Prep Week DAY 7

ALMOST THERE—one good night’s sleep and we’ll be ready to rock it tomorrow. NOW is the time to take your BEFORE pics and measurements. This is one of the best ways to really see your progress—you’ll be feeling the changes, but there’s something about looking back at your Day 1 photo that is super-inspiring. Here’s a little incentive: If you take your before and after photos and keep track of your weight and measurements, you’ll be able to enter the Beachbody Challenge by visiting when you finish the program. When you enter and submit your results, you’ll also receive an official #mbf T-shirt and the 2020 Beachbody Challenge shirt (while supplies last) to celebrate your success.
For those who just finished #mbf, your AFTER picture from that program serves as your BEFORE photo. Remember, #mbfa is about taking everything up a level, and that means your results, too.

And listen, I get it. Before pics can feel really scary. I was SO scared to take mine before my first program. Sometimes the scale doesn’t move as much as you’d like, or your inches don’t drop superfast. Pictures complete the story. They tell you what the scale and inches can’t, and you don’t want to miss out on seeing this progress. It’s worth it.

Today’s To-Do’s to make the most of Workout 1:

  1. Take your BEFORE photos and log your weight and measurements in your Get Started Guide.
  2. Plan your meals for the day—extra credit if you plan for the week.
  3. Drink your Shakeology.
  4. Have your dumbbells and BOD Rope ready to go.
  5. Make sure you have the workout calendar handy to keep track of your workouts and AMRAP. In #mbfa, AMRAP stands for as many rounds as possible.

See you all tomorrow!


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