Prep Week DAY 3

For this program, you’ll need a set of light, medium, and heavy dumbbells, and the BOD Rope. For those of you who have done #mbf, you know how the BOD Rope works, so feel free to leave a comment to give people new to the program an idea what the rope is like. Also, once you get familiar with all your program materials, you’ll see that there is a dumbbell tracker for you to use to track your progress over the next 3 weeks.

Nutrition Daily Check-In:
By now, I hope you’ve picked a nutrition program to follow. If you’re coming from #mbf, you’ll want to continue the program you’re on—DM me if you have any questions about this. For my new group members, trust me when I say the last thing you want to do with this great fitness work is undo it with poor eating. No matter if it’s 2B Mindset or Ultimate Portion Fix, I’d like you to think about what you’re going to eat during #mbfa and start your meal prep. Remember, you don’t have to be a gourmet chef to be successful with either of these nutrition plans. Yes, meal prep may take a little time and organization, but it doesn’t have to be complicated, and it will be so worth it. If you’ve been meal prepping, let us know in the comments how it’s been going for you, and what tips you can share for those new to it.

The 2B Mindset and Ultimate Portion Fix videos and program materials are packed with useful tips and info on how to make meal prep work for you. Take this prep week to get those questions answered, or DM me.

There are tons of recipes and meal inspiration in the Beachbody Guide to Nutrition and on Beachbody On Demand. Look for the Mindset Menu and FIXATE—lots of yummy ideas there.

Worried about missing out on sweet treats? I promise there will be plenty of delicious ideas over the next 3 weeks to help satisfy your cravings. You can get a sneak peek in the Beachbody Guide to Nutrition, plus there’s plenty more content from Ilana and Autumn.

Today’s To-Do’s:

  1. Make sure all of your equipment and the workout calendar are in one place.
  2. Try the #mbfa sample workout.
  3. Share some motivation with the group! We all need each other to succeed.
  4. Start planning your meals and make a shopping list. Share a picture of your grocery hauls with everyone.


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