’re all impatient to see results right away, so I want you all to concentrate on NOT focusing on the numbers on the scale or the tape measure. Instead, take the long view. Understand how this program was specifically designed to help you reach your goals without giving up, and without backsliding.

Amoila has been training pro athletes for years—even THEY don’t expect their bodies to instantly change. He knows what works, and what it takes to get visible, noticeable results. Trust in the program , trust in the calendar, and most of all, trust in YOURSELF.

Today is rest day. Take some time to focus on you and relax. Maybe that looks like journaling, gardening, a random nap here or there…only you know what makes you feel whole and ready to take on the week ahead. Beachbody On Demand also has a good amount of mindful meditations in the Fitness Programs section that have helped me unwind and reflect. Finally, take a moment to take pride in your first week.

How are you feeling so far? How is your nutrition going? If you’re new to fitness, you may not know the saying, “You can’t out-train a bad diet.” And starving yourself is NOT how you lose weight or get strong. So, if you want to really optimize your nutrition plan, send me a DM so we can take a deeper look at what you’re eating and troubleshoot if needed.

Coach Tip
Celebrate the milestones. By making your group feel positive, uplifting, and inspirational, your customers will have a greater chance of finishing strong, and getting the results they crave.

*Supporting assets are coming soon.

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