DAY 4: Day Off

It’s a day off! What? Yup, you’re doing some great work and today is yours to focus on whatever you need to do or maybe even try this Cookies and Cream Shakeology Smoothie (so, so good):

If you’re feeling like you need a little more recovery love, it’s always fine to go back to the Rest Day Roll-Out, or just roll needed areas on your own. For the fitness junkies out there, take a nice walk or ride your bike for some active recovery but tomorrow is a big day so don’t overdo it. Really, our days off are the best time to incorporate some self-care—tune in to what your body or mind needs and give yourself permission to unplug, unwind, and recharge. These little moments to ourselves may not seem like a big deal, but when we consistently ignore our own needs, it’s hard to show up for others, or even our workouts, in the same way. Taking care of yourself is the first step in reaching your max potential.

Coach Tip

Encourage everyone to talk and share, and also make a point of sharing YOUR OWN experiences. Your customers are looking to you for motivation, guidance, and support.


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